IRC log of wai-wcag on 2005-11-03
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 20:09:27 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #wai-wcag
- 20:09:27 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 20:09:32 [ben]
- zakim, list conferences
- 20:09:32 [Zakim]
- I see XML_QueryWG(ttf)3:00PM active
- 20:09:34 [Zakim]
- also scheduled at this time is WAI_UAWG()2:00PM
- 20:09:45 [ben]
- zakim, this will be WAI-WCAG
- 20:09:45 [Zakim]
- I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled near this time, ben
- 20:09:56 [ben]
- zakim, this will be WCAG
- 20:09:56 [Zakim]
- ok, ben; I see WAI_WCAG()4:00PM scheduled to start in 51 minutes
- 20:10:53 [ben]
- Agenda:
- 20:11:16 [ben]
- Topic: WCAG Weekly Telecon
- 20:11:50 [ben]
- agenda+ Guideline 1.2 and 3.1 Proposed Level Changes <>
- 20:11:57 [Makoto]
- I see. I'll be able to be in my bed 1 hour more for next months :-)
- 20:12:12 [ben]
- agenda+ Guidelines 1.3, 2.1, 2.4 and 3.1 <>
- 20:12:28 [ben]
- agenda+ Guideline 4.2 <>
- 20:12:39 [ben]
- agenda+ Check-in on action items and assignments.
- 20:14:00 [ben]
- Regrets: Sebastiano_Nutarelli, Takayuki_Watanabe, Luca_Mascaro, Roberto_Castaldo, Gian_Sampson-Wild
- 20:14:04 [ben]
- RRSAgent, off
- 21:01:07 [Zakim]
- +Alex_Li
- 21:01:12 [Yvette]
- zakim, [IBM] is Andy_Snow_Weaver
- 21:01:12 [Zakim]
- +Andy_Snow_Weaver; got it
- 21:01:17 [ben]
- RRSAgent, make log world
- 21:01:27 [ben]
- RRSAgent, please generate minutes
- 21:01:27 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate ben
- 21:01:39 [Zakim]
- +??P12
- 21:01:39 [rellero]
- zakim, ??P12 is rellero
- 21:01:39 [Zakim]
- +rellero; got it
- 21:01:41 [Zakim]
- +Christophe_Strobbe
- 21:01:44 [Yvette]
- zakim, who's making noise?
- 21:01:47 [bengt]
- zakim, I am Bengt_Farre
- 21:01:47 [Zakim]
- ok, bengt, I now associate you with Bengt_Farre
- 21:01:51 [bengt]
- zakim, mute me
- 21:01:51 [Zakim]
- Bengt_Farre should now be muted
- 21:01:54 [Zakim]
- Yvette, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Gez_Lemon (10%), Becky_Gibson (15%), Loretta_Guarino_Reid (70%), John_Slatin (44%), rellero (9%)
- 21:01:59 [rellero]
- zakim, mute me
- 21:01:59 [Zakim]
- rellero should now be muted
- 21:02:15 [Yvette]
- zakim, who's on the phone?
- 21:02:15 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Gez_Lemon, Becky_Gibson, Yvette_Hoitink, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Andy_Snow_Weaver, Bengt_Farre (muted), Ben_Caldwell, Makoto_Ueki, John_Slatin, Alex_Li, rellero
- 21:02:19 [Zakim]
- ... (muted), Christophe_Strobbe
- 21:02:28 [ben]
- Meeting: WCAG Weekly Telecon
- 21:03:03 [Andi]
- scribe: Andi
- 21:03:09 [Yvette]
- zakim, Andy_Snow_Weaver is Andi_Snow_Weaver
- 21:03:09 [Zakim]
- +Andi_Snow_Weaver; got it
- 21:03:20 [ben]
- chair: John_Slatin
- 21:03:26 [Zakim]
- +Sofia_Celic
- 21:03:43 [Zakim]
- +??P15
- 21:03:55 [Sofia]
- Sofia has joined #wai-wcag
- 21:04:06 [Kesh]
- Kesh has joined #wai-wcag
- 21:04:43 [Zakim]
- +[ATTcaller]
- 21:04:49 [Yvette]
- zakim, mute me
- 21:04:49 [Zakim]
- Yvette_Hoitink should now be muted
- 21:05:09 [Andi]
- not publishing November 10th as planned
- 21:05:26 [Andi]
- must publish by November 17th to stay
- 21:06:37 [Andi]
- must move forward - have to let things go that we "can live with"
- 21:07:04 [Zakim]
- +David_MacDonald
- 21:08:50 [ben]
- zakim, [ATTcaller] is Tim_Boland
- 21:08:50 [Zakim]
- +Tim_Boland; got it
- 21:09:01 [ben]
- zakim, ??P15 is Kerstin_Goldsmith
- 21:09:01 [Zakim]
- +Kerstin_Goldsmith; got it
- 21:09:04 [David]
- David has joined #wai-wcag
- 21:09:10 [ben]
- zakim, ping me in 20 minutes
- 21:09:10 [Zakim]
- ok, ben
- 21:10:30 [Andi]
- Proposal to move GL 3.1 L3 SC 5 to L2
- 21:10:32 [Yvette]
- q+
- 21:10:38 [Yvette]
- zakim, unmute me
- 21:10:38 [Zakim]
- Yvette_Hoitink should no longer be muted
- 21:10:47 [Andi]
- Gez thinks this is not hard to do and is in favor of moving to Level 2
- 21:10:47 [ben]
- q?
- 21:10:52 [ben]
- ack Gez
- 21:10:54 [ben]
- ack Yv
- 21:11:38 [Andi]
- Yvette thinks this is difficult to do
- 21:11:42 [Becky]
- q
- 21:12:16 [Andi]
- resolution: Leave GL 3.1 Level 3 SC 5 at Level 3
- 21:12:51 [Zakim]
- +??P1
- 21:13:07 [ben]
- zakim, take up agendum 1
- 21:13:08 [Zakim]
- agendum 1. "Guideline 1.2 and 3.1 Proposed Level Changes <>" taken up [from ben]
- 21:13:35 [Zakim]
- +Michael_Cooper
- 21:14:26 [Yvette]
- zakim, mute me
- 21:14:26 [Zakim]
- Yvette_Hoitink should now be muted
- 21:15:07 [Andi]
- Discussing moving GL 1.2 L1 SC 1 (captions) to level 2
- 21:15:55 [Yvette]
- zakim, unmute me
- 21:15:55 [Zakim]
- Yvette_Hoitink should no longer be muted
- 21:16:48 [rellero_]
- rellero_ has joined #wai-wcag
- 21:16:54 [Zakim]
- -rellero
- 21:17:30 [Zakim]
- +??P16
- 21:17:33 [Michael]
- q+
- 21:17:44 [rellero_]
- zakim, ??P16 is rellero
- 21:17:44 [Zakim]
- +rellero; got it
- 21:17:52 [rellero_]
- zakim, mute me
- 21:17:52 [Zakim]
- sorry, rellero_, I do not see a party named 'rellero_'
- 21:18:07 [ben]
- zakim, ??P1 is Katie_Haritos_Shea
- 21:18:07 [Zakim]
- +Katie_Haritos_Shea; got it
- 21:18:17 [rellero_]
- zakim, mute me
- 21:18:17 [Zakim]
- sorry, rellero_, I do not see a party named 'rellero_'
- 21:18:22 [ben]
- zakim, ??P16 is Roberto_Ellero
- 21:18:23 [Zakim]
- I already had ??P16 as rellero, ben
- 21:18:24 [Andi]
- Yvette - very hard to do, people either stop using Multimedia which can be helpful for people with cognitive disabilties or stop doing WCAG because think it's too hard.
- 21:18:42 [ben]
- q?
- 21:18:45 [ben]
- ack Lor
- 21:19:18 [Yvette]
- q+
- 21:19:31 [Michael]
- ack m
- 21:19:49 [Michael]
- zakim, unmute me
- 21:19:49 [Zakim]
- Michael_Cooper should no longer be muted
- 21:19:53 [Michael]
- q+
- 21:20:01 [Andi]
- John - Multimedia is not accessible without captions, concern if we don't require captions because the volume of multimedia is increasing on the Web.
- 21:20:17 [Yvette]
- ack y
- 21:20:21 [Yvette]
- ack m
- 21:20:23 [Andi]
- Yvette - would like to have "baby step" requirement at Level 1 that makes it minimally accessible
- 21:21:00 [Michael]
- ack y
- 21:21:11 [ben]
- ack Lor
- 21:21:50 [Andi]
- Loretta - captioned multimedia should always be sufficient at level 1 so don't want us to put something at Level 1 that would make captions not sufficient.
- 21:22:15 [Andi]
- Michael - WCAG should define what it means to be accessible even if it's not "practical reality"
- 21:23:14 [ben]
- ack Lor
- 21:25:56 [Yvette]
- zakim, mute me
- 21:25:57 [Zakim]
- Yvette_Hoitink should now be muted
- 21:26:23 [Andi]
- Objections to leaving this at Level 1 and objections to moving this to Level 2
- 21:27:51 [Andi]
- Call for review should flag this issue, should include stakeholders from deaf community and captioning tool developers
- 21:28:22 [Andi]
- resolution: moving forward with dissent on GL 1.2 Level 1 SC 1 (captions)
- 21:28:42 [Andi]
- discussing GL 1.2 Level 1 SC 2 (audio descriptions)
- 21:29:00 [Andi]
- more support for moving to Level 2 but not consensus
- 21:29:11 [Zakim]
- ben, you asked to be pinged at this time
- 21:29:34 [Michael]
- q+
- 21:30:21 [Andi]
- John - support leaving at Level 1 - multimedia increasingly important on the Web - seems wrong to lower requirement (WCAG 1.0 and Section 508 both require it)
- 21:30:38 [Michael]
- zakim, unmute me
- 21:30:38 [Zakim]
- Michael_Cooper should no longer be muted
- 21:30:49 [Michael]
- ack m
- 21:31:12 [Yvette]
- q+
- 21:31:20 [Andi]
- Michael proposes transcript at level 1, audio descriptions at Level 2
- 21:31:35 [Yvette]
- q-
- 21:31:35 [Yvette]
- q+
- 21:31:41 [Yvette]
- zakim, unmute me
- 21:31:41 [Zakim]
- Yvette_Hoitink should no longer be muted
- 21:32:00 [Makoto]
- q+
- 21:32:00 [ben]
- q+
- 21:32:18 [ben]
- zakim, who's making noise?
- 21:32:20 [Zakim]
- +Matt_May
- 21:32:25 [Christophe]
- zakim, mute me
- 21:32:25 [Zakim]
- Christophe_Strobbe should now be muted
- 21:32:25 [Andi]
- Loretta - same as comment for captions - audio descriptions should be sufficient at level 1
- 21:32:29 [Zakim]
- ben, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Gez_Lemon (45%), Yvette_Hoitink (46%), Makoto_Ueki (95%), Ben_Caldwell (9%), John_Slatin (7%), rellero (28%),
- 21:32:32 [Zakim]
- ... David_MacDonald (40%)
- 21:32:35 [rellero_]
- zakim, mute rellero_
- 21:32:35 [Zakim]
- sorry, rellero_, I do not see a party named 'rellero_'
- 21:32:47 [ben]
- zakim, mute Makoto
- 21:32:47 [Zakim]
- Makoto_Ueki should now be muted
- 21:32:50 [rellero_]
- zakim, mute rellero
- 21:32:50 [Zakim]
- rellero should now be muted
- 21:33:24 [ben]
- zakim, who's muted?
- 21:33:24 [Zakim]
- I see Bengt_Farre, Makoto_Ueki, Christophe_Strobbe, Michael_Cooper, rellero muted
- 21:33:37 [bengt]
- zakim, who's making noise ?
- 21:33:41 [ben]
- zakim, mute Gez
- 21:33:41 [Zakim]
- Gez_Lemon should now be muted
- 21:33:47 [Zakim]
- bengt, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Gez_Lemon (43%), Yvette_Hoitink (22%), Ben_Caldwell (23%), John_Slatin (43%), Tim_Boland (37%), David_MacDonald
- 21:33:51 [Zakim]
- ... (28%)
- 21:34:20 [ben]
- q?
- 21:34:51 [ben]
- ack Lor
- 21:35:41 [Yvette]
- q-
- 21:35:49 [Makoto]
- zakim, unmute me
- 21:35:49 [Zakim]
- Makoto_Ueki should no longer be muted
- 21:35:58 [ben]
- ack Makoto
- 21:38:49 [ben]
- ack Lor
- 21:38:56 [ben]
- ack ben
- 21:41:39 [Michael]
- zakim, unmute me
- 21:41:39 [Zakim]
- Michael_Cooper should no longer be muted
- 21:42:35 [Andi]
- Loretta proposes at Level 1 - text description or audio description is available
- 21:42:46 [Andi]
- Level 2 - audio description is availalbe
- 21:43:00 [Andi]
- s/available/availalbe/
- 21:43:33 [Andi]
- Ben proposes - Meeting GL 1.1 Level 3 SC for a combined transcript is a technique for meeting GL 1.2 L1 SC 2
- 21:44:28 [Andi]
- Yvette proposes at least one of the following is available: text description, audio descriptions, or collated transcript
- 21:45:54 [ben]
- ack tim
- 21:45:58 [Andi]
- Tim - confusing to have the same functional requirement on different levels
- 21:48:11 [Kesh]
- q+ kerstin
- 21:48:51 [Kesh]
- ack k
- 21:49:19 [Andi]
- Loretta clarifies - hard requirement for audio descriptions at level 2, option to do something less at level 1 but audio descriptions would still satisfy level 1
- 21:50:01 [Andi]
- action: Loretta, Michael, Yvette, John to develop proposal for audio descriptions by Monday.
- 21:50:48 [Gez]
- q+
- 21:51:04 [Gez]
- zakim, unmute me
- 21:51:04 [Zakim]
- Gez_Lemon should no longer be muted
- 21:51:19 [ben]
- ack Gez
- 21:51:24 [Andi]
- discussing - GL 3.1 Level 3 SC 2 - move to level 2
- 21:51:49 [Gez]
- zakim, mute me
- 21:51:49 [Zakim]
- Gez_Lemon should now be muted
- 21:52:23 [Gez]
- q+
- 21:53:08 [Andi]
- q+
- 21:53:13 [Gez]
- zakim, unmute me
- 21:53:13 [Zakim]
- Gez_Lemon should no longer be muted
- 21:53:14 [ben]
- ack Gez
- 21:53:35 [Andi]
- Gez thinks this is easy to do
- 21:53:44 [Gez]
- zakim, mute me
- 21:53:44 [Zakim]
- Gez_Lemon should now be muted
- 21:53:49 [ben]
- ack Andi
- 21:54:44 [Yvette]
- zakim, mute me
- 21:54:44 [Zakim]
- Yvette_Hoitink should now be muted
- 21:54:49 [Andi]
- testability issues with "unusual"
- 21:55:38 [ben]
- ack Lor
- 21:55:54 [Gez]
- q+
- 21:56:02 [Gez]
- zakim, unmute me
- 21:56:02 [Zakim]
- Gez_Lemon should no longer be muted
- 21:56:10 [ben]
- ack Gez
- 21:56:49 [Gez]
- zakim, mute me
- 21:56:49 [Zakim]
- Gez_Lemon should now be muted
- 21:57:25 [Gez]
- zakim, unmute me
- 21:57:25 [Zakim]
- Gez_Lemon should no longer be muted
- 21:57:29 [Gez]
- zakim, mute me
- 21:57:29 [Zakim]
- Gez_Lemon should now be muted
- 21:58:17 [Andi]
- resolution: leave GL 3.1 Level 3 SC 2 at Level 3
- 21:58:41 [Yvette]
- zakim, unmute me
- 21:58:42 [Zakim]
- Yvette_Hoitink should no longer be muted
- 22:00:38 [Michael_Cooper]
- Michael_Cooper has joined #wai-wcag
- 22:00:52 [ben]
- sufficient techniques -
- 22:01:21 [Andi]
- q+
- 22:01:26 [Michael_Cooper_]
- Michael_Cooper_ has joined #wai-wcag
- 22:02:20 [Gez]
- zakim, unmute me
- 22:02:20 [Zakim]
- Gez_Lemon should no longer be muted
- 22:02:25 [Gez]
- zakim, mute me
- 22:02:25 [Zakim]
- Gez_Lemon should now be muted
- 22:03:07 [Andi]
- resolution: GL 3.1 Level 3 SC 3 (abbreviations) - leave this at Level 3
- 22:03:31 [Andi]
- q-
- 22:03:41 [Gez]
- q+
- 22:03:42 [Michael_Cooper_]
- Michael_Cooper_ has joined #wai-wcag
- 22:04:00 [ben]
- ack Tim
- 22:04:01 [Kesh]
- q+ kerstin
- 22:04:41 [Yvette]
- zakim, unmute me
- 22:04:41 [Zakim]
- Yvette_Hoitink was not muted, Yvette
- 22:06:00 [Christophe]
- zakim, unmute me
- 22:06:03 [Zakim]
- Christophe_Strobbe should no longer be muted
- 22:06:46 [Christophe]
- q+
- 22:07:34 [Gez]
- zakim, unmute me
- 22:07:34 [Zakim]
- Gez_Lemon should no longer be muted
- 22:08:47 [bengt]
- zakim, unmute me
- 22:08:47 [Zakim]
- Bengt_Farre should no longer be muted
- 22:09:21 [ben]
- q?
- 22:09:27 [Christophe]
- q-
- 22:09:28 [bengt]
- zakim, mute me
- 22:09:29 [Zakim]
- Bengt_Farre should now be muted
- 22:09:33 [ben]
- ack Gez
- 22:09:45 [Kesh]
- ack G
- 22:09:50 [Gez]
- zakim, mute me
- 22:09:50 [Zakim]
- Gez_Lemon should now be muted
- 22:09:57 [ben]
- ack kers
- 22:10:10 [ben]
- ack Kat
- 22:10:23 [Kesh]
- ack Alex
- 22:11:10 [Kesh]
- scribe: kesh
- 22:11:37 [Kesh]
- katie - we did a survey, why are we re-voting?
- 22:12:01 [Kesh]
- Andi - three objections to moving it up to L2
- 22:12:13 [Kesh]
- John - we need to leave at L3, and note dissent
- 22:12:38 [Kesh]
- katie -- 17 people on survey -- I object, cannot live with it at L3
- 22:12:56 [Kesh]
- John - survey is not the same as "cannot live with it"
- 22:13:28 [Kesh]
- we have 3 to 3 objecting in each direction -- off the table till next week - but we need to decide, and I do not want to call for a vote -- we have so far been able to work to consensus
- 22:13:45 [Kesh]
- guidelines will be stronger if we can reach consensus
- 22:14:20 [Zakim]
- +Gregg_Vanderheiden
- 22:15:11 [Kesh]
- Andi: I think it's more about WHEN to apply it -- do we need to mark St. in an address as an abbreviation
- 22:18:53 [Kesh]
- resolution: move this issue of abbr to next meeting
- 22:19:05 [ben]
- zakim, close this item
- 22:19:05 [Zakim]
- agendum 1 closed
- 22:19:06 [Zakim]
- I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
- 22:19:07 [Zakim]
- 2. Guidelines 1.3, 2.1, 2.4 and 3.1 <> [from ben]
- 22:19:10 [Zakim]
- -Tim_Boland
- 22:19:11 [ben]
- zakim, take up agendum 2
- 22:19:12 [Zakim]
- agendum 2. "Guidelines 1.3, 2.1, 2.4 and 3.1 <>" taken up [from ben]
- 22:22:19 [Kesh]
- Loretta -- the whole issue is 'what does this actually mean?'
- 22:22:41 [ben]
- regrets+ Wendy_Chisholm
- 22:23:12 [Kesh]
- loretta -- people were saying if the techno has structure, use it
- 22:24:35 [Kesh]
- gregg - I would rather see something that says 'the following structures need to be exposed programatically' if tech. does not have it, then people cannot use it
- 22:25:12 [Kesh]
- ack A
- 22:25:34 [Kesh]
- issue - how does this affect text files?
- 22:26:03 [Kesh]
- gregg -- there is a way to mark up text files
- 22:27:21 [Kesh]
- loretta -- this offers option three that was not on the survey -- proposing that specific structure be called out as mandatory
- 22:27:38 [ben]
- q+
- 22:27:50 [Kesh]
- andi - this was proposed only in techniques -- 'the following need to be progr. determined ...'
- 22:28:44 [Kesh]
- gregg -- i would rather be specific instead of throwing a broad net to catch all the fish and dolphins at the same time
- 22:29:11 [Kesh]
- q+ kerstin
- 22:29:47 [Kesh]
- loretta - wcag 1.0 requires table markup at level 1, headers at l2
- 22:30:16 [Michael]
- q+
- 22:30:28 [Kesh]
- ben -- where the lost sheep of structure fit in -- kbd, etc.. what level, if any, do these fit in -- where do we draw the line
- 22:32:10 [Kesh]
- gregg -- maybe we should say markup that shows organizational relationships -- level 1,
- 22:32:25 [Michael]
- q?
- 22:32:28 [ben]
- ack ben
- 22:32:32 [Kesh]
- gregg - if this gets the essence of what we think is important, then leave it there
- 22:32:45 [Zakim]
- -rellero
- 22:32:50 [Kesh]
- organization and relationships to each other ...
- 22:33:09 [Michael]
- ack k
- 22:33:16 [Michael]
- ack m
- 22:33:22 [Michael]
- or not
- 22:34:00 [David]
- zakim, who's on the phone?
- 22:34:00 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Gez_Lemon (muted), Becky_Gibson, Yvette_Hoitink, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Andi_Snow_Weaver, Bengt_Farre (muted), Ben_Caldwell, Makoto_Ueki, John_Slatin, Alex_Li,
- 22:34:03 [Zakim]
- ... Christophe_Strobbe, Sofia_Celic, Kerstin_Goldsmith, David_MacDonald, Katie_Haritos_Shea, Michael_Cooper, Matt_May, Gregg_Vanderheiden
- 22:34:14 [Kesh]
- Michael - a lot of the other sc cover things we care about in structure -- 1.3 is trying to be a catch-all -- we should be pretty open-ended in 1.3
- 22:34:36 [ben]
- ack Lor
- 22:34:55 [Kesh]
- loretta -- I feel the opposite of michael
- 22:35:09 [Kesh]
- michael -- if it's not there, then I think it should be
- 22:36:10 [Kesh]
- proposal: structure that deals with organization or relationship of text within the delivery unit can be programatically determined
- 22:36:27 [Kesh]
- structure related to with organization or relationship of text within the delivery unit can be programatically determined
- 22:36:32 [Yvette]
- zakim, mute me
- 22:36:32 [Zakim]
- Yvette_Hoitink should now be muted
- 22:36:36 [Andi]
- q+
- 22:37:03 [Kesh]
- andi -- have a problem with 'relationship of text'
- 22:37:21 [Kesh]
- gregg -- in guide doc we would deal with things like images, with alt text
- 22:37:23 [Andi]
- q-
- 22:37:25 [Kesh]
- ack A
- 22:38:32 [Kesh]
- ack L
- 22:39:28 [Yvette]
- q+
- 22:39:33 [Yvette]
- zakim, unmute me
- 22:39:33 [Zakim]
- Yvette_Hoitink should no longer be muted
- 22:40:43 [Kesh]
- counter proposal : a mechanism is available to find the definition of each word in the content
- 22:41:30 [bengt]
- zakim, unmute me
- 22:41:30 [Zakim]
- Bengt_Farre should no longer be muted
- 22:41:39 [Kesh]
- alex -- what about cross-referencing documents -- do I need to define a definition and a definition and so on, so on
- 22:41:49 [Yvette]
- ack y
- 22:41:56 [Kesh]
- ack A
- 22:42:05 [Yvette]
- q+
- 22:42:24 [ben]
- q+
- 22:43:03 [ben]
- ack yve
- 22:44:14 [ben]
- ack ben
- 22:44:17 [Kesh]
- be -- in favor of taking out of the sc altogether -- if not suff. techniques, then include in advisory under 'unusual ... way'
- 22:44:47 [ben]
- ack alex
- 22:44:53 [Kesh]
- proposal: remove 3.1 L3 SC1 and add it to advisory
- 22:46:00 [bengt]
- I am just afraid that we will deny any way to reach definitions in a general way, why should we be restricted to unusual words ????
- 22:46:34 [bengt]
- ben ?
- 22:47:12 [Kesh]
- proposal -- (1) deleting is an SC and (2) adding it to advisory techniques
- 22:47:54 [bengt]
- q+
- 22:48:06 [Kesh]
- does anyone want to speak against deleting this sc (finding def. in all text and content), and adding that one plus Lisa and bengt's proposal to advisory techniques
- 22:48:14 [Kesh]
- can we just vote to move it?
- 22:49:35 [Yvette]
- zakim, mute me
- 22:49:35 [Zakim]
- Yvette_Hoitink should now be muted
- 22:49:38 [bengt]
- that reason hasnt been said before
- 22:50:26 [Kesh]
- can we get consensus to move this to advisory? and that we also add lisa and bengt proposal about meaning to advisory as well
- 22:50:35 [Kesh]
- under L3 SC2
- 22:52:03 [Kesh]
- proposal accepted
- 22:52:08 [bengt]
- there are problems with leaving it to other means, since they are incomplete in other languages than english ...
- 22:53:18 [Kesh]
- proposal: move 3.1 L3 SC1 becomes advisory techniques, as well as lisa and bengts' proposal, as adv. techniques under L3 SC1
- 22:53:49 [ben]
- scribe: ben
- 22:54:05 [ben]
- 06resolution: remove 3.1 L3 SC1 and include it as an adivisory technique for 3.1 L3 SC2. Also include an advisory technique based on Lisa and Bengt's proposal01.
- 22:55:48 [Yvette]
- q+
- 22:56:00 [Michael]
- q+ to say I think this one is quite broken
- 22:56:16 [ben]
- discussing: SC and guide for 2.4 L2 SC4
- 22:56:22 [ben]
- ack Bengt
- 22:56:39 [ben]
- ack Yve
- 22:57:38 [ben]
- q+
- 22:58:56 [ben]
- q+ gregg
- 22:59:45 [ben]
- ack Michael
- 22:59:45 [Zakim]
- Michael, you wanted to say I think this one is quite broken
- 23:00:00 [Yvette]
- zakim, mute me
- 23:00:00 [Zakim]
- Yvette_Hoitink should now be muted
- 23:00:33 [ben]
- ack ben
- 23:00:35 [ben]
- ack gregg
- 23:03:27 [Kesh]
- Kesh has left #wai-wcag
- 23:03:37 [Michael]
- q+
- 23:04:05 [Michael]
- ack
- 23:04:05 [Yvette]
- zakim, unmute me
- 23:04:05 [Zakim]
- Yvette_Hoitink should no longer be muted
- 23:04:12 [Zakim]
- -Yvette_Hoitink
- 23:04:24 [Zakim]
- -Kerstin_Goldsmith
- 23:04:36 [Yvette]
- I object to keeping it as is
- 23:04:42 [Michael]
- ack m
- 23:05:10 [Yvette]
- I can't call back in because the call is officially over
- 23:05:29 [ben]
- ack Lor
- 23:06:51 [Zakim]
- -Katie_Haritos_Shea
- 23:07:18 [ben]
- no consensus
- 23:07:54 [ben]
- action: michael and ben to work on the guide doc for 1.3 L1 SC2 and repropose
- 23:08:28 [ben]
- discussing: Guide for 1.3 L2 SC1
- 23:09:09 [Zakim]
- -Michael_Cooper
- 23:10:23 [ben]
- resolution: accept guide doc for Guide for 1.3 L2 SC1 and keep SC as is
- 23:10:31 [Yvette]
- Excuse me?
- 23:11:47 [bengt]
- just tell zakim to open up again
- 23:11:57 [Yvette]
- how?
- 23:11:58 [ben]
- resolution: accept Success Criterion text and Guide for 1.3 L2 SC2 (action editors to clean up based on comments)
- 23:12:10 [bengt]
- wendy used to do that
- 23:13:05 [Yvette]
- zakim, what conference is this?
- 23:13:05 [Zakim]
- this is WAI_WCAG()4:00PM conference code 9224
- 23:14:29 [Zakim]
- -Alex_Li
- 23:14:31 [Zakim]
- -Sofia_Celic
- 23:14:33 [Zakim]
- -Becky_Gibson
- 23:14:33 [ben]
- next week: discuss last item in survey on 1.3, 2.1, 2.4 and 3.1 and remaining agenda items
- 23:14:35 [Zakim]
- -Loretta_Guarino_Reid
- 23:14:39 [Zakim]
- -Gez_Lemon
- 23:14:40 [Zakim]
- -Andi_Snow_Weaver
- 23:14:43 [ben]
- zakim, close this item
- 23:14:43 [Zakim]
- agendum 2 closed
- 23:14:44 [Zakim]
- I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
- 23:14:45 [Zakim]
- 3. Guideline 4.2 <> [from ben]
- 23:14:49 [Zakim]
- -Christophe_Strobbe
- 23:14:49 [ben]
- zakim, close item 3
- 23:14:50 [Zakim]
- agendum 3, Guideline 4.2 <>, closed
- 23:14:52 [Zakim]
- I see 1 item remaining on the agenda:
- 23:14:54 [Zakim]
- 4. Check-in on action items and assignments. [from ben]
- 23:14:58 [ben]
- zakim, close item 4
- 23:14:58 [Zakim]
- agendum 4, Check-in on action items and assignments., closed
- 23:14:59 [Zakim]
- I see nothing remaining on the agenda
- 23:15:19 [Yvette]
- Bye all!
- 23:15:28 [ben]
- zakim, who's on the phone?
- 23:15:28 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Bengt_Farre, Ben_Caldwell, Makoto_Ueki, John_Slatin, David_MacDonald, Matt_May, Gregg_Vanderheiden
- 23:15:46 [ben]
- RRSAgent, generate minutes
- 23:15:46 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate ben
- 23:16:07 [bengt]
- zakim, kick Bengt_Farre
- 23:16:07 [Zakim]
- I don't understand 'kick Bengt_Farre', bengt
- 23:16:52 [Yvette]
- Yvette has left #wai-wcag
- 23:18:22 [bengt]
- bengt has left #wai-wcag
- 23:19:04 [ben]
- 23:19:04 [ben]
- Present: Tim_Boland Alex_Li Andi Andi_Snow_Weaver Becky_Gibson Ben_Caldwell Bengt_Farre Christophe_Strobbe David_MacDonald Gez_Lemon Gregg_Vanderheiden John_Slatin Katie_Haritos_Shea Kerstin_Goldsmith Loretta_Guarino_Reid Makoto_Ueki Matt_May Michael_Cooper Sofia_Celic Yvette_Hoitink
- 23:20:01 [ben]
- Zakim, who's on the phone?
- 23:20:01 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Bengt_Farre, Ben_Caldwell, Makoto_Ueki, John_Slatin, David_MacDonald, Matt_May, Gregg_Vanderheiden
- 23:20:17 [ben]
- Zakim, bye
- 23:20:17 [Zakim]
- leaving. As of this point the attendees were Gez_Lemon, Becky_Gibson, Yvette_Hoitink, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Bengt_Farre, Ben_Caldwell, Makoto_Ueki, John_Slatin, Alex_Li, rellero,
- 23:20:17 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #wai-wcag
- 23:20:20 [Zakim]
- ... Christophe_Strobbe, Andi_Snow_Weaver, Sofia_Celic, David_MacDonald, Tim_Boland, Kerstin_Goldsmith, Michael_Cooper, Katie_Haritos_Shea, Matt_May, Gregg_Vanderheiden
- 23:20:23 [ben]
- RRSAgent, generate minutes
- 23:20:23 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate ben
- 23:25:06 [Christophe]
- Christophe has left #wai-wcag