IRC log of swbp on 2006-01-09

Timestamps are in UTC.

17:54:16 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #swbp
17:54:16 [RRSAgent]
logging to
17:54:22 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #swbp
17:54:28 [RalphS]
Meeting: SemWeb BPD WG
17:54:30 [chalaschek]
chalaschek has joined #swbp
17:55:03 [RalphS]
17:55:14 [RalphS]
RalphS has changed the topic to: 9 Jan SWBPD WG agenda is
17:57:53 [dwood]
dwood has joined #swbp
18:00:33 [RalphS]
zakim, this is swbp
18:00:34 [Zakim]
ok, RalphS; that matches SW_BPD()1:00PM
18:00:40 [RalphS]
zakim, who's on the phone?
18:00:40 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Phil_Tetlow, Ralph
18:00:42 [Zakim]
18:00:56 [Zakim]
18:00:58 [Zakim]
18:01:00 [jeremy]
jeremy has joined #swbp
18:01:01 [Zakim]
18:01:05 [jeremy]
jeremy has joined #swbp
18:01:10 [RalphS]
zakim, [umd] is ChrisH
18:01:10 [Zakim]
+ChrisH; got it
18:01:21 [RalphS]
Chair: DavidW
18:01:31 [dbooth]
dbooth has joined #swbp
18:01:39 [dbooth]
zakim, who is here?
18:01:39 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Phil_Tetlow, Ralph, Evan_Wallace, DBooth, ChrisH, David_Wood
18:01:42 [Zakim]
On IRC I see dbooth, jeremy, dwood, chalaschek, Zakim, RRSAgent, RalphS
18:02:03 [JeffP]
JeffP has joined #swbp
18:02:28 [jacco]
jacco has joined #swbp
18:02:46 [RalphS]
Regrets: Benjamin, GaryNG, Brian, Tom
18:02:59 [Zakim]
18:03:01 [benadida]
benadida has joined #swbp
18:03:11 [PhilT]
PhilT has joined #swbp
18:03:15 [RalphS]
zakim, ??p6 is JeffP
18:03:15 [Zakim]
+JeffP; got it
18:03:33 [Zakim]
18:03:49 [raphael]
raphael has joined #swbp
18:03:56 [raphael]
hi everybody
18:04:14 [jeremy]
(sorry problems with phone - five mins or so)
18:04:16 [benadida]
zakim, mute me
18:04:16 [Zakim]
Ben_Adida should now be muted
18:04:28 [ekw]
ekw has joined #swbp
18:04:45 [Zakim]
18:04:58 [RalphS]
zakim, ??p8 is Raphael
18:04:58 [Zakim]
+Raphael; got it
18:04:59 [dbooth]
Meeting: Semantic Web Best Practices
18:05:01 [Zakim]
18:05:03 [jacco]
zakim,mute me
18:05:03 [Zakim]
Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen should now be muted
18:05:04 [dbooth]
Chair: DWood
18:05:33 [RalphS]
zakim, nominate a scribe
18:05:33 [Zakim]
Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose JeffP
18:05:44 [RalphS]
zakim, who's on the phone?
18:05:44 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Phil_Tetlow, Ralph, Evan_Wallace, DBooth, ChrisH, David_Wood, JeffP, Ben_Adida (muted), Raphael, Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen (muted)
18:05:51 [dbooth]
zakim, mute me
18:05:51 [Zakim]
DBooth should now be muted
18:06:11 [dbooth]
zakim, unmute me
18:06:11 [Zakim]
DBooth should no longer be muted
18:06:54 [RalphS]
Scribe: Jeff
18:06:55 [dwood]
Scribe: JeffP
18:07:03 [dbooth]
zakim, mute me
18:07:03 [Zakim]
DBooth should now be muted
18:07:12 [dwood]
PROPOSED to accept the minutes of the 12 December 2005 telecon:
18:07:12 [dwood]
18:07:29 [dbooth]
Topic: 1. ADMIN (15 min)
18:07:48 [Zakim]
18:08:15 [RalphS]
zakim, ??p10 is Deb
18:08:15 [Zakim]
+Deb; got it
18:08:17 [JeffP]
ralph: the action items might not be proper
18:08:33 [jacco]
jacco has joined #swbp
18:08:42 [JeffP]
ralph: suggest accept them and revise them later
18:09:11 [JeffP]
dwood: second ralph
18:09:17 [Elisa]
Elisa has joined #swbp
18:09:21 [JeffP]
dwood: no objection
18:10:04 [Zakim]
18:10:12 [RalphS]
zakim, [sophia] is Fabien
18:10:12 [Zakim]
+Fabien; got it
18:10:25 [Zakim]
18:10:25 [FabGandon]
FabGandon has joined #swbp
18:10:38 [Elisa]
zakim, please mute me
18:10:48 [Zakim]
Elisa_Kendall should now be muted
18:10:58 [RalphS]
zakim, please mute raphael
18:10:59 [Zakim]
Raphael should now be muted
18:11:05 [dbooth]
Topic: 2.1 Proposed resolution httpRange-14
18:11:10 [dbooth]
zakim, unmute me
18:11:10 [Zakim]
DBooth should no longer be muted
18:11:11 [FabGandon]
zakim, please mute me
18:11:11 [Zakim]
sorry, FabGandon, I do not see a party named 'FabGandon'
18:11:29 [RalphS]
zakim, nick fabgandon is fabien
18:11:29 [Zakim]
ok, RalphS, I now associate FabGandon with Fabien
18:11:43 [dwood]
dwood has joined #swbp
18:11:47 [JeffP]
dwood: jacco, any comments?
18:11:51 [FabGandon]
zakim, please mute me
18:11:51 [Zakim]
Fabien should now be muted
18:12:19 [JeffP]
... about httpRange-14
18:12:35 [JeffP]
Jacco: no further commentss besides what have been said
18:12:42 [Jacco_]
Jacco_ has joined #swbp
18:13:01 [RalphS]
q+ to note connection with VM deliverable
18:13:33 [Zakim]
18:13:33 [dbooth]
18:13:40 [jeremy]
Zakim, IPCaller is me
18:13:40 [Zakim]
+jeremy; got it
18:13:42 [GiorgosStamou]
GiorgosStamou has joined #swbp
18:13:46 [jeremy]
Zakim, mute me
18:13:46 [Zakim]
jeremy should now be muted
18:13:47 [dwood]
18:13:48 [Jacco_]
zakim, mute me
18:13:48 [Zakim]
Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen should now be muted
18:13:53 [dwood]
ack RalphS
18:13:53 [Zakim]
RalphS, you wanted to note connection with VM deliverable
18:14:03 [JeffP]
ralph: worry about having a new doc now
18:14:19 [Zakim]
+ +30210772aaaa
18:14:21 [GiorgosStamou]
happy new year!
18:14:52 [GiorgosStamou]
Zakim, +30210772aaaa is me
18:14:52 [Zakim]
+GiorgosStamou; got it
18:15:05 [JeffP]
ralph: but we should record what people say
18:15:09 [dbooth]
ack dbooth
18:15:11 [dwood]
ack DBooth
18:15:18 [GiorgosStamou]
Zakim, mute me
18:15:18 [Zakim]
GiorgosStamou should now be muted
18:15:23 [JeffP]
david: second ralph
18:15:29 [JeffP]
... and would like to help
18:15:49 [JeffP]
... some clarification might be good
18:17:02 [JeffP]
dwood: are you willing to propose it in the mailing list?
18:17:07 [JeffP]
david: yep
18:17:14 [dbooth]
18:17:22 [dbooth]
18:17:32 [JeffP]
dwood: thanks
18:17:40 [dbooth]
ACTION: DBooth to propose TAG clarification questions around httpRange-14
18:17:54 [RalphS]
Topic: 2.2 DAWG
18:17:55 [Jacco_]
zakim, mute me
18:17:55 [Zakim]
Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen was already muted, Jacco_
18:18:02 [Jacco_]
zakim, un]mute me
18:18:05 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'un]mute me', Jacco_
18:18:32 [JeffP]
Jacco: basically I don't have problem with Describe
18:18:36 [dbooth]
s/2.2 DAWG//
18:18:49 [JeffP]
... but don't think it should be in the core language
18:19:28 [dbooth]
zakim, mute me
18:19:28 [Zakim]
DBooth should now be muted
18:19:57 [dbooth]
Topic: 2.3 OMG: ODM review
18:20:02 [Jacco_]
zakim, mute me
18:20:02 [Zakim]
Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen should now be muted
18:20:06 [jeremy]
Zakim,unmute me
18:20:06 [Zakim]
jeremy should no longer be muted
18:20:12 [Elisa]
zakim, unmute me
18:20:12 [Zakim]
Elisa_Kendall should no longer be muted
18:20:48 [Elisa]
Elisa has joined #swbp
18:20:48 [JeffP]
Jeremy: not been done
18:21:05 [JeffP]
Elisa: I saw an email from Gary
18:21:29 [JeffP]
... and I will contact Jeremy and make sure he gets the correct chapter
18:21:29 [aliman]
aliman has joined #swbp
18:21:33 [Elisa]
zakim, mute me
18:21:33 [Zakim]
Elisa_Kendall should now be muted
18:21:35 [jeremy]
Zakim, mute me
18:21:35 [Zakim]
jeremy should now be muted
18:21:45 [dwood]
18:21:54 [Elisa]
zakim, unmute me
18:21:54 [Zakim]
Elisa_Kendall should no longer be muted
18:22:03 [Zakim]
18:22:05 [Zakim]
+Alistair_Miles (was ??P13)
18:22:05 [JeffP]
2.5 Other
18:22:07 [dbooth]
ACTION: garyng and jeremy to review OWL chapter of ODM review by 9 jan 2006 [] [PENDING]
18:22:09 [dbooth]
zakim, unmute me
18:22:09 [Zakim]
DBooth should no longer be muted
18:22:20 [aliman]
zakim, alistair is really me
18:22:20 [Zakim]
+aliman; got it
18:22:44 [RalphS]
-> Review of WSDL 2.0 - RDF Mapping [DBooth 2005-12-22]
18:23:29 [JeffP]
dbooth: the mapping doc is mostly not done
18:24:15 [JeffP]
... so more reviews are needed once the mapping doc is done
18:24:50 [JeffP]
Elisa: even the ontology is also partially done
18:25:01 [JeffP]
... agree with dbooth
18:26:15 [PhilT]
Good point...I agree
18:26:58 [JeffP]
dwood: anyone knows the schedule?
18:27:04 [JeffP]
dbooth: don't know
18:27:34 [RalphS]
kudos to DBooth for his review
18:27:35 [JeffP]
dwood: will check with bijan
18:27:39 [Elisa]
zakim, mute me
18:27:39 [Zakim]
Elisa_Kendall should now be muted
18:27:57 [dbooth]
zakim, mute me
18:27:57 [Zakim]
DBooth should now be muted
18:28:13 [JeffP]
18:28:33 [dbooth]
s/3/Topic: 3/
18:28:58 [dbooth]
Topic: 3.1 PORT - Porting Thesaurii to RDF and OWL (Alistair)
18:29:59 [Elisa]
zakim, unmute me
18:29:59 [Zakim]
Elisa_Kendall should no longer be muted
18:30:27 [JeffP]
Aliman: previously port TF was not planning to do the 3rd round of publications
18:30:40 [JeffP]
... but if we can expect an extension of the the WG
18:30:46 [JeffP]
... we can try
18:31:06 [dbooth]
zakim, unmute me
18:31:06 [Zakim]
DBooth should no longer be muted
18:31:34 [dwood]
dwood has joined #SWBP
18:31:46 [JeffP]
3.2 OEP - Ontology Engineering and Patterns (Deb/Chris)
18:31:57 [dbooth]
s/3.2/Topic: 3.2/
18:31:59 [RalphS]
Topic: 3.2 OEP - Ontology Engineering and Patterns
18:32:34 [dwood]
Elisa will take over from Chris as OEP TF co-chair
18:32:39 [JeffP]
Deb: actions items, JeffP sent a review
18:33:00 [jeremy]
Zakim,unmute me
18:33:00 [Zakim]
jeremy should no longer be muted
18:33:17 [dbooth]
zakim, mute me
18:33:17 [Zakim]
DBooth should now be muted
18:33:21 [jeremy]
Zakim, mute me
18:33:21 [Zakim]
jeremy should now be muted
18:33:39 [JeffP]
... the next step is to ...
18:33:50 [JeffP]
... I agree with ...
18:33:53 [Elisa]
zakim, mute me
18:33:53 [Zakim]
Elisa_Kendall should now be muted
18:34:12 [JeffP]
... the review of .. is continuing
18:34:30 [JeffP]
the action item by JeffP is complete
18:35:25 [jeremy]
sorry my review of qcr is still to do,please contiinue action
18:35:48 [JeffP]
ralph: I propose to drop Dan's action
18:36:01 [JeffP]
Deb: I am fine with it
18:36:43 [JeffP]
dwood: what's the plan for the next month for OEP?
18:37:03 [JeffP]
Deb: should check with Chris
18:37:21 [JeffP]
... give me an atction
18:37:36 [JeffP]
ACTION: Deb to report the plan of OEP
18:37:56 [Elisa]
nothing more from me, thnks
18:38:16 [RalphS]
it appears to me that DanBri's action to investigate spatial relations work in SWIG came from the Galway f2f
18:38:38 [jeremy]
Zakim,unmute me
18:38:38 [Zakim]
jeremy should no longer be muted
18:38:43 [JeffP]
Topic 3.4 XSCH - XML Schema Datatypes (Jeremy)
18:38:43 [dbooth]
Topic: 3.4 XSCH - XML Schema Datatypes (Jeremy)
18:38:55 [dbooth]
s/Topic: 3.4 XSCH - XML Schema Datatypes (Jeremy)//
18:39:08 [dbooth]
18:39:09 [JeffP]
Jeremy: needs to talk to JeffP about the different opinions
18:39:52 [dbooth]
JeffP: We more or less agree on what is needed.
18:40:01 [RalphS]
12-December meeting record records "[DONE] ACTION: jeremy to contact jeff re resolving the XSD issues"
18:40:27 [RalphS]
apparently Jeremy feels this action is still PENDING
18:40:59 [RalphS]
[PENDING] ACTION: jeremy to contact jeff re resolving the XSD issues
18:41:02 [dlm]
dlm has joined #swbp
18:41:28 [dbooth]
JeffP: I will email Jeremy to arrange phone conversation about this.
18:41:34 [jeremy]
Zakim, mute me
18:41:34 [Zakim]
jeremy should now be muted
18:41:53 [dbooth]
Topic: 3.5 VM - Vocabulary Management (TomB)
18:42:18 [dwood]
ack Ralph
18:43:27 [JeffP]
Ralph: having some way to include the rational from the cookbook would be good
18:44:32 [dbooth]
zakim, mute me
18:44:32 [Zakim]
DBooth was already muted, dbooth
18:44:47 [JeffP]
aliman: agree with ralph
18:45:01 [JeffP]
... still half way reading the doc
18:45:21 [JeffP]
Ralph: can we publish the draft next telecon?
18:45:44 [JeffP]
... we had two reviewers
18:46:10 [dbooth]
zakim, unmute me
18:46:10 [Zakim]
DBooth should no longer be muted
18:46:34 [JeffP]
dbooth: ralph changes the doc after my review
18:46:35 [aliman] review from andreas, forwarded by tomB
18:46:47 [JeffP]
Ralph: you should wait till later version
18:47:22 [dbooth]
zakim, mute me
18:47:22 [Zakim]
DBooth should now be muted
18:47:45 [benadida]
zakim, unmute me
18:47:45 [Zakim]
Ben_Adida should no longer be muted
18:47:50 [dbooth]
Topic: 3.6 HTML - Embedding RDF in HTML (Ben)
18:48:03 [JeffP]
ben: I am here finally :-)
18:48:16 [JeffP]
... we have produced a new draft
18:48:38 [dbooth]
zakim, unmute me
18:48:38 [Zakim]
DBooth should no longer be muted
18:49:07 [JeffP]
... the doc is available today
18:49:24 [JeffP]
Ralph: GaryNG and Dbooth to review it
18:49:48 [dbooth]
zakim, mute me
18:49:48 [Zakim]
DBooth should now be muted
18:49:59 [JeffP]
Ben: the goal of the doc is the one doc published through this task force in the WG
18:50:38 [JeffP]
... the other doc will move to the html WG(?)
18:51:13 [JeffP]
dwood: any comments?
18:51:40 [JeffP]
Ben: people send them to the mailing list too
18:51:41 [jeremy]
Zakim,unmute me
18:51:41 [Zakim]
jeremy should no longer be muted
18:51:53 [jeremy]
Zakim, mute me
18:51:53 [Zakim]
jeremy should now be muted
18:52:02 [JeffP]
dwood: action items?
18:52:31 [jeremy]
Zakim,unmute me
18:52:31 [Zakim]
jeremy should no longer be muted
18:52:37 [jeremy]
Zakim, mute me
18:52:37 [Zakim]
jeremy should now be muted
18:52:50 [JeffP]
Jeremy: my action is not done
18:53:13 [dwood]
18:53:34 [benadida]
zakim, mute me
18:53:34 [Zakim]
Ben_Adida should now be muted
18:53:57 [dbooth]
Topic: 3.8 RDFTM - RDF/Topic Maps Interoperability (Steve)
18:54:46 [JeffP]
Ralph: during the mail conversation, there will be no change of doc status
18:55:35 [JeffP]
... the WG approves the draft is now a WG note
18:56:18 [JeffP]
.. it has been discussed in previous meeting
18:56:24 [dbooth]
zakim, unmute me
18:56:24 [Zakim]
DBooth should no longer be muted
18:56:31 [JeffP]
dwood: I remember the WG agree to it
18:56:50 [JeffP]
Ralph: I was present in the meeting
18:57:03 [RalphS]
-> incomplete meeting records regarding rdftm-survey document transition
18:57:13 [JeffP]
... we can reapprove it
18:57:32 [dbooth]
zakim, mute me
18:57:32 [Zakim]
DBooth should now be muted
18:57:45 [JeffP]
dwood: resolved, no objection
18:57:49 [RalphS]
PROPOSE: WG transition to WG Note status
18:58:58 [JeffP]
Ralph: there will be no changes in the contents
18:59:20 [JeffP]
dwood: resolved the above proposal
18:59:36 [RalphS]
-> my query to Valentina
18:59:38 [JeffP]
Ralph's action item is done
18:59:47 [RalphS]
-> Valentina's reply
19:01:07 [JeffP]
dwood: I will propose a precedure to close the WG (to Guus and Ralph)
19:01:18 [JeffP]
Ralph: that will be fine
19:01:34 [jeremy]
q+ to note we already have such a process
19:01:46 [dbooth]
Topic: 3.9 Tutorial Page
19:01:56 [jeremy]
Zakim,unmute me
19:01:57 [Zakim]
jeremy should no longer be muted
19:02:03 [jeremy]
Zakim, mute me
19:02:03 [Zakim]
jeremy should now be muted
19:02:08 [JeffP]
dwood: can we discuss that at the end, Jeremy?
19:02:15 [JeffP]
Jeremy: no problem
19:02:34 [dbooth]
Topic: 3.10 SE - Software Engineering
19:02:56 [JeffP]
Phil: we have gone through a final review of the OO Primer draft
19:03:11 [JeffP]
... and we ask for WG publishment
19:03:22 [JeffP]
19:03:36 [JeffP]
... we had some feedback from Grady
19:03:53 [Elisa]
I also provided feedback on this one ... and my comments were addressed
19:04:04 [JeffP]
... which are more about the context
19:04:08 [Elisa]
zakim, unmute me
19:04:08 [Zakim]
Elisa_Kendall should no longer be muted
19:04:21 [PhilT]
OOP Primer can be found at
19:04:31 [JeffP]
Elisa: I review on behalf of the WG
19:04:47 [jeremy]
Zakim,unmute me
19:04:47 [Zakim]
jeremy should no longer be muted
19:05:20 [Elisa]
zakim, mute me
19:05:20 [Zakim]
Elisa_Kendall should now be muted
19:05:45 [JeffP]
dwood: we want to make sure all the comments are satisfied
19:05:54 [RalphS]
-> [SE] comments on primer [Jeremy 2005-11-15]
19:06:42 [jeremy]
Zakim, mute me
19:06:42 [Zakim]
jeremy should now be muted
19:07:15 [JeffP]
Ralph: propose to accept it on condition that Jeremy checks his comments
19:07:23 [JeffP]
dwood: resolved
19:07:29 [RalphS]
PROPOSE to publish as a WG Note contingent upon Jeremy's satisfaction with response to his review
19:07:35 [JeffP]
19:08:12 [JeffP]
action of Guus is droped
19:08:29 [GiorgosStamou]
Zakim, unmute me
19:08:29 [Zakim]
GiorgosStamou should no longer be muted
19:08:41 [JeffP]
Topic 3.11 MM - Multimedia Annotation
19:08:42 [Jacco_]
zakim, unmute me
19:08:44 [Zakim]
Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen should no longer be muted
19:08:54 [Zakim]
19:09:04 [RalphS]
Topic: 3.11 MM - Multimedia Annotation
19:09:05 [JeffP]
Jacco: we cannot hear you Giorgos
19:09:30 [JeffP]
... we asked Guus to do the second review
19:09:41 [GiorgosStamou]
Sorry for this
19:09:42 [JeffP]
... it is half review, mostly editorial
19:09:56 [RalphS]
-> [MM] Review (partial): Image annotation on the Semantic Web [Guus 2006-01-09]
19:09:57 [JeffP]
... should wait for the second half
19:10:17 [JeffP]
... and then do the change and propose to change its status
19:10:24 [dwood]
Giorgos: no problem
19:10:34 [dwood]
19:10:49 [Zakim]
19:11:20 [JeffP]
Jacco: the question is if we can have a conditional approval
19:11:33 [JeffP]
dwood: who is the first reviewer?
19:11:41 [JeffP]
Jacco: Mike
19:11:56 [Jacco_]
zakim, mute me
19:11:56 [Zakim]
Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen should now be muted
19:11:56 [JeffP]
dwood: I prefer we have two full reviews
19:12:01 [Jacco_]
zakim, unmute me
19:12:01 [Zakim]
Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen should no longer be muted
19:12:09 [JeffP]
... do we have any more reviews?
19:12:12 [JeffP]
Jacco: no
19:12:42 [Jacco_]
19:12:50 [JeffP]
... I sent a called for requirements
19:13:00 [JeffP]
(the above link)
19:13:42 [RalphS]
(ACTION Ralph to cite relevant CG meeting records regarding SemWeb Education & Outreach discussions [recorded in]
19:13:48 [RalphS]
-- this came from the f2f
19:13:49 [GiorgosStamou]
Zakim, mute me
19:13:49 [Zakim]
GiorgosStamou should now be muted
19:14:53 [JeffP]
Jacco: to describe multimedia ontologies
19:15:26 [JeffP]
dwood: if the TF wants the WG have a position, then have a TF position first
19:15:39 [JeffP]
.. then send it to the WG
19:16:01 [JeffP]
Jacco: or shall we give a personal opinions
19:16:08 [JeffP]
dwood: up to the TF
19:16:22 [GiorgosStamou]
Ok thanks, it is clear
19:16:48 [Jacco_]
19:17:04 [chalaschek]
Jan. 24
19:17:08 [JeffP]
Ralph: deadline is Jan 24
19:17:22 [JeffP]
... it is not practical to have WG position
19:17:24 [GiorgosStamou]
we can ask for an extension
19:18:18 [Zakim]
19:18:39 [JeffP]
Ralph: if we can have an extension and the TF believes it is critical to have a WG position
19:19:09 [JeffP]
... I am inclined to send personal comments
19:19:19 [GiorgosStamou]
19:19:25 [chalaschek]
ok with me
19:19:28 [JeffP]
Jacco: agreed since it is not crucial
19:19:33 [JeffP]
Jeff: fine
19:19:58 [JeffP]
Action by Guus is done
19:20:49 [GiorgosStamou]
Action by Gus is partially done
19:21:02 [JeffP]
thanks, Giorgos
19:21:18 [GiorgosStamou]
thanks Jacco
19:21:20 [Jacco_]
zakim, mute me
19:21:21 [Zakim]
Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen should now be muted
19:21:22 [JeffP]
dwood: AOB
19:21:31 [jeremy]
Zakim,unmute me
19:21:31 [Zakim]
jeremy should no longer be muted
19:21:36 [JeffP]
... procedure comments from Jeremy
19:22:13 [jeremy]
Zakim, mute me
19:22:13 [Zakim]
jeremy should now be muted
19:22:21 [jeremy]
I'll scribe that
19:22:31 [JeffP]
OK, thanks
19:22:38 [jeremy]
Jeremy: the world view task force TF was closed by the simple process of
19:22:52 [jeremy]
a proposal from a WG member, and voted on by WG.
19:23:03 [jeremy]
Obviously with adequate notice
19:23:21 [JeffP]
Ralph: there is a TP in France
19:23:28 [dbooth]
Topic: Upcoming Meetings
19:23:29 [JeffP]
last week of Feb and first week of march
19:23:33 [RalphS]
27 Feb - March 3 Tech Plenary
19:24:02 [JeffP]
Ralph: Mar 2-3 for SWBPD
19:24:41 [jeremy]
which other WG conflict: DAWG, RIF?
19:25:36 [JeffP]
... both Guus and David could be there
19:25:50 [JeffP]
could not be there
19:26:08 [dbooth]
s/could be there/could not be there/
19:26:24 [JeffP]
thanks, dbooth
19:27:48 [RalphS]
one option is for March 2 & 3 to be a joint SWBPD and SWIG meeting
19:29:00 [JeffP]
Jeff: no conflict with RIF
19:29:15 [RalphS]
-> Member Events Calendar
19:30:11 [JeffP]
dwood: thank you all and adjourn
19:30:13 [Zakim]
19:30:15 [Zakim]
19:30:17 [Zakim]
19:30:19 [Zakim]
19:30:20 [Zakim]
19:30:20 [Zakim]
19:30:21 [Zakim]
19:30:22 [Zakim]
19:30:24 [Zakim]
19:30:37 [Zakim]
19:30:46 [dbooth]
zakim, bye
19:30:46 [Zakim]
leaving. As of this point the attendees were Phil_Tetlow, Ralph, Evan_Wallace, DBooth, David_Wood, ChrisH, JeffP, Ben_Adida, Raphael, Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen, Deb, Fabien,
19:30:46 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #swbp
19:30:49 [Zakim]
... Elisa_Kendall, jeremy, GiorgosStamou, Alistair_Miles, aliman
19:31:00 [raphael]
raphael has left #swbp
19:31:05 [dbooth]
rrsagent, draft minutes
19:31:05 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate dbooth
19:31:15 [dbooth]
rrsagent, make log public
19:31:31 [dbooth]
rrsagent, bye
19:31:31 [RRSAgent]
I see 3 open action items saved in :
19:31:31 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: DBooth to propose TAG clarification questions around httpRange-14 [1]
19:31:31 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:31:31 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: garyng and jeremy to review OWL chapter of ODM review by 9 jan 2006 [] [PENDING] [2]
19:31:31 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:31:31 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Deb to report the plan of OEP [3]
19:31:31 [RRSAgent]
recorded in