IRC log of swbp on 2005-08-16
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 13:58:14 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #swbp
- 13:58:14 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 13:58:20 [Ralph]
- Meeting: SWBPD HTML Task Force
- 13:58:37 [Ralph]
- Agenda:
- 14:01:17 [MarkB_]
- MarkB_ has joined #swbp
- 14:02:20 [Zakim]
- SW_BPD(rdfxhtml)10:00AM has now started
- 14:02:27 [Zakim]
- +Ralph
- 14:02:31 [Ralph]
- Agenda:
- 14:03:25 [Ralph]
- Regrets: Ben, Steven
- 14:03:26 [Zakim]
- +??P8
- 14:03:28 [MarkB_]
- zakim, i am ?
- 14:03:28 [Zakim]
- +MarkB_; got it
- 14:04:39 [Ralph]
- Mark: Wiki server is up again, may be unstable for a couple of weeks until new hardware arrives
- 14:05:25 [Ralph]
- -> Record of 2005-08-02 meeting
- 14:06:33 [Ralph]
- zakim, next agendum
- 14:06:33 [Zakim]
- agendum 1. "convene, take roll, review records and agenda" taken up [from Ralph]
- 14:06:48 [Ralph]
- ACTION: Ben create a way to track progress on the 3 issues of qnames, reification, and custom attributes and elements [recorded in]
- 14:06:48 [Ralph]
- -- done
- 14:06:48 [Ralph]
- -> RDF in XHTML Taskforce - Current Issues
- 14:07:10 [Ralph]
- ACTION: Ben to notify working group via a status report of upcoming WD of Note [recorded in]
- 14:07:10 [Ralph]
- -- done
- 14:07:10 [Ralph]
- -> [HTML] RDF-in-HTML Task Force Update to the SWBPD WG [Ben 2005-08-08]
- 14:07:35 [Ralph]
- ACTION: Ben add role attribute to the [HTML] issues list [recorded in]
- 14:07:35 [Ralph]
- -- done
- 14:07:35 [Ralph]
- -> Role issue
- 14:07:49 [Ralph]
- ACTION: Ben send mail to www-html-editors to assign an issue for the GRDDL namespace document behind the profile [recorded in]
- 14:07:49 [Ralph]
- -- done
- 14:07:49 [Ralph]
- -> equest to Track Issue: GRDDL in XHTML2 namespace document [Ben 2005-08-07]
- 14:08:23 [Ralph]
- ACTION: Ben to put together the "ACID" test for XHTML2 RDF/A [recorded in]
- 14:08:34 [Ralph]
- -- continues
- 14:08:50 [Ralph]
- -> RDF/A Wiki
- 14:09:17 [Ralph]
- zakim, list agenda
- 14:09:17 [Zakim]
- I see 5 items remaining on the agenda:
- 14:09:18 [Zakim]
- 1. convene, take roll, review records and agenda [from Ralph]
- 14:09:19 [Zakim]
- 2. RDF Concepts and Fragments [from Ralph]
- 14:09:20 [Zakim]
- 3. Edge Cases of inheritance in RDF/A [from Ralph]
- 14:09:22 [Zakim]
- 4. Issues List [from Ralph]
- 14:09:24 [Zakim]
- 5. bnode proposal [from Ralph]
- 14:09:36 [Ralph]
- agenda+ Status update
- 14:09:45 [Ralph]
- zakim, take up agendum 4
- 14:09:45 [Zakim]
- agendum 4. "Issues List" taken up [from Ralph]
- 14:09:59 [Ralph]
- -> RDF in XHTML Taskforce - Current Issues
- 14:10:16 [Ralph]
- Chair: Ralph
- 14:10:18 [Ralph]
- Scribe: Ralph
- 14:11:03 [Ralph]
- Mark: in a new document I'm writing, I've been using the custom attribute shorthand rather extensively
- 14:12:25 [Ralph]
- ... looking also at reification and it seems that a good way to do this might be to allow META to specify an RDF Statement, then easy to talk about this Statement
- 14:13:10 [Ralph]
- ... in early drafts of RDF/A META was like SPAN but now we're relying more on A+attributes so META can become more powerful
- 14:14:44 [ChrisW]
- ChrisW has joined #swbp
- 14:15:11 [Ralph]
- Ralph has changed the topic to: HTML TF telecon at 1400 UTC; agenda
- 14:16:55 [Ralph]
- zakim, close this agendum
- 14:16:55 [Zakim]
- agendum 4 closed
- 14:16:56 [Zakim]
- I see 5 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
- 14:16:57 [Zakim]
- 1. convene, take roll, review records and agenda [from Ralph]
- 14:17:02 [Ralph]
- zakim, close agendum 1
- 14:17:02 [Zakim]
- agendum 1, convene, take roll, review records and agenda, closed
- 14:17:03 [Zakim]
- I see 4 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
- 14:17:04 [Zakim]
- 2. RDF Concepts and Fragments [from Ralph]
- 14:17:15 [Ralph]
- zakim, take up agendum 5
- 14:17:15 [Zakim]
- agendum 5. "bnode proposal" taken up [from Ralph]
- 14:18:11 [Ralph]
- -> suggestion new uri scheme??? for bnodes [Jeremy 2005-08-11]
- 14:18:58 [Ralph]
- Ralph: I've started to think about this and wonder if a namespace would be an adequate solution?
- 14:19:42 [Ralph]
- ... similar question came up in naming variables for RDF rules languages
- 14:19:46 [Ralph]
- ... must arise in SPARQL too
- 14:20:30 [Ralph]
- Mark: problem still with getting down to URIs in triples
- 14:21:20 [Ralph]
- ... my final conclusion was that we either need 2 attributes or an XPointer function
- 14:21:31 [Ralph]
- ... I think I've pretty much demonstrated that the other methods won't work
- 14:21:50 [Ralph]
- ... need others to come up with arguments for or against these
- 14:22:29 [dlm]
- dlm has joined #swbp
- 14:22:59 [Ralph]
- ACTION: All take a serious look at Mark's [3]bnode proposal summary
- 14:22:59 [Ralph]
- [3]
- 14:22:59 [Ralph]
- [recorded in]
- 14:23:02 [Ralph]
- -- continues
- 14:23:09 [Ralph]
- zakim, close this agendum
- 14:23:09 [Zakim]
- agendum 5 closed
- 14:23:10 [Zakim]
- I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
- 14:23:11 [Zakim]
- 2. RDF Concepts and Fragments [from Ralph]
- 14:23:26 [Ralph]
- zakim, next agendum
- 14:23:26 [Zakim]
- agendum 2. "RDF Concepts and Fragments" taken up [from Ralph]
- 14:23:33 [Ralph]
- ACTION: jjc to review rdf concepts and fragments
- 14:23:33 [Ralph]
- [recorded in]
- 14:23:38 [Ralph]
- -- continues
- 14:23:48 [ChrisW]
- ralph, is there a channel we can use for an ODM meeting?
- 14:23:59 [Ralph]
- you're having that meeting right now?
- 14:24:05 [Ralph]
- why not #odm ?
- 14:24:16 [Ralph]
- (or #oep )
- 14:24:22 [ChrisW]
- ok, i didn't know one could make their own
- 14:24:33 [Ralph]
- we might finish here in a moment
- 14:24:41 [ChrisW]
- deb, I'm in #odm
- 14:24:43 [Ralph]
- zakim, move to next agendum
- 14:24:43 [Zakim]
- agendum 3. "Edge Cases of inheritance in RDF/A" taken up [from Ralph]
- 14:24:52 [Ralph]
- ACTION: Mark to check edge cases of inheritance in RDF/A
- 14:24:52 [Ralph]
- [recorded in]
- 14:24:59 [Ralph]
- -- continues
- 14:25:01 [ewallace]
- ewallace has joined #swbp
- 14:25:13 [ewallace]
- Hi all
- 14:25:16 [Ralph]
- zakim, move to next agendum
- 14:25:16 [Zakim]
- agendum 3 was just opened, Ralph
- 14:25:17 [ChrisW]
- evan, we've moved to #odm channel
- 14:25:26 [Ralph]
- zakim, close this agendum
- 14:25:26 [Zakim]
- agendum 3 closed
- 14:25:27 [Zakim]
- I see 1 item remaining on the agenda:
- 14:25:28 [Zakim]
- 6. Status update [from Ralph]
- 14:25:46 [ChrisW]
- evan, can you join that channel?
- 14:25:51 [Ralph]
- Ralph: meet next week?
- 14:26:19 [Ralph]
- Mark: regrets for next 2 weeks
- 14:26:27 [Ralph]
- ... also regrets from Steven for next week
- 14:26:47 [Ralph]
- Ralph: I'm not available on 6 Sep
- 14:27:22 [Ralph]
- ... I will poke JJC and DanBri to see if either of them want to meet before 6 Sep, else next meeting 6 Sep
- 14:27:43 [Zakim]
- -Ralph
- 14:27:45 [Zakim]
- -MarkB_
- 14:27:46 [Zakim]
- SW_BPD(rdfxhtml)10:00AM has ended
- 14:27:47 [Zakim]
- Attendees were Ralph, MarkB_
- 14:27:49 [Ralph]
- adjourned
- 14:28:07 [Ralph]
- rrsagent, draft minutes
- 14:28:07 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate Ralph
- 14:28:16 [Ralph]
- rrsagent, bye
- 14:28:16 [RRSAgent]
- I see 8 open action items saved in :
- 14:28:16 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Ben create a way to track progress on the 3 issues of qnames, reification, and custom attributes and elements [recorded in] [1]
- 14:28:16 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 14:28:16 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Ben to notify working group via a status report of upcoming WD of Note [recorded in] [2]
- 14:28:16 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 14:28:16 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Ben add role attribute to the [HTML] issues list [recorded in] [3]
- 14:28:16 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 14:28:16 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Ben send mail to www-html-editors to assign an issue for the GRDDL namespace document behind the profile [recorded in] [4]
- 14:28:16 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 14:28:16 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Ben to put together the "ACID" test for XHTML2 RDF/A [recorded in] [5]
- 14:28:16 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 14:28:16 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: All take a serious look at Mark's [3]bnode proposal summary [6]
- 14:28:16 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 14:28:16 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: jjc to review rdf concepts and fragments [7]
- 14:28:16 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 14:28:16 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Mark to check edge cases of inheritance in RDF/A [8]
- 14:28:16 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 14:29:44 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #swbp
- 14:29:44 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 14:29:50 [Ralph]
- rrsagent, please make records public
- 14:29:53 [Ralph]
- rrsagent, bye
- 14:29:53 [RRSAgent]
- I see no action items