ISSUE-6: Comments & Suggestions on several Requirements
Comments & Suggestions on several Requirements
- State:
- Product:
- (no longer used) Design Constraints (Goals, Requirements)
- Raised by:
- Dave Reynolds
- Opened on:
- 2006-08-15
- Description:
- Raised by: Dave Reynolds. Posted by: Deborah Nichols [DLN].
The following items need to be addressed individually:
1. Requirements \"compliance model\" and \"default behaviour\" should be
combined I think. [closed at 9/12 telecon]
2. Similarly, \"implementability\" and \"standard components\" could be
merged. [clsoed at 10.10.06 telecon]
3. [closed at 9/19/06 telecon] Requirement \"XML types\" needs rephrasing,
I think this is supposed to
specifically refer to XML Schema datatypes, \"information types\" is too
ambiguous for me. I suggested a phrasing in: However, I
guess that\'s a bit long compared to the other entries in section 4. How
about: \"RIF must support an appropriate set of scalar datatypes and associated
operations as defined in XML Schema part 2 and associated specifications\" ? or
just \" ... operations as defined in appropriate W3C specifications\"
(Pointer back to Dave’s original email
[This was item 3 in:]
- Related Actions Items:
- No related actions
- Related emails:
- No related emails
Related notes:
wrt 6.2 - At the 9/19/06 telecon, WG tended to agree that these terms differ
in meaning and should not be merged; Chris W. was assigned an action to
clarify the difference between them, before this issue is closed. [Note by
Deborah Nichols]
Telecon 26/9/06 - agreement to resolve 6.2 by not merging the two requirements
but clarifying their respective meanings according to ChrisW explanation. Issues
to be clsoed as soon as text modified in UCR (depending on action 125 being closed).
Re: ACTION 114: Clarify implementation and standard components reqs from Francis
McCabe on 2006-10-04 ( from October 2006)
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