14:55:15 RRSAgent has joined #swbp 14:55:15 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/01/03-swbp-irc 14:55:22 ah we have a call? no agenda? 14:55:34 hi, Jeremy. happy new year. 14:55:47 I'm not sure if we agreed to have a telecon today or not. 14:56:02 happy new year. I'll change my config now, back in a sec 14:56:59 jjc has joined #swbp 14:57:16 hmmm, i'm now jjc 14:58:46 MarkB has joined #swbp 14:59:19 greetings, Mark; happy 2006 14:59:21 Happy new year everyone! 14:59:25 Hi Ralph. 14:59:31 I take it we have a call then? 14:59:43 Jeremy and I aren't sure either 14:59:46 (or are you just still logged on from 2005?) 15:00:01 but as there are 3 of us here, we should meet! 15:00:04 Suits me if we don't, to be honest. 15:00:08 Oh...ok. 15:00:11 ;) 15:00:20 can be short, expectation-setting 15:00:28 ok 15:00:40 (also informal if Ben doesn't arrive) 15:01:10 i'm dialing 15:01:33 SW_BPD(rdfxhtml)10:00AM has now started 15:01:39 +Ralph 15:01:40 +[IPcaller] 15:01:51 Zakim, IPcaller is me 15:01:51 +jjc; got it 15:02:31 +??P11 15:02:33 zakim, i am ? 15:02:33 +MarkB; got it 15:04:54 Previous: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf/2005Dec/0028.html 15:05:04 Meeting: SWBPD RDF-in-XHTML TF 15:07:50 Ralph: I suggest we add to the SOTD of the Editor's Draft a sentence saying that we expect this spec to be folded into the XHTML 2.0 specification. 15:08:17 ... and along with that sentence we can provide a link to the HTML WG Patent Disclosure page, per the XHTML 2 WD http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2002/Disclosures 15:09:44 Jeremy: note that my implementation of the initial draft has now been in the public archive for over a year 15:14:41 Jeremy: do we expect SWBPD telcons to end this month? 15:15:48 Ralph: no, I am anticipating an extension to the SWBPD WG charter to focus on completing specific tasks, including RDF-in-XHTML 15:16:30 Jeremy: CURIE question may be the most controversial still 15:17:26 Mark: we had a suggestion to move the details of CURIE to one place in the document 15:17:38 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2005OctDec/0349.html 15:20:31 Jeremy: it was late in the schedule to be making those sorts of editorial suggestions 15:22:10 Ralph: do we expect to check-in new edits before the SWBPD telecon on 9 Jan? 15:23:31 ... or do we ask the WG to review whatever version exists at that time? 15:23:45 Mark: I'm reluctant to proceed with WG review of the current editor's draft 15:25:02 Jeremy: I think the most critical item for us is to present the CURIE issue in the way we want 15:30:37 -MarkB 15:30:39 -jjc 15:30:58 Jeremy: for future telecons I'll have to leave at 5mins before the top of the hour 15:31:08 Mark: could we consider moving this telecon 1 hour earlier? 15:31:12 -Ralph 15:31:14 SW_BPD(rdfxhtml)10:00AM has ended 15:31:15 Attendees were Ralph, jjc, MarkB 15:31:30 JeremyCarroll has left #swbp 15:31:52 Ralph: I have another telecon just before this but I can query that group about swapping the time slots 15:32:42 [adjourned] 15:32:51 rrsagent, please make this log public 15:42:07 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:42:07 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/01/03-swbp-minutes.html RalphS 17:25:53 Zakim has left #swbp 18:57:34 MarkB has left #swbp 19:20:00 rrsagent, bye 19:20:00 I see no action items