IRC log of swbp on 2005-12-12

Timestamps are in UTC.

17:53:44 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #swbp
17:53:44 [RRSAgent]
logging to
17:53:46 [RalphS]
zakim, this will be swpbd
17:53:46 [Zakim]
I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled near this time, RalphS
17:53:48 [RalphS]
zakim, this will be swpb
17:53:48 [Zakim]
I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled near this time, RalphS
17:53:55 [RalphS]
zakim, this will be swbp
17:53:55 [Zakim]
ok, RalphS; I see SW_BPD()1:00PM scheduled to start in 7 minutes
17:55:58 [jacco]
jacco has joined #swbp
17:59:15 [Guus]
Guus has joined #swbp
18:00:21 [Guus]
zakim, who is here?
18:00:21 [Zakim]
SW_BPD()1:00PM has not yet started, Guus
18:00:22 [Zakim]
On IRC I see Guus, jacco, RRSAgent, Zakim, BenjaminNguyen, giorgos, RalphS, chalaschek, aliman, danbri
18:01:07 [dwood]
dwood has joined #swbp
18:01:10 [RalphS]
zakim, who's on the call?
18:01:10 [Zakim]
SW_BPD()1:00PM has not yet started, RalphS
18:01:11 [Zakim]
On IRC I see dwood, Guus, jacco, RRSAgent, Zakim, BenjaminNguyen, giorgos, RalphS, chalaschek, aliman, danbri
18:01:23 [RalphS]
zakim, you're confused!
18:01:23 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'you're confused!', RalphS
18:01:27 [RalphS]
zakim, this is sw_bpd
18:01:27 [Zakim]
ok, RalphS; that matches SW_BPD()1:00PM
18:01:30 [RalphS]
zakim, who's on the call?
18:01:30 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Giorgos_Stamou, Guus_Schreiber, Elisa_Kendall, Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen, Ralph, David_Wood
18:01:37 [danbri]
Guus, Dwood, I'm in IRC only at moment... I hope to dial in, but have another commitment to get finished first...
18:01:43 [jacco]
zakim, mute me
18:01:43 [Zakim]
Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen should now be muted
18:02:11 [RalphS]
Meeting: SemWeb Best Practices and Deployment WG
18:02:14 [Zakim]
18:02:15 [RalphS]
18:02:18 [RalphS]
Previous: 2005-11-28
18:02:27 [bwm]
bwm has joined #swbp
18:02:31 [RalphS]
Regrets: Libby, PhilT
18:02:35 [dwood]
zakim, I am David_Wood
18:02:35 [Zakim]
ok, dwood, I now associate you with David_Wood
18:02:35 [Guus]
david, ok, I'm happy to be on the phone now :-)
18:02:35 [dbooth]
dbooth has joined #swbp
18:02:49 [dwood]
Guus, OK.
18:03:02 [Zakim]
18:03:03 [Zakim]
+Alistair_Miles (was ??P6)
18:03:08 [Elisa]
Elisa has joined #swbp
18:03:10 [BenjaminNguyen]
Hi all, on IRC only
18:03:25 [Zakim]
18:03:29 [jacco]
sorry, no headset
18:03:45 [bwm]
Zakim, ??p8 is bwm
18:03:45 [Zakim]
+bwm; got it
18:03:46 [RalphS]
zakim, ??p8 is Brian
18:03:46 [Zakim]
I already had ??P8 as bwm, RalphS
18:04:01 [Zakim]
18:04:02 [Guus]
zakim, who is here?
18:04:03 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Giorgos_Stamou, Guus_Schreiber, Elisa_Kendall, Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen (muted), Ralph, David_Wood, DBooth, aliman, bwm, [IPcaller]
18:04:05 [Zakim]
On IRC I see Elisa, dbooth, bwm, dwood, Guus, jacco, RRSAgent, Zakim, BenjaminNguyen, giorgos, RalphS, chalaschek, aliman, danbri
18:04:31 [RalphS]
zakim, ipcaller is Jeremy
18:04:31 [Zakim]
+Jeremy; got it
18:04:31 [jeremy]
jeremy has joined #swbp
18:04:39 [GaryNg]
GaryNg has joined #swbp
18:04:55 [DeborahM]
DeborahM has joined #swbp
18:05:20 [Zakim]
+ +1.760.476.aaaa
18:05:30 [dwood]
zakim, mute me
18:05:30 [Zakim]
David_Wood should now be muted
18:05:42 [Zakim]
18:05:59 [DeborahM]
i just joined on the phone too
18:06:12 [RalphS]
zakim, aaaa is Gary
18:06:12 [Zakim]
+Gary; got it
18:06:39 [Guus]
zakim, pick a scribe
18:06:39 [Zakim]
Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose aliman
18:07:07 [RalphS]
Scribe: Alistair
18:07:12 [RalphS]
ScribeNick: aliman
18:07:13 [aliman]
zakim, mute me
18:07:13 [Zakim]
aliman should now be muted
18:07:16 [Elisa]
zakim, mute me
18:07:17 [Zakim]
Elisa_Kendall should now be muted
18:07:26 [Zakim]
18:07:27 [dbooth]
Scribe: Alistair
18:07:27 [RalphS]
ScribeNick: aliman_scribe
18:07:49 [Guus]
zakim, who is here?
18:07:49 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Giorgos_Stamou, Guus_Schreiber, Elisa_Kendall (muted), Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen (muted), Ralph, David_Wood (muted), DBooth, aliman (muted), bwm, Jeremy (muted),
18:07:53 [Zakim]
... Gary, Deb_McGuinness, Mike_Uschold
18:07:55 [Zakim]
On IRC I see DeborahM, GaryNg, jeremy, Elisa, dbooth, bwm, dwood, Guus, jacco, RRSAgent, Zakim, BenjaminNguyen, giorgos, RalphS, chalaschek, aliman_scribe, danbri
18:08:08 [chalaschek]
zakim, chalaschek is umd
18:08:08 [Zakim]
sorry, chalaschek, I do not recognize a party named 'chalaschek'
18:08:29 [aliman_scribe]
zakim, unmute me
18:08:29 [Zakim]
sorry, aliman_scribe, I do not see a party named 'aliman_scribe'
18:08:43 [RalphS]
zakim, nick aliman_scribe is alistair
18:08:43 [Zakim]
sorry, RalphS, I do not see a party named 'alistair'
18:08:43 [aliman_scribe]
zakim, aliman is really me
18:08:45 [Zakim]
+aliman_scribe; got it
18:08:46 [RalphS]
zakim, nick aliman_scribe is alinan
18:08:46 [Zakim]
sorry, RalphS, I do not see a party named 'alinan'
18:09:01 [RalphS]
Previous: 2005-11-28
18:09:05 [dwood]
18:09:08 [aliman_scribe]
PROPOSED to accept the minutes of the 28 November telecon:
18:09:09 [aliman_scribe]
Only IRC log available?!
18:09:11 [aliman_scribe]
18:09:11 [Elisa]
second -- I've reviewed them
18:09:12 [aliman_scribe]
PROPOSED next meeting 9 January 2006
18:09:17 [dbooth]
18:09:18 [aliman_scribe]
zakim, unmute me
18:09:18 [Zakim]
aliman_scribe should no longer be muted
18:09:31 [aliman_scribe]
second Mike U
18:09:35 [Elisa]
zakim, unmute me
18:09:35 [Zakim]
Elisa_Kendall should no longer be muted
18:09:46 [aliman_scribe]
resolved to accept minutes of 28 nov telcon
18:10:02 [aliman_scribe]
PROPOSED next meeting 9 January 2006
18:10:17 [aliman_scribe]
hearing no objections, resolved
18:10:51 [aliman_scribe]
Agenda amendments:
18:10:52 [aliman_scribe]
jjc: wants OWL discussion under AOB
18:10:59 [Elisa]
zakim, mute me
18:10:59 [Zakim]
Elisa_Kendall should now be muted
18:11:01 [aliman_scribe]
18:11:03 [aliman_scribe]
2.1 Proposed resolution httpRange-14
18:11:21 [Elisa]
zakim, unmute me
18:11:21 [Zakim]
Elisa_Kendall should no longer be muted
18:11:22 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: Elisa Kendall to review DWood message on
18:11:24 [aliman_scribe]
httpRange-14 resolution:
18:11:25 [aliman_scribe]
18:11:55 [aliman_scribe]
elisa: had a discussion after last telcon ... outcome was I didn't need to do a review ...
18:11:58 [dwood]
It should be marked DONE
18:12:16 [aliman_scribe]
action is DONE
18:12:24 [aliman_scribe]
guus: any other issues?
18:12:32 [dwood]
zakim, unmute me
18:12:38 [Zakim]
David_Wood should no longer be muted
18:13:19 [aliman_scribe]
dbooth: posted additional discussion to list ... we do need other people to have a look ... what i posted is in agreement with what elisa and davidw and i discussed ... what i posted goes further also ... reflects my viewpoints ...
18:13:48 [aliman_scribe]
... can I please have comments from within the group.
18:14:00 [aliman_scribe]
dwood: i'll continue to be involved
18:14:17 [RalphS]
-> RE: httpRange-14: Use Case for RDF [DBooth 2005-12-12]
18:14:31 [aliman_scribe]
.... ralph & dbooth & myself have done some work, but we need WG review before we can take a WG position
18:14:47 [bwm]
18:14:53 [jacco]
i can volunteer
18:14:57 [aliman_scribe]
aliman: would love to, but don't have much time before xmas
18:15:33 [aliman_scribe]
bwm: skimmed david? message, had immediate reaction regarding 'that name doesn't exist' re 404 ...
18:15:47 [dbooth]
18:15:47 [aliman_scribe]
dwood: we softened this statement to 'don't know anything about it
18:16:06 [jacco]
zakim, unmute me
18:16:06 [Zakim]
Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen should no longer be muted
18:16:10 [aliman_scribe]
bwm: will do what I can to comment
18:16:29 [dwood]
s/don't know/I won't tell you/
18:16:30 [aliman_scribe]
jacco: i'll comment, am using t-d-b mechanism in a project
18:16:46 [aliman_scribe]
guus: if both jacco and bwm are willing to have a look?
18:16:49 [aliman_scribe]
bwm: ok
18:17:04 [aliman_scribe]
dbooth: specifically both dwood's message and dbooth's message
18:17:33 [dbooth]
My message to review:
18:17:52 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: bwm and jacco to review dbooth and dwood message re httpRange-14
18:17:54 [jacco]
zakim, mute me
18:17:54 [Zakim]
Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen should now be muted
18:18:01 [dbooth]
David Wood's message to review:
18:18:15 [dbooth]
David Wood's message to review:
18:18:21 [aliman_scribe]
2.2 DAWG
18:18:22 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: Brian to review SPARQL Last Call document
18:18:24 [aliman_scribe]
[recorded in
18:18:25 [aliman_scribe]
18:18:35 [dbooth]
s|David Wood's message to review:||
18:18:38 [jeremy]
q+ to add a little bit about httpRange-14
18:18:47 [ChrisW]
ChrisW has joined #swbp
18:18:54 [aliman_scribe]
bwm: DONE. sent two comments regarding this, one to dawg, one to skos
18:18:58 [jeremy]
q+ to note my DAWG action is done
18:18:58 [aliman_scribe]
action is DONE
18:19:09 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION Jeremy to provide a phrasing about XSDT.
18:19:22 [Zakim]
18:19:28 [ChrisW]
zakim, [ibm] is temporarily me
18:19:28 [Zakim]
+ChrisW; got it
18:19:31 [dwood]
zakim, mute me
18:19:31 [Zakim]
David_Wood should now be muted
18:19:59 [aliman_scribe]
jeremy: action is DONE, sent message to dawg a week ago
18:20:45 [aliman_scribe]
guus: no pending actions for this liason activity (dawg)
18:21:07 [RalphS]
-> Question concerning typed literals in SPARQL [Jeremy 2005-11-30]
18:21:32 [aliman_scribe]
bwm: suggesting comments about DESCRIBE to dawg ... it would be nice if someone would say: yes we agree or not ...
18:21:40 [ChrisW]
elisa, please mute
18:21:46 [bwm]
urls for bwm's comments on dawg
18:22:45 [aliman_scribe]
bwm: dawg don't have consensus on whether DESCRIBE should be part of sparql ...
18:23:07 [aliman_scribe]
but think it would be useful for e.g. WN ... as standalone thing as well as part of sparql.
18:23:11 [jacco]
zakim, unmute me
18:23:11 [Zakim]
Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen should no longer be muted
18:23:15 [aliman_scribe]
guus: useful for other vocabs
18:23:40 [aliman_scribe]
guus: jacco you find this useful?
18:23:55 [aliman_scribe]
jacco: havne't folllowed this. will think about it.
18:24:29 [jacco]
zakim, mute me
18:24:29 [Zakim]
Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen should now be muted
18:24:29 [dwood]
Brian's message says, "However it strikes me that the direct relationship and the closure are
18:24:32 [dwood]
different relationships and it might be best practice, perhaps
18:24:35 [dwood]
generally, perhaps under certain circumstances, to define both." Although implementations have treated those two relationships as different to date, I am not sure that needs to happen. The more I think about it, the more I tend to think that it is a very arbitrary distinction that is an artifact of the data modeling.
18:24:48 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: guus to find out if we have strong use case for DESCRIBE
18:25:26 [RalphS]
s/we/his and Jacco's project/
18:25:47 [aliman_scribe]
jeremy: re httpRange-14 dbooth said ??? re MIME types ??? rdf/html task force ??? action to contact them ???
18:26:15 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: jeremy to contact rdf/html task force re dbooth's position on httpRange-14
18:26:25 [aliman_scribe]
2.3 OMG: ODM review
18:27:35 [aliman_scribe]
elisa: update from the OMG meeting last week, ontology sig ... everyone was happy with it, goal is tomove forward ... OWL DL and OWL Full contraints are still missing ... bijan and peter p-s have agreed to help with this ...
18:27:55 [aliman_scribe]
want someone else to have a look to check ... next doc jan 23rd ...
18:28:14 [aliman_scribe]
specific bit of the doc we need reviewing is OWL DL and Full contraints ....
18:28:28 [aliman_scribe]
anyone in meantime who wants to review the OWL chapter, would be
18:28:51 [aliman_scribe]
... great. OWL review has had less review than RDF section. OWL metamdoel chapter.
18:29:47 [jeremy]
What is the time line for this action?
18:30:04 [aliman_scribe]
garyng: i volunteer to look at OWL section of ODM
18:30:33 [aliman_scribe]
elisa: comments please before second week of jan ... although anything causing a change in the metamodel asap please
18:30:45 [aliman_scribe]
... i have until the 23rd to publish
18:30:55 [aliman_scribe]
jeremy: I can manage 9 jan
18:31:15 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: garyng and jeremy to review OWL chapter of ODM review by 9 jan 2006
18:31:39 [aliman_scribe]
2.4 Protocol and Formats WG request
18:31:50 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: Guus to arrange telecon between himself, Alistair and
18:31:51 [aliman_scribe]
PFWG [recorded in
18:31:53 [aliman_scribe]
18:31:54 [aliman_scribe]
18:31:59 [RalphS]
Regrets+ Jeff
18:32:02 [aliman_scribe]
2.5 Other
18:32:03 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: DBooth and Elisa to review WSDL 2.0 RDF Mapping:
18:32:05 [aliman_scribe]
18:32:16 [aliman_scribe]
CONTINUED for both dbooth and elisa
18:32:25 [aliman_scribe]
18:32:31 [aliman_scribe]
3.1 PORT - Porting Thesaurii to RDF and OWL (Alistair)
18:32:42 [aliman_scribe]
SKOS planning:
18:32:43 [aliman_scribe]
18:32:46 [Elisa]
zakim, mute me
18:32:46 [Zakim]
Elisa_Kendall should now be muted
18:33:31 [RalphS]
Alistair: I suggested that there is not enough time for another SKOS Working Draft before 31 January 2006
18:34:09 [RalphS]
... so our goal should be to augment the issues list during that period
18:34:26 [RalphS]
... if this WG charter is extended we could then do a new Working Draft
18:35:03 [RalphS]
Guus: I think it is extremely likely that there will be some W3C activity supporting SKOS work in the future
18:35:52 [RalphS]
Alistair: I welcome any information that could be given to the SKOS community on how to help with this future chartering
18:36:12 [RalphS]
Guus: the issues list makes a dream start for a WG
18:36:21 [RalphS]
s/issues/issues and proposals/
18:37:43 [aliman_scribe]
3.2 OEP - Ontology Engineering and Patterns (Deb/Chris)
18:37:53 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: Guus to review OWL Time note [recorded in
18:37:54 [aliman_scribe]
18:38:07 [Elisa]
zakim, unmute me
18:38:07 [Zakim]
Elisa_Kendall should no longer be muted
18:38:20 [aliman_scribe]
guus: should I withdraw this action, because too late?
18:38:36 [aliman_scribe]
chris: no, expecting to release a new draft soon, have had several comments
18:38:53 [aliman_scribe]
... not expecting to do any significant work before new year
18:39:07 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: Alistair to review Qualified Cardinality note
18:39:09 [aliman_scribe]
[recorded in
18:39:10 [aliman_scribe]
18:39:21 [aliman_scribe]
Alistair's review
18:39:24 [aliman_scribe]
18:39:51 [aliman_scribe]
guus: jeremy is excused from doing the review
18:40:03 [aliman_scribe]
chris: we did get a review from jeremy
18:40:12 [aliman_scribe]
guus: enough reviews for QCR already
18:40:28 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: Chris to move QCR note to W3C pace
18:40:35 [aliman_scribe]
18:40:50 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: Chris to move todo's to the changes section
18:40:53 [aliman_scribe]
18:41:01 [RalphS]
q+ to asked about part-whole note status
18:41:06 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION Alistair, Jeremy to review QCR note
18:41:08 [aliman_scribe]
18:41:12 [jeremy]
18:41:12 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION Evan to send note to Feng on discussion of semantics
18:41:23 [aliman_scribe]
elisa: Evan completed that?
18:41:34 [RalphS]
ack bwm
18:41:49 [aliman_scribe]
chris: I have no record of that.
18:41:56 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: Evan to send note to Feng on discussion of semantics
18:42:01 [aliman_scribe]
18:42:10 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: Guus to bring issue wrt URI space for ontologies
18:42:12 [aliman_scribe]
to the SWCG
18:42:14 [aliman_scribe]
18:42:25 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: Raphael Georgios S, Fabien, Phil to review Semantic Integration note
18:42:34 [aliman_scribe]
18:42:49 [aliman_scribe]
chris: expect draft by the end of the year
18:42:57 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION Dan to investigate spatial relations work in SWIG
18:43:01 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: Dan to investigate spatial relations work in SWIG
18:43:06 [aliman_scribe]
18:43:27 [Guus]
dan, any progress on action wrt spatial relations?
18:43:34 [aliman_scribe]
18:43:55 [danbri]
guus, no progress.
18:43:58 [aliman_scribe]
guus: current plans & status for oep?
18:44:06 [danbri]
continued; ack'd.
18:44:51 [aliman_scribe]
chris: i need to resign as coordinator of oep tf because i've agreed to chair rules interchange format ... elisa has agreed to take over as co-coordinator of oep ... hope work of oep will continue in rechartered WG ... have not done much since f2f
18:45:08 [aliman_scribe]
guus: what can we wrap up before end of charter?
18:45:34 [RalphS]
ack me
18:45:34 [Zakim]
RalphS, you wanted to asked about part-whole note status
18:45:35 [aliman_scribe]
chris: I wlill work with elisa to get n-ary note and simple parts note to Note (decision already made)
18:45:59 [aliman_scribe]
... part-whole needs editorial stuff ... n-ary note needs a different example at the end
18:46:21 [aliman_scribe]
pat hayes is the person doing the n-ary note, if he doesn't I will ....
18:46:38 [aliman_scribe]
part-whole note i''ll fix it up
18:46:55 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: on Chris and Alan to work with Ralph to make
18:46:56 [aliman_scribe]
part-whole ready for publication
18:47:00 [aliman_scribe]
18:47:14 [aliman_scribe]
guus: end state of QCR note?
18:47:17 [Elisa]
Elisa has joined #swbp
18:47:22 [aliman_scribe]
chris: we didn't make a decision at f2f
18:48:13 [RalphS]
[I see only a handful of HTML validation errors in ]
18:48:14 [aliman_scribe]
aliman: header from my review: I am aware of no serious issues that should prevent this document being published as a Working Draft, or as a Working Group Note.
18:48:17 [Elisa]
zakim, mute me
18:48:17 [Zakim]
Elisa_Kendall should now be muted
18:48:58 [aliman_scribe]
chris: jacco also says ok for Note
18:49:43 [aliman_scribe]
chris: alan has revised draft responding to jacco's comments
18:50:16 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: chris to get revised draft of QCR off alan,
18:50:49 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: Guus to incorporate Alistair's comments into revised draft of QCR draft, based on Alan's revision
18:51:27 [RalphS]
hear! hear! thanks, Chris
18:51:31 [aliman_scribe]
Guus: thanks to Chris as coordinator, very productive task force, best of luck with rules WG
18:51:40 [aliman_scribe]
3.3 WordNet (Aldo)
18:52:11 [aliman_scribe]
Guus: last draft got extensive reviews ... mark van assem is intending to work this week on a revised version ....
18:52:16 [BenjaminNguyen]
(late) review sent in by me, reference :
18:52:20 [jacco]
zakim, unmute me
18:52:20 [Zakim]
Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen should no longer be muted
18:52:35 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: mark van assem to produce revised draft of wordnet document
18:52:58 [aliman_scribe]
guus: major change is to move ??? to an appendix ...
18:53:12 [jacco]
sorry for the echo
18:53:16 [aliman_scribe]
mark will add several pages to the main text describing the worndet model and how to use it
18:53:34 [aliman_scribe]
... brian is this change OK?
18:53:42 [aliman_scribe]
bwm: going in the right direction
18:53:53 [aliman_scribe]
3.4 XSCH - XML Schema Datatypes (Jeremy)
18:53:54 [jacco]
zakim, unmute me
18:53:54 [Zakim]
Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen should no longer be muted
18:53:54 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: Jacco to ask Jeff to clarify his proposal for data
18:53:56 [aliman_scribe]
types (float, decimal, etc.)
18:54:17 [Zakim]
18:54:19 [aliman_scribe]
jacco: i felt jeremey and jeff don't agree on the solution, didn't feel ok with stepping into the discussion
18:54:40 [jacco]
zakim, mute me
18:54:40 [Zakim]
Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen should now be muted
18:54:42 [aliman_scribe]
jeremy: technically me and jeff do not agree
18:55:03 [aliman_scribe]
... we have unresolved issues ... but not sure where the differences are ....
18:55:19 [aliman_scribe]
guus: waste if this prevents us publishing
18:55:21 [jacco]
zakim, unmute me
18:55:21 [Zakim]
Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen should no longer be muted
18:55:33 [aliman_scribe]
jeremy: i should talk with jeff
18:55:39 [aliman_scribe]
Jacco's action is DONE
18:55:59 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: jeremy to contact jeff re resolving the XSD issues
18:56:03 [jacco]
zakim, mute me
18:56:03 [Zakim]
Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen should now be muted
18:56:16 [aliman_scribe]
jacco: jeremy's last proposal seemed like a reasonable soultion
18:56:31 [aliman_scribe]
dbooth: which proposal is most recent?
18:57:00 [aliman_scribe]
jeremy: we have dropped one of the three options
18:57:15 [RalphS]
-> Re: [XSCH/ALL] straw poll options [Jeremy 2005-12-07]
18:57:26 [aliman_scribe]
... I favour the derived datatypes solution ... jeff is favouring the eq soultion with xxx theory ...
18:57:37 [aliman_scribe]
but I don't see how jeff's solution is actually different ...
18:58:15 [aliman_scribe]
3.5 VM - Vocabulary Management (TomB)
18:58:21 [aliman_scribe]
'HTTP Cookbook' editor's draft
18:58:23 [aliman_scribe]
18:58:32 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: dbooth and andreas harth to review 'HTTP cookbook'
18:58:37 [aliman_scribe]
18:59:22 [aliman_scribe]
ralph: the VMTF was hoping to get a preliminary review, to get a preliminary general: 'looks good' ...
18:59:37 [aliman_scribe]
dbooth: will try to do asap
19:00:04 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: TomBaker to add something on where we see the
19:00:05 [aliman_scribe]
Vocabulary Management work going in the future.
19:00:28 [aliman_scribe]
aliman: I know that tom and andreas are in contact, andreas has sent tom some comments re the cookbook, awaiting public comments ...
19:00:40 [aliman_scribe]
19:01:00 [aliman_scribe]
Action on aharth to review cookbook is CONTINUED
19:01:31 [RalphS]
-> [VM] 2005-12-06 Telecon report [TomB 2005-12-09]
19:02:29 [aliman_scribe]
guus: given the revised VMTF description we can consider action on tom & andreas DONE
19:02:37 [aliman_scribe]
3.6 HTML - Embedding RDF in HTML (Ben)
19:02:42 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: Jeremy write a formal description of the CURI
19:02:44 [aliman_scribe]
proposal for WG consideration [recorded in
19:02:45 [aliman_scribe]
19:02:47 [aliman_scribe]
19:02:50 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: DanBri to ask TF for sign-off on putting the draft
19:02:51 [aliman_scribe]
xhtml vocab to the WG for review. [recorded in
19:02:53 [aliman_scribe]
19:03:02 [aliman_scribe]
19:03:09 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: Ben produce schedule for getting RDF/A editor's
19:03:10 [aliman_scribe]
drafts docs ready for WG review [recorded in
19:03:12 [aliman_scribe]]
19:03:18 [aliman_scribe]
19:03:25 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: ben to contact alistair on use of frag id's
19:03:27 [aliman_scribe]
[recorded in
19:03:28 [aliman_scribe]]
19:03:36 [aliman_scribe]
19:03:56 [aliman_scribe]
guus: conerned about progress, hope to get something out by jan
19:04:19 [aliman_scribe]
ralph: ben is working on three docs: rdf/a syntax doc, compact URI spec, RDF/A primer ...
19:04:52 [aliman_scribe]
TF is now hoping that the HTML WG will take control of RDF/A syntax and compact URI docs and incorporate into XHTML2.0 spec ...
19:05:13 [aliman_scribe]
the RDF/A primer is the only one still with SWBP-WG responsibility ...
19:05:46 [aliman_scribe]
TF hopes that when this WG reviews the Primer, then we can get consensus on the RDF/A proposal as a whole ...
19:05:47 [aliman_scribe]
HTML is already in favour.
19:06:09 [aliman_scribe]
Guus: to have the primer as only publication of this WG seems perfectly reasonable
19:06:41 [RalphS]
I said "CURIE proposal" specifically, not "RDF/A proposal" for WG consensus, but the general consensus is applicable also
19:06:50 [aliman_scribe]
... wondering whether the compact URI issue .should be an integrated part of the primer note ...
19:07:04 [aliman_scribe]
I would rather see this as a distinct section that could be plugged out ...
19:07:54 [aliman_scribe]
jeremy: informally you've used qnames as abbreviations for URIs, there are problems with some qnames, e.g. iptc URIs ...
19:08:05 [RalphS]
q+ to note that QNames work just fine for RDF Properties and Classes, but not for arbitrary resources
19:08:16 [aliman_scribe]
compact URI proposal is attempting to retain convenience of qnames, but be more general ....
19:08:38 [RalphS]
q+ to cite b-node requirement
19:10:26 [aliman_scribe]
problem is: when we use qnames outside of an XML document, does it make sense to retain the restrictions on qname sytnax that come from XML?
19:11:12 [aliman_scribe]
ralph: syntactic constraints on qnames are ok for RDF/XML ... i.e. for classes and properties ... because there were no classes and properties before that ... so it was acceptible ...
19:11:14 [jeremy]
q+ to mention datatypes if ralph doesn't
19:11:41 [aliman_scribe]
but there are other applications that want an abbreviation for arbitrary resources, then the syntactic constraints on qnames don't work.
19:12:18 [aliman_scribe]
... architectural question is: is it correct to use xmlns declarations for arbtirary resources, when what was intended was simply a string prefixing mechanism as in SPARQL ....
19:13:24 [aliman_scribe]
. Re guus' comment on making CURI separable ... we decided a while ago that b-nodes in an html document are a requirement ... then we noticed CURI idea gave us a way to solve the b-node requirement ... so there is a piece of functionality that we don't have a solution for without CURI ...
19:13:40 [RalphS]
ack me
19:13:40 [Zakim]
RalphS, you wanted to note that QNames work just fine for RDF Properties and Classes, but not for arbitrary resources and to cite b-node requirement
19:13:41 [aliman_scribe]
there were alternative ideas for b-nodes, but didn't feel as clean as b-node
19:14:03 [aliman_scribe]
guus: still should be separate section that can be skipped by people who just want basic intro to rdf/a
19:14:21 [aliman_scribe]
ralph: we'll take that on board
19:14:57 [aliman_scribe]
jeremy: in the datatypes note, we suggest that the XML schema component is a reasonable ??? URI ... and these cannot be abbreviated as qnames ...
19:15:12 [RalphS]
19:15:26 [aliman_scribe]
so a user-defined datatype can be referred to using a CURI because of less restrictions ...
19:16:07 [aliman_scribe]
guus: at the moment, we'll wait for rdf/a primer, assume that plan is to get WG approval by end of jan ... means we need something by next telecon
19:16:32 [jeremy]
Jeremy: the XSCD URIs for user defined datatypes cannot be abbreviated with qnames, because they end in a )
19:16:56 [jeremy]
Jeremy: in XHTML2 the datatype attribute takes a compact URI value
19:17:18 [jeremy]
Jeremy: if this were a qname, then arbitrary user defined datatypes could not be used in XHTML2
19:17:24 [RalphS]
-> RDF/A Primer 1.0
19:17:36 [aliman_scribe]
guus: reviewers for rdf/a primer , assuming available by 9 jan, have a week to review it ...
19:17:40 [jeremy]
Jeremy: if this were a URI then no compact mechanism would be provided for datatypes, discouraging their use
19:17:42 [aliman_scribe]
garyng volunteers
19:18:43 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: GaryNG and Dbooth to review RDF/A primer by 16 Jan
19:19:17 [aliman_scribe]
3.7 ADTF - Applications and Demos (Libby)
19:19:47 [aliman_scribe]
3.8 RDFTM - RDF/Topic Maps Interoperability (Steve)
19:20:02 [aliman_scribe]
erratum: we already decided to publish the survey as WG Note
19:20:56 [aliman_scribe]
RALPH: are they planning any other editorial changes?
19:21:17 [aliman_scribe]
3.9 Tutorial Page
19:21:21 [RalphS]
ACTION: Ralph check with Valentina on whether there are editorial changes to rdftm-survey, then start WG Note publication process if none
19:21:26 [BenjaminNguyen]
19:21:30 [jeremy]
19:21:35 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION Fabien send the mailing list the resources of
19:21:37 [aliman_scribe]
education materials from EU projects.
19:21:41 [BenjaminNguyen]
19:21:47 [aliman_scribe]
19:21:47 [BenjaminNguyen]
19:21:58 [BenjaminNguyen]
and acknowledged here :
19:22:12 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION* Benjamin to send an email to the mailing list
19:22:13 [aliman_scribe]
about positive and negative feedback.
19:22:17 [aliman_scribe]
19:22:17 [RalphS]
(my action ref -> [RDFTM, All] Note proposal - rdftm survey)
19:22:24 [BenjaminNguyen]
resolved here : however
19:22:41 [BenjaminNguyen]
no answers yet
19:22:57 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: Ralph cite relevant CG meeting records
19:22:59 [aliman_scribe]
regarding SemWeb Education & Outreach discussions
19:23:00 [aliman_scribe]
[recorded in
19:23:01 [BenjaminNguyen]
you can put an action up for me to provide an interactive web page
19:23:02 [aliman_scribe]]
19:23:03 [aliman_scribe]
19:23:21 [BenjaminNguyen]
in order to help people score the resources on Tutorial page
19:23:36 [BenjaminNguyen]
but need people to check the pages !
19:23:53 [Elisa]
zakim, unmute me
19:23:53 [Zakim]
Elisa_Kendall should no longer be muted
19:23:54 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: benjamin to provide ineractive web page for Tutorials
19:24:01 [aliman_scribe]
3.10 SE - Software Engineering
19:24:53 [aliman_scribe]
Steps to move Primer to Note:
19:24:55 [aliman_scribe]
19:24:56 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: guus to ping SE TF re making the primer a Note, before 9 jan telcon
19:25:03 [jacco]
zakim, unmute me
19:25:03 [Zakim]
Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen should no longer be muted
19:25:14 [aliman_scribe]
3.11 MM - Multimedia Annotation
19:25:16 [aliman_scribe]
Status update by Jacco:
19:25:17 [aliman_scribe]
19:25:36 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: Libby to review Image annotation editor's draft
19:25:37 [aliman_scribe]
[recorded in
19:25:39 [aliman_scribe]
19:25:49 [aliman_scribe]
jacco: I'm not expceting review from libby any more
19:26:00 [aliman_scribe]
19:26:17 [aliman_scribe]
guus: this means we only have one reviewer, need another?
19:26:53 [aliman_scribe]
jacco: new reviewer should do review of draft that includes mike's comments
19:27:00 [GaryNg]
GaryNg has joined #swbp
19:27:13 [aliman_scribe]
mike: no major problems with draft
19:27:53 [aliman_scribe]
guus: we have no volunteer ...
19:28:13 [Elisa]
Elisa has joined #swbp
19:28:26 [aliman_scribe]
guus: willing to do it, but not before xmas
19:28:48 [aliman_scribe]
guus: kick me out of the TF and I will review it
19:28:49 [jacco]
zakim, unmute me
19:28:49 [Zakim]
Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen was not muted, jacco
19:28:53 [jacco]
zakim, mute me
19:28:53 [Zakim]
Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen should now be muted
19:28:59 [aliman_scribe]
ACTION: MN editors to work with Ralph on publication
19:29:02 [aliman_scribe]
19:29:30 [aliman_scribe]
Giorgo: what about the patent issue?
19:29:51 [aliman_scribe]
Ralph: i don't believe there's a question ... jane hunter's status is resolved ...
19:29:57 [aliman_scribe]
guus: patent issue is not a problem
19:30:12 [aliman_scribe]
... can we have revised version for decision at next meeting
19:30:33 [aliman_scribe]
4. AOB
19:30:38 [aliman_scribe]
guus: OWL 1.1?
19:30:39 [jeremy]
19:30:57 [Zakim]
19:31:09 [aliman_scribe]
jeremy: received message re 'OWL 1.1' ... term used at OWL workshop after ISWC ... check that this isn't a W3C thing?
19:31:41 [aliman_scribe]
guus: we have talked at our f2f about some group that looks at revisitng RDF OWL core, currently no plans
19:32:00 [aliman_scribe]
gary: I was at OWLED, their intention is to go via member submission process re OWL 1.1
19:32:32 [aliman_scribe]
from aliman ... see for discussions re OWL 1.1
19:33:22 [aliman_scribe]
ralph: direct answer to jeremy's question is: there is no formal W3C activity planned here
19:33:45 [aliman_scribe]
guus: thanks all esp aliman_scribe :)
19:33:52 [Zakim]
19:33:54 [aliman_scribe]
we are adjourned.
19:33:56 [Zakim]
19:33:58 [Zakim]
19:34:00 [Zakim]
19:34:00 [Zakim]
19:34:01 [BenjaminNguyen]
cheers all
19:34:02 [Zakim]
19:34:05 [Zakim]
19:34:09 [Zakim]
19:34:10 [Zakim]
19:34:12 [Zakim]
19:34:14 [Zakim]
19:34:15 [Zakim]
19:34:16 [Zakim]
SW_BPD()1:00PM has ended
19:34:17 [Zakim]
Attendees were Giorgos_Stamou, Guus_Schreiber, Elisa_Kendall, Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen, Ralph, David_Wood, DBooth, Alistair_Miles, bwm, Jeremy, +1.760.476.aaaa, Deb_McGuinness, Gary,
19:34:20 [Zakim]
... Mike_Uschold, aliman_scribe, ChrisW
19:34:49 [aliman_scribe]
RRSAgent please draft minutes
19:35:44 [aliman_scribe]
ralph, what's the command to draft minutes?
19:36:41 [RalphS]
rrsagent, please draft minutes
19:36:41 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate RalphS
19:36:47 [RalphS]
rrsagent, please make this record public
19:37:07 [RalphS]
thanks for scribing, Alistair
19:37:32 [aliman_scribe]
no worries :)
19:38:03 [ChrisW]
ChrisW has left #swbp
19:38:19 [RalphS]
rrsagent, bye
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
I see 35 open action items saved in :
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Elisa Kendall to review DWood message on [1]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: bwm and jacco to review dbooth and dwood message re httpRange-14 [2]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Brian to review SPARQL Last Call document [3]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: guus to find out if we have strong use case for DESCRIBE [4]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: jeremy to contact rdf/html task force re dbooth's position on httpRange-14 [5]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: garyng and jeremy to review OWL chapter of ODM review by 9 jan 2006 [6]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Guus to arrange telecon between himself, Alistair and [7]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: DBooth and Elisa to review WSDL 2.0 RDF Mapping: [8]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Guus to review OWL Time note [recorded in [9]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Alistair to review Qualified Cardinality note [10]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Chris to move QCR note to W3C pace [11]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Chris to move todo's to the changes section [12]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Evan to send note to Feng on discussion of semantics [13]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Guus to bring issue wrt URI space for ontologies [14]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Raphael Georgios S, Fabien, Phil to review Semantic Integration note [15]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Dan to investigate spatial relations work in SWIG [16]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: on Chris and Alan to work with Ralph to make [17]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: chris to get revised draft of QCR off alan, [18]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Guus to incorporate Alistair's comments into revised draft of QCR draft, based on Alan's revision [19]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: mark van assem to produce revised draft of wordnet document [20]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Jacco to ask Jeff to clarify his proposal for data [21]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: jeremy to contact jeff re resolving the XSD issues [22]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: dbooth and andreas harth to review 'HTTP cookbook' [23]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: TomBaker to add something on where we see the [24]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Jeremy write a formal description of the CURI [25]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: DanBri to ask TF for sign-off on putting the draft [26]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Ben produce schedule for getting RDF/A editor's [27]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: ben to contact alistair on use of frag id's [28]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: GaryNG and Dbooth to review RDF/A primer by 16 Jan [29]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Ralph check with Valentina on whether there are editorial changes to rdftm-survey, then start WG Note publication process if none [30]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Ralph cite relevant CG meeting records [31]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: benjamin to provide ineractive web page for Tutorials [32]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: guus to ping SE TF re making the primer a Note, before 9 jan telcon [33]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Libby to review Image annotation editor's draft [34]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: MN editors to work with Ralph on publication [35]
19:38:19 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:40:18 [jeremy]
jeremy has left #swbp