Device Coordination What is device coordination? Everyone has their own view. One view is accessing a device from web scripts. It could also be in something else e.g. markup. What about security concerns, browsers operate in a sandbox. Answer - browsers need a policy-based mechanism. Aside on bluetooth virus to someone walking through an airport and was pestered until he said yes to the bluetooth bonding request. Device coordination may have a broader meaning to some people. Principally messaging between devices as a means to coordinate activities. Does the discovery mechanism need to understand how the discovered entity fits into a workflow? Are really talking about devices and what are devices anyway? Surely, we are more interested in services? Dave suggests that discovery is about resources as a more general concept above devices, services and data. You may want to discover a capability that is only satisfied by an aggregation of services. Would you go for searching for an aggregator or a planner? Johan notes that printers already aggregate a range of services. But what about behavior that is emergent from an aggregation that is assembled upon demand. Franklin likes the idea of a planner that figures out what aggregation needs to done. Example of transcoding PPT to PDF via a web service that you can search for. Johan notes that some devices can't support a planner on account of limited resources. Dave responds that it can be delegated to HTTP servers and can be anywhere, even on another continent. Caching may be useful for perfomance reasons, e.g. keeping the top ten solutions. Anything that can reduce the planning space helps. Planning has been worked on for many many years. What hasn't been worked on is how the requirements to be addressed by the discovery is done. Ad hoc discovery works well on the web today thanks to the vast amount of content out there and the effectiveness of search engines. Franklin proposes a working definition of device coordination as: There needs to be some set of representations of information about devices and services, and secondly, there needs to be some means to use this information to create a solution to the request. There may be commercial pressures to direct the search in ways that benefit particular businesses. Karl notes that users may indicate preferences in how requests are satisified in particular contexts, e.g. when walking around a city. Johan reckons that a reputation based mechanism for figuring who to ask requests would be valuable. Don notes that location information is a valuable piece of context. Dave says that this is something that has been discussed a lot in W3C work on DCI, with the use of 3rd party services to transform location information and the need to keep things simple for application developers. Registering your preferences with websites is also important. There is huge market in providing information about visitors to websites especially ecommerce sites. Different applications have different requirements for location e.g. different precision. Karl notes that you may be willing to provide context data to sites according to a set of policy rules. This would reduce the need to repeated registation of personal information. Johan talks about robots which unlike humans have very little understanding of the context. Dave walks through his smart meeting use case which involves combing multiple sources of information about employees, offices, calendars and meeting rooms. Franklin agrees that that could work, but feels that in other more informal settings, guessing goes wrong too often to be worthwhile. Dave reckons that given enough people they will find some novel and yet valuable applications. This needs a basic framework in which applications can leverage. Context awareness doesn't mean you have to give everything up. It is important to pick a good set of use cases for the work on developing a device coordination to succeed. For humans, lying and cheating is a feature not a bug, says Karl. Intentially misrepresenting the truth is ...