07:54:01 RRSAgent has joined #ws-addr 07:54:01 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/03/02-ws-addr-irc 07:54:15 zakim, this is ws-address 07:54:15 sorry, TonyR, I do not see a conference named 'ws-address' in progress or scheduled at this time 07:54:21 zakim, list conf 07:54:21 I don't understand 'list conf', TonyR 07:54:29 zakim, list conferences 07:54:29 I see no active conferences 07:54:31 scheduled at this time are WAI_PFWG(F2F-TP)2:30AM, WS_AddrWG(TP)3:00AM, XML_XMLCore(TP)3:00AM 07:54:47 zakim, this is ws_addrwg 07:54:47 TonyR, I see WS_AddrWG(TP)3:00AM in the schedule but not yet started. Perhaps you mean "this will be ws_addrwg". 07:54:48 zakim, this will be ws_addrwg 07:54:49 ok, bob; I see WS_AddrWG(TP)3:00AM scheduled to start in 6 minutes 07:55:53 Meeting: WS-Addressing WG Face to Face meeting 07:56:31 Chair: Bob Freund 07:59:49 WS_AddrWG(TP)3:00AM has now started 07:59:56 +??P0 08:04:02 hugo has joined #ws-addr 08:04:29 Zakim, call IlesB 08:04:29 I am sorry, hugo; I do not know a number for IlesB 08:06:07 Nilo has joined #ws-addr 08:07:10 Zakim, call TP_Iles_B 08:07:10 ok, hugo; the call is being made 08:07:12 +TP_Iles_B 08:07:41 who is on the phone? 08:07:49 GlenD has joined #ws-addr 08:08:56 scribe:Nilo 08:10:03 Katy has joined #ws-addr 08:10:13 dhull has joined #ws-addr 08:10:50 zakim, who is on the phone? 08:10:50 On the phone I see ??P0, TP_Iles_B 08:11:23 zakim, ??p0 is MarkLittle 08:11:23 +MarkLittle; got it 08:12:41 uyalcina has joined #ws-addr 08:13:12 http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/addr/testsuite/report/ 08:13:31 agenda approved, with test status update included 08:14:35 Feb 20 minutes approval postponed to tomorrow 08:16:17 +??P1 08:16:46 test results from Jonathan: 5 implementations tested, results shown, basically a sea of green 08:17:42 a few optional features have no implementations; so they are at risk 08:19:45 zakim, who is on the phone? 08:19:45 On the phone I see MarkLittle, TP_Iles_B, ??P1 08:20:53 Bob would like to get PR text completed today and wants everyoe to work towards that 08:21:21 jeffm has joined #ws-addr 08:22:24 AI review - all AIs completed 08:23:09 yinleng has joined #ws-addr 08:23:40 Umit concerned about lack of WSDL implementations affecting the WSDL binding 08:24:54 Bob says that we have a choice re WSDL binding - choice of 1) making doc a Note or 2) changing the number of implementations needed to progress it 08:25:20 -??P1 08:25:22 TRutt has joined #ws-addr 08:25:54 +??P1 08:26:07 Topic: proposed issue 1 08:26:12 zakim, ??P1 is me 08:26:12 +yinleng; got it 08:26:14 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-addressing-comments/2006Feb/0000 08:28:17 anish has joined #ws-addr 08:28:24 DH thinks this is a potentially editorial change and can be done after we have agreed to the other changes to this text 08:29:04 Umit: how is SOAP1.1 text affected 08:29:45 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-addressing-comments/2006Feb/0002 08:30:06 Topic: proposed issue 2 (see link above) 08:31:06 Allen has joined #ws-addr 08:34:02 jonathan: two action values - one for addressing-specific faults, another for application-level ones 08:34:54 Hugo: concern with the term "generic SOAP faults" 08:34:55 dorchard has joined #ws-addr 08:35:40 general consensus re the action value for the addressing-specific faults 08:36:49 with one addition: add a reference to the section on the Faults section 08:37:25 The [action] property below designates WS-Addressing fault messages: 08:37:25 08:37:25 http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/fault 08:37:25 08:37:25 *This action SHOULD NOT be used as an action value in messages other 08:37:26 than those carrying WS-Addressing faults.* 08:37:28 08:37:28 section 6.4 08:37:30 SOAP modules and extensions SHOULD define custom [action] values for 08:37:32 the 08:37:34 faults they describe but MAY designate use of the following [action] 08:37:36 value 08:37:38 instead: 08:38:35 FabGandon has joined #ws-addr 08:38:43 Katy: change "generic faults" to "such as..." 08:38:45 marc has joined #ws-addr 08:39:18 DaveO: call them "SOAP defined faults" instead of "generic SOAP faults" 08:39:31 SOAP defined SOAP faults 08:40:11 The above [action] value SHOULD be used for SOAP defined faults 08:40:11 including 08:40:11 version mismatch, must understand, and data encoding unknown. *This 08:40:11 action SHOULD NOT be used as an action value in messages other than 08:40:11 those carrying SOAP defined faults or those of SOAP modules and 08:40:12 extensions.* 08:40:14 08:40:16 I use SHOULD because this is a hard thing to test, seems like the 08:40:18 appropriate level of guidance, and doesn't force a breaking change in 08:40:20 implementations at this point. 08:40:22 08:40:24 Original thread that sparked this follows... 08:41:45 The above [action] value SHOULD be used for SOAP defined SOAP faults 08:41:45 including 08:41:45 version mismatch, must understand, and data encoding unknown. *This 08:41:45 action SHOULD NOT be used as an action value in messages other than 08:41:45 those carrying SOAP defined SOAP faults or those of SOAP modules and 08:41:46 extensions.* 08:41:48 08:41:50 I use SHOULD because this is a hard thing to test, seems like the 08:41:52 appropriate level of guidance, and doesn't force a breaking change in 08:41:54 implementations at this point. 08:41:56 08:41:58 Original thread that sparked this follows... 08:42:29 chad has joined #ws-addr 08:43:57 Marc: seems a bit contradictory 08:44:45 Glen: may want to have infrastructure choose the appropriate action value 08:46:27 consenusus building around closing the second part with no action 08:46:54 Umit: what's the reason for the second part 08:47:28 Jonathan: it would be nice to know if it was ageneric SOAP fault as opposed to a app level fault. 08:47:43 Glen: it almost seems like over-riding SOAP fault codes 08:49:28 Anish: still need to change the para between the two action value. 08:49:53 s/SOAP modules and extensions/SOAP modules, extensions and applications/ 08:50:06 in section 6 08:51:33 This is marked as CR24 08:51:47 Resolved CR24 08:51:51 as above 08:53:12 Topic: One paragraph out-optional-in note 08:54:14 The above [action] value SHOULD be used for SOAP defined faults  08:54:14  including  08:54:14  version mismatch, must understand, and data encoding unknown. *This  08:54:14  action SHOULD NOT be used as an action value in messages other than  08:54:14  those carrying SOAP defined faults or those of SOAP modules and  08:54:15  extensions.*  08:54:17   08:54:19  I use SHOULD because this is a hard thing to test, seems like the  08:54:21  appropriate level of guidance, and doesn't force a breaking change in  08:54:23  implementations at this point.  08:54:25   08:54:27  Original thread that sparked this follows...  08:54:39 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-addressing/2006Jan/att-0072/soap11reqoptresphttpbinding.html 08:57:00 This SOAP 1.1 request optional response HTTP binding, in conjunction with the SOAP 1.1 binding, can be used for sending request messages with an optional SOAP response. This binding augments the SOAP 1.1 binding by allowing that the HTTP [RFC 2616] response MAY have a 202 status code and the response body MAY be empty. Note that the HTTP [RFC 2616] specification states "the 202 response is intentionally non-committal". As such, any content in the respon 08:58:13 This SOAP 1.1 request optional response HTTP binding, in conjunction  08:58:13 with the SOAP 1.1 binding, can be used for sending request messages with  08:58:13 an optional SOAP response. This binding augments the SOAP 1.1 binding  08:58:13 by allowing that the HTTP [RFC 2616] response MAY have a 202 status code  08:58:13 and the response body MAY be empty. Note that the HTTP [RFC 2616]  08:58:14 specification states "the 202 response is intentionally non-committal".  08:58:16 As such, any content in the response body, including a SOAP body, MAY or  08:58:18 MAY not be an expected SOAP response.  08:58:57 This SOAP 1.1 request optional response HTTP binding, in conjunction with the SOAP 1.1 binding, can be used for sending request messages with an optional SOAP response. This binding augments the SOAP 1.1 binding by allowing that the HTTP [RFC 2616] response MAY have a 202 status code and the response body MAY be empty. Note that the HTTP [RFC 2616] specification states "the 202 response is intentionally non-committal". 08:59:08 As such, any content in the response body, including a SOAP body, MAY or MAY not be an expected SOAP response. 08:59:46 This SOAP 1.1 request optional response HTTP binding, in conjunction with the SOAP 1.1 binding, can be used for sending request messages with an optional SOAP response. This binding augments the SOAP 1.1 binding by allowing that the HTTP [RFC 2616] response MAY have a 202 status code and the response body MAY be empty. Note that the HTTP [RFC 2616] specification states "the 202 response is intentionally non-committal". As such, any content in the response 09:00:16 pauld has joined #ws-addr 09:00:59 chad, you don't understand, much :-( 09:01:43 Umit: can the last sentnce be reworded? 09:04:20 Anish: this is an op response, so you could also get back 202 with and without a SOAP env, as well as a 200 with a SOAP env 09:04:54 Bob: we need new text starting from "As such..." 09:05:02 At the risk of prolonging the discussion I note that SOAP 1.1 doesn't preclude a HTTP 202 without a SOAP entity body: http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/NOTE-SOAP-20000508/#_Toc478383529 09:05:49 Anish: propose striking snetnce starting "As such..." 09:06:55 s/snetnce/sentence 09:07:21 Jonathan: 09:07:30 how does this affect the test suite 09:07:57 Glen: the 202 is used in the test suite 09:08:35 Another slight wording mod of the last 2 sentence.. 09:08:36 Note that the HTTP [RFC 2616] specification states "the 202 response is intentionally non-committal" and so any content in the response body, including a SOAP Envelope, MAY not be an expected SOAP response. 09:10:24 Text above agreed 09:10:34 Issue resolved, and we will publish as a NOTE 09:11:04 Break until 10:45 09:16:08 -yinleng 09:35:53 Katy has joined #ws-addr 09:40:27 Katy has joined #ws-addr 09:40:34 -MarkLittle 09:41:33 TRutt has left #ws-addr 09:45:01 above resolution is to clean up and publish the note: 09:45:06 N.B. 09:45:22 Bob- talk to hugo about how to publish 09:46:09 resuming meeting again 09:46:23 topic: CR23 09:47:17 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-addressing/2006Feb/0189.html 09:47:43 alternate proposal: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-addressing/2006Mar/0005.html 09:47:51 TRutt has joined #ws-addr 09:48:33 marc has joined #ws-addr 09:50:56 q+ 09:51:51 ack ani 09:53:15 q+ 09:53:47 q+ 09:53:55 q+ 09:54:09 Anish: has an alternative proposal and suggests that this isuue be closed with no action 09:54:10 ack um 09:54:40 ack u 09:54:46 umit: it is WS_RX's choice to use our anon URI or mint their own 09:54:57 q+ 09:55:02 q+ 09:55:07 ack gl 09:55:12 Glen: agrees with Anish 09:56:00 ack k 09:56:00 Glen: we don't need to encourage WS-RX to use this URI in ways that may not be these semantics 09:56:59 Katy: the semantics is that it depends on the underlying SOAP transport binding 09:57:21 q+ 09:57:28 q+ 09:58:05 ack an 09:58:22 q+ to indicate that using a different URI is more comprehensible than looking up a namespace for an EPR header such as 09:58:31 Katy: It allows RX to go either way - use this URI as we define it or define their own URI for acksTo 09:59:07 I am very comfortable in reverting a request that came from RX and forcing a particular decision on them, 09:59:18 we should give them the choice 09:59:24 q+ 09:59:27 ack jon 09:59:29 s/comfortable/uncomfortable/ 09:59:30 Anish: not comfortable with making its meaning context sensitive 10:00:17 Jonathan: there is value in making this URI mean that it depends on the infrastructure 10:01:07 ack dh 10:01:21 Jonathan: in short, agreeing with Katy 10:02:01 q+ 10:02:08 ack tr 10:02:19 DH: if you are using anon, you need to understand the context it is to be used 10:02:53 q+ 10:03:09 ack gl 10:03:09 GlenD, you wanted to indicate that using a different URI is more comprehensible than looking up a namespace for an EPR header such as 10:03:28 q+ 10:03:33 q+ addressing RX minting their own URI 10:03:35 Tom: could go either way, but does not see why a spec can't define its own EPR's semantics 10:03:45 q+ to addressing RX minting their own URI 10:04:12 q? 10:04:53 Glen: in summary would prefer WS-RX to mint its own URI 10:04:56 ack dor 10:07:06 DOR provides an analogy to java abstract vs concrete classes 10:07:23 ack ani 10:08:48 q+ 10:09:06 q+ to point out that RX is not the only potential reuser of anon 10:09:34 q+ 10:09:42 ack uy 10:09:50 anish: we don't disallow use of anon in any other context. we simply define its use for reply/failtTo 10:10:27 Tom just made an interesting point - when you see a URI, you tend to want to deference it to see what it means... 10:10:39 umit: there is an abstract/concrete analogy. abstract is "any back channel" while concrete is specific back channels in specifc contexts 10:10:56 If it's RX's "sequenceBackchannel" URI, that's clearer than "W3C's no-real-meaning-anonymous URI" 10:11:00 dorchard has joined #ws-addr 10:11:03 q? 10:11:10 ack ka 10:11:10 q+ 10:11:34 q+ to follow my nose on wsa:anon vs wsrx:anon 10:12:25 q- 10:12:27 anish: the current text encourages you to use this URI in a different context 10:12:36 ack tony 10:12:36 TonyR, you wanted to addressing RX minting their own URI 10:12:53 Tony: RX should define their own URI because it has a different meaning 10:12:58 q- 10:13:00 uyalcina has joined #ws-addr 10:13:33 q+ Jonathan 10:13:42 q+ 10:13:45 ack dhu 10:13:45 dhull, you wanted to point out that RX is not the only potential reuser of anon 10:13:58 Please folks, WS-RX ASKED us to loosen up the definition of the URI for them. 10:14:03 This is why we are discussing this 10:14:25 the issue about implementations changing is a red herring, imho, it does not change the impl much. There are a whole lot of changes that are currently taking place in wsrx which are huge compared to this tiny 'if' stmt change 10:15:29 +1 to DH. 10:15:29 ack hu 10:15:32 DH: we should leave the door open for future SOAP bindings which have back channels; so we should provide guidance for what anon might mean for them 10:16:31 ack dor 10:16:31 dorchard, you wanted to follow my nose on wsa:anon vs wsrx:anon 10:16:33 q+ to call the question (let's vote!) 10:16:33 Hugo: support Anish's proposal 10:17:59 Additional text does not force rx to use anon URI - just states that, if it is used, the behaviour must be specified in RX context. 10:18:37 DO: in either case, the RX spec implementers will have to look at their spec to see how the anon value is used 10:19:31 q+ 10:19:48 ack jon 10:21:26 Jonathan: wants to allow anon to be used with AcksTo as used today 10:21:40 pingpong 10:21:45 pingping 10:21:56 ack tr 10:22:13 pingpang 10:23:15 q+ to ask is the core of Katy's proposal to call out the context dependent. 10:23:15 ack glen 10:23:16 GlenD, you wanted to call the question (let's vote!) 10:23:22 Tom: happier with Anish's proposal, but could edit Katy's proposal to meet concerns 10:23:53 pingaling 10:24:25 Is it almost the straw poll of "do you want anon re-used or not"? 10:25:08 pingkitten? 10:25:13 q? 10:25:14 pingkitten 10:25:18 Glen: want to get a sense of the group 10:25:50 Katy: RX implementations are using the anon URI 10:26:08 Marc/Anish: they are not using this CR anon URI 10:26:14 ack ani 10:26:28 has no sympathy for WS-RX, they're referencing a moving target 10:26:30 Anish: RX uses the old anon URI 10:27:27 Umit: the semantics of the old anon URI was "any back channel" which is what Katy's proposal is trying to capture 10:27:31 Umit - it doesn't matter that it's the SAME anonymous URI as addressing uses, though, does it? 10:27:42 If they need to change anyway, is it that big a deal? 10:27:49 it does matter RX. 10:27:54 They asked us to define it for them 10:28:05 s/matter/matter to/ 10:28:13 what implementations are using our freshly minted URI?! 10:28:13 I'm asking Umit the architect/developer, not Umit the politician. :) 10:28:28 i was the one who raised CR4 on behalf of WS-RX 10:29:15 poll to adopt katy's proposal 10:31:25 straw poll: for 6 against 7 10:32:42 q? 10:32:42 it was 6 to 8, actually 10:33:06 q+ 10:33:11 ack do 10:33:11 dorchard, you wanted to ask is the core of Katy's proposal to call out the context dependent. 10:33:40 q+ 10:34:01 q+ 10:34:03 Tom: the input WS-RX did not use "anon" 10:34:48 Bob: can we live with no action? 10:35:09 And, can we live with Katy's proposals? 10:35:13 Umit: I was given the AI by WS-RX TC to define the use of "anaon" 10:35:22 s/anaon/anon 10:35:25 pingy_thing 10:35:45 q+ to ask more people 10:36:52 BoB: I take charge of this AI and response to WS-RX 10:38:03 Bob: What needs to change in the proposal to make it acceptable? 10:38:19 q+ 10:38:59 q+ 10:39:04 q+ 10:39:09 DO: I thought we voted for the intent, not the exact text 10:39:34 q+ 10:39:44 ack gl 10:40:19 q- 10:41:54 q+ 10:42:05 ack dh 10:42:17 Glen: Minting URIs is easy and there does not seem to be a benefit to use the same URI with different meaning 10:43:15 DH: WS-RX found the "back channel"semantics of anon to be useful to reuse 10:45:07 ack do 10:45:07 dorchard, you wanted to ask more people 10:46:43 q+ 10:47:52 Vikas: For a non synchronous transport, you do not want somebody to specify what the back channel is 10:48:01 ack ani 10:49:58 Anish: does not achive the reuse objective. WS-RX sequence can make use of many differnt binding fora given sequence; so this text may not be able to describe the RX scenarios. 10:50:58 anish, this only doesn't work if there's a non-soap binding.. 10:51:04 ack hu 10:51:04 Bob: anon means "knows what to do" 10:51:18 dave, or another soap/http binding 10:51:40 ack jeff 10:51:44 Hugo: does not understand what this text will do 10:51:48 dave, or if you use soap 1.1 and smtp or another transport protocol 10:52:15 anish, if somebody else defines soap/http then they would have to do anon.. 10:52:50 right, and they would not be using our soap addressing binding, so any text we put it in there cannot be used by wsrx 10:52:54 jeff, aren't we defining extensible semantics though? That is the semantics are of re-use... 10:53:02 The URI's semantic is the same=back channel 10:53:15 Jeff: if you use a URI defined in a spec you are confined to its semantics. If anyone wants to use a differnt semantics, define a different URI. Problem if different specs continue to use anaon with different semantics 10:53:21 can we do a can-live-with poll 10:53:28 what we are debating is the semantics of the EPRs that use the URI 10:53:49 wakes up for what sounds like a versioning and extensibilty discussion 10:53:54 s/does not understand what this text will do/I do not understand why people care about this so much as it's not clear that any of the option will change anything; let's change find an option that everybody can live with and move on/ 10:54:34 ? 10:54:36 q? 10:54:37 q? 10:55:52 Bob: can anyone not live with closing with no action? 10:56:45 q? 10:56:48 Tom: I don't want to suggest reuse in the text, becasue if you do you have to put in all sorts of caveats. 10:56:51 ack tr 10:57:01 Tom: katy's text needs worsmithing. 10:57:10 ack jon 10:57:55 +1 To Jonathan 10:58:00 anonymous means "do the right thing" 10:58:11 ack ka 10:58:16 jonathan, do u think we need to say that or is it enuf for wsrx to say that? 10:58:22 q+ to point out that jonathan's point is valid, but that's not what the words SAY at the moment 10:58:38 i.e., with status quo we wsrx can do exactly what u are suggesting 10:59:00 s/we// 10:59:15 I think we've overconstrained anonymous already. 10:59:20 ack tony 10:59:20 TonyR, you wanted to point out that jonathan's point is valid, but that's not what the words SAY at the moment 10:59:21 how? 10:59:37 we in fact only say right now what it means in replyTo and faultTo 10:59:46 we don't say anything beyond that 11:00:06 Tony: At this point it does not say "knows what to do" 11:00:10 I assert that the anon is a special value and it means that a user will have to look at context, and the good part of Katy's proposal is to highlight that people need to describe their use.. 11:01:15 Additional text clarifies what is required by those who want to reuse anonymous - i.e. it must be defined when used outside ws-a context 11:01:24 q? 11:01:56 Anish: we do not say what anon means outside replyTo/FaultTo 11:02:30 Jonathan: we constriant what it means at the SOAP level and the HTTP level 11:02:48 s/constriant/constrain 11:03:15 Katy's text is simply "caveat emptor" .. I puzzle how to write test cases for it .. 11:03:16 Zakim, who's on the phone? 11:03:17 On the phone I see TP_Iles_B 11:03:28 Zakim, drop TP_Iles_B 11:03:28 TP_Iles_B is being disconnected 11:03:29 WS_AddrWG(TP)3:00AM has ended 11:03:30 Attendees were TP_Iles_B, MarkLittle, yinleng 11:05:00 section 5.1.2 says: 11:05:02 When "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous" is specified for the [reply endpoint] property and the message is the request part of a SOAP request-response MEP [SOAP 1.2 Part 2: Adjuncts], then any response MUST be the response part of the same SOAP request-response MEP [SOAP 1.2 Part 2: Adjuncts]. 11:05:42 Bob: Does the spec overly constrain the use of anon? 11:06:43 q? 11:06:47 q+ 11:06:57 Tony: heading of 5.1 needs to be changed. Add some text to say that this section defines the use of anon in the ctx of WSA. 11:07:01 q+ 11:07:07 q- 11:07:17 q+ to point out that CR18 resolution gets us almost there 11:07:23 Anish: apart from the section heading, text does not constrian you in any way. 11:08:56 Bob: over lunch, small group will work on new text 11:10:47 DH: pending c18 will also affect this text 11:11:14 bob: anish and katy will work on text over lunch, followed by formal vote 11:11:25 LUNCH BREAK 11:11:32 resume 1:15PM 12:16:15 TonyR has joined #ws-addr 12:18:27 Katy has joined #ws-addr 12:21:34 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-addressing/2006Mar/0008.html 12:30:36 Scribe: Bob 12:31:47 Katy: explains the proposal prepared over lunch 12:34:30 The precise 12:34:30 meaning of this URI ** within the context of Addressing ** is defined by the binding of Addressing to a 12:34:30 specific protocol.. 12:34:43 marc has joined #ws-addr 12:34:54 The precise 12:34:54 meaning of this URI ** within the context of Addressing ** is defined by the binding of Addressing to a 12:34:54 specific protocol.. 12:35:17 ... is katy's suggested alternative text to the proposal 12:36:05 uyalcina has joined #ws-addr 12:38:57 Scribe: Anish 12:41:10 Bob: how do folks feel about this? 12:41:21 q? 12:41:27 q+ 12:41:29 q- 12:41:39 Tony: s/in SOAP Response/for SOAP Response/ 12:41:41 q+ 12:41:45 ack do 12:41:50 cak u 12:41:50 Umit: i think the heading is still incorrect 12:42:12 ... it is a general stmt 12:42:19 ack u 12:43:59 ... s/SOAP// 12:44:31 TRutt has joined #ws-addr 12:45:26 RESOLUTION: resolve issue CR23 with proposal at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-addressing/2006Mar/0008.html 12:45:32 no objections 12:46:20 Topic: issue CR21 12:47:50 Marc explains the issue 12:51:02 q? 12:51:56 pauld has joined #ws-addr 12:52:00 jonathan: i feel that we made a bunch of changes in Vancouver and looks like we have issues about it. 12:52:27 ... our solution introduced more problems. Revert back to what we had, but open to fixing this however we can 12:55:11 Discussion on what CR17 resolution did 12:57:14 rrsagent, where am i? 12:57:14 See http://www.w3.org/2006/03/02-ws-addr-irc#T12-57-14 12:57:41 rrsagent, make logs member-visible 12:58:33 Marc: I would rather just define a default which is not context sensitive 12:58:49 Glen: there are usecases where people can't use htis 12:58:53 s/htis/this/ 12:59:57 Umit: in that case the property is no longer optional 13:00:07 ... it makes the header optional but not the property optional 13:00:35 glen: u can fix it either way 13:00:44 ... if i care about one-way messages only then i don't care about it 13:01:05 can everyone still here on the phone 13:01:13 s/here/hear/ 13:01:57 anish: don't make premature optimizations, no default. if the property is there, it is there. Else it isn't. 13:02:09 zakim, who's on the phone? 13:02:09 apparently WS_AddrWG(TP)3:00AM has ended, Jonathan 13:02:10 On IRC I see pauld, TRutt, uyalcina, marc, Katy, TonyR, dorchard, Allen, anish, yinleng, jeffm, dhull, GlenD, Nilo, hugo, RRSAgent, Zakim, vikas, bob, Jonathan 13:02:38 glen: instead of saying syntactic default, we can specify in the 'how to sent the reply' section 13:02:52 q+ 13:02:54 q+ 13:02:55 q+ 13:03:13 chad has joined #ws-addr 13:03:26 glen: why do we need to specify that in the wsdl doc 13:03:28 chad, NORWICH :-) 13:04:01 anish: how important is the default? 13:04:12 chad, ESSEX :-) 13:05:05 q? 13:05:26 ack anish 13:05:31 ack u 13:05:34 glen: it is important as there are cases where the reply can be large % of the message. 13:05:49 umit: in the wsdl doc, we have described using abstract message props 13:06:16 ... the reply endpoint should be there. But that does not mean that the header is there. 13:06:53 http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2004/ws/addressing/ws-addr-wsdl.html?content-type=text/html;%20charset=utf-8#WSDLMEPS 13:07:05 Marc: we can just delete section 5 in wsdl binding 13:07:15 anish: i don't think we should do it 13:07:54 glen: i don't think section 5 should be removed 13:08:25 Glen suggestion: change "in message" to "used by communicating nodes". 13:08:26 q+ 13:08:40 +1 to "hands off the core" 13:10:02 q? 13:10:08 ack anish 13:10:31 davidh: what we are trying to say that this is actually used in message exchange 13:11:06 jonathan: i think we can revert CR17 and make the property required 13:11:44 q+ 13:12:33 More discussion on various solution 13:12:45 ack ka 13:13:05 katy: my concern is that if we undo cr17, we have to make sure that it all works 13:13:26 ... can we fix it syntactically in the wsdl spec 13:13:56 ... under the MEPs, it says "this section describes whether properties are required or optional" 13:14:29 s/Mandatory/Required by MEP/? 13:14:34 ... we can change it to : this section says which core MAPs are rquried by MEPs of WSDL 1.1 13:14:45 q+ 13:15:13 ... and the top of the table change mandatory to requried 13:15:17 ack dh 13:15:46 dhull: i don't think change from mandatory to required does anything. we need to say that the requireness is for the MEP 13:16:04 ... the important part is "for MEP" 13:16:14 umit: how does it solve the current problem 13:16:40 ... the MAP reply-to will always have a value 13:16:54 Marc: u are mixing the abstract and serialized one 13:17:16 ... if u come up with another way to serialize this then it won't fly 13:17:51 Glen: agree with katy's suggestion 13:18:01 ... we say there is no syntactic defaults 13:18:14 ... from the MEP there may be defaults 13:18:41 Marc: i want to write a lib which can query soap message and get the abstract properties 13:19:14 ... if i have to default based on the context, i don't like it 13:19:38 q+ 13:20:00 q+ 13:20:19 WS_AddrWG(TP)3:00AM has now started 13:20:28 +Mark_Little 13:20:37 -Mark_Little 13:20:38 WS_AddrWG(TP)3:00AM has ended 13:20:40 Attendees were Mark_Little 13:21:03 q? 13:21:09 umit: we can't put any case (where it has to fault if a value is not present) in our test case 13:21:14 glen: that is a different issue 13:22:05 marc: in this case, for our mapping, there will always be a value for [reply to] 13:22:17 umit: without all the context you can never figure this out 13:22:36 marc: we can add another note to make this clear 13:23:22 Zakim, who's on the phone? 13:23:22 apparently WS_AddrWG(TP)3:00AM has ended, hugo 13:23:23 On IRC I see chad, pauld, TRutt, uyalcina, marc, Katy, TonyR, dorchard, Allen, anish, yinleng, jeffm, dhull, GlenD, Nilo, hugo, RRSAgent, Zakim, vikas, bob, Jonathan 13:23:26 q- 13:23:33 Zakim, list conferences 13:23:33 I see WAI_PFWG(F2F-TP)2:30AM active 13:23:34 also scheduled at this time are XML_EXI(TP)4:00AM, WS_AddrWG(TP)3:00AM, XML_XMLCore(TP)3:00AM, Team_Global(review)8:00AM, SW_DAWG(TP)8:00AM, VB_VBWG(TP-F2F)8:30AM 13:23:39 Marc: proposal -- core section 3.4 note that for the serialization [fault to] and [reply to] is always present 13:24:06 Tony: rather than saying that the processor will never fault, I would say that the MAP would never be empty 13:24:25 ... instead of talking about the behavior of the processor we should talk about the properties 13:25:57 Zakim, call TP_Iles_B 13:25:57 ok, hugo; the call is being made 13:25:58 WS_AddrWG(TP)3:00AM has now started 13:25:59 +TP_Iles_B 13:26:01 Current text of the contentious note is: When using the XML Infoset representation, in the absence of a wsa:ReplyTo element the value of the [reply endpoint] message addressing property defaults to an EPR with an [address] property of "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous" - see section 3.2 XML Infoset Representation of Message Addressing Properties 13:26:04 Marc: proposal -- reopen CR17, close with clarification to the existing note and revert decision on CR17 13:27:18 +Mark_Little 13:27:20 -Mark_Little 13:27:21 Umit: i prefer saying explicitly that we allow other serializations 13:27:22 +Mark_Little 13:27:40 bob: we have marc's proposal and see if we can converge 13:27:58 ... is this the approach to take to resolve this? 13:28:15 ... can we leave the wordsmithing to the editors? 13:28:27 Umit: I'll work with marc on this 13:29:06 Tony's proposed text: The [reply endpoint] messaging property is defaulted to "ANONYMOUS" by the current serialisation, so this MAP will not be empty. 13:29:41 Bob: resolution - revert cr17, new text proposed by Tony and close issue CR21 with no action 13:29:57 marc: cr21 should be closed with reversal of cr17 13:30:06 umit: there will be clarification of the note 13:30:39 ACTION: umit/tony/marc to figure out the wordsmithing for clarification to the note (CR17/CR21) 13:30:58 zakim, who is on the phone? 13:30:58 On the phone I see TP_Iles_B, Mark_Little 13:31:51 Topic: Test status 13:33:00 jonathan/paul: can we do that later but discuss the issue coming out of the tests 13:33:14 Topic: ProblemHeader (test 1145/1245) 13:33:21 Jonathan explains the issue 13:33:56 Issue explained at: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-addressing/2006Mar/0000.html 13:34:14 Jonathan: these features were marked at risk 13:35:09 ... MS's position is we are not going to implement it, we would like it to be gone. We don't mind having it in, as long as we have 2 implementations 13:36:18 hugo: we did not mark those things at risk 13:36:36 ... we put in a note saying that the section may change 13:37:33 paul: from my POV i feel strongly about it. it has minimal with no value but requires lot of testing 13:38:13 q+ 13:38:18 ... my recollection from Boston was that it was at risk 13:38:46 Hugo: i don't think removing something like that would change the reviewer/implementers experience 13:39:08 ack dh 13:39:11 jonathan: we are not going to implement it, unless you hold a gun to our head and then we would do something, but not ship 13:39:38 dhull: if this is not useful then i'm not going push on it 13:39:59 jonathan: not a security expert, but i have heard that passing just a Qname is better 13:40:22 dhull: u would send a message and the person receiving the message may not have the context 13:40:35 bob: not heard anyone speaking strongly for this 13:41:19 ... do we have agreement that we redact the problemheader 13:41:37 ... it is the Team's opinion that it would not change the implementation experience 13:41:51 RESOLUTION: redact problemHeader 13:42:09 Topic: wsa:UnreachableDestination fault code 13:42:15 q+ 13:42:16 Jonathan: not sure how to test it 13:42:24 ... no motivation 13:42:45 ... i don't want this fault code hold up CR 13:42:54 ... this isn't as clear cut as the last one 13:43:10 ... we could make it an informative test case rather than optional test case 13:43:20 dhull: feel differently about it 13:43:33 ... the idea behind this is to deal with hop-by-hop or gateway situations 13:43:46 MarkB has joined #ws-addr 13:44:20 ... if we want to do a test, we can create an endpoint that always throws a fault 13:44:33 bob has joined #ws-addr 13:44:46 jonathan: we might have to work on it. move it to informative will not help wrt result this week. but could be helpful in the long run 13:45:24 dhull: don't want to derail this. if we want to do it now or later that is fine 13:45:30 q? 13:45:35 ack dh 13:45:51 ... the fact that no one has implemented doens 13:45:57 .. n't tell us much 13:46:12 ... would like to keep it, will help with test cases 13:46:51 13:48:42 dhull: we should be able to make the box turn green 13:49:30 bob: if status-quo means we need to have 4 imples then it is a problem 13:49:50 jonathan: this is a more advanced feature and we can agrue that we don't need this now 13:50:02 paul: i look at this fault and think it is not interoperable 13:50:12 ... no benefit of this 13:50:20 katy: agree with paul 13:50:55 dhull: this is not an advanced feature it is a simple feature 13:51:13 tony: davidh your position would be more defensible if you had an impl 13:51:56 jonathan: two different perspective, say it is more adv. feature 13:52:09 bob: what do we have to do here to move on? 13:52:33 davidh: there is no must here 13:53:05 q+ 13:53:22 ack u 13:53:42 yinleng has left #ws-addr 13:56:40 bob: does the resolution mean just removing the testcase 13:56:53 vikas has joined #ws-addr 13:57:12 hugo: we have an agreement that if we can't test it we'll remove it 13:59:21 jonathan: we can say that we failed to get implementations of this particular error condition 13:59:31 ... advanced impl. can use this 13:59:41 ... we can't have every class of implementations 14:00:18 bob: could be useful for say 'tcp/ip' 14:00:24 ... nothing to do with addressing 14:00:38 dhull: in the gateway case not necessarily a transport failure 14:00:45 ... jabber case is another one 14:01:49 dhull: not going to lie on the road 14:02:14 jeff: the reason to set a criteria before you are under pressure is to create one that is reasonable 14:02:29 Jonathan has joined #ws-addr 14:02:41 ... hard to believe justification given now 14:02:58 ... don't believe any arguements about things happening in the future 14:03:10 q+ 14:03:11 ... this is supposed to be widely implemented spec and easy 14:03:23 ... we should stick with it and carry on with the program 14:03:32 hugo: but nobody is using it 14:03:44 jonathan: what are you suggesting? 14:03:45 Allen has joined #ws-addr 14:03:53 jeff: don't move on till we have an implementation 14:04:30 hugo: i don't understand that -- we have 3 (or 5) impl. and no one is using it 14:05:10 jeff: either yank it out or implement it 14:05:31 jonathan: i've a positioin that is compatible with that 14:06:07 paul: test cases haven't been written 14:06:19 dhull: lets be consistent 14:06:24 It appears that there are no test cases for section 6.4.1 14:06:31 ... i don't want to cherry-pick 14:06:38 q? 14:06:39 q+ 14:07:09 paul: we have a number of testcases bound to contributions from MS/IBM/myself/Hugo/Philippe -- we don't give good coverage to this area (faulting) 14:07:27 ... it could be one fault or multiple fault 14:07:40 ... don't know the reasons for test cases for a few faults and not all 14:07:53 ... each fault code implies a processing model 14:08:35 ... each of these has a high cost 14:08:47 ... my company position to yang it out 14:09:01 dhull: in that case we have to yank out other things too 14:09:06 s/yang/yank/ 14:09:29 ack dh 14:09:30 q+ 14:09:45 dhull: are there test cases for actionnotsupported and endpointunavailable 14:09:48 http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/addr/testsuite/testcases/ 14:10:30 dhull: how do u know that the implementation is behaving properly 14:10:38 q+ 14:10:48 ack do 14:11:38 daveo: is it a question of creating testcases or impl. just don't support it 14:11:53 q+ to ask for break 14:12:19 daveo: lets have the WG members write tests 14:12:30 http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/addr/testsuite/features/ 14:12:38 q? 14:12:50 daveo: standardized fault is important 14:14:15 14:39:12 dhull has joined #ws-addr 14:45:18 prasad has joined #ws-addr 14:45:21 anish has joined #ws-addr 14:45:23 jeffm has joined #ws-addr 14:46:53 Scribe: anish 14:47:19 q- 14:47:23 bob: we are trying to figure out appropriate way to move forward on the fault codes 14:47:57 ... one suggestion is to take all of non-tested/unimplemented faultcodes and to remove them from the normative spec and put it in a non-normative note 14:48:13 ... all of the faults in section 6 that are not tested 14:48:24 dhull: actually all the optional faults (with no MUST) 14:49:32 umit: why not create a non-normative fault codes 14:49:46 jeff: need faultcodes for interop 14:50:07 q+ 14:50:18 jeff: helps to have std codes 14:50:23 dhull: that is the idea 14:50:27 uyalcina has joined #ws-addr 14:50:27 Nilo has joined #ws-addr 14:50:29 ... but nothing normative 14:50:48 paul: i favor note, non-normative appendix has a cost 14:50:52 ... wrt errata 14:51:21 ... expectation is that it will grow 14:51:43 ... these are soap fault that are useful 14:52:38 tom: non-Required faults are still normative for the clients 14:52:39 q+ 14:52:48 I do not prefer a note, one spec is enough for implementors as a reference. All of our implementors are confused how many specifications docs are out there, what their status is, etc. 14:52:51 jeff: i don't understand the packaging argument 14:52:52 ack tr 14:53:23 paul: i can pick up the ws-addr spec with 2 pages as opposed to 6 pages 14:53:38 q- 14:53:52 jeff: there should be normative in the sense that they are defined by the rec 14:54:41 q+ 14:55:40 paul: endpointnotavailable can be catch for a lot of things 14:55:50 q+ 14:55:51 jeff: is helpful so that one can have a switch 14:56:18 we seem to be mixing the concept of whether we can test the error generating conditions and whether the codes may be useful for users. 14:56:31 paul: want more of vendor specific codes 14:57:06 ... if the semantics can be nailed down -- which is a lot of work 14:57:14 jeff: u don't have to test them 14:57:37 bob: if the spec were to include the other non-must faults, those may be impossible/hard to test 14:57:43 dorchard has joined #ws-addr 14:57:44 jeff: we could write a test for that 14:57:49 bob: we might 14:58:07 TRutt has joined #ws-addr 14:58:09 pauld has joined #ws-addr 14:58:11 dhull: fault is not the feature 14:58:28 ack hu 14:58:40 hugo: we are talking about section 4 and it is useless, times time, helps interop etc 14:58:56 s/4/5 14:59:03 ... put them on the whiteboard and find out which are releated to MUST, whether there is a test, implemented etc 14:59:22 q- 14:59:37 q? 14:59:51 ack uy 15:00:08 umit: where are we going with the classification? 15:01:02 ... i'm worried that eliminating subcodes. Would like to compare with schema. Would like to keep most of the codes 15:01:37 s/compare with/compare their use how XML schema codes were useful with XML Schema implementations/ 15:02:05 15:08:22 dhull has joined #ws-addr 15:10:06 MarkB has joined #ws-addr 15:22:57 jonathan: one of the difficulties with testing is that it is hard to create bad messages 15:23:32 paul: not people writing test cases 15:23:43 q? 15:23:54 dorchard has joined #ws-addr 15:23:58 section 6 says "[Details] The detail elements, use of the specified detail elements is REQUIRED. If absent, no detail elements are defined for the fault.", but I don't think any of the faults really gives any REQUIRED detail elements. They either say nothing or say MAY. 15:25:04 paul: my understanding was that implementations don't implement features in time, they are gone 15:25:13 Lets be fair here. WSDL binding just went to LC and some of the fault codes were added recently after Japan at Vancouver. 15:25:33 Hugo's table: 15:25:34 q+ 15:25:40 Problem hdr - Must:N Test:Y Impl:N 15:25:40 Problem Hdr QN - Must:N Test:Y Impl:Y 15:25:40 Problem IRI - Must:N Test:Y Impl:N 15:25:40 Problem Action - Must:N Test:N Impl:N 15:25:40 Retry After - Must:N Test:N Impl:N 15:25:41 Invalid Addr Hdr - Must:Y Test:Y Impl:Y 15:25:43 Inv Addr - Must:Y Test:N Impl:N 15:25:45 Inv EPR - Must:Y Test:N Impl: 15:25:47 Inv. Cardinality - Must:Y Test:Y Impl:Y 15:25:49 Miss Addr in EPR - Must:Y Test:N Impl: 15:25:51 Dup MID - Must:N Test:N Impl: 15:25:53 Action Mismatch - Must:Y Test:N Impl: 15:25:55 Only Anon - Must:Y Test:N Impl: 15:25:57 Only Non-Anon - Must:Y Test:N Impl: 15:25:59 Message Adr Hdr Req - Must:Y Test:Y Impl: 15:26:01 Dest. Unreachable - Must:N Test:N Impl:N 15:26:03 Action Not Supported - Must:N Test:N Impl:N 15:26:05 Endpoint Unavailable - Must:N Test:N Impl:N 15:26:22 ack dh 15:26:58 s/Message Adr Hdr Req - Must:Y Test:Y Impl:/Message Adr Hdr Req - Must:Y Test:Y Impl:N/ 15:28:46 bob: we do not specify behavior 15:29:22 GlenD has joined #ws-addr 15:31:24 hugo: my proposal is to keep the ones with 'Must' and they seem to be implemented and figure out what to do with the rest 15:32:05 katy: we should be able to look and them and remove if not needed 15:32:33 umit: i pushed 2 error codes cause they are related to WSDL 15:32:38 agenda question, what else is after the test cases? 15:33:47 jonathan: if we can have a written proposal that can be reviewed by our engineers that would be good 15:33:52 ... and look at it tomorrow 15:34:18 those two error codes came in late in Vancouver, they are relevant for the WSDL binding. 15:35:15 I do not believe we have two implementations who have implemented each of these faults in the same way 15:35:37 WSDL Binding can develop it's own faults 15:35:46 s/it's/its/ 15:36:06 q+ to reconsider whether a standard spelling with no standard semantics is helpful or harmful 15:36:29 ack dh 15:36:29 dhull, you wanted to reconsider whether a standard spelling with no standard semantics is helpful or harmful 15:37:08 daveh: the reason for have the last three fault codes in hugo's table was to not to have a must around it, but have the spelling available for interop 15:37:14 s/have/having/ 15:37:33 ... we could just pull the 3 out 15:38:23 bob: proposal -- 15:38:34 ... Define normatively two faults that MUST be implemented 15:38:46 ... 1)Invalid Adr Header; subfaults move to note 15:38:54 ... 2) message Adr Hdr req 15:39:06 ... 3) move all other non-MUST fualts to a note 15:40:41 ... 0) drop Dest unreachable, Action not supported and Endpoint unavailble faults 15:41:06 For the record, I'll be in and out tomorrow AM then absent in the PM for other WG/TAG meetings.. 15:42:29 dhull: 0 is separate decision 15:42:40 bob: any opposition 15:42:41 non 15:42:45 s/non/none/ 15:43:00 -Mark_Little 15:43:02 RESOLUTION: accepted (0) in bob's proposal 15:44:42 jeff: don't agree that it should be in the note 15:45:02 umit: what if there are in a non-normative appendix 15:45:30 jeff: i want to be able to be count on these codes as a client 15:46:03 katy: david thinks that we can remove more codes 15:47:11 s/david/David Illsley/ 15:47:12 s/david/davidI/ 15:48:08 bob: there are a lot of flavor of Invalid Addr Hdr 15:49:32 marc has joined #ws-addr 15:49:34 jeff: normativeness means we reserve this slot in the NS 15:50:23 hugo: we have done the generic category of Invalid Addr Hdr 15:50:39 ... don't find the necessity to test the details 15:50:47 bob: we have tested at least one detail 15:53:52 paul: unhappy camper 15:54:30 ... i went with the consensus in Boston with the assumption that based on implementors experience we'll rip it out if needed 15:55:00 ... would like to express my objection and get it on record 15:55:45 ... i would like to remove all rows that are optional 15:56:29 ... it is half-baked, we slapped it in there 15:56:54 ... it should not be in there 15:57:49 jeff: in corba there were predefined codes which were hints to users 15:57:49 q+ 15:58:20 paul: this will come back an bite us 15:59:19 umit: we have two fault codes related to WSDL. WSDL isn't even in CR 16:00:09 paul: i feel strongly about remove these codes, but i'm willing to move on cause we need to get done 16:00:32 ... error codes need to be machine processable 16:00:40 jeff: other reasons to have error codes too 16:01:15 q+ katy 16:01:24 16:03:11 dhull: intellence systems can go thru logs and do interesting things. So this is helpful 16:05:01 disconnecting the lone participant, TP_Iles_B, in WS_AddrWG(TP)3:00AM 16:05:01 dhull: i do agree that our processing model is weak (wrt codes) 16:05:02 q+ to find out exactly what we are planning to remove 16:05:02 WS_AddrWG(TP)3:00AM has ended 16:05:04 Attendees were TP_Iles_B, Mark_Little 16:05:18 q? 16:07:17 q? 16:07:21 katy: in response to Paul, agree with what he is saying, but we are down to only two faults 16:07:52 ... we got these subcodes/details, they will just fall out depending on what we decide 16:07:56 q- 16:08:32 ... we have - subcodes instead of throwing them into a note we should step thru them and see if they are needed 16:09:48 ... why not move the anon/non-anon faults to wsdl 16:10:09 umit: we tell people when they are required but they are valid independent of that 16:18:57 katy: problem action is not a fault, it is a detail 16:19:24 bob: ah, it is part of invalid header hdr 16:19:30 Bob's new proposal: 16:20:05 1) invalid Adr header; tested one detial, leave the rest of the details (internal rationalization) 16:20:13 2) message Adr Hdr req kept 16:20:31 3) move all other non-MUST faults to a note 16:22:39 dhull: i don't want to revisit closed issues 16:23:02 Bob's new new proposal: 16:23:08 1) invalid Adr header; tested one detial, leave the rest of the details (internal rationalization) 16:23:23 2) message Adr Hdr req kept 16:24:43 bob: we will close this tomorrow morning 16:25:03 ... tomorrow we are going to begin with the test report 16:25:23 jonathan: our report is looking better, but will be better to have more vendor online 16:25:38 bob: we also have wsa:From and source endpoint 16:25:46 ... identified as at risk features 16:26:55 16:27:01 bob has left #ws-addr 16:27:04 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/03/02-ws-addr-minutes.html anish 16:27:35 zakim, who is on? 16:27:35 I don't understand your question, anish. 16:27:42 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:27:42 apparently WS_AddrWG(TP)3:00AM has ended, anish 16:27:43 On IRC I see marc, GlenD, dorchard, MarkB, dhull, TRutt, Nilo, jeffm, anish, prasad, Jonathan, vikas, Katy, RRSAgent, Zakim 16:27:51 bob_ has joined #ws-addr 16:29:23 TRutt has left #ws-addr 16:29:32 bob_ has joined #ws-addr 16:29:55 bob_ has joined #ws-addr 16:30:49 bob_ has joined #ws-addr 16:31:04 MarkB has left #ws-addr 16:35:02 bob has joined #ws-addr 16:47:26 rrsagent, make logs public 16:47:47 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:47:47 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/03/02-ws-addr-minutes.html bob 17:01:43 bob has left #ws-addr 17:04:51 dhull has joined #ws-addr 17:07:40 dhull_ has joined #ws-addr 17:12:41 dhull_ has joined #ws-addr 17:18:50 dhull_ has joined #ws-addr 17:40:41 dhull_ has joined #ws-addr 19:56:19 dhull_ has joined #ws-addr 20:13:35 dhull_ has joined #ws-addr 20:25:37 Zakim has left #ws-addr 20:30:40 dhull_ has joined #ws-addr 20:31:33 dhull_ has joined #ws-addr 21:06:53 dhull_ has joined #ws-addr