SPARQL – Graph Patterns

Andy Seaborne

Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Bristol

Learning Goals

After this part of the tutorial you should

In this section:



Graph Pattern
General pattern : other patterns combined. Conjunction.
Triple Pattern
An RDF triple with the addition of allowing variables (named) in the 3-tuple.
Basic Pattern
Set of triple patterns - defines a graph shape
Query pattern
The pattern in a query
A number of variable bindings such that replacing the variables by these values in a query pattern yields a pattern that "matches" the graph.
Result set
The set of all solutions that the query engine can find.


Triple Patterns


@prefix foaf:  <> .

_:a foaf:name  "Alice" .
_:a foaf:mbox  <> .

_:b foaf:name  "Bob" .


PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT ?name
WHERE { ?x foaf:name ?name }


| name    |
| "Bob"   |
| "Alice" |


Basic Patterns

A set of triple patterns, all of which must be matched by a solution.

Basic Pattern Matching Definition

Definition: Pattern Solution of Basic Patterns

A Pattern Solution of Graph Pattern GP on graph G is any substitution S such that S(GP) is a subgraph of G.

Basic Patterns - Example

@prefix foaf:  <> .

_:a foaf:name  "Alice" .
_:a foaf:mbox  <> .

_:b foaf:name  "Bob" .
PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT ?name
        ?person foaf:mbox <> .
        ?person foaf:name ?name .
| name    |
| "Alice" |

Syntax of Triple Patterns

PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT ?name
         ?person foaf:mbox <> ;
                 foaf:name ?name .


  • Restrictions on values in solutions.
  • Testing on value with datatype promotions.
  • Does not depend on RDF D-entailment.
FILTER ?x < 3 .
FILTER regex(?name , "Smith") .

Value Tests

  • Based on XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Function and Operators
  • XSD boolean, string, integer, decimal, float, double, dateTime
  • Notation <, >, =, <=, >= and != for value comparison
    Apply to any type
  • REGEX, LANG, DATATYPE, STR (lexical form)
  • Function call for casting and extensions functions

Value Tests - Example

@prefix dc:     <> .
@prefix stock:  <> .
@prefix inv:    <> .

stock:book1  dc:title  "SPARQL Query Language Tutorial" .
stock:book1  inv:price   10 .
stock:book1  inv:quantity 3 .

stock:book2  dc:title     "SPARQL Query Language (2nd ed)" .
stock:book2  inv:price   20 ; inv:quantity 5 .

stock:book3  dc:title  "Moving from SQL to SPARQL" .
stock:book3  inv:price   5 ; inv:quantity 0 .

stock:book4  dc:title  "Applying XQuery" .
stock:book4  inv:price   20 ; inv:quantity 8 .
PREFIX dc:             <>
PREFIX stock:    <>
PREFIX inv:          <>

SELECT ?book ?title
  ?book dc:title ?title .
  ?book inv:price ?price .   FILTER ?price < 15 .
  ?book inv:quantity ?num .  FILTER ?num > 0 . }
| book        | title                            |
| stock:book1 | "SPARQL Query Language Tutorial" |

OPTIONAL - Adding additional information

  • RDF is "semi structured".
  • RDF has no integrity constraints
  • Quality of source will vary
  • Query language needs to add information to a result but without the query failing just because some information is missing.


@prefix foaf:  <> .

_:a foaf:name  "Alice" .
_:a foaf:nick  "A-online" .

_:b foaf:name  "Bob" .
PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT ?name ?nick
WHERE  { ?x foaf:name ?name .
         OPTIONAL {?x foaf:nick ?nick }
| name    | nick       |
| "Alice" | "A-online" |
| "Bob"   |            |
  • nick has no value when name is "Bob" because there is no triple _:b foaf:nick ... .
  • OPTIONAL{pattern} is the same as
    {pattern} OR { NOT(pattern) }

Group Patterns

  • Group patterns match if all subpatterns match and all constraints are satisfied
  • Basic patterns are groups of triple patterns
  • In SPARQL Syntax, groups are {}
  • In the syntax, graph operators take groups

UNION - Matching Alternatives - 1

@prefix dc10: <> .
@prefix dc11: <> .

_:a dc10:title "SPARQL Query Language Tutorial" .

_:b dc11:title "SPARQL Query Language (2nd ed)" .

_:c dc10:title "SPARQL" .
_:c dc11:title "SPARQL" .
PREFIX dc10: <>
PREFIX dc11: <>

         { ?book dc10:title ?title }
         { ?book dc11:title ?title }

| title                            |
| "SPARQL Query Language Tutorial" |
| "SPARQL"                         |
| "SPARQL Query Language (2nd ed)" |
  • SELECT DISTINCT is used to ensure unique title values

UNION - Matching Alternatives - 2

@prefix dc10: <> .
@prefix dc11: <> .

_:a dc10:title "SPARQL Query Language Tutorial" .

_:b dc11:title "SPARQL Query Language (2nd ed)" .

_:c dc10:title "SPARQL" .
_:c dc11:title "SPARQL" .
PREFIX dc10: <>
PREFIX dc11: <>

SELECT ?title_10 ?title_11
         { ?book dc10:title ?title_10 }
         { ?book dc11:title ?title_11 }

| title_10                         | title_11                         |
| "SPARQL Query Language Tutorial" |                                  |
| "SPARQL"                         |                                  |
|                                  | "SPARQL"                         |
|                                  | "SPARQL Query Language (2nd ed)" |


SPARQL uses graph pattern matching

  • Triple patterns
  • Basic patterns
  • Groups
  • Optionals
  • Union

Values can be constrained by filters

Later, we will see matching over a set of graphs


Copyright 2005 Dave Beckett, Steve Harris, Eric Prud'hommeaux and Andy Seaborne. Terms of use are given on the main Introduction to RDF Query with SPARQL Tutorial page.