IRC log of wai-wcag on 2004-04-21

Timestamps are in UTC.

13:56:22 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #wai-wcag
13:56:36 [sh1m]
Zakim, list conferences
13:56:38 [Zakim]
I see MM_MMI(ink)9:00AM active
13:56:38 [Zakim]
also scheduled at this time are I18N_GEO()9:00AM, WAI_WCAG(techniques)10:00AM, Team_W3M()8:00AM, DI_DIWG()10:00AM, HTML_WG()10:00AM, SVG_WG()10:00AM
13:56:50 [sh1m]
Zakim, this is WAI_WCAG
13:56:50 [Zakim]
sh1m, I see WAI_WCAG(techniques)10:00AM in the schedule but not yet started. Perhaps you mean "this will be WAI_WCAG".
13:56:58 [sh1m]
Zakim, this will be WAI_WCAG
13:56:58 [Zakim]
ok, sh1m; I see WAI_WCAG(techniques)10:00AM scheduled to start in 4 minutes
13:59:09 [Zakim]
WAI_WCAG(techniques)10:00AM has now started
13:59:16 [Zakim]
+ +1.512.306.aaaa
13:59:33 [Zakim]
14:00:21 [Zakim]
14:00:41 [Zakim]
14:00:50 [ChrisR]
ChrisR has joined #wai-wcag
14:02:17 [JimT]
JimT has joined #wai-wcag
14:02:34 [Zakim]
14:03:22 [bcaldwell]
bcaldwell has joined #wai-wcag
14:03:33 [MichaelC]
I'm gonna dial in a bit late - can somebody get the ball rolling?
14:03:37 [Zakim]
14:03:37 [MichaelC]
Gateway techniques!
14:03:44 [bcaldwell]
zakim, ??P11 is Ben
14:03:44 [Zakim]
+Ben; got it
14:04:00 [bcaldwell]
zakim, who is here?
14:04:00 [Zakim]
On the phone I see +1.512.306.aaaa, Dave_MacDonald, Chris_Ridpath, [Microsoft], ??P12, Ben
14:04:02 [Zakim]
On IRC I see bcaldwell, JimT, ChrisR, RRSAgent, Zakim, MichaelC, sh1m, sh1mmer
14:04:26 [sh1m]
Zakim, +1.512.306.aaaa is Jim_Thatcher
14:04:29 [Zakim]
+Jim_Thatcher; got it
14:04:29 [bcaldwell]
zakim, [Microsoft] is Jenae
14:04:35 [Zakim]
+Jenae; got it
14:04:52 [bcaldwell]
zakim, I am Ben
14:04:55 [sh1m]
Zakim, ??P12 is Tom
14:04:57 [Zakim]
ok, bcaldwell, I now associate you with Ben
14:05:03 [Zakim]
+Tom; got it
14:06:09 [Zakim]
14:06:39 [Zakim]
14:06:40 [wendy]
wendy has joined #wai-wcag
14:09:34 [JimT]
14:12:37 [Zakim]
14:13:46 [Zakim]
14:14:04 [wendy]
zakim, ??P5 is Lisa_Seeman
14:14:04 [Zakim]
+Lisa_Seeman; got it
14:21:50 [wendy]
action: tom send jenae's proposed work plan to the mailing list to attract volunteers to go through the process
14:22:18 [wendy]
14:22:30 [wendy]
jenae has volunteered for 1.1
14:22:34 [wendy]
david 1.4
14:24:02 [wendy]
david 1.5
14:24:39 [wendy]
lisa 1.3
14:26:51 [wendy]
14:37:53 [wendy]
do we want to organize by success criteria?
14:41:20 [wendy]
concerns: repetition of guideline information
14:41:47 [wendy]
concern: success criteria appearing in different techniques (reader has to pull ideas togehter)
14:41:49 [sh1m]
Zakim, I am Tom
14:41:49 [Zakim]
ok, sh1m, I now associate you with Tom
14:41:59 [wendy]
concern: multiple tasks for each success criterion?
14:42:37 [wendy]
concern: if structured by success criteria lose focus on guideline
14:43:04 [wendy]
what about a mapping? "here's what you do to fulfill the goal"
14:45:06 [wendy]
multiple links for each success criteria?
14:45:14 [wendy]
link from guidelines/success criteria to checklist?
14:46:04 [wendy]
do people go through gateway to get to technology-specifics or can they get to the tech-specifics directly
14:46:57 [MichaelC]
zakim, mute Michael_Cooper
14:46:57 [Zakim]
Michael_Cooper should now be muted
14:47:58 [wendy]
in wcag 1.0, these functions are separated in 2 docs: core and techniques for wcag 1.0
14:48:12 [wendy]
when working on wcag 2.0, we made conscious effort to combine them into gateway.
14:49:17 [wendy]
if success criteria have more than one technique, should be gathered together, but perhaps not in the primary view.
14:50:36 [MichaelC]
zakim, unmute Michael_Cooper
14:50:36 [Zakim]
Michael_Cooper should no longer be muted
14:50:43 [MichaelC]
zakim, I am Michael_Cooper
14:50:43 [Zakim]
ok, MichaelC, I now associate you with Michael_Cooper
14:56:26 [sh1m]
14:56:37 [wendy]
ack Tom
14:57:02 [wendy]
desire to involve a designer. discussion about when. after have better mock-up or sooner?
14:59:54 [wendy]
action: wendy will talk with shawn and matt as first step (since involved in WAI site redesign) about design and designers
15:00:07 [wendy]
checklists? where is our work on that
15:00:42 [wendy]
open issues about checklists: normative or not?
15:00:58 [wendy]
after each heading, there is "this technique satisfies guideline..."
15:01:04 [wendy]
what is a task?
15:03:23 [wendy]
history of diff between checklist items (T/F or Yes/No) vs task
15:05:05 [bcaldwell]
15:06:59 [wendy]
each technique has several pieces (via the dtd) - many of these are optional: short name, task, examples, references, code, screen shots, audio clips
15:07:15 [wendy]
currently it says, "this techniques satisfies guidelines..." but there is only one guideline listed.
15:09:29 [wendy]
currently, success criteria info not revealed (even if associated in the xml).
15:10:29 [MichaelC]
action: Michael: associate HTML techniques with WCAG 2.0 success criteria
15:15:16 [MichaelC]
zakim, mute me
15:15:16 [Zakim]
Michael_Cooper should now be muted
15:15:59 [wendy]
where we have questions, take to thursday call. can help group make decisions about splitting or grouping guidelines (i.e., visual and auditory contrast are currently 2 guidelines, but some discussion about recombining)
15:16:45 [MichaelC]
zakim, unmute me
15:16:45 [Zakim]
Michael_Cooper should no longer be muted
15:19:16 [wendy]
could have "index" by success criteria in technology-specifics, a.k.a. the checklist.
15:23:15 [wendy]
copy & paste guide w/success criteria
15:23:20 [wendy]
copy and paste everything from gateway
15:23:27 [wendy]
then html techniques copy and paste everything from there.
15:23:46 [wendy]
copy entire sections
15:23:50 [wendy]
will print, look at
15:23:56 [wendy]
determine overlap and what's missing
15:24:24 [wendy]
don't grab benefits or examples, just success criteria
15:25:44 [wendy]
but, yes, please do!
15:25:55 [wendy]
want to see exmaples that flow from guidelines through gateway and html techniques
15:27:18 [wendy]
david, jenae will have end-to-end summaries for next week's call
15:27:28 [wendy]
anyone else - please finish summary by monday!
15:28:17 [wendy]
if you have volunteered and wish to, pls contact tom and/or wendy (we'll put your name in the plan)
15:28:32 [wendy]
action: ben and tom coord about bugzilla issues management
15:30:32 [Zakim]
15:30:34 [Zakim]
15:30:52 [wendy]
next week: end-to-end summaries, gateway techs, html (if time)
15:31:01 [ChrisR]
ChrisR has left #wai-wcag
15:32:55 [Zakim]
15:32:56 [Zakim]
15:32:57 [Zakim]
15:32:58 [Zakim]
15:32:58 [Zakim]
15:32:59 [Zakim]
15:33:00 [Zakim]
15:38:00 [Zakim]
disconnecting the lone participant, Dave_MacDonald, in WAI_WCAG(techniques)10:00AM
15:38:03 [Zakim]
WAI_WCAG(techniques)10:00AM has ended
15:38:04 [Zakim]
Attendees were Dave_MacDonald, Chris_Ridpath, Ben, Jim_Thatcher, Jenae, Tom, Wendy, Tim_Boland, Michael_Cooper, Lisa_Seeman
15:40:07 [michaelout]
rrsagent, make logs world-visible
15:40:12 [michaelout]
rrsagent, bye
15:40:12 [RRSAgent]
I see 4 open action items:
15:40:12 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: tom send jenae's proposed work plan to the mailing list to attract volunteers to go through the process [1]
15:40:12 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:40:12 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: wendy will talk with shawn and matt as first step (since involved in WAI site redesign) about design and designers [2]
15:40:12 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:40:12 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Michael: associate HTML techniques with WCAG 2.0 success criteria [3]
15:40:12 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:40:12 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: ben and tom coord about bugzilla issues management [4]
15:40:12 [RRSAgent]
recorded in