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Dissemination Lists
From Library Linked Data
For any list you add, please indicate whether you can send emails to the list.
- public-esw-thes@w3.org (Antoine) (UC call sent & re-sent) (report call sent)
- semantic-web@w3.org (Antoine) (UC call sent & re-sent) (report call sent)
- dc-general@jiscmail.ac.uk (Antoine) (UC call sent, re-send rejected) (report call sent)
- dc-architecture@jiscmail.ac.uk (Antoine) (UC call sent, re-send rejected) (report call sent)
- ecoterm@jrc.ec.europa.eu (Antoine) (UC call sent & re-sent) (report call sent)
- NKOS-L@OCLC.ORG (Antoine) (UC call sent & re-sent) (report call sent)
- diglib@infoserv.inist.fr (Antoine) (UC call sent & re-sent) (report call sent)
- info-ic@listes.irisa.fr (Antoine) (UC call sent & re-sent) (report call sent)
- public-sweo-ig@w3.org (Antoine) (UC call sent & re-sent) (report call sent)
- public-lod@w3.org (Antoine) (UC call sent & re-sent) (report call sent)
- open-bibliography@lists.okfn.org (ww) (UC call sent) (report call sent)
- code4lib@listserv.nd.edu (ed) (UC call sent); resent by PMurray
- ngc4lib@listserv.nd.edu (ed) (UC call sent); resent by PMurray
- ol-tech@archive.org (kcoyle) (UC call sent) (report call sent)
- web.semantique@lists-sop.inria.fr (Emmanuelle) (UC call sent) (report call sent)
- ifla-l@infoserv.inist.fr (Emmanuelle) (UC call sent)(report call sent)
- direct mailing various Finnish people working in library sector with a Linked Data focus/relation (sent / Kim)
- JESSE@LISTSERV.UTK.EDU (= U.S. LIS education listserv) (Marcia) (UC call sent) (report call sent)
- sigcr-l@asis.org (Marcia) (UC call sent) (report call sent)
- chapters@isko.org and isko-l@lists.gseis.ucla.edu (Marcia) (UC call sent) (report call sent)
- ontolog-forum@ontolog.cim3.net (Marcia) (UC call sent) (report call sent)
- ADBS_WebSemantique@yahoogroupes.fr (Bernard)(report call sent)
- ID@loc.gov (Bernard)
- lis-ukbibs@jiscmail.ac.uk (Gordon) (UC call sent)
- lis-cigs@jiscmail.ac.uk (Gordon) (UC call sent)
- RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA (Gordon) (UC call sent)
- MARC@LISTSERV.LOC.GOV (kcoyle) (report call sent)
- dpla-discussion@eon.law.harvard.edu (kcoyle) (report call already forwarded!)
- JISC-REPOSITORIES@JISCMAIL.AC.UK (Monica) (UC call sent, resent) (report call sent)
- CETIS-METADATA@JISCMAIL.AC.UK (Monica) (UC call sent, resent) (report call sent)
- LIS-UKEIG@JISCMAIL.AC.UK (Monica) (UC call sent, resent) (report call sent)
- Additionally I am sending the call to a number of programme managers at JISC who may forward it to lists used to inform projects funded by JISC or to individual projects working on linked data in the UK. (Monica) (report call sent)
- idealib@jiscmail.ac.uk (ww) (report call sent)
- suncat_open@mlist.is.ed.ac.uk (ww) (report call sent)