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The RIF-PRD action language determines what can appear in the action part in a rule supported by RIF-PRD.

In the first part of this section, the syntax of RIF-PRD action language is specified non-normatively: the normative reference for the XML syntax is the [ XML schema].

In the second part, the normative semantics of RIF-PRD action language is specified.


The overall structure of the syntax used in the RIF-PRD action language is depicted on the following diagram.

RIF-PRD defines one single abstract class for actions: ACTION, that is realised by five concrete constructs:

The following sections specify each construct separately, grouped by abstract syntactic classes. Each element is given an XML syntax, in the form of a BNF pseudo schema; a presentation syntax, in the form of an EBNF production; and an informal semantics. None of these is normative: the normative XML syntax is given in the [ RIF-PRD XML schema] and the normative semantics is given in the section [ Operational semantics].


The ACTION class of constructs is used to represent the actions that are intended as a consequence of firing a production rule.

This version of RIF-PRD covers five ACTIONs: Assert, Remove, Update, Execute and Assign.

XML Syntax. As an abstract class, ACTION is not associated with specific XML markup in RIF-PRD instance documents. It is specified in the normative schema as a substitution group.

    [ Assert | Remove  | Update  | Execute  | Assign ]

Presentation syntax.

   ACTION ::= Assert | Remove | Update | Execute | Assign


The Assert construct is used to represent actions that result in asserting an atomic statement.

XML Syntax. The Assert element has one target sub-element that contains a construct from the ATOMIC group, which represents the atomic statement to be asserted on implementing the action.

       <target> ATOMIC </target>

Presentation syntax.

   Assert ::= ' ASSERT ( ' ATOMIC ' ) '

Informal semantics. The Assert contruct is used to represent actions that result is an atomic statement, represented by the ATOMIC content of the Assert's target sub-element, being true; and that have no effect if that atomic statement was already true before the action.


The Remove construct is used to represent actions that result in negating an atomic statement.

XML Syntax. The Remove element has one target sub-element that contains a construct from the ATOMIC group that represents the atomic statement to be removed on implementing the action.

       <target> ATOMIC </target>

Presentation syntax.

   Remove ::= ' REMOVE ( ' ATOMIC ' ) '

Informal semantics. The Remove contruct is used to represent actions that result is an atomic statement, represented by the ATOMIC content of the Remove's target sub-element, not being true anymore; and that have no effect if that atomic statement was not true before the action.


The Update construct is used to represent actions that result in updating an atomic statement.

XML Syntax. The Update element has one target sub-element that contains a construct from the ATOMIC group that represents the atomic statement to be updated on implementing the action.

       <target> ATOMIC </target>

Presentation syntax.

   Update ::= ' UPDATE ( ' ATOMIC ' ) '

Informal semantics. From the specification of OMG PRR-OCL [ PRR]: "Some operations modify the state of objects and others do not. If the modified objects are in the scope of the engine, the engine must be notified that the objects state has been modified to be able to compute the list of eligible rules. It is not possible from the operation call to determine automatically what objects will be modified so it may be necessary in the rule to explicitly notify the engine."


The Execute is used to represent actions that result in the execution of a procedural attachment.

XML Syntax. The Execute element has one op sub-element that represents the symbol of the procedural attachement to be executed on implementing the action, followed by zero or more arg sub-elements that represent its arguments:

       <op> TERM </op>
       <arg> TERM </arg>*

Presentation syntax.

   Execute ::= ' EXECUTE { ' op  ' ( ' arg* ' ) } '

Builtin operations. TBD

Informal semantics. The Execute contruct is used to represent actions that result in the execution a procedural attachement, identified by the TERM content if the Execute's op sub-element and applied to the arguments represented by the TERM content of its arg sub-elements, if any. The value that results from executing the procedural attachment, if any, is lost, so that only the possible side-effects have an impact. Resulting changes may or may not impact the truth value of other statements.

The semantics of the procedural attachments is always specified outside of a RIF instance document where they appear.

The op TERM must represent a constant symbol of type rif:iri that must uniquely identify the operation to be applied to the arg TERMs. It can be one of the builtin operations specified for RIF-PRD, or it can be application specific. In the latter case, it is up to the producers and consumers of RIF-PRD rulesets that reference non-builtin operationsto agree on their semantics.

Arguments out of the domain of definition. An operation can be successfully executed only if its arguments are within the operation's domain of definition. For arguments out of its domain of definition, the result of executing an operation is not defined.

RIF-PRD does not specify any expected behaviour for that case: it is the responsibility of the consummer of a RIF-PRD ruleset to know the expected behaviour or to handle the error.


The Assign construct is used to represent actions that result in a value being assigned to a property of an individual.

XML Syntax. The Assign element has one target sub-element that contains a Frame that represents an object-attribute-value, where the "value" has to be assigned to the "attribute" of the "object" on implementing the action.

       <target> Frame </target>

Presentation syntax.

   Assign ::= ' SET ( ' Frame ' ] ) '

Informal semantics. The Assign contruct is used to represent actions that result in assigning a value to a given property of a given individual, as represented by the Frame content of the Assign's target sub-element, replacing the previous one, if any; and that have no effect otherwise.

In other terms, the represented action results in the atomic statement represented by the Frame content of the Assign's target sub-element being true, and in any conflicting atomic statement about the value of the same property for the same individual not being true anymore.

Operational semantics

Data sources

The operational semantics of the ACTION constructs is specified with respect to the state of the specified data sources (or fact base) after the actions they represent have been implemented.

For the purpose of specifying the operational semantics of RIF-PRD, the data sources are considered collectively to be a collection of ground ATOMICs named WM: as specified in section [ operational semantics of CONDITIONs], the WM is assumed to represent explicitely, in the form of ground ATOMICs, all the relevant information and knowledge that is available to the consumer of a RIF-PRD instance document.

In particular, the WM is assumed to contain a special Executable element, defined, for the purpose of specifying the operational semantics of the RIF-PRD action language only, to contain the set of ground Execute statements, where the Const content of the op and args sub-elements represent a (ground) procedural attachments that has a semantics.

Implementors are responsible for making sure that the RIF-PRD translation of action statements preserves their native semantics, according to the operational semantics for RIF-PRD ACTIONs that is specified below, and subject to a consistent translation of the specified data sources.

Conformant implementations MUST translate ACTIONs retrieved from RIF-PRD in such a way that their native evaluation against the specified data sources preserves their semantics, according to the operational semantics for RIF-PRD ACTIONs that is specified below, and subject to a consistent translation of the specified data sources.

The following sections specify the normative operational semantics of each construct separately, grouped by abstract syntactic classes.


The sections below specifies the operational semantics of the constructs of the ACTION class, where they have one.

An ACTION does not have an operational semantics in RIF-PRD if any of its sub-element does not have an operational semantics in RIF-PRD.

An ACTION that does not have an operational semantics in RIF-PRD cannot be successfully implemented.


The successful implementation of an Assert ACTION results in the ATOMIC content of its target sub-element being true.


The successful implementation of a Remove ACTION results the ATOMIC content of its target sub-element not being true.


The successful implementation of an Update ACTION results in TBD


An Execute element E matches a ground Execute sub-element E_g in the Executable element of the WM iff:

  1. the TERM content of the op sub-element of E matches any Const that matches the Const content of the op sub-element of E_g;

  2. and the TERM content of each of the arg sub-elements of E matches any Const that matches the Const content of the same position arg sub-element of E_g.

An Execute element that does not match a ground Execute sub-element in the Executable element of the WM does not have an operational semantics in RIF-PRD.

The successful implementation of an Execute ACTION results in the operation executed by the Const content of op sub-element of the ground Execute sub-element of the Executable element of the WM that the Execute ACTION matches being executed with the arguments represented by the TERM content of its arg sub-elements.

The successful implementation of an Execute ACTION may or may not have side-effects that may or may not result in changes in the WM: the effects that are intended from the execution of RIF-PRD builtin opĂ©rations are specified in [ the section where the are specified]. It is the responsibility of the consumer of a RIF-PRD instance document to know what are the intended effects of executing application-specific operations.


The successful implementation of an Assign ACTION results in: