ACTION-34: TEST DATA: Find Microsoft Office sample XML documents

TEST DATA: Find Microsoft Office sample XML documents

Roger Cutler
Due on:
April 15, 2006
Created on:
February 14, 2006
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From Roger:

Status of my action item to contribute examples of the new XML Microsoft Office format: On hold.

I made the suggestion without thinking it through. I have access to the Office 12 Beta under an early adopter program that has a non-disclosure agreement. At least, I\'m pretty sure it does. I have sent a query to Microsoft asking whether I can give it to you and they said that they\'d get back to me. From the Microsoft side, I think that there are probably two issues: 1)Finding the right person to make the call, which may not be easy; 2)Figuring out whether the current file format is really what\'s going to go RTM. I\'m sure they don\'t want benchmarking done on something that has a bunch of temporary debugging stuff in it, but I don\'t really know whether the current version does. I know that beta applications are always painfully slow because of all the diagnostic stuff that\'s turned on.

2 Mar 2006, 00:00:00

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