IRC log of UA on 2004-04-02

Timestamps are in UTC.

01:13:05 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #UA
01:13:12 [MattSEA]
rrsagent, make log world
01:13:37 [MattSEA]
jg: Describes work on Mozilla accessibility plugin from UI for IBM
01:13:57 [MattSEA]
vh: Interested in Moz accessibility, wondering how we can help
01:19:19 [MattSEA]
jg: One feature of the module is that it can render alt text more clearly in the document. Can also allow users to remove style from the document.
01:28:20 [MattSEA]
mm: Mozilla has a system of drivers, people who own modules of code, and people who have superuser checkin status. A couple of those are at Sun. They're working on various modules.
01:28:46 [MattSEA]
mh: The drivers control things more tightly around release time. For example, now working on 1.7 final.
01:28:55 [MattSEA]
cl: Is Aaron Leventhal a superuser?
01:29:10 [MattSEA]
mh: AOL has two or three drivers. I don't know about Aaron.
01:31:29 [MattSEA]
jg: Matt and I are giving a tutorial at the WWW2004 conference on 18 May.
01:31:59 [MattSEA]
cl: Will there be a paper available?
01:32:11 [MattSEA]
jg: Hoping to videotape the session and put it online.
01:35:24 [MattSEA]
cl: Working on filtering out keystrokes, etc. Not currently available, except to non-profits.
01:40:07 [MattSEA]
jg: Will contact Sun Beijing about meeting on 15 April.
01:40:16 [MattSEA]
jg: Next meeting 8 April at regular time.
01:44:35 [MattSEA]
cl: Update on charter?
01:45:38 [MattSEA]
mm: Our charter has been pseudo-renewed until the end of the WAI Technical Activity. We will need to add the new patent policy to the next charter.
01:46:03 [MattSEA]
jg: We have had a charter proposal in process for some time.
01:46:59 [Zakim]
01:51:13 [MattSEA]
zakim, ??p4 is Jessie_Li
01:51:13 [Zakim]
+Jessie_Li; got it
01:51:21 [MattSEA]
jl: We are working on Mozilla 1.6 now.
01:52:16 [MattSEA]
rrsagent, pointer?
01:52:16 [RRSAgent]
01:52:32 [Zakim]
01:52:34 [Zakim]
01:52:35 [Zakim]
01:52:36 [Zakim]
01:52:37 [Zakim]
01:52:38 [Zakim]
01:52:39 [Zakim]
Team_(uawg)01:00Z has ended
01:52:40 [Zakim]
Attendees were Matt, +1.512.246.aaaa, Cathy_Laws, Jon_Gunderson, Mary_Hoetzel, +1.914.762.aabb, Vicki_Hanson, Jessie_Li
11:26:04 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #UA