Supporting product life cycle
Contact e-mail: Sean.Barker #
General purpose and services to the end user
Management of life support of complex products, including configuration definition, maintenance definition, maintenance planning and scheduling, maintenance and usage recording (including configuration change)
Functionality examples
The final applications shall probably feature several hundred separate functions, including classification of items, classification of information usages (e.g. types of part identifier), classification of entity roles (e.g. date as start date), classification of relationships (e.g. supersedes).
Application architecture
n/a - this is a data exchange mechanism between multiple applications or multiple instances of the same application
Additional references
See PLCS on and
General characteristics (size, coverage) of the vocabulary
See extract. Vocabulary contains an upper ontology of several hundred items for description of product life cycle, with many terms defined below the upper ontology. In some cases the upper ontology terms are place holders for local extension.
Language(s) in which the vocabulary is provided
Definitions are in English
Vocabulary extract
Following is a paste an extract from one of the XML views:
Identification_code An Identification_code is an identifier_type which is encoded according to some convention. Typically but not necessarily concatenated from parts each with a meaning. E.g. tag number, serial number, package number and document number. Part_identification_code A Part_indentfication_code is a Identification_code that identifies the types of parts. For example, a part number. CONSTRAINT: An Identification_assignment classified as a Part_identification_code can only be assigned to Part Organization_name An Organization_name is a Name by which an organization is known. E.g. "OntologiesRus Ltd" Owner_of An Owner_of is an Organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment that is assigning a person or organization to something in the role of owner. For example, the owner of the car. Date_actual A Date_actual is a Date_or_date_time_assignment that assigns a date or date_time to something where the date is when something actually happened as opposed to when it was planned or predicted to happen.
Machine-readable representation of the vocabulary
The vocabulary has been encoded using OWL.
Software applications used to create and/or maintain the vocabulary, features lacking for the case
Protege is used as an OWL editor for the vocabulary
Management of changes
There is a formal change process. PLCS is conceptually a co-operatively developed web in XML, with the live version being a set of run time views assembled from files submitted by a dozen or so contributors.