IRC log of i18ncore on 2006-09-19

Timestamps are in UTC.

13:51:14 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #i18ncore
13:51:14 [RRSAgent]
logging to
13:51:22 [fsasaki]
meeting: i18n core working group
13:51:27 [fsasaki]
chair: Francois
13:51:31 [fsasaki]
scribe: Felix
13:51:35 [fsasaki]
scribeNick: fsasaki
13:51:50 [fsasaki]
14:00:40 [Zakim]
I18N_CoreWG()10:00AM has now started
14:00:47 [Zakim]
14:01:00 [Zakim]
14:01:02 [fyergeau]
fyergeau has joined #i18ncore
14:01:18 [fyergeau]
zakim, who is here?
14:01:18 [Zakim]
On the phone I see [IPcaller], Felix
14:01:19 [Zakim]
On IRC I see fyergeau, RRSAgent, Zakim, fsasaki
14:01:31 [fyergeau]
zakim, [ is fyergeau
14:01:31 [Zakim]
+fyergeau; got it
14:05:29 [r12a]
r12a has joined #i18ncore
14:05:36 [r12a]
zakim, dial richard-home
14:05:36 [Zakim]
ok, r12a; the call is being made
14:05:37 [Zakim]
14:07:25 [fsasaki]
topic: action items
14:08:37 [fsasaki]
action: Everybody to look at input mode discussion (DROPPED)
14:09:10 [fsasaki]
ACTION: all to look at charmod resid test suite and gather feedback (PENDING)
14:12:51 [fsasaki]
Felix: Chris Lilley asked for IRI tests for SVG tiny 1.2 , I thought of creating a mini-test suite
14:14:44 [fsasaki]
Francois: we have no bandwith for a full test suite. Is the scope of the SVG tiny tests clear?
14:14:57 [fsasaki]
Felix: no, so far only PC between Chris and me
14:15:01 [fyergeau]
14:16:36 [fsasaki]
ACTION: Felix to write a mail about possibility for SVG tiny specific IRI tests to martin and the i18n core list
14:17:00 [fsasaki]
ACTION: Francois to build a current issues list on charmod norm (PENDING)
14:17:09 [fsasaki]
ACTION: Mary will make the updates discussed in Mandelieu on ws-i18n (PENDING)
14:17:22 [fsasaki]
ACTION: Francois to give input to wiki for the LTLI summary
14:17:28 [fsasaki]
14:17:28 [fsasaki]
prepared by Richard, see
14:17:28 [fsasaki]
14:18:41 [fsasaki]
Action: Richard to review XHTML Basic 1.1$B!!(Band XHTML$B!!(BModularization 1.1 (DROPPED)
14:20:10 [fsasaki]
topic: ITS review - what is left? E.g. discussion on Bidi-override scope in CSS2 and CSS 2.1
14:21:04 [fsasaki]
Richard: I think we are done, I need to double check
14:21:19 [fsasaki]
s/done/done with the ITS review/
14:21:41 [fsasaki]
topic: discussion on Bidi-override scope in CSS2 and CSS 2.1
14:22:33 [fsasaki]
Richard: I wrote a long mail on this yesterday, with about 7 questions
14:22:42 [fsasaki]
.. some for XHTML people, some for CSS people
14:22:48 [fsasaki]
.. we have to wait for some response from CSS
14:23:26 [fsasaki]
.. basic idea: Martin and I believe that if you declare override on the block-element, everything in that element should be overriden
14:24:01 [fsasaki]
.. currently, CSS 2.1 don't say that, and the current implementations in browsers follow CSS 2.1
14:24:29 [fsasaki]
Francois: e.g. if you have a dir attribute at a <div> element, everything should be overriden?
14:25:21 [fsasaki]
Richard: currently there is no override for CSS 2: if there is a <p> in the <div>, nothing will happen
14:25:46 [fsasaki]
.. in CSS 2.1, there will be an override for the <p> , but not for e.g. a <div> within the <div>
14:26:16 [fsasaki]
.. e.g. text in a <p> in a <div> within a <div> will not be reordered
14:26:27 [fsasaki]
Francois: sounds strange. Touches many working groups
14:27:02 [fsasaki]
.. very specialized subject for some people. We should try to engage them, does Najib know about this?
14:27:05 [fsasaki]
Richard: no
14:27:23 [fsasaki]
.. Paul Nelson got involved a bit
14:27:56 [fsasaki]
.. what do you think what should happen?
14:28:10 [fsasaki]
Francois: I think everything in a <div> should be overriden
14:28:32 [fsasaki]
.. there could be reasons not to override everything
14:29:37 [fsasaki]
Felix: I would follow Richard's and Martin's proposal
14:30:16 [fsasaki]
Richard: having e.g. dir="rtl" would cancel the override
14:30:27 [fsasaki]
.. for an embedded element
14:30:42 [fsasaki]
Francois: having override on a block element is not an interesting requirement
14:30:51 [fsasaki]
.. it is only for small bits of text
14:31:10 [fsasaki]
Richard: I recently edited a boiler template text for Hebrew / Arabic
14:31:34 [fsasaki]
.. in that case, I really wanted to have the override
14:33:04 [fsasaki]
(discussion on use-cases for block-level override)
14:35:11 [fsasaki]
(Richard says that dealing with visualy ordered text is a use case)
14:39:57 [fsasaki]
Richard: the behavior of CSS 2.1 described at [Question 3 (CSS)] is what current browsers do
14:40:51 [fsasaki]
Francois: does this relate to bidi-override inheritance?
14:41:04 [fsasaki]
Richard: we have to consider in ITS what that means
14:41:25 [fsasaki]
.. we say in ITS that RLO is inherited, but say that the behavior depends on the implementation
14:41:43 [fsasaki]
.. so we separated inheritance from behavior
14:42:57 [fsasaki]
Felix: in ITS, there is nothing about behavior, all is about inheritance of information - for all data categories
14:43:16 [fsasaki]
Francois: we should get more people in this discussion
14:43:49 [fsasaki]
.. Richard showed in his mail that specs and behaviors contradict
14:44:17 [fsasaki]
.. I think there is a bidi-list at Unicode, we should invite people from that list
14:44:39 [fsasaki]
Richard: we could also blog on it, or discuss it on www-international
14:44:50 [fsasaki]
Francois: we might loose the style people
14:45:10 [fsasaki]
.. so we move out of of i18n-core, and go to www-international
14:45:53 [fsasaki]
.. what about Paul's reply to your mail?
14:46:29 [fsasaki]
Richard: I'm not sure what he is up to
14:46:58 [fsasaki]
Francois: inheritance in CSS means: if s.t. is inherited, the effect is the same as being specified at a specific element
14:47:15 [fsasaki]
Richard: for directionality, that means a new embedding level
14:47:45 [fsasaki]
Francois: yes.
14:48:22 [fsasaki]
.. you could also say that directionality is not inherited, but the effect "goes down"
14:48:49 [fsasaki]
Richard: you have 3 ways of inheritance: ITS (no behavior)
14:49:04 [fsasaki]
.. behavior without inheritance, and inheritance together with behavior
14:50:20 [fsasaki]
s/no behavior)/no behavior, only inheritance of information)
14:51:06 [fsasaki]
Richard: what will happen without markup, with multiple lines of text?
14:51:23 [fsasaki]
.. is there some effect of newlines?
14:51:41 [fsasaki]
Francois: newlines in XML are just converted to spaces
14:51:48 [fsasaki]
Richard: what about plain text?
14:51:59 [fsasaki]
Francois: not aware of a specific handling
14:53:39 [fsasaki]
Richard: next step: I resend the mail to www-international and the style-list
14:53:58 [fsasaki]
Francois: copy the BIDI-unicode list
14:54:34 [fsasaki]
Action: Richard to send his mail on bidi-override scope in CSS2 and CSS 2.1 to www-international and the style-list, and copy the BIDI-unicode list
14:55:08 [fsasaki]
topic: XML Schema issue
14:55:08 [fsasaki]
14:55:39 [fsasaki]
Francois summarizes the mail
14:57:42 [fsasaki]
Richard: we have enough on the battle of early normalization
14:57:45 [fsasaki]
Francois: yes
14:58:04 [fsasaki]
.. I sad it was a good idea
14:58:16 [fsasaki]
.. we cannot have early Unicode normalization, so it is better to have this
14:58:28 [fsasaki]
.. I send my reply to Michael also to the list and wait a week
14:59:54 [fsasaki]
action: Francois to send his reply on xml schema to the list
14:59:58 [fsasaki]
topic: LC reviews
15:00:09 [fsasaki]
Felix: possibility of reviewing Voice Extensible Markup Language (VoiceXML) 2.1
15:00:14 [fsasaki]
.. see
15:00:39 [fsasaki]
Francois: changes at
15:00:50 [fsasaki]
.. nothing i18n specific it seems
15:01:40 [Zakim]
15:01:45 [Zakim]
15:01:52 [Zakim]
15:01:54 [Zakim]
I18N_CoreWG()10:00AM has ended
15:01:55 [Zakim]
Attendees were [IPcaller], Felix, fyergeau, Richard
15:02:10 [fsasaki]
Present: Felix, Francois, Richard
15:02:11 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate fsasaki
15:09:10 [RRSAgent]
I see 9 open action items saved in :
15:09:10 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Everybody to look at input mode discussion (DROPPED) [1]
15:09:10 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:09:10 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: all to look at charmod resid test suite and gather feedback (PENDING) [2]
15:09:10 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:09:10 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Felix to write a mail about possibility for SVG tiny specific IRI tests to martin and the i18n core list [3]
15:09:10 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:09:10 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Francois to build a current issues list on charmod norm (PENDING) [4]
15:09:10 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:09:10 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Mary will make the updates discussed in Mandelieu on ws-i18n (PENDING) [5]
15:09:10 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:09:10 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Francois to give input to wiki for the LTLI summary [6]
15:09:10 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:09:10 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Richard to review XHTML Basic 1.1$B!!(Band XHTML$B!!(BModularization 1.1 (DROPPED) [7]
15:09:10 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:09:10 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Richard to send his mail on bidi-override scope in CSS2 and CSS 2.1 to www-international and the style-list, and copy the BIDI-unicode list [8]
15:09:10 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:09:10 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Francois to send his reply on xml schema to the list [9]
15:09:10 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:09:13 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #i18ncore