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Notes on scribing

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IRC Sessions to Real Readable Notes

Before the Meeting Commences:

Step 1: Invite trackbot, Zakim and RRSAgent

  • /invite trackbot #owea
  • trackbot, start telcon

Trackbot will invite the other bots, Zakim and RRSAgent, and initialize the telcon.

Step 2: Set Meeting Info

Important to do:

  • Zakim, this will be OWEA
  • ScribeNick: IRC_screen-name (example - scribenick: gsims)
  • meeting: OWEA XG Teleconference
  • chair: Real_Name (example - chair: Steph Troeth)


  • RRSAgent, set logs world-visible (for groups with open proceedings)
    • RRSAgent, set logs member-visible (for member-confidential minutes)
  • scribe: IRC-nick
  • agenda: URI
  • Previous: URI (provides pointer to last minutes)
  • present: <names separated by commas>
  • regrets: <names separated by commas>
  • RRSAgent, pointer? (gives location of IRC log)
  • zakim, save agenda (after agenda entered)
  • zakim, Wrong_Name is Correct_Name

During the Meeting:

  • Topic: blah blah blah (will create headers in minutes and TOC)
  • Indicate who said what by prefixing that line with their username (john: words of wisdom). You can just type "j" and tab, and IRC will fill in the rest.
  • trackbot, status? (shows the users trackbot knows about)
  • ACTION: TrackbotName ActionText - DueDate
  • RESOLVED: [info]
  • RESOLUTION: [info]
  • zakim, phone-number is IRC-nick
  • zakim, mute me
  • zakim, unmute me
  • correction syntax: s/teh/the
    • note: correction syntax for the IRC tracker is a sub-set of sed
  • q+ (puts you in the speaker queue)
  • q- (remove yourself from the speaker queue)
  • q+ to ask ...
  • q+ to say ...
  • present+ Real_Name (to add late arrivals)
  • present- PhoneCode (to remove coded IDs)
  • regrets+ Real_Name for last minute regrets
  • RRSAgent, pointer? (gives location of IRC log)
  • zakim, choose a victim (randomly assigns a task to a participant)
  • Switching Scribes:
    • ScribeNick: IRC_nick
    • after-the-fact: i/Text_Where_Scribe_Changed/ScribeNick: IRC_name
  • RRSAgent, drop action # (to drop a malformed action)
  • close ISSUE-# (how to close an issue from IRC)
  • close ACTION-# (how to close an action item from IRC)
  • trackbot, status? (shows the users trackbot knows about)

After the Meeting Adjourns:

The scribe can simply use trackbot to end the telcon, like this:

  • trackbot, end telcon

Seriously...just type trackbot, end telcon. No need to type the stuff below, it happens automatically.

Trackbot, in turn, will initiate the following commands:

  • Turn RRSAgent Logging Off
    • use the following command to turn RRSAgent's logging function off, so that any bot instructions or side chatter that follows the meeting's adjournment are not included in the meeting's log:
      • RRSAgent, stop
  • Creating Minutes:
    • RRSAgent, create minutes
    • note: the following 5 commands are synonyms:
      • RRSAgent, draft minutes
      • RRSAgent, format minutes
      • RRSAgent, generate minutes
      • RRSAgent, make minutes
      • RRSAgent, publish minutes

Dismissing Zakim and RRSAgent

1) zakim, please part (this will result in the output of attendees)

NOTE: non-staff members who are acting as scribe MUST effect any changes or corrections BEFORE dismissing RRSAgent; staff can edit slash manipulate minutes by appending a comma and the word tools to the URI for the minutes - for example:


NOTE: the naming syntax for the automatically generated documents is:


2) after dismissing zakim, issue an "RRSAgent, draft minutes" command to ensure that the attendees list is correctly populated -- use the plus (+) and minus (-) syntax to add or delete attendees, regrets, etc. -- remember that you MUST issue an "RRSAgent, draft minutes" command in order for the bot to execute your instructions -- every time you do so, be sure to REFRESH the document in the browser instance in which you are reviewing the draft minutes

3) Very Last Step: RRSAgent, please part (logs actions and resolutions)

4) email HTML and IRC log pointers to public-xg-owea@w3.org (including a text dump of the minutes is optional, although appreciated by many)

5) Say good-bye to trackbot trackbot, leave