            Copyright: Copyright 1998-2005  W3C (MIT, ERCIM, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
See http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/.
Author: Sjoerd Mullender
            Version: $Id: param_ORA.smil.html,v 1.1 2005/06/20 23:51:11 tmichel Exp $
             Module: Media Object
            Feature: param element
          File Name: param_ORA.smil
   Media Components: None
  Expected Behavior: Two texts on a red background.
                     The first text is displayed in the default text
                     color, the second is displayed in blue.
<smil xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/SMIL21/Language">
       <layout type="text/smil-basic-layout">
         <region id="r1" top="0px" left="0px" height="200" width="400" backgroundColor="red"/>
         <region id="r2" top="200px" left="0px" height="200" width="400" backgroundColor="red"/>
            <text src="data:,This%20is%20text%20using%20the%20default%20foreground%20color." dur="7s" region="r1"/>
            <text src="data:,This%20is%20text%20using%20a%20different%20foreground%20color." dur="7s" region="r2">
                 <param name="fgcolor" value="blue"/>