16:57:55 RRSAgent has joined #tagmem 16:57:55 logging to http://www.w3.org/2005/05/10-tagmem-irc 16:58:03 noah has joined #tagmem 16:58:14 meeting: TAG 16:58:19 scribe: Henry S. Thompson 16:58:26 scribe-nick: ht 16:59:14 Scribe: Henry S. Thompson 16:59:17 ScribeNick: ht 16:59:22 Meeting: TAG 16:59:23 Vincent has joined #tagmem 16:59:45 Chair: Vincent Quint 17:00:40 Topic: Roll call 17:00:51 Regrets: Norm Walsh, Tim Berners-Lee 17:01:12 TAG_Weekly()12:30PM has now started 17:01:15 +[INRIA] 17:01:20 zakim, please call ht-781 17:01:20 ok, ht; the call is being made 17:01:35 +Noah 17:01:37 -Noah 17:01:38 +Noah 17:01:51 uh-oh DanC, mine isn't either 17:01:55 I'll ping ralph 17:02:00 Zakim, INRIA is Vincent 17:02:00 +Vincent; got it 17:02:36 +DanC 17:02:40 Looks like Ralph is at lunch :-( 17:02:48 zakim, please call ht-781 17:02:48 ok, ht; the call is being made 17:02:50 +Ht 17:03:14 zakim, who is here? 17:03:14 On the phone I see Vincent, Noah, DanC, Ht 17:03:15 On IRC I see Vincent, noah, RRSAgent, Zakim, ht, DanC 17:03:48 Right! 17:04:29 +Dave_Orchard 17:05:13 +Roy 17:05:28 +Kevin 17:06:04 Ed has joined #tagmem 17:06:06 Topic: Review of Agenda 17:06:17 http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2005/05/10-agenda.html 17:06:46 Next telcon next week (17 May) 17:07:25 Regrets from Ed Rice, Henry Thompson, Roy Fielding, Vincent Quint, Noah and Tim at risk 17:07:42 +1 17:08:06 RESOLUTION: Meeting cancelled 17:08:24 Date of next telcon 24 May? 17:08:28 I'm travelling 24 May for XTech... haven't done the timezone calculations to see if I'm available. 17:09:17 DO is at risk, VQ is travelling 17:09:31 VQ: Should meet, need a chair -- volunteer 17:10:21 (I'm happy for VQ to ask NDW to chair 24 May) 17:11:00 NM: Will chair if NDW is not able to, would prefer NDW, who is more experienced 17:11:08 VQ: Will help with agenda 17:11:38 RESOLUTION: NDW will be asked to chair, whom failing NM 17:11:59 RESOLUTION: Next telcon will be 24 May 17:12:32 "Memorial Day Last Monday in May Monday, May 30, 2005" -- http://web.mit.edu/hr/empservices/mit_holidays.html 17:13:03 DO: regrets 31 May 17:13:07 RF: regrets 31 May 17:13:13 -Roy 17:13:30 +Roy 17:13:43 NM: small risk 31 May 17:13:59 Topic: Last week's minutes 17:14:12 Minutes script fell over 17:14:22 DO: Will try to recover today 17:14:36 Raw minutes are at http://www.w3.org/2005/05/03-tagmem-irc 17:15:04 ACTION: VQ to return to approval of these minutes in two weeks 17:15:32 Topic: Agenda for June F2F 17:15:48 VQ: Will prepare a first draft later this week 17:16:21 ... Floor is open for some preliminary suggestions 17:16:24 ack DanC 17:16:35 Q+ 17:16:36 DC: Acked to discuss RDDL and the XQuery namespace 17:16:52 ... Plus SCDs and issue ??? [scribe missed] 17:17:02 +DOrchard 17:17:02 ... Also outline of what next 17:17:12 -DOrchard 17:17:34 +DOrchard 17:17:36 -Dave_Orchard 17:17:40 -DanC 17:17:53 +DanC 17:18:09 DC: (1) xquery namespaces, schema component designators, and abstractComponentRefs-37/WSDL (2) outline of next doc 17:18:30 Ed has joined #tagmem 17:18:55 NM: Rather than next doc, the larger question of agenda for the next year 17:19:20 ... Goals, planned pubs (vol 2 vs. revised vol 1) 17:19:35 ... A large topic, split over several slots might be good, 17:19:50 +1 multiple sessions for what's next. (I still prefer working on an outline) 17:19:51 ... so that OOB discussion can happen and have a place to feed back. 17:20:25 NM, DC: Can do both 17:21:04 hmm... another idea: diagrams, formalisms, for extensibility esp 17:21:49 q+ ht to enter language defn 17:21:53 ack noah 17:22:00 I think we want to ask ourselves "what is success for the TAG this year"? 17:22:20 DO: More diagramming might go in a companion to versioning and extensibilyt finding 17:22:21 e.g., is it to make sure the architecture supports the semantic web? 17:22:30 With that in hand, I think we can do an outline to support the goal 17:22:48 I have some ideas on goals that I will send in email, probably later this week 17:22:52 HST: Difference between namespace documents and language definitions 17:22:57 ack ht 17:22:57 ht, you wanted to enter language defn 17:23:05 yes, I expect to need diagrams or formalisms of some sort to get very far on "Difference between namespace documents and language definitions" 17:23:35 DO: More on extensibility and versioning, Noah to contribute? 17:23:57 NM: Yes, I will try to work with DO 17:24:39 Noah notes: this week not too bad for doing some work. Next week I'm traveling Tues-Fri, including to Schema meeting 17:24:53 Topic: Binary XML 17:25:15 VQ: Continuation of previous discussion -- where are we, what will we say to whom? 17:25:50 ... Conclusion of that discussion: update the email-exchanged docs, and ER has done this 17:26:02 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2005May/0007.html 17:26:22 ER: Try to capture the discussion from last week 17:26:32 ... Hoping for review and feedback 17:26:43 DC: Hoping to go through point-by-point 17:26:51 VQ: yes, a bit faster than last time 17:26:58 ... 12 points 17:27:16 I'd like #2 (and others?) reduced to one sentence? "The Working Group did not provide benchmarks that 17:27:16 indicate a high likelihood that a single format will sufficiently alter 17:27:16 the mix of properties of text xml to be worth standardization at the 17:27:16 W3C. " 17:27:21 [grammar needs fixing] 17:27:48 DC: This is the conclusion, not a particular point 17:28:02 NM: Needs re-writing 17:28:17 ER: Yes, this isn't polished from-the-TAG version 17:29:10 DC: Would like to reduce 2 to 2(b), as above 17:29:36 VQ: Editorial issue: ER and DO were main contributors, either in position to produce a clean version? 17:29:50 ER: Yes, I can do that, after point-by-point discussion 17:30:02 VQ: Point 1 should be intro or summary 17:30:13 DC: Or neither -- let's wait until the end of the discussion 17:31:41 VQ: Point 2 -- just (b)? 17:31:46 "The TAG should not consider administrative, process, or organizational policy issues of W3C, which are generally addressed by the W3C Advisory Committee, Advisory Board, and Team." -- http://www.w3.org/2004/10/27-tag-charter 17:32:07 DO: Why can't we have (c) -- seems to me we should be able to contribute input to e.g. the AB on process points 17:32:24 DC: It's in the charter -- see above 17:32:53 NM: But that's not what DO is saying -- i.e. not "The Process is broken, you should fix it ..." 17:32:57 +Roy_Fielding 17:33:02 -Roy 17:33:25 ... Rather, we are suggesting how the W3C could/should _use_ the Process at this point 17:33:36 Roy has joined #tagmem 17:33:48 DC: Still not happy with 2(c) 17:34:44 NM: I agree that 2(c) is not productive, it's retrospective 17:35:02 ... What we should do is say something prospective -- what should happen next 17:35:36 DO: But the arg't about what happens next follows from what _didn't_ happen yet 17:36:17 VQ: Separated from technical discussion, at any rate 17:36:23 DO: OK, move from here 17:36:38 VQ: OK, we'll come back to this at the end of the (document,discussion) 17:37:03 ... On to point 3 17:37:45 DC: Don't see a crisp statement here, prefer to remove 17:39:05 DO: Finding this point-by-point traversal difficult, because I can't tell where we're going to end up 17:39:22 ... So maybe I'll be arguing to pull things back at the end. 17:40:05 VQ: Yes, we go item by item but can bring stuff back to discuss at the end 17:40:29 VQ: Item 3 out, fttb 17:40:35 ... On to item 4 17:41:05 q+ to query DanC's goal of one sentence 17:41:20 DC: Isn't this a repeat of the benchmarking point 17:41:50 ER: No, the parser impl question is about opportunities for improving the status quo, instead of a new approach 17:42:11 VQ: DC, ER's point make sense? 17:42:51 dorchard has joined #tagmem 17:43:10 HST: DC, what's your goal here, wrt one sentence? 17:43:30 DC: Not necessarily 1 sentence, just need to concrete propositions I can agree to 17:43:33 ack ht 17:43:33 ht, you wanted to query DanC's goal of one sentence 17:43:59 ack ht 17:44:19 DO: Trying to focus on properties of the parser that can be modified 17:44:39 VQ: Back to point 3, aren't you? 17:45:19 ER: The fact they never apparently _considered_ improving the status quo is what's being discussed here 17:46:09 NM: Maybe what's going on here is that the ordering of these points isn't right 17:46:13 (that's a quite reasonable tactic... rather than going in ascending order, call for anybody to nominate a point they like) 17:46:39 ... Downside as well as upside to a new format, is starting point of TAG response 17:46:54 ... So we need to see whether advantages outweigh the disadvantages 17:47:16 ... So we need to see the detailed assessment of the room for improvement 17:47:45 ... and identify a small number of key use cases which are compelling argued to be the sweet-spot that must be hit 17:47:58 ... [scribe fell too far behind] 17:48:34 VQ: OK, we will open up the order and allow to start anywhere -- NM, you want to start with item 7? 17:49:15 NM: Not really, rather adapt this to start with the 0 or 1, not 1 or 2 or 3 17:49:34 ... Clear disadvantages, as well as potential advantages, to doing a bf 17:49:43 ... List some of the disadv. 17:50:06 ... So to justify a bf effort, compelling case has to be made that the adv outweight the disadv 17:50:21 ... The work to date doesn't appear to make that case 17:50:39 ... Then move on to individual points 17:51:14 DC: Thought most of this goes w/o saying, or is just the conclusion 17:52:36 VQ: We can't take too long over this, or the point is lost 17:52:45 ... Must comment this month 17:53:06 DO: Suggesting we stop now? 17:53:18 (I'm content to make the "lack of benchmarks" point (quoting from webarch) and leave it at that) 17:53:20 VQ: Continue briefly, then decide what to do next 17:53:40 ... What are key points we want to keep? 17:54:00 ... Hard for ER to get a document from this discussion. 17:54:17 ... Around the table 17:54:25 DC: Lack of benchmarks, leave it at that 17:54:51 DO: Provide a framework and some detail of what the TAG would like to see 17:55:06 ... Hence tradeoffs between properties and how to measure this 17:55:28 ... We have to answer the question, "So what _would_ be enough evidence?" 17:55:57 [[ It is important to emphasize that intuition as to such matters as data size and processing speed is not a reliable guide in data format design; quantitative studies are essential to a correct understanding of the trade-offs. ]] -- http://www.w3.org/TR/webarch/#binary 17:56:13 ER: Agree with what's been said, add human readability as a key point 17:57:37 HST: NM's point about taking the option of improving the performance wrt the existing form 17:57:53 ... seriously 17:58:18 NM: Agree with DC, but have to suggest what the goals are for benchmarking -- what's good enough 17:58:23 RF: Anything is good 17:59:11 VQ: Measurements of technologies needed, along with specific targets that have to be reached 17:59:16 (hmm... re "optimizing use of the present format hasn't been sufficiently considered" ... not sure what to think of that. I don't object to it.) 17:59:49 VQ: ER, are you prepared to try to produce something based on today's discussion? 17:59:57 ... Have enough information? 18:00:34 ER: I can draft "What the TAG is planning to say", will send it to tag@w3.org 18:00:41 DC: Two reviewers? 18:00:49 NM: I volunteer 18:00:52 DO: ditto 18:01:24 ACTION: DR to draft a new version of the proposed reply, NM and DO to review 18:01:44 NM: Decide by email, or not until 2 weeks 18:01:57 s/DR/ER/ 18:02:24 s/review/review by end of this week/ 18:03:01 PROPOSED: to resolve binaryXML-30 as discussed today (quantitative goals, benchmarking), contingent on agreement between Ed, Noah, DaveO on text. 18:03:01 VQ: Planning for revised, final, version of the doc't by next week, then email 'vote' to approve 18:03:40 Fine with me. 18:03:53 Actually, either Dan's or Roy's approaches are fine with me 18:04:11 DC: If I'm not happy, have to convince one of those three 18:04:17 Dan's version is fine by me 18:04:27 VQ: OK, so if you three get to be happy about a doc't, we're done 18:04:38 (I gather we are so RESOLVED.) 18:04:39 ... No matter what we close in two weeks 18:06:46 PROPOSED: Once ER, DO and NM are agreed on a draft, they submit it to the whole group. Reply in the negative within 3 days, or we will send the doc't to the XBC list. 18:06:58 second 18:07:08 third 18:07:23 fourth 18:07:37 RESOLUTION: as above. 18:08:19 Topic: The use of < , > and & in XML-based languages 18:08:34 q+ 18:08:55 HST: I don't think there's an issue here -- how we say it politely is another problem 18:09:04 RF: No architectural issue here 18:09:06 ack Roy 18:09:13 ack roy 18:09:15 ack DanC 18:09:15 DanC, you wanted to say no and to suggest a straw poll 18:09:32 DC: No issue, no reply 18:09:47 VQ: Consensus to reject 18:10:00 ... Reply? 18:10:07 DC: It's on the agenda so we have to 18:10:24 VQ: Could just say "We don't consider this an architectural issue" and that's it 18:11:30 ACTION: VQ to send a short reply to ERH saying "no" 18:11:55 Topic: XRIs are not designed to be URIs 18:12:18 VQ: DC started this thread, http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/tag/2005Apr/0097.html 18:12:37 VQ: ... but ended by saying we should do nothing about this 18:13:00 DC: I was more worried when I thought this was a big threat, now I don't 18:13:35 ... Minimal resolution is to say "Use URIs" 18:13:47 HST: We said that already 18:13:57 DC: No, we said "don't use a new scheme" 18:14:12 DO: And they said, we're not using URIs so we can ignore you 18:14:39 NM: They seem to be arguing that it's not a URI because we're not going to use it in any URI contexts 18:14:39 (well, they were quite polite and didn't say "so we can ignore you" in so many words) 18:15:06 ... but you _should_ want to use them on the Web, so you _should_ want them to be URIs 18:15:17 DC: So why aren't IRIs broken? 18:15:40 NM: We've gone to great lengths to make that work as best it can 18:16:02 DC: Devil's advocate then says "We're just doing the same thing with XRIs" 18:16:23 ER: But we showed that they _could_ use existing scheme, _a fortiori_ with URIs 18:17:23 HST: I'm not happy -- it's not good citizenship to do something that confusing 18:17:32 DC: Not motivated 18:17:40 DO: HST seems motivated 18:17:45 http://www.w3.org/TR/webarch/#pr-use-uris 18:17:51 HST: I'll do a single para 18:18:21 ACTION: HST to draft a para and circulate, send if no reply after 48 hours 18:19:45 DC: Nothing in the public record you can cite as what you're responding to 18:20:46 HST: Can you forward it to public list? 18:21:00 DC: Please you do so, with the copy I sent to tag@ 18:21:09 (I got his permission to forward to public fora) 18:21:28 HST: Will do 18:21:59 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/tag/2005Apr/0097.html 18:23:05 HST: That's sufficient 18:23:21 Topic: Checking pending actions 18:24:14 HST: I'll look at this (RFC3023bis wrt fragmentInXML-28) in the coming week 18:24:38 VQ: NM, what about schemeProtocols-49? 18:24:49 NM: Will work on that this week 18:25:10 VQ: DC, what about standardizedFieldValues-51 ? 18:25:29 DC: No progress yet, but will do it 18:25:52 VQ: I would like to add this to the issues list, but will wait for DC to post to www-tag 18:26:24 -DOrchard 18:26:31 -Roy_Fielding 18:26:31 VQ: Adjourned, until 24 May 18:26:32 -DanC 18:26:35 -Ed 18:26:46 rrsagent, pointer? 18:26:46 See http://www.w3.org/2005/05/10-tagmem-irc#T18-26-46 18:26:46 -Ht 18:26:47 -Noah 18:26:49 zakim, bye 18:26:49 leaving. As of this point the attendees were [INRIA], Noah, Vincent, DanC, Ht, Dave_Orchard, Roy, Ed, DOrchard, Roy_Fielding 18:26:49 Zakim has left #tagmem 18:27:09 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:27:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2005/05/10-tagmem-minutes.html ht 18:27:32 rrsagent, make minutes public-visible 18:27:32 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes public-visible', ht. Try /msg RRSAgent help 18:27:47 rrsagent, make minutes world-visible 18:27:47 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes world-visible', ht. Try /msg RRSAgent help 18:28:19 rrsagent, make logs world-visible 18:29:01 RRSAgent, make logs world-access 18:29:43 VQ, it's quite nice to conclude 5 minutes early. Your sense of how much fits into one TAG teleconference is clearly getting quite good.