15:07:38 RRSAgent has joined #swbp 15:07:38 logging to http://www.w3.org/2005/11/29-swbp-irc 15:07:44 zakim, ??P1 is jeremy 15:07:44 +jeremy; got it 15:08:50 rrsagent, make log public 15:09:18 +??P0 15:09:23 zakim, i am ? 15:09:23 +MarkB; got it 15:11:12 zakim, agenda+ CURIE syntax 15:11:12 agendum 1 added 15:11:19 zakim, agenda+ XSLT for RDf/A 15:11:19 agendum 2 added 15:11:23 Steven has joined #swbp 15:14:20 take up agendum 1 15:14:56 MarkB: we're talking about CURIE/URI here, we started with delimiters or enclosers, square brackets 15:15:06 Just catching up on the mail: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf/2005Nov/0049 is brilliant 15:16:37 If current doc is "http://xyz.com/a/b.html" 15:16:48 the following is a legal rel URI //www.w3.org 15:17:09 also the following //[aaaa::aaaa] 15:17:22 (I think, I can't remember IPv6 IP address format) 15:19:03 someone proposed [cc]license 15:19:22 I did 15:19:59 Ben: do we have any further thoughts on this? 15:20:11 MarkB: to be honest, I don't really care about which syntax we choose. 15:20:40 ... our HTML audience isn't very familiar with QNames, so it might not be a big problem 15:20:44 My only requirement is that the syntax is X [a-zA-Z0-9]+ : .* where X is a non-alphabetic 15:22:29 MarkB: [cc]license is not a legal URI, so it would be an okay syntax 15:22:44 Jeremy: as long as the syntax we agree on is not a legal URI, then I'm happy 15:23:52 Ben: but QNames are legal URIs 15:24:03 Jeremy: dc:title is a legal URI 15:24:21 ... in terms that it matches the URI spec 15:25:09 MarkB: I don't think that's a legal URI anymore 15:25:21 If we are in "http://www.w3.org/index.html"... 15:25:32 consider mailto:foo 15:25:45 ...then it used to be regarded as valid to say "http:index2.html" 15:26:34 ... but that's kind of frowned upon now 15:26:44 path = path-abempty ; begins with "/" or is empty 15:26:44 / path-absolute ; begins with "/" but not "//" 15:26:44 / path-noscheme ; begins with a non-colon segment 15:26:44 / path-rootless ; begins with a segment 15:26:44 / path-empty ; zero characters 15:26:52 path-noscheme = segment-nz-nc *( "/" segment ) 15:28:00 oops wrong rules ... try again 15:28:56 Jeremy: 2 sensible choices: a) CURIEs sensibly different b) CURIEs similar and gives us features, but requires bracketing (or something like it) 15:29:17 ... making CURIEs look like QNAmes is a defensible position 15:29:30 Steven has joined #swbp 15:29:38 URI = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ] 15:29:50 hier-part = "//" authority path-abempty 15:29:50 / path-absolute 15:29:50 / path-rootless 15:29:50 / path-empty 15:30:01 path-rootless = segment-nz *( "/" segment ) 15:30:02 MarkB: I feel that we are on strong ground with this proposal. 15:30:05 See http://www.w3.org/2005/11/29-swbp-irc#T15-30-02 15:30:11 rrsagent, pointer? 15:30:11 See http://www.w3.org/2005/11/29-swbp-irc#T15-30-11 15:30:19 ... the point that Norm got to, that Best Practices are not great. 15:34:44 What do we know. The following syntaxes are workable 15:34:51 - [cc:license] as CURIE/URI 15:35:01 - [cc]license as a CURIE 15:35:17 .. and a CURIE/URI 15:35:47 Steven has joined #swbp 15:36:08 [protocol]//mylocation/a/b#x 15:36:50 {$a}abc 15:37:12 {/a/b}a 15:37:47 Steven's other syntax proposal: 15:37:52 :a:b 15:38:28 [[subst]:][[scheme]://]...etc. 15:40:27 MarkB: the advantage of stepping outside of xmlns is that we can use any substitution mechanism we want, including some that can be Xincluded 15:40:58 s/stepping outside of xmlns/stepping outside of QNames-proper/ 15:42:49 MarkB: [missed some notes here] 15:43:23 MarkB: if we go for a different qname syntax, we should also add the extra bits for substitution 15:44:07 Jeremy: if we wrote a CURIE note as a standalone document 15:44:14 ... the prefix-binding should be application-specific 15:44:30 ... the CURIEs would be the same in SPARQL, XHTML, etc... 15:44:40 ... but the mechanism by which prefixes are bound to URIs *could* be different 15:45:23 MarkB: this would give the IPTC what they want, as well 15:47:08 -MarkB 15:47:53 Steven has joined #swbp 15:48:08 agendum 2 15:48:11 take up agendumj 2 15:48:14 take up agendum 2 15:55:48 Steven has joined #swbp 15:57:36 -jeremy 15:57:37 -Ben_Adida 15:57:39 SW_BPD(rdfxhtml)10:00AM has ended 15:57:40 Attendees were Ben_Adida, jeremy, MarkB 15:57:58 Jeremy and Ben agree to Christmas deadline for RDF/A XSLT 15:58:06 ACTION: Jeremy to have XSLT ready by Christmas 15:59:48 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:59:48 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2005/11/29-swbp-minutes.html benadida 16:04:34 Steven has joined #swbp 16:05:32 jjc has joined #swbp 16:35:09 Steven has joined #swbp 16:58:50 Steven has joined #swbp 17:59:34 Steven has joined #swbp 18:31:21 Zakim has left #swbp 18:31:42 rrsagent, bye 18:31:42 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2005/11/29-swbp-actions.rdf : 18:31:42 ACTION: Jeremy to have XSLT ready by Christmas [1] 18:31:42 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/11/29-swbp-irc#T15-58-06