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Decision Mtg 25 Agenda

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Decision Meeting #25 Goal & Agenda


The dial-in information for this week's meeting is here. The Decision Incubator Activity is intended to explore the use cases and design of a Decision Representation format (e.g. in XML, RDF, OWL…) available on the wiki along with its use by participants in testbed settings for experiments and exercises. Each meeting will be an opportunity to summarize progress & contributions to the wiki, review next steps and action items, and to review the current representation format.

Summary from the Last Meeting

At our last meeting #24, we reviewed updates to the draft working group charter, and discussed next steps for developing draft final report. The need for doing reachout to potential members and participants was mentioned. The motivating usage scenarios from the draft charter have been added to the wiki. We discussed the need for a section on security which Aaron can lead, and the need for state-of-the-art which Eva offered to start, and Piotr's work can go into the ontology format. The plan is to present the draft at the next meeting and finish at the following. The Draft Final Report has been put on the wiki.

Goal for this Meeting

At this March 24, 2011 meeting of the Decision Incubator, we'll review the new front page on the wiki, we'll review the current status of the draft proposed working group charter, the FAQ, and the Draft Final Report. We'll summarize remaining effort to finish the Draft Final Report for our last meeting as an incubator coming up on April 7.


The following agenda items will be discussed at the next meeting. The topic, time, summary and discussion leader are provided for each agenda item.

(0) Introductions & Agenda Overview (5 min, Jeff)

We'll briefly consider our accomplishments here at our 2nd to the last meeting as an incubator activity.

(1) Walk-thru of New Wiki Front Page and FAQ (5 min Jeff)

Jeff will review the streamlined, concise look of the new Decisions Incubator Front Page. The addition of a few Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) will be reviewed.

(2) Update on Status of Draft Working Group Charter (5 min Jeff Waters)

Jeff will quickly update the group on latest status of draft proposed working group charter. (The Charter would be the guiding document and initial description of the proposed Working Group. After our internal approvals are obtained, the charter will be forwarded to the W3C staff for consideration under their normal process. References describing the process include the following: (1) The W3C Process Document. (2) Working Groups, Interest Groups and Coordination Groups which explains that every working group must have a chair, a charter, a team contact, and an archived mailing list. It also outlines participation requirements. Section 6.2.3 explains that every new charter must be submitted for review and consideration by the Advisory Committee (the primary reps from each member organization). (3) Section 5.6 Activity Proposal describes questions to consider when starting an Activity. Section 6.2.2 says the suggestions for building support around an Activity Proposal apply to charters as well.)

(3) Review of Draft Final Report (15 min Jeff/Eva/All)

We will review the Draft Final Report and remaining work to complete.

(4) Around the Horn (15 min All)

We'll see if we can visit with each of our participants to get an update on latest activities providing inputs and draft paragraphs for the final report.