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SWD SKOS Requirement Sandbox

This page contains SKOS accepted (hard) and candidate (soft) requirements by 30-01-2007. The rationale for this page is to make it evolve as requirements are accepted or refused, based on the discussion of issues. This page therefore does not contain the official list SKOS requirements, which is available at

TODO: The issues mentioned were accessible from the issue sandbox that has been removed. Proper reference shall be made to the SKOS open issues and SKOS raised issues lists



  1. SWD SKOS Requirement Sandbox
    1. Accepted Requirements
      1. SKOS-R-ConceptualRelations. Representation of relationships between concepts
      2. SKOS-R-LabelRepresentation. Representation of basic lexical values (labels) associated to concepts
      3. SKOS-R-TextualDescriptionsForConcepts. Representation of textual descriptions attached to concepts
      4. SKOS-R-MultilingualLexicalInformation. Representation of lexical information in multiple natural languages
      5. SKOS-R-ConceptSchemeExtension. Extension of concept schemes
      6. SKOS-R-SkosSpecialization. Local specialization of SKOS vocabulary
      7. SKOS-R-ConceptualMappingLinks. Correspondence/Mapping links between concepts from different concept schemes
    2. Candidate Requirements
      1. SKOS-R-RelationshipsBetweenLabels. Representation of links between labels associated to concepts
      2. SKOS-R-AnnotationOnLabel. Ability to represent annotations on lexical items
      3. SKOS-R-IndexingAndNonIndexingConcepts. Ability to distinguish between concepts to be used for indexing and for non-indexing
      4. SKOS-R-GroupingInConceptHierarchies. Ability to include grouping constructs in concept hierarchies in thesauri
      5. SKOS-R-ConceptCoordination. Coordination of concepts
      6. SKOS-R-IndexingRelationship. Ability to represent the indexing relationship between a resource and a concept that indexes it
      7. SKOS-R-LexicalMappingLinks. Correspondence mapping links between lexical labels of concepts in different concept schemes
      8. SKOS-R-CompatibilityWithDC. Compatibility between SKOS and Dublin Core Abstract Model
      9. SKOS-R-CompatibilityWithISO11179. Compatibility between SKOS and ISO11179[Part 3]
      10. SKOS-R-CompatibilityWithISO2788. Compatibility between SKOS and ISO2788
      11. SKOS-R-CompatibilityWithISO5964. Compatibility between SKOS and ISO5964
      12. SKOS-R-CompatibilityWithOWL-DL. OWL-DL compatibility
      13. SKOS-R-ConsistencyChecking. Checking the consistency of a concept scheme
      14. SKOS-R-ConceptSchemeContainment. Ability to explicitly represent the containment of any SKOS individual or statement within a concept scheme
      15. SKOS-R-MappingProvenanceInformation. Ability to record provenance information on mappings between concepts in different concept schemes

Accepted Requirements

SKOS-R-ConceptualRelations. Representation of relationships between concepts

The SKOS model shall provide with semantic relations that can hold between concepts, for display or search purposes. Typical examples are the hierarchical relations broader than (BT) and narrower than (NT) and the non-hierarchical associative relation related to (RT).

Motivation: EucTgn, EucIconclass, EucAims, EucProductLifeCycleSupport, EucGtaaBrowser, EucRankingForDescription, etc.

SKOS-R-LabelRepresentation. Representation of basic lexical values (labels) associated to concepts

The SKOS model shall provide means to represent the labels (preferred or not) of a concept, for display or search purposes.

Motivation: EucTgn, EucAims, EucIconclass, EucGtaaBrowser, EucRankingForDescription, etc.

SKOS-R-TextualDescriptionsForConcepts. Representation of textual descriptions attached to concepts

The SKOS model shall provide means to represent all kind of descriptive notes that could help understanding the elements of concept schemes, e.g. scope notes explaining the way concepts are used to describe documents.

Motivation: EucAims, EucProductLifeCycleSupport, EucTacticalSituationObject, EucBirnLexDetailed

SKOS-R-MultilingualLexicalInformation. Representation of lexical information in multiple natural languages

The lexical information specified in concept schemes (labels, but also definitions and notes) could come in different natural languages. A typical example is the case of a multilingual concept scheme with concepts having labels (eventually partially) translated in several languages.

Motivation: EucAims, EucIconclass, EucRadlexDetailed

SKOS-R-ConceptSchemeExtension. Extension of concept schemes

A concept scheme might be locally extended with new concepts referring to existing ones, e.g. as specializations of these.

Motivation: EucIconclass, EucBirnLexDetailed, EucProductLifeCycleSupport

SKOS-R-SkosSpecialization. Local specialization of SKOS vocabulary

For particular situations, the designer of a SKOS concept scheme should be able to introduce new model-level classes and properties, and link them to existing SKOS constructs. Possible cases include the creation of specific kinds of textual definitions or notes for concepts, or the specification of new types of concepts.

Motivation: EucIconclass, EucTgn, EucAims, EucBiozen, EucGtaaBrowser

@@ Linked to SKOS-I-extension-6, SKOS-I-SpecializationOfRelationships@@

@@ TODO: shall it be moved to candidate, as there is 2 linked issues? @@

SKOS-R-ConceptualMappingLinks. Correspondence/Mapping links between concepts from different concept schemes

In order to build links between concepts coming from different concept schemes, SKOS should provide with proper semantic relationships. Possible links, similarly to the ones found existing SKOS and SKOS mapping vocabularies, include concept equivalence and specialization/generalization relations.

Motivation: EucManuscripts, EucAims, EucProductLifeCycleSupport, EucBirnLexDetailed

Candidate Requirements

SKOS-R-RelationshipsBetweenLabels. Representation of links between labels associated to concepts

The SKOS model shall provide means to represent relationship between the terms associated to concepts, e.g. translation link between labels from different languages.

Motivation: EucAims, EucIconclass, EucRadlexDetailed

@@ Linked to SKOS-I-RelationshipsBetweenLabels @@

SKOS-R-AnnotationOnLabel. Ability to represent annotations on lexical items

Labels, which are currently modeled as literals in SKOS, as well as possibly other literals, are valid subjects of discourse when modelling concept schemes, e.g. when recording the dates during which a particular label was in common use. However, in RDF, only resources may be subjects of statements, and literals may only be objects of statements. The question then arises, how are we to annotate labels and other literals, that is to relate them, as subjects, to other entities.

Motivation: EucRadlexDetailed

@@ Linked to SKOS-I-AnnotationOnLabel @@

SKOS-R-IndexingAndNonIndexingConcepts. Ability to distinguish between concepts to be used for indexing and for non-indexing

SKOS should provide different classes for the conceptual entities that can be used for indexing resources and for these that cannot be used for such a purpose (e.g. specific qualifiers that can only be used to narrow down the meaning of an existing concept).

Motivation: EucIconclass, EucUDC, EucRameau

@@ Linked to SKOS-I-IndexingAndNonIndexingConcepts, SKOS-I-coordination-8 @@

SKOS-R-GroupingInConceptHierarchies. Ability to include grouping constructs in concept hierarchies in thesauri

Concept schemes can contain elements (e.g. arrays) used to group normal concepts together, e.g. based on a shared semantic property. While these special elements cannot be used for description purposes, they can be introduced in a concept scheme's hierarchy by means of generalization and specialization links.

@@ Linked to SKOS-I-GroupingInConceptHierarchies, SKOS-I-collections-5 @@

SKOS-R-ConceptCoordination. Coordination of concepts

SKOS should provide the ability to create new concepts from existing ones, e.g. by using special qualifiers that add a shade of meaning to a normal concept.

Motivation: EucIconclass, EucRadlexDetailed, EucUDC, EucRameau

@@ Linked to SKOS-I-coordination-8 @@

SKOS-R-IndexingRelationship. Ability to represent the indexing relationship between a resource and a concept that indexes it

The SKOS model should contain mechanisms to attach a given resource (e.g. corresponding to a document) to a concept the resource is about, e.g. to query for the resources described by a given concept.

Motivation: EucAims, EucIconclass, EucBiozen, EucBirnLexDetailed

@@ Linked to SKOS-I-IndexingRelationship @@

SKOS-R-LexicalMappingLinks. Correspondence mapping links between lexical labels of concepts in different concept schemes

In the process of mapping different concept schemes, it should be possible to identify correspondence links not only between concepts from these concept schemes, but also between the labels that can be attached to these concepts.

Motivation: EucBirnLexDetailed, EucRadlexDetailed

@@ Linked to SKOS-I-LexicalMappingLinks @@

SKOS-R-CompatibilityWithDC. Compatibility between SKOS and Dublin Core Abstract Model

Using SKOS model shall be compatible with using Dublin Core Abstract Model. When there are links between SKOS features and Dublin Core ones, these shall be specified.

Motivation: EucBirnLexDetailed

@@ Linked to SKOS-I-CompatibilityWithDC @@

SKOS-R-CompatibilityWithISO11179. Compatibility between SKOS and ISO11179[Part 3]

SKOS model shall be compatible with part 3 of ISO 11179 specifications.

@@ Linked to SKOS-I-CompatibilityWithISO11179 @@

SKOS-R-CompatibilityWithISO2788. Compatibility between SKOS and ISO2788

SKOS model shall be compatible with ISO 2788 specifications.

@@ Linked to SKOS-I-CompatibilityWithISO2788 @@

SKOS-R-CompatibilityWithISO5964. Compatibility between SKOS and ISO5964

SKOS model shall be compatible with ISO 5964 specifications.

@@ Linked to SKOS-I-CompatibilityWithISO5964 @@

SKOS-R-CompatibilityWithOWL-DL. OWL-DL compatibility

SKOS model should comply with OWL-DL. This may require OWL to allow subproperties of annotation properties, but there are other solutions.

Motivation: EucBiozen, EucBirnLexDetailed, EucRadLexDetailed

@@ Linked to SKOS-I-owlImport-7, SKOS-I-Semantics-10 @@

SKOS-R-ConsistencyChecking. Checking the consistency of a concept scheme

Some SKOS applications might require testing the integrity of their concept scheme data. For example, conceptual relationships should only apply to individuals of type skos:Concept, and not for example between the (non-preferred) labels of concepts.

Motivation: EucGtaaBrowser, EucMetadataRegistry

@@ Linked issue: SKOS-I-Semantics-10 @@

SKOS-R-ConceptSchemeContainment. Ability to explicitly represent the containment of any SKOS individual or statement within a concept scheme

It shall be possible to explicitly represent the containment of any individual which is an instance of a SKOS class (e.g. skos:Concept) or statement that uses SKOS property as predicate (e.g. skos:broader) within a concept scheme.

@@ Linked to SKOS-I-ConceptSchemeContainment @@

SKOS-R-MappingProvenanceInformation. Ability to record provenance information on mappings between concepts in different concept schemes

It shall be possible to record provenance information on mappings between concepts in different concept schemes.

Motivation: EucMetadataRegistry

@@ Linked to SKOS-I-MappingProvenanceInformation @@