19:01:58 RRSAgent has joined #tagmem 19:02:18 /me I guess the clock is fast 19:02:38 Who's? 19:03:37 +Roy 19:04:12 DanC has joined #tagmem 19:04:20 +DanC 19:05:40 DanC has changed the topic to: TAG 19Jul http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2004/07/19-tag 19:05:54 zakim, dial chris-617 19:05:54 ok, Chris; the call is being made 19:05:55 +Chris 19:06:35 minutes seem to be at http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2004/07/12-tag-summary.html , actually 19:06:57 Norm, re the agenda, i completed my 3.3.1 action item 19:06:58 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2004Jul/0012.html 19:07:05 Fixed. 19:07:12 Uhm, I meant the problem Dan reported. 19:09:26 Regrets: TBL, PC, SW, IJ 19:10:51 zakim, who is here 19:10:51 Chris, you need to end that query with '?' 19:15:41 Chris, are you taking minutes here? 19:16:51 (hmm... maybe I could tweak the XSLT to display a count.) 19:18:55 2.5. URI Ownership http://www.w3.org/TR/webarch/#uri-ownership 19:21:38 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webarch-comments/2004Feb/0000.html 19:22:44 DanC: I don't find stickler's comments persuasive. 19:25:49 ... esp "The owner of a URI has the right to decide which representations 19:25:49 of the denoted resource are accessible via that URI -- but in fact 19:25:49 anyone has the license to create a representation of that resource," 19:27:44 http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/issues.html?type=1#putMediaType-38 19:32:22 order is given in the agenda; link to http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2003/lc1209/issues.html?view=wg&closed=1&expert=1&editorial=1&clarification=1&stateAgreed=1&stateDeclined=1&stateSubsumed=1 19:32:26 http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2003/lc1209/issues.html?view=wg&closed=1&expert=1&editorial=1&clarification=1&stateAgreed=1&stateDeclined=1&stateSubsumed=1 19:33:29 30 Mar 2004 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webarch-comments/2004JanMar/1071.html 19:34:57 "One particularly useful mapping in the case of flat namespaces is to combine the namespace URI, a hash ("#"), and the local name; see the section on XML namespaces for more examples." -- 4.5.5 (near http://www.w3.org/TR/webarch/#xml-formats) 19:36:10 Chris, are you taking minutes here? 19:38:05 (yes) 19:49:17 3.7. Future Directions for Interaction 19:50:15 re schema10 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webarch-comments/2004JulSep/0011.html 19:51:30 s/needs/merits/ pls 19:56:21 "One may publish then use a URI without building any representations of the resource or determining whether any representations are available." -- 5.1. Orthogonal Specifications is where the msm3 thing went 20:00:29 s/need/plan/ 20:01:45 msm's comment about "resource" is much like schema3 20:03:21 oops; I thought schema3 handed us the options about how to deal with "resource"; re-reading, I don't see it... 20:04:16 darn; some text that I thought I saw earlier... I can't find it. 20:13:06 parsia5 OBE 20:13:21 "Parties who wish to communicate must agree upon a shared set of 20:13:21 identifiers and on their meanings." got refrobulated. 20:14:29 parsia6 BOE 20:14:31 OBE 20:16:26 all praise norm, XSLT god. 20:21:25 hmm... "URI space" seems to be a term that folks want introduced; perhaps I'll send mail. 20:25:16 --------- 20:25:27 More importantly, the remaining ones all fit on one screen! 20:25:41 all but __what__? 20:25:46 16 20:25:50 we did 40, 16 remain 20:27:43 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2004Jul/0012.html 20:29:13 Draft 06 of rfc2396bis is now available from and will most likely go to IESG last call during the IETF meeting during the first week of August. 20:29:45 /me me too 20:30:00 -Norm 20:30:03 -Chris 20:30:04 -Roy 20:30:04 -DanC 20:30:07 TAG_Weekly()2:30PM has ended 20:30:08 Attendees were Norm, Roy, DanC, Chris 20:30:42 Roy has left #tagmem 20:50:14 Mama Marchiori? 21:02:25 (gonna go eat something now, didn't eat since yesterday, blub :/ ) 21:02:33 --- You are now known as mama_marchiori 21:02:33 eat! 21:02:33 --- You are now known as DanC 21:05:27 heh 21:15:11 Chris has left #tagmem 21:20:14 Zakim has left #tagmem 23:41:16 Norm has joined #tagmem 23:41:46 Norm has joined #tagmem