See also: IRC log
William. [Summary] There is low utilization of the services available on the web by aging and disabled people (Estimate 22%). This is results from fear of technology and lack of learning materials and programs to get started. Something is need to get this started... "Always happens people start out with not wanting to do it. But they have some reason like grandson bought me computer for email...Within about a year they are teaching other people."
Doyle: "I have contacts with people at the local blind center trying to learn web access, and I have contact with people at a Senior Center roughly parallel to that.... as well as the need at the corporation for working with access like through web conferencing."
Wayne: I really notice that a lot of disabled people in the middle range of skill are not served by technology. Group to look at the middle group, beginning to be intermediate. Even at a University environment disabled users either are power users or permanent beginners. Tech divide that needs some help.
Shawn: "I wanted to mostly I have a lot of questions. I’m not sure what WAI’s role in this area. We’ve always wanted to do personally. Aware our charter is I’m not sure it fits in WAI under W3C. Interesting thing to see how it plays out. One of the things I note. We expect an aging project starting soon. And matter of fact merging or working together. What is WAI to do in this area, do some analysis up front and pretty serious scoping. Not to get into solve the worlds problems and not get anything done. I think that great."
Group Conclusions: We need to establish our audience by building personnas. We need to identify topics of interest and then seriously scope. The group has considerable strength in community knowledge. So, our first act will be to collect personnas.
Wayne: university setting, elderly professionals to freshman
William: people who are afraid of computers
Doyle: deaf & transcription of radio on the Web; corporate personas
<scribe> ACTION: Wayne contact Helle about doing personas [recorded in]
Helle and Judy: Personnas for disability organizatins
Wayne & Shawn: take existing personas from the WAI site redesign & give them disabilities...
Shawn: focus of personas work: what are our target audience needs -- in order to help figure out how we might meet those needs
<scribe> ACTION: Wayne send to list the next steps on personas [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: Wayne, Doyle, William, Helle work on personas [recorded in]
From the Work Statement
For all items...
1. Get personas started to get better, shared understanding of audience needs
Wayne: [Much of our] target audience can't understand WCAG -- too technical
all: WCAG 2.0 Basic is needed for this audience
2. Some things may have timing, e.g., Participating in WAI
3. Look at scoping and what fits how within W3C WAI EOWG
4. also note that editor availability & interest impacts priorities
William: this is big deal. not sure how WAI could be helpful with 4 & 5. WAI document not a fit. Is this is our role? In our scope?
Doyle: agree. be cautious with what we try to do
Wayne: 6 out of scope for now?
Shawn: [6] low priority at least
Shawn: business case - need short
version, slide version, one pager
... already have list of docs that we need slides
William: also other formats. e.g., QuickTips cards
Shawn: audio files (podcasts)