Master slide Date/Time Footer Drawing Drawing Graphic Slide Drawing ITS Working Group Drawing  Allow for identification of non-translatable text. Drawing Group Graphic Group Drawing At the VISTA console, submit a job to print. (Refer to “Submitting a Job” in Chapter 5.) Drawing At the operator control panel, make sure the printing system is in Make-Ready mode. The MAKE-READY/RUN indicator should not be lit. Press the START button to sound the horn. The MAKE READY / RUN indicator flashes. At the third beep, press the START button again. The START indicator remains lit and paper movement begins. Drawing When the web reaches minimum print speed, the test pattern prints. Press the MAKE-READY/RUN button to place the printing system in Run mode and start printing the live test pages. The MAKE-READY/ RUN indicator should be lit. Drawing < para > Press the START button to sound the horn. The MAKE-READY/ RUN indicator flashes.