IRC log of swbp on 2005-11-28

Timestamps are in UTC.

18:03:01 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #swbp
18:03:01 [RRSAgent]
logging to
18:03:25 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #swbp
18:03:32 [vassilis]
hi all, I was in the phone but something happened and the line was droped
18:03:37 [dbooth]
zakim, this is swbp
18:03:37 [Zakim]
ok, dbooth; that matches SW_BPD()1:00PM
18:03:40 [bwm]
bwm has joined #swbp
18:03:45 [dbooth]
zakim, who is here?
18:03:46 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Elisa_Kendall, Evan_Wallace, [UMD], David_Wood, DBooth, [CWI]
18:03:49 [Zakim]
On IRC I see bwm, Zakim, RRSAgent, dbooth, raphael, vassilis, giorgos, Elisa, aliman, chalaschek, dwood
18:03:55 [vassilis]
I will try to get in again
18:03:57 [Zakim]
+ +1.613.884.aaaa
18:04:09 [dbooth]
zakim, aaaa is Gavin
18:04:09 [Zakim]
+Gavin; got it
18:04:30 [raphael]
zakim, [cwi] is raphael
18:04:30 [Zakim]
+raphael; got it
18:04:47 [Zakim]
+ +30210668aabb
18:05:20 [dbooth]
18:05:24 [Zakim]
18:05:26 [chalaschek]
zakim, [UMD] is chalaschek
18:05:26 [Zakim]
+chalaschek; got it
18:05:28 [Jacco]
Jacco has joined #swbp
18:05:35 [tbaker]
tbaker has joined #swbp
18:06:03 [jeremy]
jeremy has joined #swbp
18:06:04 [giorgos]
Problems with my phone. I am home, just returned from travel. Try to get in again
18:06:12 [Zakim]
18:06:21 [dbooth]
zakim, load agenda from :)
18:06:23 [Zakim]
I'm glad that smiley is there, dbooth
18:06:39 [Jacco]
zakim, mute me
18:06:39 [Zakim]
Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen should now be muted
18:07:15 [gmckenzi]
gmckenzi has joined #swbp
18:07:55 [raphael]
zakim, mute me
18:07:55 [Zakim]
raphael should now be muted
18:08:09 [dwood]
zakim, who is here?
18:08:09 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Elisa_Kendall, Evan_Wallace, chalaschek, David_Wood, DBooth, raphael (muted), Gavin, +30210668aabb, Jeremy (muted), Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen (muted)
18:08:12 [Zakim]
On IRC I see gmckenzi, jeremy, tbaker, Jacco, bwm, Zakim, RRSAgent, dbooth, raphael, vassilis, giorgos, Elisa, aliman, chalaschek, dwood
18:08:26 [dwood]
PROPOSED to accept the minutes of the 17 Oct telecon:
18:08:26 [dwood]
18:08:28 [ekw]
ekw has joined #swbp
18:08:29 [Jacco]
for dave: guus wull try to phone in, but will probably not make it
18:08:39 [Zakim]
18:08:39 [dbooth]
Scribe: DBooth
18:08:45 [dwood]
thx, Jacco
18:08:57 [dbooth]
zakim, ? is TomBaker
18:08:57 [Zakim]
+TomBaker; got it
18:09:28 [Jacco]
no, i did not review them
18:09:32 [dbooth]
1. ADMIN (15 min)
18:09:53 [dwood]
PROPOSED to accept the Galway ftf minutes:
18:09:53 [dwood]
18:09:59 [dbooth]
RESOLVED: to accept the minutes of the 17 Oct telecon:
18:10:24 [dbooth]
18:10:52 [dwood]
PROPOSED next meeting 12 December
18:10:54 [dbooth]
RESOLVED: next meeting 12 December.
18:11:30 [dbooth]
Meeting: Semantic Web Best Practices WG
18:11:45 [dbooth]
Topic: 2.1 Proposed resolution httpRange-14
18:11:58 [dbooth]
s/1. ADMIN/Topic: 1. ADMIN/
18:12:25 [Zakim]
+ +1.302.107.aacc
18:12:30 [dbooth]
DWood: We had discussion on this in June and September.
18:12:31 [dwood]
Our response:
18:13:10 [dbooth]
... I want someone other than Ralph, DBooth or me to respond please. Volunteers?
18:13:32 [Zakim]
+ +44.777.582.aadd
18:13:59 [bwm]
Zakim, aadd is bwm
18:13:59 [Zakim]
+bwm; got it
18:14:36 [ewallace]
ewallace has joined #swbp
18:14:36 [dbooth]
ACTION: Elisa Kendall to review DWood message on httpRange-14 resolution:
18:15:15 [Zakim]
18:15:27 [dbooth]
ACTION: Ralph, DavidW, and DavidB to an initial draft of TAG httpRange-14 resolution impact on semweb application developers [recorded in] [DONE]
18:15:43 [dbooth]
Jeremy: Response is an improvement, thought not a consensus.
18:15:55 [dbooth]
Topic: 2.2 DAWG
18:16:21 [jeremy]
correction: while I am not compelled by the resolution, I note that there is sufficient consensus ....
18:16:36 [jeremy]
given that, response is an improvement
18:17:17 [dbooth]
ACTION: Brian to review SPARQL Last Call document recorded in] [CONTINUED]
18:18:37 [dbooth]
ACTION: Jeremy to provide a phrasing about XML Schema Datatype (XSDT) [CONTINUED]
18:19:31 [dbooth]
s/(XSDT)/(XSDT) (Jeremy to look up URI for this action)
18:19:39 [dwood]
zakim, who is speaking?
18:19:54 [Zakim]
dwood, listening for 14 seconds I heard sound from the following: Elisa_Kendall (13%), David_Wood (9%), bwm (70%)
18:20:06 [jeremy]
(I think the echo was me - sorry)
18:20:24 [dbooth]
Brian: Re bnodes. We're looking for an example couched in some of the BP work, that would illustrate a serious problem, but I've not been able to find one.
18:20:57 [jeremy]
[[I think the XSDT action was about checking that SPARQL would work with the derivative solution]]
18:21:06 [dbooth]
... Could someone else propose a suitable problem?
18:21:40 [dbooth]
... Could task force chairs identify a problem in any of their work? I.e., the problem of being able to name a bnode in a query.
18:21:52 [dbooth]
Elisa: I would have to invent something.
18:22:08 [vassilis]
vassilis has joined #swbp
18:22:28 [vassilis]
vassilis has joined #swbp
18:22:49 [dbooth]
DWood: Several people think there is an issue and it is important to resolve, but we're lacking concrete examples to prove it. If we don't supply evidence, SPARQL will not fix it.
18:23:41 [jeremy]
q+ to argue that if this is needed then model is broken ....
18:23:57 [dbooth]
DBooth: How about asking for confirmation that this is NOT a problem?
18:24:32 [dbooth]
DWood: Please act on these critical issues while we can, in spite of holiday crunches.
18:24:52 [dbooth]
Elisa: Longer description of the problem would be helpful.
18:25:11 [dbooth]
Brian: I'll try to do that in my message that I send.
18:25:22 [dbooth]
ack J
18:25:22 [Zakim]
jeremy, you wanted to argue that if this is needed then model is broken ....
18:25:24 [aliman]
remembering bnode ids between queries sounds like asking sparql protocol to be stateful?
18:25:25 [dwood]
ack jeremy
18:27:14 [dbooth]
Jeremy: If you need to identify a bnode, and cannot do it in terms of its inverse functional properties (IVPs), then that is a fault of your data model. A good example of good practice will not exhibit this problem, because nodes will be identifed by URIs or IFPs. So I think it will be difficult to come up with a convincing example.
18:27:42 [dbooth]
DWood: I disagree. We're expecting an environment in which people query other people's data sets, and will lack complete info about them.
18:28:40 [dbooth]
Topic: 2.3 OMG: ODM review
18:28:54 [dbooth]
ACTION: Elisa to send new ODM link to the WG [DONE]
18:29:06 [Elisa]
link to ODM in the message at:
18:29:11 [dbooth]
Topic: 2.4 Protocol and Formats WG request
18:29:46 [dbooth]
ACTION: Guus to arrange telecon between himself, Alistair and PFWG [recorded in]
18:29:55 [dwood]
aliman: Do you have status on Guus' action to arrange a call with you and the PFWG?
18:30:03 [aliman]
i haven't heard anything yet
18:30:13 [dbooth]
18:30:46 [dwood]
aliman, have you done anything in regard to your action regarding the WAI Protocol help to the PFWG?
18:30:59 [aliman]
no, waiting on Guus to arrange a telecon ...
18:31:00 [dbooth]
s/action07]/action07] [PENDING]
18:31:12 [dwood]
aliman, OK. We will continue both actions.
18:31:18 [aliman]
(original request from PFWG was very vague, we need to talk with them to get the specifics)
18:31:26 [aliman]
yep, continue
18:31:42 [dbooth]
ACTION: Alistair and Guus to help the WAI Protocol and ormats WG on their vocabulary [recorded in] [PENDING]
18:32:01 [dbooth]
Topic: 2.5 Other
18:32:36 [dbooth]
WSDL 2.0 RDF Mapping Working Draft published:
18:34:07 [dbooth]
ACTION: DBooth and Elisa to review WSDL 2.0 RDF Mapping:
18:34:40 [dbooth]
18:34:59 [dwood]
ACTION on all document editor's to use the appropriate
18:34:59 [dwood]
style for editor's drafts:
18:34:59 [dwood]
18:36:44 [dbooth]
DBooth: There are templates for editor's drafts, WG notes, etc.
18:37:08 [dbooth]
Topic: 3.1 PORT - Porting Thesaurii to RDF and OWL (Alistair)
18:37:15 [dbooth]
zakim, who is on the phone?
18:37:16 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Elisa_Kendall, Evan_Wallace, chalaschek, David_Wood, DBooth, raphael (muted), gmckenzi (muted), +30210668aabb, Jeremy (muted), Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen (muted),
18:37:19 [Zakim]
... TomBaker, +1.302.107.aacc, bwm, Giorgos_Stamou
18:37:36 [dwood]
aliman, can you summarize PORT's progress without being on the phone?
18:38:05 [aliman]
no progess since last telecon, except publication of 2nd WDs ...
18:38:09 [aliman]
(thanks ralph) ...
18:38:17 [aliman]
I wrote an email today (searches for link) ...
18:38:40 [dwood]
Congrats to PORT for the WDs
18:38:52 [aliman]
thanks dwood ...
18:39:01 [aliman]
email today re PORT progess and planning:
18:39:13 [dbooth]
Topic: 3.2 OEP - Ontology Engineering and Patterns (Deb/Chris)
18:39:16 [aliman]
propose not to go for 3rd PWD before 31 jan
18:39:37 [aliman]
... for SKOS docs
18:40:30 [jeremy]
q+ to ask about duration
18:40:31 [dbooth]
Elisa: Unsure of progress on this.
18:41:04 [dwood]
ack Jeremy
18:41:05 [Zakim]
jeremy, you wanted to ask about duration
18:41:31 [dbooth]
Jeremy: Asked about duration, and the initial response did not go far enough.
18:41:54 [dbooth]
Evan: There was a second response saying we could get rid of it and make a comment.
18:42:04 [dbooth]
Jeremy: Oh, good. I didn't see that.
18:42:26 [dbooth]
DWood: I support Jeremy's comment.
18:42:48 [jeremy]
(my comment is more a spec thing: RDF Semantics say SHOULD NOT use duration)
18:43:18 [dwood]
aliman, is your action to review Qualified Cardinality note complete?
18:43:25 [aliman]
please continue
18:43:31 [aliman]
(will do this week)
18:44:53 [dbooth]
ACTION: Guus to review OWL Time note [recorded in
18:44:53 [dbooth]
18:44:53 [dbooth]
ACTION: Alistair to review Qualified Cardinality note
18:44:54 [dbooth]
[recorded in
18:44:56 [dbooth]
18:45:00 [dbooth]
ACTION on Chris and Alan to work with Ralph to make
18:45:02 [dbooth]
part-whole ready for publication
18:45:02 [raphael]
about the Semantic Integration note, when the document will be ready for review ?
18:45:04 [dbooth]
ACTION: Chris to move QCR note to W3C pace
18:45:06 [dbooth]
ACTION: Chris to move todo's to the changes section
18:45:08 [dbooth]
ACTION Alistair, Jeremy, Jeff to review QCR note
18:45:10 [dbooth]
DONE by Jacco:
18:45:12 [dbooth]
18:45:14 [dbooth]
ACTION: Jeremy action to send comments to the list on
18:45:16 [dbooth]
the non-use of the duration datatype
18:45:18 [dbooth]
18:45:20 [dbooth]
18:45:22 [dbooth]
ACTION Evan to send note to Feng on discussion of semantics
18:45:24 [dbooth]
ACTION Guus to bring issue wrt URI space for ontologies
18:45:26 [dbooth]
to the SWCG
18:45:30 [dbooth]
ACTION Chris to ensure Feng gets signed up for the WG
18:45:32 [dbooth]
ACTION: Raphael Georgios S, Fabien, Phil to
18:45:34 [dbooth]
review Semantic Integration note
18:45:36 [dbooth]
ACTION Dan to investigate spatial relations work in SWIG
18:45:38 [dbooth]
Topic: 3.3 WordNet (Aldo)
18:46:10 [dwood]
Reviewing ACTION Alistair, Brian, Ben, Jacco, Jeremy to review WN
18:46:11 [dwood]
draft by 25 Nov
18:46:11 [dwood]
Review Caeeoll:
18:46:11 [dwood]
18:46:33 [aliman]
re wordnet draft, can you take me off formal reviewers list (will send comments as and when I can)
18:47:05 [Jacco]
zakim, unmute me
18:47:05 [Zakim]
Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen should no longer be muted
18:47:43 [Jacco]
jacco's wn review:
18:48:01 [dbooth]
ACTION: Alistair, Ben to review WN draft by 25 Nov Review Caeeoll: [PENDING]
18:48:06 [dwood]
aliman, has your part of the above action been completed?
18:48:10 [bwm]
bwm's review
18:48:20 [Jacco]
with additional comment at
18:48:23 [aliman]
no, see above comment
18:48:30 [Jacco]
zakim, mute me
18:48:30 [Zakim]
Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen should now be muted
18:48:32 [dbooth]
(Jeremy, Brian, and Jacco already did their reviews)
18:48:42 [aliman]
re wordnet draft, can you take me off formal reviewers list (will send comments as and when I can)
18:48:51 [dbooth]
s/Alistair, //
18:49:05 [dbooth]
(Alistair asked to be removed from that action)
18:49:15 [dwood]
zakim, unmute jeremy
18:49:15 [Zakim]
Jeremy should no longer be muted
18:49:20 [dbooth]
Topic: 3.4 XSCH - XML Schema Datatypes (Jeremy)
18:50:25 [dbooth]
ACTION: Jeremy to prepare a new draft of XML Schema datatype prior to F2F [recorded in] [DONE
18:50:34 [dbooth]
ACTION: jc explain non-montonicity and interoperability issues by email [DONE]
18:50:35 [jeremy]
18:50:50 [Zakim]
18:51:05 [dbooth]
Jeremy: Unclear how to go forward from here.
18:51:46 [Thanassis]
Thanassis has joined #swbp
18:52:43 [Jacco]
zakim, unmute me
18:52:44 [Zakim]
Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen should no longer be muted
18:52:55 [dbooth]
... If the behavior is left to the implementation, then there needs to be a well-thought-out way of coping with non-monotonicity, because it will lead to non-monotonicity.
18:53:53 [dbooth]
DBooth: That sounds to me like a good reason for not leaving it up to the implementation.
18:54:07 [thanassis]
thanassis has joined #swbp
18:54:08 [dbooth]
Jacco: Your SPARQL example is also one way of leaving it up to the implementation.
18:54:10 [Jacco]
zakim, mute me
18:54:10 [Zakim]
Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen should now be muted
18:54:37 [dbooth]
Jeremy: In the SPARQL example, the semantics is not implementation defined, though the behavior is.
18:54:42 [Jacco]
zakim, unmute me
18:54:42 [Zakim]
Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen should no longer be muted
18:56:04 [dbooth]
... In terms of wanting a well-defined extensibility point and coping with non-monotonicity, SPARQL allows you to make steps that are not valid under RDF semantics, and it's an app concern whether those deviations from the semantics are significant.
18:56:34 [dbooth]
Jacco: What about Jeff's proposal of mapping between the float and decimal types?
18:57:32 [dbooth]
Jeremy: I don't think I've understood his proposal well enough to comment. AFAICT, Jeff is allowing the application to choose the interpretation, and has insufficient constraints on it. One must be cautious in advocating a non-mon position.
18:58:23 [dbooth]
Jacco: I don't think Jeff wants a non-mon solution. I think Jeff is suggesting a standardized app technique to address this problem.
18:58:59 [dbooth]
Jacco: Need to ask Jeff to clarify his proposal.
18:59:15 [Jacco]
zakim, mute me
18:59:15 [Zakim]
Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen should now be muted
18:59:38 [Jacco]
18:59:53 [dbooth]
ACTION: Jacco to ask Jeff to clarify his proposal for data types (float, decimal, etc.)
19:00:04 [dbooth]
Topic: 3.5 VM - Vocabulary Management (TomB)
19:00:34 [Elisa]
Zakim, mute me
19:00:34 [Zakim]
Elisa_Kendall should now be muted
19:01:05 [dbooth]
Tom: I posted an update, focused on what we expect to achieve by the end of this charter period. Alistair suggested that the TF description should be broader. What is the purpose of the TF description? Look forward beyond January? Or focus tightly on what we can achieve before then?
19:01:47 [aliman]
(I like the OEP style TF page, suggested that for VM)
19:02:05 [dbooth]
DWood: Immediate goal is to focus the WG around deliverables we can make before the end of the charter.
19:03:42 [dbooth]
... I'd love to get the cookbook out by the end of the charter. Tightening the TF description was specifically in line with tightening expectations for deliverable by end of charter. No decision to extend the WG yet. If there's something you think the TF could accomplish in an extended WG, please let the chairs know.
19:04:10 [dbooth]
Tom: I'm comfortable focusing on the deliverable now.
19:04:56 [dbooth]
... I rewrote the TF description. If we're now looking at ideas for extending the WG, then I'd have to revise that document.
19:05:30 [dbooth]
Proposed update TF description:
19:05:30 [dbooth]
19:05:30 [dbooth]
'HTTP Cookbook' editor's draft
19:05:30 [dbooth]
19:06:10 [dbooth]
DWood: I agree with Alistair's comment, I like the format.
19:06:36 [aliman]
I suggest, as orthogonal to publishing the cookbook which we should aim to do before end of charter, we begin identifying and scoping future work items for VMTF ...
19:06:55 [aliman]
so could add to the VMTF page 'planned notes' section?
19:06:58 [dbooth]
... No objection to your proposed replacement text. I note the dependency on the httpRange-14 text, though it isn't listed as a dependency. What is the SKOS dependency?
19:07:29 [dbooth]
Tom: Alistair is experimenting with these recipes in the SKOS context.
19:08:14 [dbooth]
Tom: Re "planned notes", I could add something on where we see this going in the future.
19:09:01 [aliman]
I have some initial suggestions re next steps for VMTF, see
19:09:20 [dwood]
aliman, ok, noted.
19:09:50 [dbooth]
ACTION: TomBaker to add something on where we see the Vocabulary Management work going in the future.
19:10:23 [dbooth]
Tom: DBooth and Andreas voluteered for review at the F2F.
19:11:16 [dbooth]
... We want the cookbooks to be reviewed once before the end of charter, but don't see a pressing need for Note status.
19:11:41 [dbooth]
DWood: Why no move to Note?
19:11:55 [dbooth]
Tom: What would it entail and what would be gained?
19:12:20 [dbooth]
DWood: Work is more likely to survive the WG.
19:13:06 [dbooth]
Tom: Have not done a complete taste test. I want to take it back to DCI and deploy one of the variants with Dublin Core. Want to feel more confident before publishing as Note status.
19:13:33 [aliman]
According to W3C process, 'Note' implies work has ended on the given topic. This doesn't sound right.
19:13:52 [thanassis]
thanassis has joined #swbp
19:14:19 [dbooth]
DBooth: Note is not cast in stone. Not the same as a Rec. Ok to publish Note as current thinking.
19:14:44 [dbooth]
Tom: What are logistics?
19:15:05 [vassilis]
vassilis has joined #swbp
19:15:07 [dbooth]
DWood: Alistair, not correct. Note does not mean work has ended.
19:15:31 [aliman]
Can we get reviews done for the cookbook, then ask if it should go straight past WD to Note?
19:15:31 [dbooth]
DWood: Better to shoot for Note.
19:16:18 [dbooth]
Tom: So if reviewers and telecon attendees agree, then we could publishh the Note?
19:16:45 [jeremy]
q+ to discuss note versus rec and sotd
19:16:53 [dbooth]
DWood: Yes. A Rec is a standard. A Note is a way to say 'this is the best way we know right now'.
19:17:17 [dbooth]
q+ to say important for the Note to say what its status is.
19:17:46 [dbooth]
Tom: I'll report back on the next telecon.
19:17:47 [dbooth]
ack j
19:17:47 [Zakim]
jeremy, you wanted to discuss note versus rec and sotd
19:17:54 [aliman]
Re Note vs. WD for cookbook I defer to chair, whatever you think is best.
19:18:55 [thanassis]
thanassis has joined #swbp
19:19:06 [aliman]
[N.B. re meaning of 'Note': ]
19:19:20 [dbooth]
Jeremy: Rec has consensus level over the whole consortium. A WG Note from this WG means consensus of this WG, but no wider implication. But even that is not necessary in the note, but what *is* necessary is that the note says explicitly what the consensus status is. Notes can be published with out consensus (and say so).
19:19:29 [dbooth]
19:19:33 [tbaker]
jeremy, thank you for that clarification
19:20:42 [dbooth]
DWood: Important is that first the TF has consensus on it, then ask the WG.
19:20:55 [dwood]
19:21:28 [dbooth]
Topic: 3.6 HTML - Embedding RDF in HTML (Ben)
19:21:57 [aliman]
re VMTF can we get formal actions to review cookbook?
19:22:10 [dbooth]
Jeremy: Becoming clearer to the group that language tag may be an issue.
19:23:02 [dbooth]
ACTION: Jeremy write a formal description of the CURI proposal for WG consideration [CONTINUED]
19:23:02 [dbooth]
ACTION: DanBri to ask TF for sign-off on putting the draft xhtml vocab to the WG for review. [recorded in [66]] [CONTINUED]
19:23:02 [dbooth]
ACTION: Ben produce schedule for getting RDF/A editor's drafts docs ready for WG review [recorded in] [CONTINUED]
19:23:02 [dbooth]
ACTION: ben to contact alistair on use of frag id's [recorded in] [CONTINUED]
19:23:31 [dbooth]
zakim, who is here?
19:23:31 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Elisa_Kendall (muted), Evan_Wallace, chalaschek, David_Wood, DBooth, raphael (muted), gmckenzi (muted), +30210668aabb, Jeremy (muted), Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen
19:23:35 [Zakim]
... (muted), TomBaker, +1.302.107.aacc, Giorgos_Stamou
19:23:36 [Zakim]
On IRC I see thanassis, vassilis, ewallace, gmckenzi, jeremy, tbaker, Jacco, bwm, Zakim, RRSAgent, dbooth, raphael, giorgos, Elisa, aliman, chalaschek, dwood
19:23:52 [Zakim]
19:24:21 [dbooth]
Topic: 3.10 SE - Software Engineering
19:24:24 [Elisa]
Zakim, unmute me
19:24:24 [Zakim]
Elisa_Kendall should no longer be muted
19:24:45 [ewallace]
19:24:46 [dbooth]
Evan: Primer doc is ready to go to WD.
19:25:01 [dbooth]
Elisa: I sent my comments this morning.
19:25:24 [Elisa]
Link to my comments:
19:26:28 [jeremy]
q+ to note my comments have not been responded to ...
19:26:52 [jeremy]
19:27:30 [dbooth]
DWood: Please incorporate Elisa's comments, then on 12 December we can ask the WG for agreement to publish.
19:28:10 [dbooth]
ACTION: Jeremy Carroll to send review comments on SE Primer by 25 Nov DONE
19:28:10 [dbooth]
Jeremy's comments:
19:28:24 [dbooth]
Jeremy: My comments were not addressed yet either.
19:29:07 [dbooth]
s/Elisa/Jeremy and Elisa/
19:29:22 [dbooth]
DWood: Important to address each comment, even if the response is disagreement.
19:30:38 [Elisa]
Zakim, mute me
19:30:38 [Zakim]
Elisa_Kendall should now be muted
19:30:43 [Zakim]
19:31:15 [dbooth]
ACTION: JeffPan to check on getting Holger to join the WG [recorded in [59]] DONE
19:31:15 [dbooth]
ACTION: Jeff Pan to make sure Holger Knublauch gets signed up [PENDING]
19:31:15 [dbooth]
ACTION: Elisa Kendall to send review comments on SE Primer by 25 Nov [DONE]
19:31:15 [dbooth]
ACTION: Ralph to check if there's a formal policy issue wrt implicit endorsement [PENDING]
19:31:15 [dbooth]
ACTION: Phil Tetlow to check the copyright on the screenshots [PENDING]
19:31:17 [dbooth]
ACTION: danbri: draft a bit of text pointing to SWIG [PENDING]
19:31:17 [jeremy]
19:31:19 [dbooth]
ACTION: Phil to make sure that an email is sent to the list about how the primer document will handle the listing of products [PENDING]
19:31:22 [dbooth]
ACTION: Guus to include publication proposal in Nov 28 agenda [PENDING]
19:31:24 [dbooth]
ACTION: phil/danbri to see how to proceed with discussion of ODA draft in the SWIG [PENDING]
19:31:26 [dbooth]
ACTION: jc send some more constructive comments on ODA draft [DONE]
19:31:47 [Zakim]
19:31:55 [jeremy]
Note: is the ODA comments
19:31:55 [aliman]
for the record ... re VMTF can we assign actions on dbooth and andreas harth to review 'HTTP cookbook' ... as they so kindly agreed to do a review for VMTF at the f2f :)
19:31:56 [Zakim]
19:32:00 [Zakim]
19:32:03 [Elisa]
Zakim, unmute me
19:32:03 [Zakim]
Elisa_Kendall should no longer be muted
19:32:04 [dbooth]
19:32:06 [Zakim]
- +30210668aabb
19:32:07 [Zakim]
19:32:33 [dwood]
zakim, who is talking?
19:32:43 [dbooth]
Meeting: httpRange-14 resolution
19:32:45 [Zakim]
dwood, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Elisa_Kendall (81%), David_Wood (48%), +1.302.107.aacc (15%)
19:32:53 [dbooth]
zakim, temporarily mute elisa
19:32:53 [Zakim]
Elisa_Kendall should now be muted
19:32:57 [dwood]
zakim, mute aacc
19:32:57 [Zakim]
+1.302.107.aacc should now be muted
19:33:09 [Zakim]
Elisa_Kendall should now be unmuted again
19:33:11 [dwood]
zakim, mute me
19:33:11 [Zakim]
sorry, dwood, I do not see a party named 'dwood'
19:33:13 [Zakim]
19:33:22 [dwood]
zakim, I am David_Wood
19:33:22 [Zakim]
ok, dwood, I now associate you with David_Wood
19:33:24 [dbooth]
zakim, temporarily mute dbooth
19:33:24 [Zakim]
DBooth should now be muted
19:33:25 [dwood]
zakim, mute me
19:33:26 [Zakim]
David_Wood should now be muted
19:33:34 [dwood]
zakim, unmute me
19:33:35 [Zakim]
David_Wood should no longer be muted
19:33:40 [Zakim]
DBooth should now be unmuted again
19:33:44 [dwood]
zakim, mute me
19:33:44 [Zakim]
David_Wood should now be muted
19:33:45 [Zakim]
- +1.302.107.aacc
19:33:50 [dbooth]
zakim, temporarily mute david_wood
19:33:50 [Zakim]
David_Wood was already muted, dbooth
19:34:00 [dbooth]
zakim, who is here?
19:34:00 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Elisa_Kendall, David_Wood (muted), DBooth, Giorgos_Stamou
19:34:02 [Zakim]
On IRC I see ewallace, gmckenzi, jeremy, tbaker, Jacco, bwm, Zakim, RRSAgent, dbooth, raphael, giorgos, Elisa, aliman, chalaschek, dwood
19:34:08 [dwood]
Hmm. Giorgios?
19:34:12 [dbooth]
zakim, drop giorgos
19:34:12 [Zakim]
Giorgos_Stamou is being disconnected
19:34:14 [Zakim]
19:34:18 [dwood]
zakim, unmute me
19:34:18 [Zakim]
David_Wood should no longer be muted
19:34:39 [raphael]
raphael has left #swbp
19:34:55 [dbooth]
19:35:03 [dwood]
19:35:44 [gmckenzi]
gmckenzi has left #swbp
19:36:12 [dbooth]
DBooth: Does not addres how URI should be constructed.
19:36:42 [dbooth]
DBooth: And does not address what kind of document should be made available.
19:37:06 [dbooth]
Elisa: We did a treatment of relationship between documents and URIs.
19:38:01 [dbooth]
... How is this related to the cookbook?
19:38:58 [aliman]
I think there is a strong relationship between the httpRange-14 draft and the 'requirements' section in the cookbook:
19:39:21 [aliman]
N.B. i think the requirements section could be much better ...
19:39:48 [aliman]
possibly softer.
19:41:15 [aliman]
Note also Peter P-S comments on the 'requirements' and other aspects of the cookbook:
19:42:25 [aliman]
On some fundamental aspects of semweb architecture we don't have consensus.
19:44:31 [dbooth]
DBooth: Two TAG-sanctioned ways of constructing URIs, hash and non-hash. With hash URIs, the meaning is dependent on the returned MIME type. If I use a hash URI to identify DBooth the person, then I cannot serve HTML to describe me (with a 2xx) response or it would imply that the URI idenfies an information resource.
19:46:32 [dbooth]
... This makes hash URIs inappropriate as general idenfiers.
19:46:38 [aliman]
N.B. recipes in the cookbook use *conditional redirects*, rather than content negotiation per se, to avoid any possible ambiguity or inconsistency arising from semantics implied by MIME type.
19:50:38 [tbaker]
(will cite in revised TF description)
19:58:42 [dbooth]
20:05:42 [tbaker]
20:05:54 [tbaker]
tbaker has left #swbp
20:06:52 [dbooth]
DBooth: We note that when a hash URI does a 303-redirect, then some browsers append the fragid to the new URI, and some do not.
20:07:37 [dbooth]
DWood: Need to say what is the impact of the httpRange-14 issue to Sem Web community.
20:08:49 [dbooth]
DBooth: Another way to look at it: What guidance should be given to the Sem Web community in light of the TAG's decision?
20:09:09 [dbooth]
Elisa: Do tools support 303 URIs?
20:10:31 [dbooth]
... The other issue: How should tools generate URIs?
20:13:07 [dbooth]
Safari, Konquerer and Amaya 8.5 strip the fragid when doing the 303 redirect.
20:14:02 [dbooth]
Also IE 6 strips the fragid.
20:14:55 [dwood]
Error 400: Bad Request - Query string is not an absolute URI
20:14:55 [dwood]
The query string you supplied was not recognizable as an absolute URI.  It needs to be an absolute URI. 
20:14:58 [dwood]
For help, see How to Mint a URI Using
20:15:01 [dwood]
(Under IE 5.2 for Mac)
20:16:25 [dbooth]
That error message is from, because the query string was escaped improperly.
20:16:51 [dwood]
But, if you strip the %20 (space) from then it strips the #, just like Safari, Konqueror, W3M
20:17:01 [dbooth]
Netscape, Firefox keep the fragid when the 303 redirect is done.
20:21:35 [Zakim]
20:29:47 [dbooth]
ACTION: DBooth to reply to DWood's email.
20:29:58 [Zakim]
20:30:00 [Zakim]
20:30:01 [Zakim]
SW_BPD()1:00PM has ended
20:30:02 [Zakim]
Attendees were Elisa_Kendall, Evan_Wallace, Giorgos_Stamou, David_Wood, DBooth, +1.613.884.aaaa, raphael, +30210668aabb, chalaschek, Jacco_van_Ossenbruggen, Jeremy, TomBaker,
20:30:04 [Zakim]
... +1.302.107.aacc, +44.777.582.aadd, bwm, gmckenzi
20:51:42 [dbooth]
zakim, bye
20:51:42 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #swbp
20:52:02 [dbooth]
rrsagent, draft minutes
20:52:02 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate dbooth
20:52:39 [dbooth]
rrsagent, make log public