14:17:25 RRSAgent has joined #dawg 14:17:25 logging to http://www.w3.org/2005/05/17-dawg-irc 14:17:48 thanks 14:21:49 fun with SPARQL and my itinerary: 14:21:50 SELECT ?ar WHERE { [ t:arrivalTime ?ar; k:toLocation [ apt:iataCode "AMS" ] ] } 14:21:57 SPARQLer Results 14:21:57 ar 14:21:57 "13:45" 14:22:29 :-) 14:23:00 yeah, you can score chicks with that kind of magic! :> 14:23:02 HiroyukiS has joined #DAWG 14:23:32 SELECT ?ar WHERE { [ cal:dtend ?ar; k:toLocation [ apt:iataCode "AMS" ] ] } 14:23:39 SPARQLer Results 14:23:39 ar 14:23:39 "2005-05-24T13:45:00" 14:24:02 "Pass results are not a prediction of the future. Your arrival may differ" 14:24:22 hey, it's encoded in RDF. It *must* be true. 14:24:23 ;-) 14:25:07 At the moment it is ... temporal montonicity not implemented (fixed in the next release) 14:25:35 "this fact may be withdrawn at any time" 14:27:35 DanC: fyi, I can only stay 75 minutes today; not sure how long the agenda is... 14:27:47 well, the protocol stuff is at the beginning 14:27:56 'k 14:28:17 i've gotta get my powerbook to the delivery service by noon ;> 14:28:25 SW_DAWG()10:30AM has now started 14:28:32 +??P11 14:28:37 zakim, ??P11 is AndyS 14:28:37 +AndyS; got it 14:28:54 Oh dear - gravity problems? 14:28:59 +DanC 14:29:12 +Kendall_Clark 14:29:18 +Yoshio 14:29:22 Zakim, take up item 1 14:29:22 agendum 1. "Convene, take roll, review records and agenda http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2005AprJun/0237.html" taken up [from DanC] 14:29:26 (hard drive died on sunday) 14:30:01 Ouch 14:30:03 +??P20 14:30:04 it's toast! 14:30:15 oh, too bad, kendall 14:30:15 uh, did someone change pass code.. 14:30:23 +??P21 14:30:27 +[IPcaller] 14:30:34 It's 7333# 14:30:35 Zakim, IPcaller is JanneS 14:30:35 +JanneS; got it 14:30:50 Zakim, who is on the phone? 14:30:50 On the phone I see AndyS, DanC, Kendall_Clark, Yoshio, ??P20, ??P21, JanneS 14:31:01 Zakim, ??P20 is HiroyukiS 14:31:01 +HiroyukiS; got it 14:32:00 wow, janne, i didn't understand any of that ;> 14:32:10 Bannerjee? 14:32:27 banerjee 14:32:32 Banerjee, got it 14:33:11 JosD has joined #dawg 14:33:43 +JosD 14:33:54 so, if you have a powerbook, I recommend two things: (1) don't ignore drive clicking noises; it's a known, progressively worsening problem; (2) get the S.M.A.R.T. utility thingie that displays drive status on the desktop 14:33:58 zakim, mute me 14:33:58 Kendall_Clark should now be muted 14:34:14 Steve H? 14:34:44 zakim, unmute me 14:34:44 Kendall_Clark should no longer be muted 14:35:10 3 May minutes http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2005AprJun/0200.html 14:35:25 approved minutes from 2 minutes ago 14:35:30 from 2 weeks ago, sorry 14:36:04 Zakim, next agendum 14:36:04 agendum 2. "Next meeting, schedule to LC" taken up [from DanC] 14:36:06 Intros? 14:36:12 jeen_ has to convey regrets for the telcon 14:37:55 discussing last call schedule, background in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2005AprJun/0219.html 14:40:05 +PatH 14:40:10 hi pat 14:40:14 erp 14:40:52 patH has joined #dawg 14:40:55 looking for volunteer to analyse grammar before lc 14:42:05 is something missing from Dan's list? 14:42:50 DanC: would be useful to have formal definitions before lc 14:43:54 Pat: feeling enough quilty to do the check for formalilities :) 14:45:38 Dan: we're looking for volunteers and if they don't show up, they are assumed to rely on others' view 14:46:10 zakim, mute me 14:46:10 Kendall_Clark should now be muted 14:46:11 PatH: at risk next week 14:46:21 Zakim, pick a scribe 14:46:21 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose HiroyukiS 14:46:33 Zakim, pick a scribe 14:46:33 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose JanneS 14:46:39 Zakim, pick a scribe 14:46:39 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose HiroyukiS 14:46:41 Zakim, pick a scribe 14:46:42 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Yoshio 14:46:52 Zakim, pick a scribe 14:46:52 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose JanneS 14:46:59 Zakim, pick a scribe 14:46:59 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose AndyS 14:47:06 I can scribe but I will need a backup for QL items 14:47:19 i can help andy too 14:47:23 Tx 14:47:26 zakim, unmute me 14:47:26 Kendall_Clark should no longer be muted 14:47:32 Zakim, next agendum 14:47:32 agendum 3. "issue: xmlAbstractSyntax" taken up [from DanC] 14:47:33 next meeting May 24th, Chair: Dan, Scribe: Andy 14:47:37 (having to mute yrself to type SUCKS!) 14:48:41 Kendall has not seen critical mass for this work - looks like a candidate for future work. 14:50:02 proposal is to postpone as in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2005AprJun/0235.html 14:50:03 zakim, mute me 14:50:03 Kendall_Clark should now be muted 14:50:09 zakim, unmute me 14:50:09 Kendall_Clark should no longer be muted 14:50:27 kendall, you need a phone with a mute button on it. 14:50:32 Zakim, who is on the phone? 14:50:32 On the phone I see AndyS, DanC, Kendall_Clark, Yoshio, HiroyukiS, ??P21, JanneS, JosD, PatH 14:50:33 yep :> 14:52:00 PROPOSED: to postpone xmlAbstractSyntax on the grounds that it seems more straightforward to do in a later version 14:52:42 so RESOLVED. 14:53:32 relevant edits already done 14:53:38 only thing left is to update issues list 14:53:42 Zakim, next agendum 14:53:42 agendum 4. "issue wsdlAbstractProtocol" taken up [from DanC] 14:54:06 zakim, mute me 14:54:06 Kendall_Clark should now be muted 14:54:48 coped w/ some mods, btw 14:55:17 zakim, unmute me 14:55:17 Kendall_Clark should no longer be muted 14:57:57 discussing implementation experience of sparql protocol interfaces.. 14:59:54 Andy elaborated their work where the client doesn't parse the query expression but rather reacts on the content-type sent by the server (application/xml for variable bindings and application/rdf+xml for graphs) 15:01:19 Kendall said theirs is similar in that it reacts on the mime type and constructs either an Iterator or a TripleStore interface object at the client. 15:02:43 Dan's design for API has "requestGraph" -> RDF and "requestResultSet" -> XMl results 15:02:53 zakim, mute me 15:02:53 Kendall_Clark should now be muted 15:02:54 ACTION DanC: try splitting SparqlQuery interface into SparqlGraph SparqlBindings, say 15:03:33 My point earlier about Dan's design idea is that it simplifies the Out Message (since it's not an xs:choice any more), but it does that at the cost of doubling the number of operations and interfaces, which doesn't seem like a net simplicifaction to me 15:03:38 zakim, unmute me 15:03:38 Kendall_Clark should no longer be muted 15:04:22 default-graph-uri named-graph-uri query 15:04:35 Zakim, next agendum 15:04:35 agendum 5. "issue fromUnionQuery" taken up [from DanC] 15:05:20 zakim, mute me 15:05:20 Kendall_Clark should now be muted 15:06:04 I still believe, for the record, that WSDL machinery allows a deployment to rename all the concrete HTTP query parameters but declare their relation (or mapping) to the abstract ones...I guess we'll cross this bridge, if it is one, when we get to it. 15:06:10 zakim, unmute me 15:06:10 Kendall_Clark should no longer be muted 15:06:20 1.36 of http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/proto-wd/ includes default-graph-uri 15:07:03 "the protocol must be preferred by a SPARQL query service." 15:08:34 Kendall: operation per interface approach enables easy check for conformance 15:08:35 s/preferred/override/ ?? 15:08:43 maybe use "SparqlQuery endpoint" 15:09:10 ACTION KendallC: reword "the protocol must be preferred by a SPARQL query service", perhaps w.r.t. the WSDL interface 15:09:30 zakim, mute me 15:09:30 Kendall_Clark should now be muted 15:09:33 Zakim, next agendum 15:09:33 agendum 6. "issue serviceDescriptions" taken up [from DanC] 15:09:54 (Another advantage to having one protocol interface and one operation is not having to get into conformance issues. At least, IMO.) 15:09:59 zakim, unmute me 15:09:59 Kendall_Clark should no longer be muted 15:10:24 I share the guilt, too. 15:11:04 me, too 15:12:24 I'm sorry, but I missed what you said, Kendall(?) 15:12:31 PROPOSED: whereas the serviceDescription designs aren't maturing in the timescale of the current schedule, and implementation experience is somewhat thin, to postpone serviceDescriptions 15:12:40 zakim, mute me 15:12:40 Kendall_Clark should now be muted 15:12:50 I agree 15:12:58 +1 15:13:03 Yoshio: I basically said that we may be ahead of the state of the implemented art for a standardization effort. 15:13:08 zakim, unmute me 15:13:08 Kendall_Clark should no longer be muted 15:13:13 so RESOLVED. 15:13:37 Zakim, next agendum 15:13:37 agendum 7. "publishing results format, protocol" taken up [from DanC] 15:13:43 ACTION EricP: to publish http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/rf1/ 1.25 15:13:43 + editorial notes from DaveB 15:13:55 a complete design doc is "new info", so people have that option :> 15:14:26 decision to publish protocol confirmed 15:14:39 latest is 1.43 15:14:52 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/rf1/ 1.25 and 1.29 diffs? 15:15:17 2005-04-26. Added editorial issues for 2.3.3 and 4 15:15:17 2005-04-25. Switched namespace prefixes to http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/rf1/result2 15:15:17 Added bindings element with sub-elements bnode, uri and literal. 15:15:17 Added optional xsi:type for datatyped literals 15:15:17 Updated XSLT and XQuery scripts to match new XML syntax. 15:15:18 Point to SPARQL Query WD of 19 April 2005. 15:15:20 2.3.3 Ordering Results New section describing how to record ordered results. 15:15:36 that's copy paste from the two changes since February 15:16:18 KC: check with me before publishing, pls 15:16:20 DC: roger 15:16:22 thx 15:16:56 Zakim, next agendum 15:16:56 agendum 8. "SPARQL QL edits" taken up [from DanC] 15:19:04 "SPARQL query string" 15:20:48 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/rq23/#defn_SPARQLquery 15:21:07 zakim, mute me 15:21:07 Kendall_Clark should now be muted 15:24:44 zakim, unmute me 15:24:44 Kendall_Clark should no longer be muted 15:24:46 that's cute, andy 15:25:43 ACTION: PatH to internal review of http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/rq23/ esp http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/rq23/#defn_SPARQLquery , given XSLT magic from AndyS 15:25:58 Zakim, next agendum 15:25:58 agendum 9. "issue: sort" taken up [from DanC] 15:27:40 PROPOSED: that http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/rq23/ 1.328 and 15:27:40 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/data/sort/query-sort-1.rq 15:27:40 address the sort issue 15:28:54 I am hoping to send you implementation experience about this before May 24th 15:29:36 +1 15:29:41 +1 15:30:23 abstaining: KC, PatH, JosD 15:30:35 so RESOLVED. 15:31:26 ACTION AndyS: get tests/data/sort/query-sort-1.rq marked approved 15:32:20 Zakim, next agendum 15:32:20 agendum 10. "issue: valueTesting" taken up [from DanC] 15:32:41 ACTION: DanC to send comment on non-use of 15:32:42 to schema comments list 15:32:55 ACTION: EricP to propose a test re "x"^^mytype != "y"^^mytpe 15:32:55 progress: 15:32:57 zakim, mute me 15:32:57 Kendall_Clark should now be muted 15:33:07 ACTION: DaveB to work with EricP to clarify valueTesting proposal 15:33:44 Comment from Oracle in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2005AprJun/0239.html 15:33:47 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg-comments/2005May/0025.html 15:34:06 ACTION DanC: noodle on uri() and str() issue from email 15:34:16 0025 Re: Comments on SPARQL (datatypes, valueTesting) 15:35:10 the survey data andy gave is in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg-comments/2005May/0027.html 15:35:30 Zakim, who's on the phone? 15:35:30 On the phone I see AndyS, DanC, Kendall_Clark (muted), Yoshio, HiroyukiS, Jay, JanneS, JosD, PatH 15:35:38 Plus SQL std defines DECIMAL (PostgreSQL supports, MySQL appears not to) 15:35:41 zakim, unmute me 15:35:41 Kendall_Clark should no longer be muted 15:36:25 no 15:36:26 Test "1.3" - 1.3 is exact as a xsd:decimal and approx as a xsd:double. 15:36:57 -JanneS 15:37:06 uh, line went dead - let me continue here. 15:37:41 janne, is 12.5 a float or a decimal? 15:37:43 I don't have preference whether it'll be decimal or double. 15:38:36 +[IPcaller] 15:38:42 Zakim, IPCaller is JanneS 15:38:42 +JanneS; got it 15:38:55 http://www2.hursley.ibm.com/decimal/#standards 15:39:27 sorry, but let me withdraw my "no", but make it "not understanding the question and the background well" 15:41:02 agenda? 15:42:08 q to ask "any feedback from attendents in the tutorial?" 15:42:10 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2005AprJun/0154.html timbl re str() on URIs, useMentionOp 15:43:33 I think it's worth some time, too 15:44:21 the example is a good one, matching leading h character would match http uris. 15:45:06 { log:uri "http://www.w3.org/" } 15:46:14 this scribe would need to run for tonight 15:46:52 bye all 15:46:58 -Kendall_Clark 15:47:16 ADJOURN. 15:47:20 Action: Dan to rethink the use/mention issue w.r.t Tim's email 15:47:45 bye - cu next week 15:47:47 JanneS has left #dawg 15:47:54 -JanneS 15:48:32 (my notes on KIF http://www.w3.org/2000/07/hs78/KIF.html ... http://meta2.stanford.edu/kif/Hypertext/kif-manual.html has gone 404 ) 15:49:20 http://logic.stanford.edu/kif/metaknowledge.html 15:49:47 "The term (name t) denotes the standard name for the object denoted by the term t." 15:50:18 -Yoshio 15:50:21 -Jay 15:51:14 (= (name PresidentClinton) 'PresidentClinton) 15:53:31 -AndyS 15:56:03 SELECT ?P where { _:something ?P _:somethingElse FILTER str(?P) =~ "http://evilbadguys.org" }. 15:56:59 results like: ?P binds to 15:57:58 SELECT ?P where { _:something ?P _:somethingElse FILTER uri(?P) =~ "http://evilbadguys.org" }. 16:02:07 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2005AprJun/0154.html 16:02:18 -HiroyukiS 16:03:02 where he writes FILTER regex(str(?n), "^h", our design allows: FILTER regex(str(?n), "^h" and not(isuri(?n)) 16:12:11 -DanC 16:12:12 -JosD 16:12:13 -PatH 16:12:14 SW_DAWG()10:30AM has ended 16:12:15 Attendees were AndyS, DanC, Kendall_Clark, Yoshio, [IPcaller], JanneS, HiroyukiS, JosD, PatH, Jay 16:13:49 jos, about serviceDescription and accessing collections... Agfa has picked up the N3 idioms and run with them, somewhat ahead of the rest of the WG... I think it would be cool to have a member submission showing how to use inference to do collection access, and defining some vocabulary for saying "my sparql service does that" 16:14:31 RRSAgent, make logs world-access 17:38:44 Hi, Dan just see you message and I would think we can work out something; am writing message to Stan and Helen to get some help (btw, for test case that makes quite some use of lists namely given http://eulersharp.sourceforge.net/2004/04test/anatomy-facts.n3 and http://eulersharp.sourceforge.net/2004/04test/anatomy-rules.n3 find http://eulersharp.sourceforge.net/2004/04test/anatomy-filter.n3... 17:38:46 ...we made unexpected progress in backward chaining step reduction; it almost came by "accident" in that we tried things like in ALL but found improvement to be combined with mechanism euler paths..) 17:40:21 hmm 17:40:31 RRSAgent, stop