IRC log of wai-wcag on 2004-06-23
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 13:50:19 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #wai-wcag
- 13:50:50 [sh1m]
- Zakim, this will be WAI_WCAG
- 13:50:50 [Zakim]
- I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled near this time, sh1m
- 13:51:05 [sh1m]
- Zakim, list conferences
- 13:51:05 [Zakim]
- I see Team_W3M()8:00AM active
- 13:51:06 [Zakim]
- also scheduled at this time is Team_(pics)10:00AM
- 13:51:22 [sh1m]
- Zakim, help
- 13:51:22 [Zakim]
- Please refer to for more detailed help.
- 13:51:24 [Zakim]
- Some of the commands I know are:
- 13:51:25 [Zakim]
- xxx is yyy - establish yyy as the name of unknown party xxx
- 13:51:27 [Zakim]
- if yyy is 'me' or 'I', your nick is substituted
- 13:51:29 [Zakim]
- xxx may be yyy - establish yyy as possibly the name of unknown party xxx
- 13:51:31 [Zakim]
- I am xxx - establish your nick as the name of unknown party xxx
- 13:51:33 [Zakim]
- xxx holds yyy [, zzz ...] - establish xxx as a group name and yyy, etc. as participants within that group
- 13:51:35 [Zakim]
- xxx also holds yyy - add yyy to the list of participants in group xxx
- 13:51:37 [Zakim]
- who's here? - lists the participants on the phone
- 13:51:39 [Zakim]
- who's muted? - lists the participants who are muted
- 13:51:41 [Zakim]
- mute xxx - mutes party xxx (like pressing 61#)
- 13:51:43 [Zakim]
- unmute xxx - reverses the effect of "mute" and of 61#
- 13:51:45 [Zakim]
- is xxx here? - reports whether a party named like xxx is present
- 13:51:47 [Zakim]
- list conferences - reports the active conferences
- 13:51:48 [Zakim]
- this is xxx - associates this channel with conference xxx
- 13:51:49 [Zakim]
- excuse us - disconnects from the irc channel
- 13:51:50 [Zakim]
- I last learned something new on $Date: 2004/02/17 01:04:28 $
- 13:59:10 [ChrisR]
- ChrisR has joined #wai-wcag
- 13:59:14 [JimT]
- JimT has joined #wai-wcag
- 13:59:26 [sh1m]
- Zakim, this will be WAI_WCAG
- 13:59:26 [Zakim]
- ok, sh1m, I see WAI_WCAG(techniques)10:00AM already started
- 13:59:43 [MichaelC]
- zakim, who's on the phone?
- 13:59:43 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Jim_Thatcher, Michael_Cooper
- 13:59:59 [Becky]
- Becky has joined #wai-wcag
- 14:00:19 [Zakim]
- +Chris_Ridpath
- 14:00:31 [Zakim]
- +Wendy
- 14:00:32 [Zakim]
- +??P16
- 14:00:36 [wendy]
- wendy has joined #wai-wcag
- 14:00:39 [Zakim]
- +Shawn
- 14:00:42 [Zakim]
- +[Microsoft]
- 14:00:43 [sh1m]
- Zakim, ??P16 is Tom
- 14:00:43 [Zakim]
- +Tom; got it
- 14:00:53 [sh1m]
- Zakim, I am Tom
- 14:00:53 [Zakim]
- ok, sh1m, I now associate you with Tom
- 14:01:01 [Zakim]
- +Becky_Gibson
- 14:01:04 [MichaelC]
- rrsagent, make log world-visible
- 14:01:19 [bcaldwell]
- bcaldwell has joined #wai-wcag
- 14:01:25 [Zakim]
- +??P15
- 14:01:38 [sh1m]
- Zakim, ??P15 is Ben
- 14:01:38 [Zakim]
- +Ben; got it
- 14:01:47 [sh1m]
- Zakim, bcaldwell is Ben
- 14:01:47 [Zakim]
- sorry, sh1m, I do not recognize a party named 'bcaldwell'
- 14:02:52 [bcaldwell]
- zakim, I am Ben
- 14:02:52 [Zakim]
- ok, bcaldwell, I now associate you with Ben
- 14:03:14 [MichaelC]
- zakim, who's on the phone?
- 14:03:17 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Jim_Thatcher, Michael_Cooper, Chris_Ridpath, Tom, Wendy, Shawn, [Microsoft], Becky_Gibson, Ben
- 14:03:45 [sh1m]
- Zakim, [Microsoft] is Janae
- 14:03:45 [Zakim]
- +Janae; got it
- 14:03:53 [Zakim]
- +Sailesh_Panchang
- 14:04:03 [wendy]
- Meeting: WCAG WG Techniques Task Force
- 14:04:11 [wendy]
- Chair: Michael Cooper
- 14:04:27 [wendy]
- Scribe: Wendy Chisholm
- 14:04:30 [wendy]
- 14:04:54 [Zakim]
- +??P25
- 14:05:10 [wendy]
- zakim, ??P25 is David_MacDonald
- 14:05:10 [Zakim]
- +David_MacDonald; got it
- 14:07:22 [wendy]
- Regrets: Roberto Scano, John M Slatin
- 14:07:37 [wendy]
- Agenda:
- 14:07:53 [MichaelC]
- Topic: CSS techniques mapping to guidelines
- 14:07:55 [MichaelC]
- 14:09:19 [wendy]
- css techs draft:
- 14:12:17 [wendy]
- 1.8 Conveying information through multiple means (not just color)
- 14:13:25 [wendy]
- more of a general technique?
- 14:13:41 [wendy]
- can user agent figure out color effects and present meaningfully?
- 14:15:15 [wendy]
- as written, this technique does not mention css unti last bullet.
- 14:16:21 [wendy]
- display:hidden has variable support in screen readers.
- 14:16:27 [wendy]
- display:none also has some support issues
- 14:17:02 [wendy]
- Action: wendy delete css:1.8, tom paste to general techs
- 14:17:21 [wendy]
- Action: wendy to delete css:1.8, tom paste to general techs
- 14:17:38 [wendy]
- ACTION: wendy to delete css:1.8, tom paste to general techs
- 14:18:15 [wendy]
- 1.9 Using relative units of measure for properties that need to change
- 14:19:25 [wendy]
- this stays, but needs to be adjusted to sync w/defns of "relative" and "absolute" in css spec.
- 14:19:48 [wendy]
- could map to 1.4 level 1 SC 1
- 14:20:15 [wendy]
- 1.4 is about contrast
- 14:22:06 [wendy]
- users *do* have access to technology. reason for this is so that the user can increase font size and content reflow.
- 14:22:20 [wendy]
- what about guideline about "transform gracefully"? (have received public comments asking for)
- 14:23:37 [wendy]
- could 1.4 be generalized to cover visual presentation?
- 14:23:58 [wendy]
- i.e., there are other font-related guidance that people have suggested we cover. e.g., JIS and choosing readable fonts
- 14:24:30 [wendy]
- people can change fonts w/relative ease, but changing units of measure is harder to do.
- 14:24:35 [MichaelC]
- action: Michael approach WG about a "transform gracefully" guideline under Principle 1 (borrow elements from 1.4)
- 14:26:08 [MichaelC]
- action 2 = Michael and Tom approach WG about a "transform gracefully" guideline under Principle 1 (borrow elements from 1.4)
- 14:26:36 [wendy]
- 1.10 falls into same category
- 14:26:46 [wendy]
- 1.11
- 14:26:54 [wendy]
- 1.11 Creating stylized text with CSS rather than using raster images
- 14:27:53 [wendy]
- action: wendy and tom look at emphasis discussion and try to get on a thursday agenda
- 14:28:28 [wendy]
- does "Any information presented through color is also available without color (for example, through context or markup or coding that does not depend on color). (Level 1) " apply to this one?
- 14:28:38 [wendy]
- primary reason: want text available as text
- 14:29:10 [wendy]
- isn't that the essence of, "Any text that is presented over a background is electronically available so that it could be re-presented in a form that allows the text to be distinguished from the background. (Level 1) " ?
- 14:30:47 [wendy]
- a list apart article on text (takes plain text and converts to images on the fly)
- 14:30:48 [wendy]
- 1.12 Formatting and positioning of text
- 14:33:12 [wendy]
- this covers positioing/layout tables?
- 14:33:22 [wendy]
- and relationship w/using structural relationships
- 14:33:28 [wendy]
- e.g., in HTML, use the header element and then style with css)
- 14:35:04 [wendy]
- action: wendy break 1.12 up into multiple techniques then return to mapping
- 14:37:08 [wendy]
- action: wendy to mark techniques as being general css or related to specific technology (e.g., html)
- 14:37:17 [wendy]
- 1.13 Text style effects: case, shadow, decoration
- 14:38:00 [wendy]
- action: wendy break 1.13 up into multiple techniques then return to mapping
- 14:39:08 [wendy]
- 1.14 Creating rules and borders
- 14:40:38 [wendy]
- at a minimum, separate into 2. since outline and border are very different
- 14:41:26 [wendy]
- ties in nicely with 1.8
- 14:41:58 [wendy]
- "They also end with the phrase "End example", but that phrase is hidden by default with 'display: none'."
- 14:42:26 [wendy]
- if you are using border to denote structural section, then use text to show that - IF a structural element is already providing the info
- 14:43:12 [wendy]
- also have to be careful not to overdo and specify when and which elements
- 14:44:38 [wendy]
- action: break 1.14 into at least 2 techniques. tie in w/generating text IF structural element isn't already providing info (careful about not overdoing - optional?)
- 14:44:51 [wendy]
- 2.1 Text equivalents for content generated by style sheets
- 14:45:39 [wendy]
- use media types to produce contet
- 14:46:27 [wendy]
- isn't this saying the same thing as the other task? can we combine them?
- 14:46:33 [wendy]
- If it is a background image, does it need a label? There is no exception in 1.1 for background images. Also, is there a way to "explicitly associate" a text equivalent with images included via css?
- 14:47:23 [wendy]
- it's at odds w/1.11. using image replacement, could generate text equiv - although image and text not show at same time
- 14:47:36 [wendy]
- for screen reader media type use text instead of image
- 14:48:02 [wendy]
- this tech ought to be saying, if something important being include via css, either not include via css or describe in the html somewhere
- 14:48:15 [wendy]
- until user agents support with this?
- 14:48:34 [wendy]
- was reading as, "text equivalents for images generated by css"
- 14:50:14 [wendy]
- yes, at odds w/1.11 (b/c there we recommend generating content to help indicate structure)
- 14:50:43 [wendy]
- perhaps divide into 2: those things w/generated content that we recommend, 2. those things we are concerned about (although not banning, but saying, if you do, beware of xyz)
- 14:52:01 [wendy]
- if using FIR, constraining size of text to appear in place of image. if turn off image, could resize text but could be in a tiny window.
- 14:54:40 [wendy]
- action: wendy explore issues related to css:2.1
- 14:56:51 [wendy]
- action: wendy delete css:2.2
- 14:57:15 [wendy]
- 2.3 Providing contextual clues in lists
- 14:57:40 [wendy]
- this should be covered by the assistive technologies
- 14:57:58 [wendy]
- useful for very old UAs, thus deprecated
- 14:58:50 [wendy]
- similar to tech for generated content, but specific to lists
- 14:58:59 [wendy]
- ALA article about generating hotkeys for links
- 14:59:10 [wendy]
- real world exmaple (of this markup for lists)
- 15:00:18 [wendy]
- action: wendy to mark css:2.3 as deprecated
- 15:01:12 [wendy]
- 3.1 Creating layout, positioning, layering, and alignment
- 15:01:39 [wendy]
- duplicate of other?
- 15:01:43 [wendy]
- other one specific about text
- 15:01:51 [wendy]
- how split apart?
- 15:02:06 [wendy]
- have separate techniques and then one overall technique that pulls them together
- 15:03:09 [wendy]
- action: wendy cut 3.2: Null alt-text, michael paste into html
- 15:03:17 [wendy]
- 3.3: Providing good structural markup for graceful degradation
- 15:03:53 [wendy]
- general or and relationsihps w/use of structural elements
- 15:06:05 [wendy]
- and/or discuss at F2F re: checklist, afterwards discuss dtd
- 15:06:49 [wendy]
- action: michael, ben, wendy ensure and/or relationships discussed at F2F and follow-up afterwards to encode
- 15:06:56 [wendy]
- 3.4 Scripting and style sheets
- 15:07:26 [wendy]
- multiple and relationship
- 15:07:34 [wendy]
- 3.5 Using ACSS to create auditory presentation
- 15:08:17 [wendy]
- If the audio-contrast guideline said something about the ability to turn sounds off or user control of styling sounds, then we could link to a success criterion. As is, linked to guideline but no criteria.
- 15:08:21 [wendy]
- state of ACSS?
- 15:09:43 [wendy]
- in 2.1, aural style sheets moved to an appendix:
- 15:09:59 [wendy]
- in css3, likely to reference SSML and other work by voice browser working group
- 15:10:25 [wendy]
- css3 speech module:
- 15:11:17 [wendy]
- "This draft describes the text to speech properties proposed for CSS level 3. These are designed for match the model described in the Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML)."
- 15:12:03 [wendy]
- action: wendy to mark 3.5 as a future technique - placeholder. ref css3 speech module.
- 15:12:14 [wendy]
- 3.6 Access to alternative representations of content
- 15:13:48 [wendy]
- which success criterion does it map to?
- 15:14:50 [wendy]
- related to text equivalents to reduce cog load?
- 15:15:31 [wendy]
- action: wendy to modify editorial note for 3.6 to capture issues and use as placeholder.
- 15:15:38 [wendy]
- 3.7 Media types
- 15:15:54 [wendy]
- technology according to spec?
- 15:16:11 [wendy]
- 4.1 level 1
- 15:16:20 [wendy]
- what about "separate structure from presentation?"
- 15:16:43 [wendy]
- action: wendy to update mapping for 3.7 (map to 4.1 and sep struct from presentation)
- 15:18:03 [wendy]
- 15:20:32 [wendy]
- action: wendy to review david's end-to-end to look at mappings
- 15:21:51 [wendy]
- 5 minute break. when return,
- 15:22:12 [wendy]
- Topic: Tying the documents together (end-to-end analyses, traffic cop, etc.)
- 15:22:16 [Zakim]
- -David_MacDonald
- 15:22:19 [Zakim]
- -Chris_Ridpath
- 15:26:43 [Zakim]
- +??P13
- 15:27:03 [Zakim]
- +Chris_Ridpath
- 15:27:13 [wendy]
- zakim, ??P13 is David_MacDonald
- 15:27:13 [Zakim]
- +David_MacDonald; got it
- 15:30:43 [sh1m]
- People involved in end to end
- 15:30:54 [sh1m]
- Wendy, Jenae, David
- 15:32:00 [sh1m]
- David:Use the end to end to see where we are overlapping, or do we have something in one document we aren't saying in another.
- 15:32:24 [MichaelC]
- zakim, who's talking?
- 15:32:29 [sh1m]
- David:Putting them side by side is good for drawing comparisons you wouldn't see normally
- 15:32:34 [Zakim]
- MichaelC, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: David_MacDonald (59%), Becky_Gibson (33%)
- 15:32:53 [sh1m]
- Michael:Hard to do all the end to end in one session
- 15:33:03 [wendy]
- brb
- 15:33:04 [sh1m]
- David:It best at a one of a time thing
- 15:34:20 [sh1m]
- Tom:Doing them one a time especially with the guidelines as a baseline is good for getting them in line
- 15:34:57 [MichaelC]
- zakim, who's talking?
- 15:35:08 [Zakim]
- MichaelC, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Jim_Thatcher (4%), Michael_Cooper (44%), David_MacDonald (34%), Tom (80%), Becky_Gibson (10%)
- 15:36:13 [sh1m]
- Tom:Is this something that needs more structure in the agenda before we can approach it?
- 15:36:30 [sh1m]
- Michael:Shawn is on the call it would be great to have her thoughts
- 15:36:44 [sh1m]
- Shawn:The biggest thing is progressive disclosure
- 15:37:13 [sh1m]
- Shawn:A lot of the things, traffic cop, for example is good for step through.
- 15:37:40 [sh1m]
- Shawn:Getting presented with so many options when 'all I want to do is make my table accessible'
- 15:38:05 [sh1m]
- Shawn:A lot of people will print out, so we need to be aware of printing
- 15:38:07 [sh1m]
- q+
- 15:38:49 [sh1m]
- David:What about the different use cases, what do people find confusing?
- 15:38:51 [bcaldwell]
- 15:39:39 [sh1m]
- Shawn:Were you thinking of all of this at one time or one guidelines' worth?
- 15:39:51 [sh1m]
- David:They can scroll down to get what they want
- 15:40:31 [MichaelC]
- zakim, who's talking?
- 15:40:42 [Zakim]
- MichaelC, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: David_MacDonald (61%), Tom (52%), Wendy (4%), Shawn (67%)
- 15:40:52 [sh1m]
- sorry
- 15:40:56 [MichaelC]
- :)
- 15:41:01 [sh1m]
- bunch of people being loud in a shared office
- 15:41:21 [sh1m]
- Shawn:Generally people are going to need one little bit at a time, even one guideline
- 15:41:31 [sh1m]
- Shawn:Even the end to end is tough
- 15:41:40 [sh1m]
- David:The end to end is an internal thing
- 15:41:50 [sh1m]
- MichaelC, can you bust me in :P
- 15:41:59 [sh1m]
- I can't unmute without all this background noise
- 15:42:06 [MichaelC]
- yeah, just a minute
- 15:42:31 [sh1m]
- David:The end to end is for internal mapping from the techniques to the guidelines, and see it all side by side
- 15:43:04 [sh1m]
- ack tom
- 15:44:45 [wendy]
- people that are looking for html techniques will be primary people, as such many of them will want to get there right away w/out seeing other things.
- 15:44:58 [wendy]
- versus, people who are using other technologies may be willing to search harder
- 15:48:13 [wendy]
- ack sailesh
- 15:48:28 [wendy]
- "traffic cop" will not be the only means of interacting w/the resources.
- 15:48:34 [shawn]
- q+ to say need the overview
- 15:48:39 [wendy]
- it is *one* interface
- 15:48:56 [wendy]
- if someone wants to go directly from success criteria, to techniues, they should be able to do that.
- 15:49:17 [wendy]
- in wcag 1.0, have checklist of checkpoints and from that go to techniques.
- 15:49:44 [wendy]
- perhaps at top of guidelines have two links: contents | examples and techniques
- 15:50:05 [wendy]
- q+
- 15:50:08 [wendy]
- ack shawn
- 15:50:08 [Zakim]
- shawn, you wanted to say need the overview
- 15:50:09 [shawn]
- ack me
- 15:50:19 [sh1m]
- q+
- 15:50:22 [wendy]
- need: ability to get the big picture
- 15:50:57 [wendy]
- when teaching people about wcag 1.0, had a graphic that showed relationship between guidelines, checkpoint, techniques (gateway), and html techniques
- 15:51:15 [wendy]
- many people had not realized there were so many pieces and how they connected
- 15:51:23 [wendy]
- important to do up-front
- 15:51:49 [MichaelC]
- ack wendy
- 15:52:24 [sh1m]
- wedny: presented at the www2k4 included a graphic about the big picture which was similar to some of david's work
- 15:52:34 [shawn]
- 15:52:49 [sh1m]
- wendy:Highlighting the links to the techniques documents from the WCAG20 document
- 15:53:18 [wendy]
- ack wendy
- 15:53:24 [sh1m]
- Wendy:We have talked about linking from each success criteria, but we also need a bigger link from the top
- 15:53:29 [sh1m]
- ack Tom
- 15:56:24 [wendy]
- a single page that contains all techniques for a given success criterion, doesn' thelp the user who wants to know "how do i make my form accesible?"
- 15:56:38 [wendy]
- those are 2 different use cases
- 15:56:43 [wendy]
- are we going to meet both of them?
- 15:57:19 [wendy]
- primary use case: how to fulfill the guidelines
- 15:57:41 [wendy]
- get that from table of contents in html?
- 15:57:55 [wendy]
- depends on how it is written. techniques for wcag 1.0, techniques were in different places.
- 15:58:02 [wendy]
- and, no index
- 15:58:40 [wendy]
- should absolutely look at different use cases. however, don't have a different traffic cop for each use case, but can we create one primary interface that will work for multiple use cases?
- 15:58:50 [wendy]
- need "search" to do that?
- 16:01:57 [wendy]
- have the one page approach, but also an index at end of each page? a set of see alsos? cross-references? list of questions related to tasks to help create big picture?
- 16:02:39 [wendy]
- since wcag 2.0 is not html-centric, harder to construct the "how to make forms accessible."
- 16:04:07 [wendy]
- gateway as index into techniques. i.e., techniques are grouped by task/element
- 16:05:09 [wendy]
- perhaps atomic techniques and then an overall technique to tie them together?
- 16:05:50 [wendy]
- "by criteria" view - checklist satisfies?
- 16:06:03 [Zakim]
- -Janae
- 16:06:15 [wendy]
- zakim, mute tom
- 16:06:15 [Zakim]
- Tom should now be muted
- 16:06:21 [MichaelC]
- action: Ben work on "by criteria" while working on checklists
- 16:06:40 [MichaelC]
- action: Shawn and Wendy expand some of their ideas
- 16:07:05 [wendy]
- action: wendy to rework image (w/shawn's help)
- 16:07:36 [wendy]
- action: wendy to think about grouping techniques and tasks in css techniques
- 16:08:13 [wendy]
- next week: review action items from last week
- 16:08:47 [wendy]
- Deprecating layout tables
- 16:08:50 [wendy]
- new html draft
- 16:09:28 [wendy]
- checklist prototype
- 16:09:37 [wendy]
- traffic cop related aciton items
- 16:09:40 [wendy]
- end-to-ends
- 16:10:35 [wendy]
- scratch that:
- 16:10:49 [wendy]
- next week: action items from last week, layout tables, end-to-ends
- 16:13:13 [Zakim]
- -Ben
- 16:13:14 [Zakim]
- -Michael_Cooper
- 16:13:15 [Zakim]
- -Becky_Gibson
- 16:13:16 [Zakim]
- -Wendy
- 16:13:17 [Zakim]
- -Jim_Thatcher
- 16:13:18 [Zakim]
- -Sailesh_Panchang
- 16:13:19 [Zakim]
- -Chris_Ridpath
- 16:13:20 [Zakim]
- -David_MacDonald
- 16:13:20 [Zakim]
- -Shawn
- 16:13:22 [Zakim]
- -Tom
- 16:13:24 [Zakim]
- WAI_WCAG(techniques)10:00AM has ended
- 16:13:26 [Zakim]
- Attendees were Jim_Thatcher, Michael_Cooper, Chris_Ridpath, Wendy, Shawn, Tom, Becky_Gibson, Ben, Janae, Sailesh_Panchang, David_MacDonald
- 16:13:29 [ChrisR]
- ChrisR has left #wai-wcag
- 16:13:35 [wendy]
- zakim, bye
- 16:13:35 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #wai-wcag
- 16:13:40 [wendy]
- RRSAgent, bye
- 16:13:40 [RRSAgent]
- I see 20 open action items:
- 16:13:40 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: wendy to delete css:1.8, tom paste to general techs [1]
- 16:13:40 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 16:13:40 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Michael and Tom approach WG about a "transform gracefully" guideline under Principle 1 (borrow elements from 1.4) [2]
- 16:13:40 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 16:13:40 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: wendy and tom look at emphasis discussion and try to get on a thursday agenda [3]
- 16:13:40 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 16:13:40 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: wendy break 1.12 up into multiple techniques then return to mapping [4]
- 16:13:40 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 16:13:40 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: wendy to mark techniques as being general css or related to specific technology (e.g., html) [5]
- 16:13:40 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 16:13:40 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: wendy break 1.13 up into multiple techniques then return to mapping [6]
- 16:13:40 [RRSAgent]
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- ACTION: break 1.14 into at least 2 techniques. tie in w/generating text IF structural element isn't already providing info (careful about not overdoing - optional?) [7]
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- ACTION: wendy explore issues related to css:2.1 [8]
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- ACTION: wendy delete css:2.2 [9]
- 16:13:40 [RRSAgent]
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- ACTION: wendy to mark css:2.3 as deprecated [10]
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- ACTION: wendy cut 3.2: Null alt-text, michael paste into html [11]
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- ACTION: michael, ben, wendy ensure and/or relationships discussed at F2F and follow-up afterwards to encode [12]
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- ACTION: wendy to mark 3.5 as a future technique - placeholder. ref css3 speech module. [13]
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- ACTION: wendy to modify editorial note for 3.6 to capture issues and use as placeholder. [14]
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- ACTION: wendy to update mapping for 3.7 (map to 4.1 and sep struct from presentation) [15]
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- ACTION: wendy to review david's end-to-end to look at mappings [16]
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- ACTION: Ben work on "by criteria" while working on checklists [17]
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- ACTION: Shawn and Wendy expand some of their ideas [18]
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- ACTION: wendy to rework image (w/shawn's help) [19]
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- ACTION: wendy to think about grouping techniques and tasks in css techniques [20]
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