ISSUE-90: How to handle CM events in Built-in Element Grammar

How to handle CM events in Built-in Element Grammar

Raised by:
Youenn Fablet
Opened on:
It is currently now very clear in the spec regarding how CM events should be encoded in an element that "evoked" a built-in element grammar when it was the sole content of the element.
Related Actions Items:
Related emails:
  1. Agenda for 17 July EXI Telecon (from on 2013-07-16)
  2. Agenda for 10 July EXI Telecon (from on 2013-07-09)
  3. AW: ISSUE-90 status (from on 2013-07-04)
  4. Agenda for 03 July EXI Telecon (from on 2013-07-02)
  5. ISSUE-90 status (from on 2013-07-02)
  6. ISSUE-90: How to handle CM events in Built-in Element Grammar [Profile] (from on 2013-05-22)

Related notes:

YF will study whether any wording needs to added or changed to cover the scenario involving elements that contain only CM.

Takuki Kamiya, 19 Jun 2013, 18:57:20

YF will try to decode the EXI stream produced by EXIficient. EXIficient currently encodes CM using built-in element grammars because that does not immediately requires grammar evolution.

Takuki Kamiya, 26 Jun 2013, 18:38:22

YF's finding and suggestions:

Takuki Kamiya, 3 Jul 2013, 06:12:29

The WG decided to adopt the text suggested by YF, with minor modification to make it look less dependent on some implementation assumptions with regards to grammar instantiation.

Takuki Kamiya, 3 Jul 2013, 20:21:36

This issue was resolved, and turned into ACTION-696.

Takuki Kamiya, 3 Jul 2013, 20:25:22

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