IRC log of eow2 on 2006-08-07

Timestamps are in UTC.

21:26:35 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #eow2
21:26:35 [RRSAgent]
logging to
21:26:58 [shawn]
zakim, this will be eow2
21:26:58 [Zakim]
ok, shawn; I see WAI_WCAG2.0()5:30PM scheduled to start in 4 minutes
21:28:37 [shawn]
zakim, this will be EOWG(tf)
21:28:37 [Zakim]
I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled near this time, shawn
21:28:45 [shawn]
well, there is one!
21:28:47 [shawn]
zakim, this will be EOWG(tf)
21:28:47 [Zakim]
I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled near this time, shawn
21:28:52 [shawn]
zakim, this will be EOWG
21:28:52 [Zakim]
ok, shawn; I see WAI_EOWG(wstf)6:00PM scheduled to start in 32 minutes
21:28:58 [shawn]
wrong one :-(
21:29:45 [shawn]
hey, ben, do you know if there are other WCAG related teleconferences around now?
21:30:13 [shawn]
if not, i'm just going to sit here today, and try to get this straightened out for next week ( I forgot later week :(
21:30:36 [shawn]
zakim, this will be EOWG(tf)
21:30:36 [Zakim]
I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled near this time, shawn
21:30:44 [shawn]
zakim, this will be eow2
21:30:44 [Zakim]
ok, shawn; I see WAI_WCAG2.0()5:30PM scheduled to start now
21:30:56 [shawn]
zakim, code?
21:30:56 [Zakim]
the conference code is 3692 (tel:+1.617.761.6200), shawn
21:31:22 [shawn]
ah, taht *is* the right one (just badly named
21:32:03 [Zakim]
WAI_WCAG2.0()5:30PM has now started
21:32:10 [Zakim]
21:33:33 [Zakim]
21:37:21 [Zakim]
21:43:09 [Zakim]
21:50:23 [Zakim]
22:22:09 [shawn]
how WAI Makes and CHanges ax stds
22:22:15 [shawn]
How WAI develops stds
22:22:29 [shawn]
how wai stds are built
22:23:28 [shawn]
Keeping in the Loop on WAI Work
22:24:49 [shawn]
HOw staff and volunteers develop stds
22:31:15 [Zakim]
22:31:16 [Zakim]
22:31:18 [Zakim]
22:31:19 [Zakim]
WAI_WCAG2.0()5:30PM has ended
22:31:21 [Zakim]
Attendees were Shawn, Loughborough, Wayne_Dick
22:31:23 [ben]
ben has left #eow2
23:04:04 [Zakim]
WAI_WCAG2.0()5:30PM has now started
23:04:11 [Zakim]
23:04:13 [Zakim]
23:04:15 [Zakim]
WAI_WCAG2.0()5:30PM has ended
23:04:16 [Zakim]
Attendees were David_MacDonald
23:05:51 [shawn]
meeting: EOW2 TF
23:05:54 [shawn]
chair: Shawn
23:06:03 [shawn]
present: Ben, William, Wayne
23:06:09 [shawn]
regrets: Andrew, Henny
23:07:18 [shawn]
23:07:27 [shawn]
rrsagent, make logs world
23:07:33 [shawn]
rrsagent, draft minutes
23:07:33 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate shawn
23:35:51 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #eow2
23:43:20 [shawn]
shawn has left #eow2