IRC log of wai-wcag on 2005-08-04

Timestamps are in UTC.

20:02:08 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #wai-wcag
20:02:08 [RRSAgent]
logging to
20:02:10 [Zakim]
20:02:15 [Yvette]
zakim, ??P3 is Gian
20:02:15 [Zakim]
+Gian; got it
20:02:26 [ben_]
Meeting: WCAG Weekly Telecon
20:02:37 [ben_]
20:02:42 [Zakim]
20:02:57 [Yvette]
zakim, Gian is Gian_Sampson
20:02:57 [Zakim]
+Gian_Sampson; got it
20:03:16 [ben_]
agenda+ Techniques Task Force update
20:03:22 [Zakim]
20:03:32 [ben_]
agenda+ Mapping Discussions Continued
20:04:08 [ben_]
zakim, who is here?
20:04:08 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Gregg_and_Ben, Yvette_Hoitink, Gian_Sampson, Christophe_Strobbe, Alex_Li, John_Slatin, Wendy
20:04:11 [Zakim]
On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, ben_, Christophe, Yvette, bengt
20:04:11 [gregg]
gregg has joined #wai-wcag
20:04:24 [Zakim]
20:04:49 [ben]
zakim, ??P8 is Kerstin_Goldsmith
20:04:49 [Zakim]
+Kerstin_Goldsmith; got it
20:06:29 [Zakim]
20:07:14 [ben]
zakim, ??P9 is David_MacDonald
20:07:14 [Zakim]
+David_MacDonald; got it
20:07:39 [Zakim]
20:08:29 [Tim]
Tim has joined #wai-wcag
20:10:01 [ben]
Regrets: Michael_Cooper, Matt_May, Takayuki_Watanabe, Doyle_Burnett, Sebastiano_Nutarelli, Luca Mascaro
20:10:20 [David_MacDonald]
David_MacDonald has joined #wai-wcag
20:10:31 [David_MacDonald]
20:10:33 [Yvette]
zakim, mute me
20:10:33 [Zakim]
Yvette_Hoitink should now be muted
20:11:20 [Yvette]
zakim, unmute me
20:11:20 [Zakim]
Yvette_Hoitink should no longer be muted
20:12:17 [Yvette]
zakim, mute me
20:12:17 [Zakim]
Yvette_Hoitink should now be muted
20:12:53 [ben]
scribe: ben
20:13:02 [ben]
RRSAgent, make log world
20:13:18 [ben]
zakim, take up agendum 1
20:13:18 [Zakim]
agendum 1. "Techniques Task Force update" taken up [from ben_]
20:13:19 [wendy]
wendy has joined #wai-wcag
20:13:50 [ben]
RRSAgent, generate minutes
20:13:50 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate ben
20:14:31 [Kesh]
Kesh has joined #wai-wcag
20:14:34 [Wonder]
Wonder has joined #wai-wcag
20:14:52 [Wonder]
Gian here
20:15:00 [ben]
Chair: Gregg_Vanderheiden
20:15:13 [ben]
zakim, next agendum
20:15:13 [Zakim]
agendum 2. "Mapping Discussions Continued" taken up [from ben_]
20:15:48 [ben]
Topic: WCAG 1.0 P2 Checkpoints Mapping to WCAG 2.0
20:16:28 [Yvette]
zakim, unmute me
20:16:28 [Zakim]
Yvette_Hoitink should no longer be muted
20:16:59 [wendy]
zakim, who's on the phone?
20:16:59 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Gregg_and_Ben, Yvette_Hoitink, Gian_Sampson, Christophe_Strobbe, Alex_Li, John_Slatin, Wendy, Kerstin_Goldsmith (muted), David_MacDonald,
20:17:03 [Zakim]
... Tim_Boland
20:18:14 [ben]
resolution: WCAG 1.0 checkpoint 2.2 should map to 1.4 L2 SC2 and L3 SC1
20:23:54 [ben]
s/should/should also
20:24:15 [Zakim]
20:24:34 [ben]
discussing WCAG 1.0 Checkpoint 3.1 mapping
20:25:18 [Andi]
Andi has joined #wai-wcag
20:26:30 [ben]
ack Lor
20:27:21 [Zakim]
20:28:39 [ben]
ack John
20:28:44 [Zakim]
20:34:24 [ben]
ack john
20:34:51 [ben]
zakim, who's making noise?
20:35:02 [Zakim]
ben, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Gian_Sampson (95%), Christophe_Strobbe (13%), John_Slatin (32%)
20:35:16 [ben]
zakim, mute Gian
20:35:16 [Zakim]
Gian_Sampson should now be muted
20:35:48 [wendy]
gian - you can also type "zakim, unmute me" in irc
20:35:57 [wendy]
zakim, wonder is gian
20:35:57 [Zakim]
sorry, wendy, I do not recognize a party named 'wonder'
20:36:03 [wendy]
zakim, gian is wonder
20:36:03 [Zakim]
+wonder; got it
20:36:21 [Kesh]
so fun to be back. :-)
20:39:26 [ben]
resolution: map wcag 1.0 checkpoint 3.1 to guideline 1.3 advisory and possibly also 4.1 (which is in formulation)
20:40:06 [ben]
resolution: no change to mapping for wcag 1.0 checkpoint 3.2
20:41:55 [ben]
20:43:08 [ben]
what happens when a checkpoint doesn't map to anything in the WCAG 2.0 guidelines?
20:43:54 [wendy]
q+ to say "bug/action item to write rationale for all things no longer requried?"
20:46:27 [wendy]
ack ben
20:46:28 [wendy]
ack wendy
20:46:28 [Zakim]
wendy, you wanted to say "bug/action item to write rationale for all things no longer requried?"
20:50:01 [wendy]
action: someone write rationale for each major difference between wcag 1.0 and wcag 2.0 (specifically: no longer required, deprecated, change in level/priority)
20:50:41 [ben]
resolution: use "deprecated" for things we don't want people to do anymore and "not required" for things that WCAG 2.0 does not require for conformance, but may still appear in advisory
20:51:38 [ben]
discussing wcag checkpoint 3.3 mapping
20:56:16 [gregg]
ack joh
20:56:19 [ben]
ack tim
20:56:47 [ben]
21:00:32 [Yvette]
21:00:40 [gregg]
ack b
21:01:18 [Yvette]
21:02:07 [Zakim]
21:04:15 [ben]
resolution: map wcag 1.0 checkpoint 3.3 to 1.3 L3 SC1, possibly 4.1 (which is in formulation) and advisory items in guide doc under 1.3
21:05:39 [David_MacDonald]
21:05:44 [David_MacDonald]
21:10:03 [ben]
ack David
21:10:29 [ben]
ack Lor
21:10:37 [wendy]
21:11:13 [wendy]
21:11:18 [wendy]
21:13:55 [ben]
ack wendy
21:14:01 [Yvette]
q+ to say "should be a level 2 item"
21:14:37 [wendy]
21:14:55 [ben]
ack Yv
21:14:55 [Zakim]
Yvette, you wanted to say "should be a level 2 item"
21:15:13 [Wonder]
Wonder has joined #wai-wcag
21:17:26 [wendy]
21:19:47 [wendy]
UAAG 1.0 checkpoint 4.1 -
21:19:53 [wendy]
4.1 Configure text scale (P1)
21:20:28 [David_MacDonald]
I don't have not in my version IE 6.0
21:20:49 [ben]
action: yvette and loretta explore whether there should or shouldn't be a SC about scaling of fonts and other presentational elements? (include consideration of JIS comments regarding readable fonts and relatinoship with UAAG 1.0 checkpoint 4.1)
21:21:20 [ben]
21:21:45 [wendy]
action 2 = yvette and loretta explore whether there should or shouldn't be a SC about scaling of fonts and other presentational elements? (include consideration of JIS comments regarding readable fonts [issue 1522] and relatinoship with UAAG 1.0 checkpoint 4.1)
21:22:38 [ben]
resolution: remove mapping of wcag 1.0 checkpoint 3.4 to UA issue (see action 2)
21:23:00 [ben]
resolution: no change to mapping for wcag 1.0 checkpoint 3.5
21:23:26 [ben]
resolution: no change to mapping for wcag 1.0 checkpoint 3.6
21:25:00 [ben]
resolution: add "potentially" in front of guideline 4.1 in mapping for wcag 1.0 checkpoint 3.7
21:26:06 [ben]
resolution: no change to mapping for wcag 1.0 checkpoint 7.2
21:29:00 [ben]
resolution: change mapping of wcag 1.0 checkpoint 11.2 to "relates to 4.1, but should not map to a level 1 criterion."
21:30:08 [ben]
resolution: no change to mapping for wcag 1.0 checkpoint 13.1
21:33:51 [ben]
resolution: add mapping for wcag 1.0 checkpoint 7.2 to (2.4 L3 SC2) and also to an advisory item?? (note this is a partial mapping)
21:35:00 [ben]
resolution: no change to mapping for wcag 1.0 checkpoint 5.3
21:36:09 [ben]
resolution: no change to mapping for wcag 1.0 checkpoint 5.4
21:36:35 [Kesh]
Gals/Guys -- I have to run. Will see people on the mailing list, and next week.
21:38:40 [ben]
resolution: change mapping of wcag 1.0 12.4 to 4.2 L1 SC4
21:40:39 [Zakim]
21:41:00 [ben]
resolution: change to mapping for wcag 1.0 checkpoint 6.4 to include a note that device independent event handlers are not explicitly required.
21:41:57 [ben]
resolution: no change to mapping for wcag 1.0 checkpoint 9.2
21:42:20 [Yvette]
q+ to say "think about techniques when answering questionnaires"
21:42:25 [ben]
resolution: no change to mapping for wcag 1.0 checkpoint 9.3
21:44:02 [wendy]
Regrets: Doyle Burnett, Luca Mascaro, Sebastiano Nutarelli, WATANABE Takayuki, Roberto Scano
21:44:04 [wendy]
ack lor
21:44:06 [wendy]
ack yv
21:44:06 [Zakim]
Yvette, you wanted to say "think about techniques when answering questionnaires"
21:49:11 [ben]
resolution: update mapping for WCAG 1.0 checkpoint 6.5 to GL 4.2 L1 SC1
21:52:50 [ben]
resolution: add 3.2 L3 SC2 to mapping for wcag 1.0 checkpoint 7.4
21:56:36 [Wonder]
21:57:26 [ben]
ack John
21:57:31 [ben]
ack Won
21:57:31 [gregg]
22:00:34 [Christophe]
q+ to say "isn't client-side redirect always implemented with a time-out (possibly 0 seconds)?"
22:01:35 [David_MacDonald]
22:04:45 [ben]
action: David and Gian to explore mapping issues with wcag 1.0 checkpoint 7.5
22:04:56 [Yvette]
q+ to say "think about techniques when answering questionnaires"
22:05:08 [Christophe]
22:05:24 [ben]
action 3 = David, Christophe and Gian to explore mapping issues with wcag 1.0 checkpoint 7.5
22:07:35 [ben]
rrsagent, generate minutes
22:07:35 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate ben
22:10:05 [ben]
RRSAgent, make log world
22:10:19 [Zakim]
22:10:23 [Zakim]
22:10:52 [Zakim]
22:10:55 [Zakim]
22:10:55 [Zakim]
22:10:55 [Zakim]
22:10:57 [Zakim]
22:10:59 [Zakim]
22:10:59 [Zakim]
22:13:17 [ben]
Zakim, bye
22:13:17 [Zakim]
leaving. As of this point the attendees were Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Yvette_Hoitink, Gregg_and_Ben, Christophe_Strobbe, Alex_Li, John_Slatin, Gian_Sampson, Wendy, Kerstin_Goldsmith,
22:13:17 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #wai-wcag
22:13:20 [Zakim]
... David_MacDonald, Tim_Boland, Andi_Snow_Weaver, wonder
22:13:35 [ben]
RRSAgent, generate minutes
22:13:35 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate ben
22:13:49 [Wonder]
Wonder has left #wai-wcag
22:14:21 [ben]
RRSAgent, bye
22:14:21 [RRSAgent]
I see 3 open action items saved in :
22:14:21 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: someone write rationale for each major difference between wcag 1.0 and wcag 2.0 (specifically: no longer required, deprecated, change in level/priority) [1]
22:14:21 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
22:14:21 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: yvette and loretta explore whether there should or shouldn't be a SC about scaling of fonts and other presentational elements? (include consideration of JIS comments regarding readable fonts [issue 1522] and relatinoship with UAAG 1.0 checkpoint 4.1) [2]
22:14:21 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
22:14:21 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: David, Christophe and Gian to explore mapping issues with wcag 1.0 checkpoint 7.5 [3]
22:14:21 [RRSAgent]
recorded in