IRC log of mmsem on 2006-09-14

Timestamps are in UTC.

15:27:47 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #mmsem
15:27:47 [RRSAgent]
logging to
15:27:58 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #mmsem
15:29:01 [raphael]
raphael has changed the topic to: Multimedia Semantics XG - Telecon 14-09-2006
15:32:06 [rellero_]
rellero_ has joined #mmsem
15:35:18 [raphael]
zakim, what conferences
15:35:18 [Zakim]
raphael, you need to end that query with '?'
15:35:21 [raphael]
zakim, what conferences?
15:35:21 [Zakim]
I see Team_(diwg)12:44Z, XML_PMWG()11:00AM, DIG_TAMI()11:00AM, GA_WebCGM()11:00AM, WS_DescWG()11:00AM, WAI_Team()10:45AM, SW_HCLS()11:00AM active
15:35:23 [Zakim]
also scheduled at this time are I18N_Core_WG(WS-I18N)11:00AM, VB_VBWG()10:00AM
15:40:05 [jrvosse]
jrvosse has joined #mmsem
15:40:22 [jrvosse]
15:40:31 [jrvosse]
rssagent, pointer
15:40:40 [jrvosse]
rrsagent, pointer
15:40:40 [RRSAgent]
15:41:26 [jrvosse]
rrsagent, make logs public
15:46:04 [jrvosse]
zakim, list conferences
15:46:04 [Zakim]
I see XML_PMWG()11:00AM, DIG_TAMI()11:00AM, GA_WebCGM()11:00AM, WS_DescWG()11:00AM, WAI_Team()10:45AM, SW_HCLS()11:00AM active
15:46:06 [Zakim]
also scheduled at this time are I18N_Core_WG(WS-I18N)11:00AM, VB_VBWG()10:00AM
15:48:40 [mhausenblas]
mhausenblas has joined #mmsem
15:50:39 [raphael]
hi michael
15:50:42 [mhausenblas]
hello there
15:50:50 [mhausenblas]
zakim, +43.316.876.aabb is mhausenblas
15:50:50 [Zakim]
sorry, mhausenblas, I do not recognize a party named '+43.316.876.aabb'
15:51:11 [raphael]
zakim, what conferences?
15:51:11 [Zakim]
I see XML_PMWG()11:00AM, DIG_TAMI()11:00AM, GA_WebCGM()11:00AM, WS_DescWG()11:00AM, INC_MMSEM()12:00PM, WAI_Team()10:45AM, SW_HCLS()11:00AM active
15:51:14 [Zakim]
also scheduled at this time are WS_Policy()12:00PM, I18N_Core_WG(WS-I18N)11:00AM, SYMM_TTWG()12:00PM, VB_VBWG()10:00AM
15:51:36 [raphael]
zakim, this conference is INC_MMSEM
15:51:36 [Zakim]
ok, raphael; that matches INC_MMSEM()12:00PM
15:51:43 [anadiotis]
anadiotis has joined #mmsem
15:51:43 [raphael]
zakim, who is here
15:51:43 [Zakim]
raphael, you need to end that query with '?'
15:51:47 [raphael]
zakim, who is here?
15:51:48 [Zakim]
On the phone I see mhausenblas, ??P5
15:51:49 [Zakim]
On IRC I see anadiotis, mhausenblas, jrvosse, rellero_, Zakim, RRSAgent, raphael
15:52:07 [raphael]
zakim, ??P5 is raphael
15:52:07 [Zakim]
+raphael; got it
15:52:47 [jrvosse]
topic 1. ADMIN
15:53:09 [raphael]
Meeting: Multimedia Semantics XG - Telecon 14-09-2006
15:53:18 [raphael]
Chair: Raphael
15:53:33 [raphael]
15:53:54 [Thomas]
Thomas has joined #mmsem
15:54:34 [jrvosse]
regrets: Ioannis PRATIKAKIS, Susanne Boll, Jeff Pan,
15:54:44 [OS]
OS has joined #mmsem
15:55:08 [chalaschek]
chalaschek has joined #MMSEM
15:55:13 [jrvosse]
rrsagent, draft minutes
15:55:13 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate jrvosse
15:56:06 [jrvosse]
topic: ADMIN
15:57:19 [Zakim]
15:57:19 [jrvosse]
Present: Raphael, Jacco, Michael
15:57:29 [Zakim]
15:57:38 [raphael]
zakim, ??P9 is Giovanni
15:57:38 [Zakim]
+Giovanni; got it
15:57:57 [raphael]
zakim, [UMD] is chalaschek
15:57:57 [Zakim]
+chalaschek; got it
15:58:02 [Zakim]
15:58:23 [Zakim]
15:58:39 [raphael]
zakim, [CWI] is george
15:58:39 [Zakim]
+george; got it
15:58:57 [raphael]
zakim, who is here?
15:58:57 [Zakim]
On the phone I see mhausenblas, raphael, Giovanni, chalaschek, Thomas, george
15:58:59 [Zakim]
On IRC I see chalaschek, OS, Thomas, anadiotis, mhausenblas, jrvosse, rellero_, Zakim, RRSAgent, raphael
15:59:02 [Zakim]
15:59:06 [alessio]
alessio has joined #mmsem
15:59:10 [raphael]
zakim, ??P14 is jacco
15:59:10 [Zakim]
+jacco; got it
15:59:37 [alessio]
hi all
15:59:51 [jrvosse]
Present: Giovanni, Chris, Thomas, George
16:00:02 [Zakim]
+ +44.142.08.aaaa
16:00:08 [giovannit]
giovannit has joined #mmsem
16:00:12 [giovannit]
re all
16:00:18 [christian]
christian has joined #mmsem
16:00:20 [raphael]
zakim, 44.142.08.aaaa is Paola
16:00:20 [Zakim]
sorry, raphael, I do not recognize a party named '44.142.08.aaaa'
16:00:23 [jrvosse]
Present: Paola
16:00:25 [raphael]
zakim, 44.142.08 is Paola
16:00:25 [Zakim]
sorry, raphael, I do not recognize a party named '44.142.08'
16:00:31 [Zakim]
16:00:31 [raphael]
zakim, +44.142.08.aaaa is Paola
16:00:32 [giovannit]
Zakim, mute me
16:00:32 [Zakim]
+Paola; got it
16:00:34 [Zakim]
sorry, giovannit, I do not see a party named 'giovannit'
16:01:04 [jrvosse]
regrets: Thierry, Paul
16:01:08 [Zakim]
+ +39.050.315.aabb
16:01:09 [christian]
Hi, for some reason the cnference code does not work...
16:01:10 [stamatia]
stamatia has joined #mmsem
16:01:15 [stamatia]
hi all
16:01:34 [Zakim]
16:01:35 [raphael]
zakim, +39.050.315.aabb is Ovidio
16:01:36 [Zakim]
+Ovidio; got it
16:01:36 [Zakim]
16:01:44 [jrvosse]
present: Massimo, Patricia, Ovidio
16:01:47 [stamatia]
i'm having some problmes with the phone connection, i hope to join you soon
16:01:51 [rellero_]
Zakim, +[IPcaller is Roberto_Ellero
16:01:51 [Zakim]
sorry, rellero_, I do not recognize a party named '+[IPcaller'
16:02:03 [rellero_]
04 01Zakim, [IPcaller is Roberto_Ellero
16:02:24 [OS]
hi all from Ovidio, Massimo & Patrizia
16:02:27 [rellero_]
Zakim, [IPcaller] is Roberto_Ellero
16:02:27 [Zakim]
+Roberto_Ellero; got it
16:02:33 [rellero_]
Hi to all
16:02:34 [giovannit]
zakim, who is speaking
16:02:34 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'who is speaking', giovannit
16:02:46 [giovannit]
i am still not a zakim geek clearly
16:02:54 [christian]
your not
16:02:56 [jrvosse]
chris, we also tried the conference code in vain earlier, but now it works. Could you try again?
16:03:08 [jrvosse]
zakim, who is speaking?
16:03:08 [Zakim]
16:03:09 [Melli]
Melli has joined #mmsem
16:03:10 [giovannit]
chris, type slowly
16:03:11 [raphael]
zakim, who is here?
16:03:11 [Zakim]
On the phone I see mhausenblas, Giovanni, chalaschek, Thomas, george, jacco, Paola, ??P15, Ovidio, Roberto_Ellero, raphael
16:03:14 [Zakim]
On IRC I see Melli, stamatia, christian, giovannit, alessio, chalaschek, OS, Thomas, anadiotis, mhausenblas, jrvosse, rellero_, Zakim, RRSAgent, raphael
16:03:19 [Zakim]
jrvosse, listening for 11 seconds I heard sound from the following: mhausenblas (4%), Giovanni (4%), ??P15 (4%), raphael (5%)
16:03:22 [christian]
I'm trying...but I cannt talk with the operator as well :-)
16:03:26 [pasquale]
pasquale has joined #mmsem
16:03:28 [Melli]
I will be leaving in 25 minutes or so
16:03:42 [rellero_]
hi pasquale
16:03:48 [giovannit]
Zakim, Giovanni is giovannit
16:03:48 [Zakim]
+giovannit; got it
16:03:55 [giovannit]
zakim, mute me
16:04:00 [Zakim]
giovannit should now be muted
16:04:01 [raphael]
zakim, ??P15 is melli
16:04:05 [Zakim]
+melli; got it
16:04:06 [jrvosse]
Present: Melli
16:04:19 [pasquale]
hi roberto and all; sorry, but i can only irc today
16:04:21 [Zakim]
16:04:22 [jrvosse]
zakim, mute mhausenblas
16:04:25 [Zakim]
mhausenblas should now be muted
16:04:30 [jrvosse]
zakim, unmute mhausenblas
16:04:30 [Zakim]
mhausenblas should no longer be muted
16:04:35 [anadiotis]
zakim, mute me
16:04:35 [Zakim]
sorry, anadiotis, I do not see a party named 'anadiotis'
16:04:48 [Zakim]
16:04:48 [anadiotis]
zakim, mute george
16:04:48 [Zakim]
george should now be muted
16:04:55 [jrvosse]
zakim, mute Giovanni
16:04:55 [Zakim]
giovannit was already muted, jrvosse
16:05:09 [raphael]
zakim, who is speaking?
16:05:13 [jrvosse]
zakim, mute melli
16:05:13 [Zakim]
melli should now be muted
16:05:19 [jrvosse]
zakim, unmute melli
16:05:19 [Zakim]
melli should no longer be muted
16:05:21 [Zakim]
raphael, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: mhausenblas (9%), Thomas (10%), jacco (24%), raphael (4%), [IPcaller] (42%), Stamatia (28%)
16:05:39 [raphael]
zakim, mute [IPcaller]
16:05:39 [Zakim]
[IPcaller] should now be muted
16:05:54 [raphael]
zakim, mute Stamatia
16:05:54 [Zakim]
Stamatia should now be muted
16:06:10 [jrvosse]
zakim, unmute Stamatia
16:06:10 [Zakim]
Stamatia should no longer be muted
16:06:20 [vassilisT]
vassilisT has joined #mmsem
16:06:22 [anadiotis]
zakim, unmute george
16:06:22 [Zakim]
george should no longer be muted
16:06:24 [stamatia]
i don't know abou tyou but i can harldy hear you
16:06:34 [jrvosse]
rrsagent, draft minutes
16:06:34 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate jrvosse
16:06:38 [chalaschek]
the echo is really bad
16:06:44 [giovannit]
zakim, who is speaking?
16:06:46 [Zakim]
16:06:55 [Zakim]
giovannit, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Roberto_Ellero (83%), raphael (60%), ??P30 (21%)
16:07:07 [jrvosse]
Chairs welcomes Paola
16:07:08 [rellero_]
zakim, mute Roberto_Ellero
16:07:08 [Zakim]
Roberto_Ellero should now be muted
16:07:13 [giovannit]
clap clap
16:07:14 [chalaschek]
16:07:14 [christian]
16:07:24 [rellero_]
16:07:44 [mhausenblas]
16:07:49 [anadiotis]
16:07:49 [Thomas]
16:07:50 [chalaschek]
16:07:52 [stamatia]
16:07:53 [christian]
16:07:56 [OS]
16:07:57 [giovannit]
yay for the current minutes
16:07:58 [rellero_]
16:08:06 [chalaschek]
16:08:08 [mhausenblas]
16:08:10 [anadiotis]
16:08:21 [jrvosse]
PROPOSED to accept the minutes of the 20 July 2006 telecon:
16:08:23 [jrvosse] ACCEPTED
16:08:37 [jrvosse]
PROPOSED next telecon 14 September 2006: ACCEPTED
16:08:54 [jrvosse]
16:09:30 [mhausenblas]
jrvosse: next telcon on 28 Sep ...
16:09:56 [jrvosse]
ACTION: Yannis to report back to the group about the outcome of the
16:09:57 [jrvosse]
MPEG7 liason attempts after a visit of ITI in Austria [recorded in
16:09:59 [jrvosse]]: CONTINUED
16:10:28 [christian]
zakim. ipcaller is christian
16:10:28 [Zakim]
16:10:38 [christian]
zakim, ipcaller is christian
16:10:38 [Zakim]
+christian; got it
16:10:55 [christian]
zakim, mute me
16:10:55 [Zakim]
christian was already muted, christian
16:11:27 [giovannit]
yup .. we are also asking people who we consider very knowledgable on the topic to join but w3c membership is an issue for many
16:11:33 [jrvosse]
Vassilis: don't think new members were found
16:12:41 [jrvosse]
"Image annotation on the Semantic Web" is transfered to the XG, will not be published by SWBPD WG
16:13:04 [giovannit]
i think it sounds good ideed
16:13:18 [giovannit]
work more
16:13:29 [rellero_]
rellero_ has joined #mmsem
16:13:31 [jrvosse]
Chair asks opinion about status draft
16:13:47 [jrvosse]
Vassilis: member should first read the doc
16:13:54 [chalaschek]
where is the latest version (ie, url etc.)?
16:13:56 [anadiotis]
i have not read the latest version - i will do so and provide feedback
16:14:19 [jrvosse]
Raphael: indeed, I want to assign reviewers from the XG
16:14:31 [rellero_]
sorry, my line was out and now passcode is not valid, i follow in irc
16:14:47 [giovannit]
is there any way to quickly have a delta from the sept 1 version? its not a wiki page unfortunately
16:15:07 [christian]
rellero, you can ask for the operator (*0) and then ask to join
16:15:21 [rellero_]
i try
16:15:34 [rellero_]
but i connect with skype
16:15:50 [jrvosse]
ACTION: Ovidio, Stamatia to review before mid October teleconf
16:16:28 [jrvosse]
Vassilis: if we could add things, it would be nice, but it should be ok as is
16:16:37 [giovannit]
ok thanks
16:16:42 [Zakim]
16:16:57 [rellero_]
Zakim, [IPcaller] is Roberto_Ellero
16:16:57 [Zakim]
+Roberto_Ellero; got it
16:17:04 [jrvosse]
16:17:04 [rellero_]
Zakim, mute Roberto_Ellero
16:17:04 [Zakim]
Roberto_Ellero should now be muted
16:17:44 [jrvosse]
ACTION: All to make sure you have your homepage on the XG wiki
16:19:14 [christian]
zakim, who is speaking?
16:19:25 [Zakim]
christian, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: mhausenblas (98%)
16:19:29 [jrvosse]
Michael: in I tried to step back for a metaview, using three levels
16:19:45 [jrvosse]
Michael: is this worth doing?
16:20:16 [jrvosse]
Raphael: Metalevel seems to apply to every use case
16:21:50 [jrvosse]
Jacco: What about the link between the essence and domain?
16:22:03 [jrvosse]
Michael: I'm not sure, feel free to add stuff
16:23:07 [jrvosse]
Vassilis: Apart from the use cases we also have to have the solutions...
16:23:35 [jrvosse]
... and how are these solutions related?
16:23:57 [jrvosse]
... how different are they?
16:24:30 [jrvosse]
Raphael: I agree, we should start writing solutions down and discuss them
16:25:41 [jrvosse]
Vassilis: this means there is time pressure, we have to hurry and put everything as soon as possible
16:26:05 [jrvosse]
Topic: 3.1 Bio-medical Image Use case: (Melliyal)
16:26:28 [jrvosse]
Melli: I am looking for more members to join in
16:27:12 [jrvosse]
Melli: I have not made much progress in the example images and metadata
16:27:26 [jrvosse]
Melli: can I setup a web demo?
16:27:34 [Zakim]
16:27:42 [giovannit]
zakin, unmute me
16:27:52 [jrvosse]
Action: Melli to set up a web demo for 28 September teleconf
16:27:53 [giovannit]
zakim, unmute me
16:27:53 [Zakim]
giovannit should no longer be muted
16:28:02 [jrvosse]
Topic: 3.2 Music Use case: (Giovanni, Christian, Thierry)
16:28:34 [jrvosse]
Giovanni: too many ways to solve things, this is not good
16:29:07 [jrvosse]
We added lyrics as metadata in the use case
16:29:38 [jrvosse]
We also suggest ways to use the semantic web to collect more metadata
16:30:02 [jrvosse]
Use many RDF channels to collect metadata
16:30:43 [jrvosse]
Giovanni: I got several emails about this use case, very productive
16:31:21 [jrvosse]
Giovanni: I will cc as much as possible
16:31:40 [jrvosse]
We should have someone from UPF in Barcelona
16:31:58 [jrvosse]
Action: Chairs to contact UPF
16:32:33 [jrvosse]
Giovanni: still looking forward to get comments (is this still realistic)
16:32:54 [jrvosse]
Action: George and Raphael to review music use case by next teleconf
16:33:42 [jrvosse]
Vassilis: When do you expect providing the solution?
16:34:17 [jrvosse]
We will provide a solution, but it may be too specific or not fully realistic
16:34:42 [giovannit]
zakim, mute me
16:34:42 [Zakim]
giovannit should now be muted
16:34:53 [giovannit]
zakim, unmute me
16:34:53 [Zakim]
giovannit should no longer be muted
16:35:28 [jrvosse]
Raphael: Giovanni, don't forget the XG is about metadata interoperability
16:35:53 [jrvosse]
Topic: 3.3 News Use case: (Raphael, Thierry, IPTC)
16:35:58 [giovannit]
zakim, mute me
16:35:59 [Zakim]
giovannit should now be muted
16:36:13 [jrvosse]
rrsagent, draft minutes
16:36:13 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate jrvosse
16:36:41 [christian]
kakim, mute me
16:36:46 [christian]
zakim mute me
16:36:56 [jrvosse]
Raphael: we did not made much progress, we will meet with IPTC next week
16:36:57 [christian]
zakim, mute me
16:36:57 [Zakim]
christian was already muted, christian
16:37:08 [jrvosse]
Topic: 3.4 Media Production Use case: (Vassilis)
16:37:49 [jrvosse]
Vassilis: I would like to drop this, will help Stamatia's use case instead
16:38:32 [jrvosse]
Chris: in this case I would like to join the news use case
16:38:46 [jrvosse]
No objections
16:39:23 [jrvosse]
Topic: 3.5 MPEG-7 metadata interoperability Use case: (Stamatia, Yiannis,
16:39:25 [jrvosse]
16:39:26 [jrvosse]
Stamatia: Not much progress
16:39:58 [jrvosse]
Vassilis: we will have a separate teleconf now we have a bigger team
16:40:19 [anadiotis]
zakim, mute george
16:40:19 [Zakim]
george should now be muted
16:40:45 [jrvosse]
Action: Vassilis et al to inform group by mail about the time table for this use case
16:41:08 [anadiotis]
zakim, unmute george
16:41:08 [Zakim]
george should no longer be muted
16:41:21 [jrvosse]
Topic: 3.6 Semantics from Multimedia Authoring Use case: (Susanne)
16:41:23 [jrvosse]
and Tagging Use case: (George, Susanne, Thomas)
16:41:47 [jrvosse]
George: just made a major update
16:42:10 [jrvosse]
Is het a good idea to have a common structure to all use cases?
16:42:42 [mhausenblas]
16:42:50 [jrvosse]
Action: Vassilis to prepare structure for all use cases by next Monday
16:43:41 [jrvosse]
George: we added intro and references, Thomas contributed to the motivating scenario
16:44:34 [jrvosse]
George: there is already a section about the possible solutions, we will continue to work on that
16:44:51 [jrvosse]
Topic: 3.7 Algorithm representation Use case: (Massimo, Patrizia, Ovidio)
16:45:14 [jrvosse]
Patrizia: Not much time during the summer, but we are thinking about more focus, it is now too vague
16:45:27 [jrvosse]
Will focus more on the image annotation aspects
16:45:43 [jrvosse]
Others are welcome to join
16:46:23 [jrvosse]
Raphael: what is the plan from know? To focus on representing image analysis alghoritms?
16:46:52 [jrvosse]
Patrizia: Yes
16:48:02 [jrvosse]
Patrizia: There is a lot of similarities among the the use cases
16:48:28 [jrvosse]
Action: Patrizia and Massimo: report on similarities among use cases
16:48:54 [jrvosse]
Action: Michael and Stamatia to review tagging use case for next teleconf
16:49:31 [jrvosse]
Raphael: I think the other use cases are not mature enough to review
16:49:59 [jrvosse]
Topic: 3.8 Low level feature extraction Use case: (Ioannis, Vasileios ...
16:50:01 [jrvosse]
addition by Susanne)
16:50:02 [jrvosse]
Deferred to next meeting
16:50:12 [jrvosse]
Topic: 4. Future Metings
16:50:31 [jrvosse]
16:50:55 [jrvosse]
We will have a phone and IRC connection during the next f2f meeting coloacted with SAMT
16:51:12 [jrvosse]
Action: chairs to set up questionnaire before next teleconf
16:52:13 [mhausenblas]
i'm fine
16:52:35 [Thomas]
16:52:35 [mhausenblas]
16:52:36 [giovannit]
bye bye
16:52:36 [christian]
bye all
16:52:36 [anadiotis]
bye everyone
16:52:37 [Zakim]
16:52:37 [OS]
16:52:38 [Zakim]
16:52:38 [Zakim]
16:52:38 [jrvosse]
Topic: AOB
16:52:39 [Zakim]
16:52:39 [Zakim]
16:52:40 [jrvosse]
Paola: There is also meeting of the mm ontology harmonisation group, everybody from this group is welcome
16:52:41 [Zakim]
16:52:41 [jrvosse]
Will send invitation later
16:52:42 [rellero_]
16:52:42 [Zakim]
16:52:42 [Zakim]
16:52:44 [Zakim]
16:52:49 [Zakim]
16:52:54 [Zakim]
16:52:55 [Zakim]
16:52:55 [Zakim]
16:52:57 [Zakim]
INC_MMSEM()12:00PM has ended
16:52:58 [Zakim]
Attendees were mhausenblas, raphael, chalaschek, Thomas, george, jacco, Paola, Ovidio, Roberto_Ellero, giovannit, melli, Stamatia, [IVML], christian
16:53:11 [mhausenblas]
16:53:16 [mhausenblas]
16:53:19 [jrvosse]
rrsagent, draft minutes
16:53:19 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate jrvosse
16:54:24 [jrvosse]
present: +Raphael, Jacco, Michael
16:54:38 [jrvosse]
present: +Giovanni, Chris, Thomas, George
16:54:59 [jrvosse]
present: +Paola
16:55:09 [jrvosse]
present: +Massimo, Patricia, Ovidio
16:55:22 [jrvosse]
present: +Roberto_Ellero
16:55:35 [jrvosse]
rrsagent, draft minutes
16:55:35 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate jrvosse
16:57:52 [jrvosse]
Present: Giovanni, Chris, Thomas, George, Paola, Massimo, Patricia, Ovidio, Roberto_Ellero, Raphael, Jacco, Michael, Melli, Stamatia, Pasquale (by IRC)
16:58:12 [OS]
OS has left #mmsem
16:58:30 [jrvosse]
Regrets: Ioannis, Susanne, Jeff, Thierry, Paul
16:58:34 [jrvosse]
rrsagent, draft minutes
16:58:34 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate jrvosse
16:58:51 [pasquale]
bye all, ciao
17:08:02 [jrvosse]
Scribe: Jacco
17:08:05 [jrvosse]
rrsagent, draft minutes
17:08:05 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate jrvosse
17:08:47 [alessio]
alessio has joined #mmsem
17:09:38 [alessio]
sorry, disconnected
17:12:12 [alessio]
for log: i was present, too, via IRC
17:12:49 [alessio]
see you next time
18:53:14 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #mmsem
19:59:17 [rellero_]
rellero_ has joined #mmsem
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rellero_ has left #mmsem
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rellero__ has joined #mmsem
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rellero__ has left #mmsem
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chalaschek has joined #MMSEM