Standard RIF must support normative rules
Full Statement
Standard RIF must be able to express normative rules. An example of such a rule is An EU-Rent customer can rent at most one car at a time, which defines restrictions within the business of the car rental company EU-Rent. Normative rules are also called structural rules in the business rules community and integrity constraints in the database community.
Position in the DC structure
Level: [Requirement] [PROPOSED]
A considerable number of use cases pose this requirement on RIF; examples of such use cases are Rule-Based Reactive Organizer, Rule-Based Intelligent Guiding, Organizing a Vacation with Friends.
Also, this requirement is found in the section on different types of rules of RIFUCR - List of Classified Requirements (with Duplicate Elimination) and in The requirements listed during the brain storming sessions at F2F2.
RIF without that is of limited use for me
PaulaLaviniaPatranjan, JosDeRoo, FrançoisBry