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  • Line 1140: "The Federal Environment Agency of Germany (UBA) [1@@@CITE@@@] has a long tradition of knowledge organization"...missing link? -> [AI] the hyperlink is http://www.umweltbundesamt.de/
  • Line 1175: "...provided by Owen Stephens, as well as the data guide itself, which provided the basis for several cases.(@@link@@)" ... missing link? -> [AI] no, "(@@link@@)" can be removed -> [JS] Agree. but since the link is on the first part of the sentence, revise to the following: We also gratefully acknowledge information Owen Stephens provided about the JISC Open Bibliographic Data Guide, as well as the data guide itself, :which provided the basis for several cases.
  • Move the use case report to http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/XGR-lld-usecase-[Date]/
  • Abstract: "In Linked Data, data is expressed using the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs)." -> "In Linked Data, data is expressed using standards such as Resource Description Framework (RDF), which specifies relationships between things, and Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs)"
  • Toc + Section 4. Remove numbers from the use cases (4th-level sections). This will really make the ToC more readable, and the body less awkward (many generalized use case sections are 2-3 lines long, only)
  • ToC + Section 5. Remove "Use Case " from all headers. *No need* to change the html id of each section, of course.
  • ToC + Acks: Acks must be "un-numbered", and upgraded to h1 level. They should not appear in section 5
  • 4.1: "The separate page about this cluster can be found at" -> "The original wiki page created by the Incubator Group members, containing more details about this cluster, can be found at" (I don't think the role of the wiki in the process has been explained before in the report). -> [JS] - Should info about the wiki be included in the "process" section? -> [AI] I hope this line will be enough on the process...
  • 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, etc: "Separate page about this cluster:" -> "Original wiki page about this cluster:" (same motivation as above)
  • [AI] Partly fixed: there's still a "()" after the reference to the case! [ (such as <a href="http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/Use_Case_Community_Information_Service" title="Use Case Community Information Service">Use Case Community Information Service</a>) () ] -> [(such as <a href="#Use_Case_Community_Information_Service" title="Use Case Community Information Service">Use Case Community Information Service</a>) ]
  • 5: For all cases, replace "Full Use Case" by "Original case details". This hints better that the information may be in row form on the linked page, and remove "use" from the "case". Again many of these cases are not "use cases". > [JS] Where does "full use case' appear?
  • 5.7: remove the link to the cluster wiki page. [AI] The link has been beautified. But I don't know why it's there in the first place. It's not there for 5.1, 5.2, etc! I think the one in 5.7 should just be removed.
  • Acks: "LLD XG" -> "Library Linked Data Incubator Group"
  • Resolve the issues with the table: remove one set of links (maybe pushing those under the case number column) -> Peter Murray 18:20, 17 October 2011 (UTC) Don't understand; need more details. [AI] I don't understand either!
  • Beginning: "This Version"/"Latest Published Version" links are missing
  • ToC + 4.2.2 There are still two occurrences of "VIAF (VIAF)" to replace by "Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)".
  • Put borders on tables
  • Line 38: Patent Policy statement goes here