WICD Core 1.0 Testsuite

The WICD Core 1.0 specification can be found here.

All testcases below list their Conformance statement #number.

WICD Core 1.0 #1 #4

"Multiple SVG child documents may be referenced from the same XHTML document. Scalable Foreground Child Content is referenced using the XHTML object element. It appears on the main XHTML layer, just like raster images." spec

Multiple SVG's

WICD Core 1.0 #2

"Multiple SVG child documents may animate in parallel." spec

Multiple declarative animating SVG's

WICD Core 1.0 #3 #15

"Scalable Overlay Object - make all visible and focusable points in the XHTML layer and the positioned Overlay Object reachable and activatable." spec

SVG overlay

WICD Core 1.0 #5

"User agents must support multiple Scalable Foreground Children, which may be animating, interactive and may have embedded links." spec

Test 1: multiple SVG images with links

Test 2: SVG image with multiple links

WICD Core 1.0 #6

"An object-element 'param' child-element with name="render" and value="dynamic" shall result in a dynamic rendering. Links shall be activatable. Animations shall play, if the timeline has started. Modifications made by script shall update the rendering. If the rendering area changes size, the rendering shall update." spec

param render dynamic

WICD Core 1.0 #7 #9

"An object-element 'param' child-element with name="render" and value="static" static rendering. Links shall be activatable. Animations shall not play. Modifications made by script shall update the rendering. The rendering shall also update, if the size of the rendering area changes. The default value for param name="render" is "dynamic"." spec

param render static

WICD Core 1.0 #8

"An object-element 'param' child-element with name="render" and value="frozen" shall result in a one-time static rendering to a raster image. Links shall not be activatable. Animations shall not play. Modifications made by script shall not update the rendering. The rendering shall also not update, if the size of the rendering area changes. The original SVG, once rendered, may be discarded by the client." spec

Test 1: param render frozen (declarative animation)

Test 2: param render frozen (scripted animation)

WICD Core 1.0 #10

"the document time used for rendering a frozen or static image shall be that given by the SVG 'snapshotTime' attribute. If no 'snapshotTime' is present in the animation, a document time of zero (0) must be used." spec

param render frozen snapshotTime

WICD Core 1.0 #11

"Scalable Background Image" spec

scalable CSS background

WICD Core 1.0 #12

"If background.svg has width and height in px, then this is well-defined. If it is the default (width="100%" height="100%") then it will display, as large as will fit, where the background area to cover is seen as a viewport." spec

scalable fullscreen background

WICD Core 1.0 #13

"WICD user agents must support content layering using CSS absolute positioning in x, y and z order. This will detach a child element from main XHTML layer and create a new transparent layer." spec

absolute positioning

WICD Core 1.0 #14

"WICD user agents must make all visible and focusable points in the XHTML layer and the positioned Overlay Object reachable and activatable." spec

focusable points

WICD Core 1.0 #16, #17

"Scalable Overlay Child Elements, referenced from the XHTML document, may be put in front of or behind the default XHTML layer."
"Any transparent areas in the Overlay Object and in XHTML root documents must leave the layer behind visible." spec

SVG overlay in front and behind

WICD Core 1.0 #18

"User agents must support interactivity in overlay elements." spec

interactive overlay

WICD Core 1.0 #19

"User agents must support overlay images with embedded links." spec

overlay with embedded links

WICD Core 1.0 #20

"Rightsizing" spec

Test 1: rightsizing to box

Test 2: rightsizing to percentage width

Test 3: SVG grid with percentage width

WICD Core 1.0 #21

"Leftovers" spec

Test 1: leftovers in wide destination box

Test 2: leftovers in tall destination box

WICD Core 1.0 #22

"In the absence of a background color or image on the element that established the viewport (abbr html:object or svg:svg) its background is transparent. This is in order to maximize the visual quality of content the parent document should be visible through the leftovers (as well as through the child content itself where it is transparent)." spec

transparency leftovers

WICD Core 1.0 #23

"A defined background applies to the entire viewport (including the leftovers) so that content that spills outside of the viewbox into the leftovers is still on the correct background." spec

viewport background

WICD Core 1.0 #24

"Any UI event, such as a mouse click, that hits on the leftover areas, is dispatched in the same manner as UI events over non-leftover areas (i.e., to the child document)" spec

leftovers click

WICD Core 1.0 #25

"Transparency: When rendering any content over non-animated content, transparency must be supported. Otherwise transparency should be supported." spec

Test 1: Translucent SVG over foreground-XHTML over XHTML-background

Test 2: Translucent PNG over foreground-XHTML over XHTML-background

Test 3: Multiple translucent, static SVG overlapping (color-blending)

Test 4: Multiple translucent, animating SVG overlapping (color-blending)

WICD Core 1.0 #26

"The viewer must support JPEG/JFIF [Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Tiny 1.2 Specification], PNG [Portable Network Graphics (PNG) Specification (Second Edition)] and GIF 89a (non-interlaced, non-transparent, non-animated) raster image formats. Other image formats may be supported in addition. For PNG, all color types and bit depths shall be supported, gamma correction shall be supported, and any alpha or transparency information shall be used to composite the image onto the background." spec

image formats

WICD Core 1.0 #27

"In XHTML, there are no timing elements. Thus, audio will play from the time the document is loaded until the time the document is unloaded (eg, replaced by another document as a result of following a link)." spec

audio onload

WICD Core 1.0 #28

"In conforming WICD 1.0 content, audio referenced from an XHTML object element must have a width and height of zero." spec

audio object width and height: 0

WICD Core 1.0 #29

"Any audio format supported by the device must also be supported for use with the audio element in SVG and object element in XHTML." spec

Test 1: MP3 Audio in SVGT

Test 2: OGG Audio in SVGT

Test 3: MP3 Audio in XHTML

Test 4: OGG Audio in XHTML

WICD Core 1.0 #30

"In XHTML, there are no timing elements. Thus, video will play from the time the document is loaded until the time the document is unloaded (eg, replaced by another document as a result of following a link)." spec

3gp video onload

WICD Core 1.0 #31

"Any video format supported by the user agent must also be supported to be used with the video element in SVG and the object element in XHTML." spec

Test 1: AVI Video in SVGT

Test 2: AVI Video in XHTML

Test 3: OGG Video in SVGT

Test 4: OGG Video in XHTML

WICD Core 1.0 #32 #33 #34 #35

"Hyperlinking" spec

hyperlinking from XHTML + SVG

WICD Core 1.0 #36

"User agents must provide the ability for users with a keyboard or joystick input device (and without a pointing device), to navigate to any focusable element in the root document and all of its descendants." spec

Test 1: Accesskeys in XHTML root, XHTML child and SVGT child

Test 2: Accesskeys in XHTML root and hierarchical XHTML child

Test 3: Accesskeys in XHTML parent overruling in SVG child

WICD Core 1.0 #37

"The language specifications that are used with this framework define what elements are focusable. For example, focusable items in an SVG document are defined by the SVG 1.2 focusable attribute." spec

focusable elements

WICD Core 1.0 #38

"In XHTML, object elements are, by default, focusable and participate in the focus traversal. However, conforming WICD user agents must remove child content from the focus traversal, if the object element's child param element is set to the attribute name="focusable" and the attribute value="skip"." spec

focus traversal focusable skip

WICD Core 1.0 #39 #40 #41

"By using the object element's child param element with the attribute name="focusable", the author of the parent document can specify whether "flat" or "hierarchical" focusability is desired for a child. If more than one "focusable" parameter is provided for an element, then only the last one shall be used. Unrecognized param values shall be ignored. The default focus mode is "hierarchical"." spec

focusable types

WICD Core 1.0 #42

"Authors use param name="focusable" value="flat", to make focusable elements of the child become direct participants of the parents focus traversal. Access keys, defined by child documents, will not become accessible to the user, if they are also defined by the parent or by some other child element." spec

focusable flat

WICD Core 1.0 #43

"Authors use param name="focusable" value="hierarchical" to select hierarchical (activatable) focus handling for a referenced child. A user, navigating to such a child element, will have the option to activate it, or to move on, to the next focusable element. Activating the child, will provide the user with access to the child's interactivity, its focusable elements, such as embedded links and its access keys. The user must deactivate an activated child element, in order to gain access to the parents focus traversal again." spec

hierarchical child

WICD Core 1.0 #44-#49

"Focus Event Triggered Child Animations. Focus events are enabled for each child content by setting the "focusanimation" object element parameter." spec

focus triggered animation

WICD Core 1.0 #50-#53

"System Font" spec

SVG system font

WICD Core 1.0 #54

"Font Naming" spec

Test 1: XHTML generic fonts

Test 2: SVG system + embedded font

Test 3: SVG embedded font verification

WICD Core 1.0 #55-#57

"Content Encoding / GZIP DEFLATE" spec

encoding gzip

WICD Core 1.0 #58

"Temporal Synchronization of Media: Document formats conforming to WICD Core must use the Timing and Synchronization model defined in the SMIL specification." spec

smil timeline start

WICD Core 1.0 #58b

"Play Animations while Document is loading" spec

Test 1: declarative animation while raster image is loading

Test 2: scripted animation while SVG document is loading

WICD Core 1.0 #59

"The document begin for WICD documents is when the complete host document has been loaded by the user agent." spec

SMIL parallel

WICD Core 1.0 #60

"The document end for WICD documents is when the associated application exits or switches context to another document." spec

document unload event

WICD Core 1.0 #61

"The elements which support timing are all those that reference timed media. In the case of an XHTML root document, the 'object' element supports timing." spec

smil object timing

WICD Core 1.0 #62

"Unless defined otherwise, the root document executes all timed children in parallel, following the semantics of the SMIL 'par' element. In other words, the root document of WICD has an implicit value for the SMIL 'timeContainer' attribute of 'par'." spec

timed children in parallel

WICD Core 1.0 #63 #64

"An object element param element with name="timeline" and value="disable" shall prevent the timeline of the Scalable Child Content from starting or, if already started, shall stop it. Thus, animations will not play."
"An object element param element with name="timeline" and value="enable" shall allow the timeline of the Scalable Child Content to start. Thus, for dynamic rendering, animations will play. If previously stopped, the timeline shall reset and re-start." spec

en-/disable param timeline

WICD Core 1.0 #65

"If there is no param element with name="timeline", the timeline of the Scalable Child Content shall start. Thus, for dynamic rendering, animations will play." spec

no param timeline, render dynamic

WICD Core 1.0 #66

"A param element with name="render" and value="frozen" or value="static" shall result in a rendering which is not dynamic and thus, animations shall not play even if a param element with name="timeline" has a value="enable"." spec

params timeline + render

WICD Core 1.0 #67

"Media Queries" spec

media queries

WICD Core 1.0 #68

"Style sheets for specific agent classes: A user agent that discovers a CSS style sheet, provided for its own device class (either by media attribute - for instance set to "handheld" - or by a Media Query expression), should assume the content was created with specific properties "in mind". The agent is then expected to deactivate any custom adaptation techniques (for example rendering wide screen content on a narrow screen) and display the intended layout "as is". spec

deactivate all adaption techniques

WICD Core 1.0 Combined #1 - 1

html, body and div set to height:100%, object set to height:33.33%.

Scalable Child element + CSS size calculation (1)

WICD Core 1.0 Combined #1 - 2

html, body and div set to height:100%, object height not set.

Scalable Child element + CSS size calculation (2)

WICD Core 1.0 Combined #1 - 3

html and body set to height:100%, div height not set, object set to height:33.33%.

Scalable Child element + CSS size calculation (3)

WICD Core 1.0 Combined #4

Focusable flat + Access keys