ACTION-602: Raise an issue on how useful this spec will be without HTTP extensions of some form

Raise an issue on how useful this spec will be without HTTP extensions of some form

Jo Rabin
Due on:
November 27, 2007
Created on:
November 20, 2007
Associated Product:
Guidelines for Web Content Transformation Proxies
Related emails:
  1. [minutes] Thursday 13 December Teleconf (from on 2007-12-13)
  2. RE: ISSUE-227 (When is new technology 'new technology'?): How Useful will the CT Guidelines Doc be, without extensions to HTTP? [Content Transformation Guidelines] (from on 2007-11-21)
  3. RE: ISSUE-227 (When is new technology 'new technology'?): How Useful will the CT Guidelines Doc be, without extensions to HTTP? [Content Transformation Guidelines] (from on 2007-11-21)
  4. ISSUE-227 recap and continuation [was RE: FW (from Bryan): ISSUE-227 (When is new technology 'new technology'?): How Useful will the CT Guidelines Doc be, without extensions to HTTP? [Content Transformation Guidelines]] (from on 2007-11-21)
  5. RE: ISSUE-227 (When is new technology 'new technology'?): How Useful will the CT Guidelines Doc be, without extensions to HTTP? [Content Transformation Guidelines] (from on 2007-11-21)
  6. FW (from Sean Patterson): ISSUE-227 (When is new technology 'new technology'?): How Useful will the CT Guidelines Doc be, without extensions to HTTP? [Content Transformation Guidelines] (from on 2007-11-21)
  7. FW (from Bryan): ISSUE-227 (When is new technology 'new technology'?): How Useful will the CT Guidelines Doc be, without extensions to HTTP? [Content Transformation Guidelines] (from on 2007-11-21)
  8. FW: ISSUE-227 (When is new technology 'new technology'?): How Useful will the CT Guidelines Doc be, without extensions to HTTP? [Content Transformation Guidelines] (from on 2007-11-21)
  9. FW: ISSUE-227 (When is new technology 'new technology'?): How Useful will the CT Guidelines Doc be, without extensions to HTTP? [Content Transformation Guidelines] (from on 2007-11-21)
  10. RE: ISSUE-227 (When is new technology 'new technology'?): How Useful will the CT Guidelines Doc be, without extensions to HTTP? [Content Transformation Guidelines] (from on 2007-11-20)
  11. RE: ISSUE-227 (When is new technology 'new technology'?): How Useful will the CT Guidelines Doc be, without extensions to HTTP? [Content Transformation Guidelines] (from on 2007-11-20)
  12. ISSUE-227 (When is new technology 'new technology'?): How Useful will the CT Guidelines Doc be, without extensions to HTTP? [Content Transformation Guidelines] (from on 2007-11-20)
  13. [minutes] Minutes of the Content Transformation Task Force, 2007-11-20 (from on 2007-11-20)

Related notes:

No additional notes.

Display change log.

Jo Rabin <>, Daniel Appelquist <>, Chairs, Dominique Hazaël-Massieux <>, François Daoust <>, Staff Contacts
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: 602.html,v 1.1 2011/01/10 15:19:06 dom Exp $