13:52:46 RRSAgent has joined #wai-wcag 13:52:46 logging to http://www.w3.org/2005/04/27-wai-wcag-irc 13:52:50 rrsagent, make log world 13:58:41 Becky_Gibson has joined #wai-wcag 13:58:54 ChrisR has joined #wai-wcag 13:59:06 WAI_WCAG(techniques)10:00AM has now started 13:59:13 +Becky_Gibson 14:00:49 +Michael_Cooper 14:02:21 +John_Slatin 14:02:50 jslatin has joined #wai-wcag 14:03:21 +Dave_MacDonald 14:04:18 +Wendy 14:04:44 wendy has joined #wai-wcag 14:04:52 agenda? 14:05:12 David_ has joined #wai-wcag 14:05:20 test 14:05:28 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2005AprJun/0256.html 14:05:32 Chair: Michael 14:05:54 agenda+ Plan for addressing techniques and test suites for 1.1, 1.3, 2.4, 4.2 14:06:05 agenda+ Requirements for Checklists and Techniques 14:06:12 agenda+ Mapping of script techniques to guidelines 14:07:17 Meeting: Techniques Task Force of the WCAG WG Telecon 14:07:39 scribe: 14:07:45 scribe: David 14:08:08 scribe: David_ 14:09:03 zakim, take up agendum 1 14:09:03 agendum 1. "Plan for addressing techniques and test suites for 1.1, 1.3, 2.4, 4.2" taken up [from wendy] 14:09:15 Regrets: Tim, Ben, Christophe 14:09:16 mc: michael john mike david on call 14:09:29 and wendy 14:10:02 mc: techniques for the guidelines above 14:10:14 +Chris_Ridpath 14:11:21 wc: techniques taskforce michael john mike david becky wendy, chris on call 14:12:04 wc: should take up test cases and techniques at same time to harmonize 14:12:15 wc: how to divy up the work??? 14:12:48 wc: who's willing to do what, how much time do people have 14:13:36 wc: we have lots of people, if everyone took 10 techniques we could do it 14:13:54 bg: seem to be loosing people from wed 14:14:52 wc: resourses is an issue 14:15:17 mc: that may be good because we can focus 14:16:07 w: if you are doing a lot of action items on this call don't do much on Thurs 14:16:48 js: and vice versa 14:18:14 wc: next wed we need to talk about techniques....divy up work today. by monday issue summaries, harvest more on Wed. then update propsoals following week then following wed close 14:19:12 wc: i think some tech for 1.1 could be combined 14:20:45 wc: can't get into bugzilla 14:21:01 js: I got in the day before yesterday 14:21:34 wc: I'll ask gregg to restart that server 14:22:14 mc: I'll write up search tips 14:23:45 mc: take on tech for a guideline, in context of current, review each tech related to a guideline keeping in mind the discussions in main group thurs, discuss enndotes, bugzilla, then propose action, to close,change, create new combine etc 14:24:13 setp2: go through mapping doc, think of techniques that appear to be missing 14:24:24 css html and script 14:25:08 mc: test cases: go through the test cases for the techniques.. identify issues with existing test cases and propose additional test casses 14:25:18 wc: I have ideas for test cases in CSS 14:26:34 wc: perhaps test cases with tim 14:27:28 action: wac ask tim about creating css test cases 14:27:49 js: jim allen, james craig might help 14:28:18 bg: we have no JS scripts techniques now 14:28:36 mc: there open issues about how to write techniques in relation to baseline 14:31:13 mc: havestin WAIG list ok to do also but not necessary 14:31:32 bg: but guidelines in flux 14:31:47 mc: make conditional techniques 14:32:27 js: we may close 1.1, 4.2, 2.4, 1.3 soon 14:33:19 wc: I'm tempted to take 1.1 cause I'm doing in. 14:33:53 action: Wendy take 1.1 14:34:14 wc: labeling functional apps will work with Becky 14:34:50 bg: label is ot an alternative 14:35:04 wc: it is test that serves the same purpose 14:35:35 mc: label is label not an alternative 14:35:49 sure :-) 14:36:00 scribe: Becky_Gibson 14:36:23 mc: will be alot of work - review list for info about GL plus techs and tests 14:36:51 wc: so makes sense to work with person reviewing the GL 14:36:59 dm: have been working on 4.2 14:37:14 js: but there is a proposal on the list - can start with that 14:37:47 js: hope is that WG comes to consensus on proposal - then techs group can start work based on newly adopted proposal 14:37:58 action: David take 4.2 14:38:02 js: so hopefully don't have to sift through all the prior proposals 14:38:09 mc: so David is taking 4.2 14:38:29 action: Michael take 2.4 14:38:31 mc: MC will take 2.4 14:38:34 action: Becky take 1.3 14:38:56 bg: will take 1.3 14:39:07 action 3 = David take 4.2, work with Loretta 14:39:16 action 4 = Michael take 2.4, work with Yvette 14:39:17 bg to work with jc; dm to work with LGR 14:39:23 action 5 = Becky take 1.3, work with Joe 14:39:26 mc to work with yh 14:39:53 wc: by Monday, may 2 we will all have sent an issue summary related to the techs; proposals for changes would be great 14:40:32 wc: on May 9 will submit proposals for changes (based on dicsussion on May 4) 14:40:40 wc: goal will be to discuss and close on May 11 14:41:08 wc: concerned that am travelling week of May 9 14:41:18 js: perhaps can coordinate with Ben? 14:41:35 wc: will be in Japan to will be ahead of all of you :-) 14:42:18 wc: will be at WWW conf and also speaking to JIS folks while in Japan 14:42:54 js: have sent draft of 3.1 proposal to JIS group since they are concerned with English language centric issues 14:43:29 mc: work is assigned; will send a summary of what we are doing; May 2 is this Monday - so not lots of time, plan accordingly 14:43:59 dm: this includes bugzilla stuff - but we can't access bugzilla right now 14:44:08 mc: will work on access 14:44:37 dm: only dealing with techs that are still related to gL 14:45:18 mc: sent emails with mapping of techs to guidelines - use those emails as starting point 14:45:27 bg: all CSS techs showed as not being mapped 14:45:35 mc: then probably not mapped properly 14:46:09 mc: so consider techs that aren't currently assoc. and perhaps propose associating them with a particula Gl 14:46:18 dm: have end to ends on my site that may help 14:46:29 mc: will try to include pointers to all sources in set of instructions 14:46:38 zakim, close this item 14:46:38 agendum 1 closed 14:46:39 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 14:46:41 2. Requirements for Checklists and Techniques [from wendy] 14:46:42 zakim, take up item 2 14:46:42 agendum 2. "Requirements for Checklists and Techniques" taken up [from wendy] 14:46:47 http://www.eramp.com/david/end_to_end/index.htm 14:47:10 http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG20/WD-wcag2-tech-req-20050426.html 14:47:27 mc: sent a change log to list 14:47:32 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2005AprJun/0263.html 14:47:35 end to end links above have associations that I eyeballed from Guidelines to Techniues docs, (6 months ago) 14:48:11 mc: added info to intro about techs not being comprehensize - no garuntee we cover every possible tech and technology 14:48:33 mc: following techs is not req. to conform to WCAG - is a set of well thought out suggestions 14:48:44 mc: for most users is best way but not only way 14:49:13 mc: def. of reliably human testable - understood that want to remove "80% of human testers would agree" so rewrote 14:49:22 mc: added def. of postitive and negative tests 14:49:43 mc: pos test demonstrates proper applicaton of tech; neg test demonstrates improper application 14:50:02 mc: remove ref. to additional ideas 14:50:11 mc: added bullets about sufficeint and optional 14:50:21 mc: provided clarification of AND and OR 14:50:36 q+ to ask in tech summaries, start to categorize the techs as sufficient, future, etc? 14:50:39 mc: removed req. for showing support by all AT (provide where approp) 14:51:00 mc: removed req. about untestable techniques 14:51:09 mc: added placeholder about baseline 14:51:21 mc: this is probably biggest thing I want to deal with 14:51:34 ack john 14:51:35 mc: removed appendix fields 14:52:01 mc: removed req. about general techs that are req. to conform 14:52:14 js: issues about req. for conformance 14:52:30 js: positive test means test has been correctly implemented 14:52:39 mc: reads from doc about pos and neg tests 14:52:57 js: this should only be for techs that are sufficient 14:53:30 js: may not need second clause, where tech is sufficient for conformance a positive test would indicate conformance - something like that 14:53:43 mc: wanted to say techs are a way to meet SC - a positive test is a good thing for access. 14:53:58 js: but pos. test isn't always a garuntee of conformance 14:54:24 mc: action to delete clause about positive tests and conformance 14:54:40 js: sufficient and optional bullets added? 14:54:47 action: michael delete clause about positive tests and conformance 14:54:54 mc: reads info from doc 14:55:17 js: does that entail that we have to spell out benefit? 14:55:36 mc: why would we document an optional tech unless we thought it was worth it? 14:56:00 js: so are we requiring ourselves to say what the identifiable benefit is? 14:56:15 ack wendy 14:56:15 wendy, you wanted to ask in tech summaries, start to categorize the techs as sufficient, future, etc? 14:56:24 wc: if we can describe them well - we can also use the categories for a tech. summary categories 14:56:49 wc: if we want to categorize techs as optional, sufficient, future, etc 14:57:05 mc: yes want to categorize; need that for when the tech spans baselines 14:57:27 mc: at lowest baseline most techs are not optional but may become optional in higher baselines 14:57:49 mc: or may be optional in one baseline and sufficient in another or vice versa 14:58:11 wc: might be helpful if in the list of defs we list ooptional, sufficient, 14:58:20 mc: so action to create definitions 14:58:25 wc: other categories? 14:58:41 action: michael add definitions for sufficient, optional to section on definitions 14:58:47 mc: analysis includes a not recommended category - where following tech was destructive to access. 14:58:54 js: so there are places were we tell people what not to do 14:59:18 mc: no - it is a tech for one baseline that is not rec. for another baseline 14:59:37 dm: do we want to say that a tech becomes optional in another baseline? 15:00:05 mc: req. doc does say tech must specify the baseline; probably should expand 15:00:13 dm: need to carefully define optional 15:00:34 mc: do we want to include the three baselines we have been discussing so far? 15:00:42 bg: do need to define them 15:00:57 js: instinct is to not put in req. since they may be somewhat fluid 15:01:14 js: techs need to def. baseline and which baseline a given techs works in 15:01:15 action: Michael put information about relation of sufficient and optional in baseline section 15:01:29 js: but don't think req. doc should contain the definitions of baseline 15:01:52 wc: req doc should be like a checklist to make sure we have done the all necessary work 15:02:18 wc: saying what we are going to implement without saying how 15:02:39 js: say techs will ref. more than one baseline but not what they are 15:02:58 mc: so current wording about techs referencing the baseline it applies to is ok 15:02:59 js: yes 15:03:12 mc: but still need to define baselines and where to include those defs 15:03:22 js: need to figure out grouping etc. 15:03:36 mc: so should add an agenda item for next wed. to discuss baseline 15:04:02 wc: there will probably be issues related to baseline in our techs issues summary 15:04:21 wc: still see the 80% figure in the req. doc 15:04:40 mc: didn't remove it - wasn't sure if that was the action - 15:04:57 mc: at first deleted the sentence - then just updated the wording 15:05:12 becky? i can take over minuting now 15:05:14 dm: we are giving an exact % for an arbitrary number 15:05:26 js: actually 80% is a common target 15:05:40 dm: what is the exact term 15:05:59 js: inter-rater reliability 15:06:37 js: one example is if hand 5 people the same set of content they will agree on the rankings from best to worst but might give diff. numerical scores 15:07:10 mc: we are tangenting a bit - do we want to zap the 80% testable by humans sentence or not? 15:07:30 js: will take action item to see if there is agreement about % cut off 15:07:39 action: john research "inter-rater reliability" - is there a % cutoff point? 15:08:05 dm: can get a book about inter-rater reliability for $39.99 :-) 15:08:43 mc: is there more on req? do we need a break? 15:09:04 wc: suggest putting it on agenda again so people have more time to review 15:09:35 mc: will update based on actions from today's call and repost req. doc 15:09:36 scribe: wendy 15:09:38 book called "handbook of inter-rater reliability" 15:09:42 http://www.stataxis.com/interrater.htm 15:09:45 zakim, close this item 15:09:45 agendum 2 closed 15:09:46 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 15:09:47 3. Mapping of script techniques to guidelines [from wendy] 15:09:53 zakim, take up item 3 15:09:53 agendum 3. "Mapping of script techniques to guidelines" taken up [from wendy] 15:10:30 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2005AprJun/0249.html 15:10:59 bg: didn't map too many to 1.1. didn't go through existing script techniques. 15:11:43 bg: went through a list apart, etc. tried to propose techs for 3 categories: 1. don't have scirpt, 2. can help w/accessibility 3. scripts not helping accessibility, but common scripts and how to do accessibly. 15:12:17 bg: only additional in noscripting e.g., about making accessible pop-ups (using real links instead of javacript uris). mapped to 2.4 15:12:30 bg: felt a bit of a stretch, but using a tags appropriately. 15:12:42 bg: could probably go under 4.1 as well. 15:12:59 js: re: 2.4, is it supporting navigation? 15:13:23 js: under 3.2 have extreme changes of context. 15:13:33 bg: tech is not to show how to mark extreme change of context. 15:13:58 js: if it's about using a tag might be about 1.3 15:15:25 wac: 3.2 level 1 #1 - "Any extreme change of context is implemented in a manner that can be programmatically identified. " is using a in a way that the ua knows what's going on. thus "programmatically identified" 15:15:39 bg: the next group were to enhance accessibility 15:15:50 bg: focus to form element. 2.4, level 2, #4 15:16:07 bg: could also be #2 of that GL and leve 15:16:10 s/leve/level 15:16:28 bg: someone on the list said hadn't seen onload reliably. 15:16:35 mc: concept of setting focus is not under debate? 15:16:49 bg: no. someone else suggested "here's how i do it" 15:17:06 mc: like it, however, nothing before the focus is read. 15:17:12 bg: for filling out a form, is good. 15:17:36 js: google starting doing that/jaws supported, but field not labeled. 15:17:49 bg: leave it with one 15:18:14 mc: prefer to map to only one when possible. may have weak mappints to others. technique should only map to one. 15:18:47 bg: next is how to catch onchange of input, validate, and set focus on next element. sort of help ppl correct errors, but helps navigate sequentially. 15:19:00 mc: also helps when do validation to do not mess it up. 15:19:13 js: what if script validates and input wrong? 15:19:29 bg: leaves you in the same field. however, this hard b/c depends on the script. 15:19:52 bg: may not be able to come up with techs that are acceptable to the group. need code and testing... 15:20:22 js: what is the main thrust of the technique? helping users avoid errors and make ease to correct? or navigating sequentially? 15:20:35 js: then 2.4 l2 sc 2 15:20:45 bg: navigating sequentially 15:21:16 bg: it assumes you are doing validation. vs the other technique that says "move to the next field when there are 3 characters" 15:21:30 js: the 1st one goes under 2.5 (making easy to correct errors) 15:21:39 bg: say that it's about validation 15:22:04 input assist to change the background color or border of the element with focus [GL 2.5 L2 SC1 (If a user error is detected, the error is identified and provided to the user in text ) although color and border isn't really text and this technique isn't specific to errors.] 15:22:14 bg: could be "help navigate" or "error handling" 15:23:19 mc: could also set text (not only color) 15:23:36 bg: adding text effects the layout. 15:24:07 input assist auto advance through fields. Fore example, a US phone number input with 3 fields as you finish typing 3 numbers in the first 15:24:09 field the cursor moves to the next field and after three numbers there jumps to the last field. This one is likely to be controversial as I'm sure there are some people that dislike the auto advance behavior. [GL 2.4 L3 SC2 (When a page or other delivery unit is navigated sequentially, elements receive focus in an order that follows relationships and sequences in the content.)] 15:24:19 bg: some ppl like this one, others don't. 15:24:27 js: in an app, a user preference? 15:24:53 action: david send bg techs for 2.5 15:25:17 mapping makes sense 15:25:47 input assist to show a specific format in the field and user input over types the format with the actual value. For example, a field for a US social security number that shows "###-##-####" - as the user types the # gets replaced by the actual input. [GL 2.5 L2 SC2 (If a user error is detected and suggestions for correction are known and can be provided without jeopardizing security or... 15:25:48 ...purpose, the error is identified and the suggestions are provided. ) This technique is not specific to errors, though. ] 15:26:11 bg: instead of 3 fields, one field with format. 15:26:32 bg: put under 2.5, however the user hasn't created an error helps prevent an error. 15:28:51 a mechanism is available to help users enter data correctly 15:30:26 looks like we need to propose a success criterion in guideline 2.5 at level 2 or 3 15:30:55 mc: info needed to fill out the form is before the form 15:31:36 wac: google suggests - need info about how to fill in. not sure that "###-##-####" will be intuitive to users. 15:32:02 question about creating a SC that might not be met by HTML. although, seems that there are ways to do it in HTML. 15:32:58 wac: next steps? 15:35:30 figure out how to create an accessible pop-up (NOT a new window) that can be made accessible. I'm not sure how to do this, yet, but it could be used to provide more detailed information or help without leaving the page. [GL 2.1 L1 SC1; (All of the functionality of the content, where the functionality or its outcome can be described in a sentence, is operable through a keyboard or keyboard... 15:35:32 ...interface. ) and GL 2.1 L3 SC 1; (All functionality of the content is designed to be operated through a keyboard or keyboard interface. ) ] 15:36:29 http://www.eramp.com/david/general/ 15:36:44 wac: extreme change of context? 15:36:48 above is general tech proposals for 2.5 15:39:40 discussion about how this could map to a variety of SC depending on the example. could also map to 3.2 (if avoiding an extreme chnge of context) or 2.5 (if helping user correct an error) 15:39:52 bg: pretty open ended. perhaps too early to map. 15:40:43 convert information provided via elements into a select list on the page. From alistapart.com entry: Dynamically Conjuring Drop-Down Navigation [3] [GL 2.4 L1 SC1 (Structures and relationships within the content can be programmatically determined );GL 2.4 L2 SC 1 ( Documents that have five or more section headings and are presented as a single delivery unit include a table of... 15:40:44 ...contents with links to important sections of the document. ); and GL 2.4 L2 SC2 (There is more than one way to locate the content of each delivery unit, including but not limited to link groups, a site map, site search or other navigation mechanism. )] 15:41:04 mc: tech to get around UA deficiency 15:41:08 bg: also navigation 15:41:23 js: level 2 under 2.4 (multiple nav mechanisms) 15:42:08 js: l2 sc2 of 2.4 15:42:55 provide alternative text sizing on the page (in combination with CSS). Here is an example for alistapart: Power To The People: Relative Font Sizes [4] Warning - it uses JavaScript uris :-) [This seems like a helpful technology but I can't find a mapping???] 15:43:30 js: take it for granted that text is perceivable (by default). perhaps a criterion that text is actually perceivable. 15:43:50 mc: related to tech on absolute size, have been unable to map them. 15:44:16 dmd: the only reason that we recommend rel is that there is a bug in ie? 15:45:21 mc: css mapping to 1.3 15:47:55 need a criterion about font size and reflowing content when font size increases. 15:47:57 js: fits under 3.2? 15:48:44 js: b/c talk about consistency and design and effect on layout 15:48:59 js: want to allow for changes in font size w/out blowing up layout 15:49:09 bg: it's hard to do. 15:49:21 js: specify a threshold, beyond which it is not the designers responsibility 15:49:34 dmd: address what % users can increase font size? 15:50:49 wac: what's the general rule of thumb from moving from increasing font size in browser to using magnification software? 15:51:39 action: wac new issue for 3.2 related to increasing font size 15:53:11 formatting table rows to distinguish one from another. This should help the readability of all users but particularly screen magnifier users if the table is wide. Another alistapart example: Zebra Tables[5] [GL 1.4 L1 SC1 (Any text that is presented over a background image, color, or text can be programmatically determined. ) although that is a bit of a stretch since the technique itself... 15:53:13 ...is using color] 15:54:43 discussion of benefits - people who use magnifiers, people with learning/reading disabilities 15:54:59 mc: may fit under understandable 15:56:09 js: perhaps an optional technique under 3.1 or 2.4 (re: making tables more navigable) 15:56:33 js: perhaps another mechanism for locating content 15:58:06 discussion about variety of places it could map to. 16:00:35 wac: depends on primary benefit - if learning disability, 3.1. if magnificiation, orientation and 2.4 16:00:58 action: dmd do either magnification tool have ability to zebra stripe 16:02:49 dmd: i've been looking re: inter-rater reliability and 80% seems reasonable number. 70% they say is low, 90% is high. sent john articles have found. 16:03:48 next week: issue summaries for techniques/test cases, baseline, requirements, script mapping 16:04:07 -Michael_Cooper 16:04:08 -Wendy 16:04:09 -John_Slatin 16:04:09 -Chris_Ridpath 16:04:10 -Becky_Gibson 16:04:11 RRSAgent, make log world 16:04:11 -Dave_MacDonald 16:04:12 WAI_WCAG(techniques)10:00AM has ended 16:04:14 Attendees were Becky_Gibson, Michael_Cooper, John_Slatin, Dave_MacDonald, Wendy, Chris_Ridpath 16:04:16 RRSAGent, draft minutes 16:04:16 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2005/04/27-wai-wcag-minutes.html wendy 16:04:28 ChrisR has left #wai-wcag 16:27:32 rrsagent, bye 16:27:32 I see 12 open action items: 16:27:32 ACTION: wac ask tim about creating css test cases [1] 16:27:32 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/04/27-wai-wcag-irc#T14-27-28 16:27:32 ACTION: Wendy take 1.1 [2] 16:27:32 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/04/27-wai-wcag-irc#T14-33-53 16:27:32 ACTION: David take 4.2, work with Loretta [3] 16:27:32 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/04/27-wai-wcag-irc#T14-37-58 16:27:32 ACTION: Michael take 2.4, work with Yvette [4] 16:27:32 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/04/27-wai-wcag-irc#T14-38-29 16:27:32 ACTION: Becky take 1.3, work with Joe [5] 16:27:32 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/04/27-wai-wcag-irc#T14-38-34 16:27:32 ACTION: michael delete clause about positive tests and conformance [6] 16:27:32 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/04/27-wai-wcag-irc#T14-54-47 16:27:32 ACTION: michael add definitions for sufficient, optional to section on definitions [7] 16:27:32 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/04/27-wai-wcag-irc#T14-58-41 16:27:32 ACTION: Michael put information about relation of sufficient and optional in baseline section [8] 16:27:32 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/04/27-wai-wcag-irc#T15-01-15 16:27:32 ACTION: john research "inter-rater reliability" - is there a % cutoff point? [9] 16:27:32 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/04/27-wai-wcag-irc#T15-07-39 16:27:32 ACTION: david send bg techs for 2.5 [10] 16:27:32 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/04/27-wai-wcag-irc#T15-24-53 16:27:32 ACTION: wac new issue for 3.2 related to increasing font size [11] 16:27:32 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/04/27-wai-wcag-irc#T15-51-39 16:27:32 ACTION: dmd do either magnification tool have ability to zebra stripe [12] 16:27:32 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/04/27-wai-wcag-irc#T16-00-58