08:09:23 RRSAgent has joined #wai-wcag 08:09:31 Zakim has joined #wai-wcag 08:09:33 present: 08:09:36 michael cooper, watchfire 08:09:45 MattNCE has joined #wai-wcag 08:09:52 jose, spanish office 08:10:06 andrew arch, natl info lib service 08:10:10 shawn henry, w3c 08:10:18 allistair garrison, accessinmind 08:10:23 judy brewer, w3c 08:10:26 matt may, w3c 08:10:44 helle bjarno, 08:10:49 wendy buckley, amadeus 08:11:03 henk, bartimeus 08:11:10 eric, bartimeus 08:11:21 tom croucher, university of sunderland 08:11:27 ben caldwell, trace r&d 08:11:37 wendy chisholm, w3c 08:11:44 natasha lipkina, hp 08:12:25 JoseA has joined #wai-wcag 08:12:58 Andrew has joined #wai-wcag 08:13:03 agenda+ wcag wg ttf look at updated eowg deliverables 08:13:40 :) 08:15:06 sh1m|cannes has joined #wai-wcag 08:17:11 judy_float has joined #wai-wcag 08:17:18 shawn has joined #wai-wcag 08:17:48 http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/EO-Deliverables.html 08:20:31 http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/EO-Deliverables.html#20042q 08:20:43 flag: Evaluation Resource Suite as coord point 08:21:14 http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/EO-Deliverables.html#20043q 08:21:24 flag: faq 08:21:58 web site redesign has several tasks that people want to complete that we'll design for (task force) 08:22:09 general questions 08:22:23 task list: http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/Drafts/UCD/tasks 08:23:30 this task list goes out for review next week 08:23:42 add: if i conform to wcag 1.0, what do i do differently for 2.0 08:24:58 *me notes changes to deliverables page go to judy (not shawn) 08:25:13 4th 1/4 link also goes to jigteam 08:27:58 wcag 2.0 techniques: http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wcag20.html#techs 08:28:22 michael shows gateway: http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG20/WD-WCAG20-TECHS-GATEWAY-20031205.html 08:28:40 tom shows more current version (on his desktop) 08:29:02 agenda+ show html techs to give better idea 08:29:22 4th 1/4: revise curriculum. coord point 08:30:49 gallery: coord point. issues w/pointing to live sites. 08:31:28 4th 1/4: quick tips revision 08:31:35 (previous points, 3rd 1/4) 08:33:46 add eowg to wcag wg timeline 08:34:40 rationale document (research behind flicker/flash, db audio levels) - related to curriculum? 08:35:23 faq - loose coord 08:35:29 quicktips - close coord 08:35:32 sh1m|cannes has joined #wai-wcag 08:35:32 eval - loose 08:35:52 tutorials/templates - medium (wcag could provide resources) 08:36:07 wcag has examples that could be used in curriculum 08:36:19 curriculum - similar to tutorials 08:38:39 flow between less technical and more technical 08:40:31 coord w/site redesign 08:41:37 april-ish - plans for how info would be available, queried, presented, chunks 08:42:51 priorities? 08:43:28 what's missing? 08:43:36 implementing techniques w/out understanding technical details 08:43:45 curriculum? eval resource suite? 08:46:49 have a lot of potential information, careful not to overwhelm people. 08:46:51 how coordinate? 08:47:08 1/2 hour joint meeting once a month? 08:48:38 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/query.cgi 08:50:47 wac: maybe do project review WCAG for all WAI groups 08:50:49 JoseA has joined #wai-wcag 08:51:17 The issue with ATAG is that it is tied most closely to WCAG 1 and 2. ATAG conformance is based on the output conforming to a version of WCAG. (more) 08:51:50 shadi has joined #wai-wcag 08:51:56 action: shawn and judy coord w/wcag every x meetings 08:52:05 a regularly scheduled time would be easier to remember 08:52:27 and a regular date can always be cancelled if not needed 08:52:34 The more WCAG matures, the better it is for all involved to stay up to date. It will also keep the document from casing other docs that depend on it (like ATAG) from falling apart. 08:57:58 wcag 1.0 revised edition: issues for wcag (revised techniques?) issues for eo: how impact deliverables 08:58:30 judy has left #wai-wcag 09:04:23 natasha: question about revised version 09:04:31 andrew support revised 1.0 09:05:30 wac: alistair writing material based on 1.0 and needs to know current thinking of WCAG 09:07:22 tool developers need to clearly nkow how to interpret 09:07:32 some people not adopt 2.0 right away, therefore revised, good idea 09:11:26 uri please? 09:12:13 www.w3.org/2003/12/wcag-10-errata-table.html 09:17:02 action: shawn talk to judy about discussing WCAG 1.0 errata & revised version in EOWG 09:17:08 1.0 revised - cause another fork in the road? 09:19:10 provide clarification that people need in a way that is simpler and doesn't need as much time as revised 1.0 09:23:15 http://www.w3.org/WAI/Resources/WAI-UA-Support 09:23:16 http://www.w3.org/WAI/Resources/WAI-UA-Support 09:23:30 action: shawn take to wai site task force: 1. tasks about transition 1.0 to 2.0, 2. about user agent clause (from errata table "user agent support for accessibility") 09:31:44 wac reviews timeline 09:32:07 http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG20/TECHS-SUBMIT/ 09:40:32 eo component in bugzilla to track coord issues 09:42:03 break 10:12:02 back 10:13:56 errata 10:14:00 do we publish errata? 10:14:12 s/errata/revised edition 10:14:22 if so, what's the timeline? 10:14:33 of WCAG 10:14:40 if so, what do we do about techniques? revise as well? 10:16:10 do we have errata serious enough to publish a revised version? 10:16:46 fairly clear that have issues with time constraints 10:17:00 willingness of a few people to work exclusively on revised version 10:17:50 task force to work solely on revised version? 10:19:31 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2004JanMar/att-0365/testcases.html 10:20:44 chris also has test files 10:21:28 yesterday, discussed matrix of possible platforms to test on (and configurations of browsers/ats) 10:22:32 RylaDog has joined #wai-wcag 10:23:28 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2004JanMar/att-0365/testcases.html 10:23:53 task force make recommendations about table of errata 10:24:01 http://www.w3.org/2003/12/wcag10-errata-table.html 10:24:56 q+ to say "not onloy technological, need to gain community consensus that can deprecate. industry and disability community" 10:25:35 q- 10:25:51 impact on laws - some point to wcag 1.0 10:26:50 some incorporate checkpoints into laws 10:30:55 past-proofing and future-proofing 10:32:28 some places can use revision immediately. 10:32:32 others, provide a pathway 10:33:20 anticipated impact of revision 10:33:44 why we made the change, what the impact will be on accessibility, impact on existing laws 10:33:56 wcag focus on technical aspects (getting them right), eo focusing on policy 10:34:22 have to do that anyway with 2.0 10:36:13 @@add 5.3 to list of possible errata 10:36:36 in html specification, comment that says "table should not be used for layout" 10:37:32 user agent support page: would the w3c make a definitive statement of what is not covered by certain user agents? 10:37:56 eval tool dev: selling point "we follow guidelines as precisely as possible" 10:38:24 if we update the until user agents page, and don't update recommendation, have to follow recommendation not user agents support page. 10:39:02 sometimes more accessible to not follow conformance 10:40:22 wcag 1.0 techniques: wrap with label (instead of "for") 10:40:28 difference with 2.0 technqieus 10:40:58 techniques documents? 10:41:22 additional effort. related to wcag 2.0 techniques. 10:42:05 in 2.0 may say "don't do x" whereas in 1.0 says "x" 10:42:27 usually a case of no longer recommending do something, that had been a until user agent stop gap 10:53:31 tf - a) imact assessment; b) proposals 10:55:21 tf would start work with no guarantee of going ahaed with task 10:55:54 tf - step 0) is tf work statement - goes to approval 11:02:51 tf - need to include community discusion/consultation on impact of deprecation 11:04:02 what suggesting deprecate? 11:04:11 release to public - get feedback. good reasons not to, let us know. 11:04:22 put the impact assessment under that - get the info for that 11:04:35 helps lawmakers see, no reasonto have point 1, 2, 3 no longer in law 11:04:52 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5 11:04:58 rest, not sure about 11:06:46 q+ 11:09:48 propose that the task force goes through all of these and makes proposals for how to handle. 11:10:38 have 2 primary places for wide community feedback: impact assessment and request for review of draft. so even if we make a draft, if people yell loudly enough we might not actually publish it as a revised recommendation. 11:15:50 action: andrew, allistair, eric?, (recruit others?) impact assessment, community discussion, and proposals for wcag 1.0 revised edition, present at 15 April WCAG WG telecon 11:16:31 1 impact assesment, community discussion 11:16:35 2. proposals 11:16:39 3 task force work statement 11:16:42 4 test uua 11:17:01 5 revise wcag 1.0 11:17:05 6 revise techs 11:17:35 possible solution for techniques: statement at top of techniques that link to wcag 2.0 techniques. deprecate some of them. 11:17:39 editorial notes, etc. 11:20:50 HTML Techs. Issues LIst: http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/issuereports/xhtml_issues.php 12:29:02 JoseA has joined #wai-wcag 12:31:55 sh1m|cannes has joined #wai-wcag 12:34:22 back after lunch 12:34:44 http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG20/WD-WCAG20-20040301.html 12:37:16 conformance 12:37:29 open issue: should checklists be normative? 12:38:26 techniques need to be flexible 12:38:42 however, success criteria being testable linked to techniques 12:39:55 pros and cons 12:40:05 if checklists were normative - pros 12:40:19 pro - conformance to guidelines would be clear 12:40:50 con - there is only one definition of accessibility, as new techs invented or new capabilities adopted (in the tech), not able to adopt and conform, unless also do the checklist item 12:41:28 con - implementation is too complex. (@@getr more) 12:41:33 con - limit future expansion 12:42:26 if checklists not normative, how solve testability issue? 12:42:39 guidelines intended to be flexible in order for multipe ways to conform 12:42:53 purpose of techniques is to create suggestions for ways to meet the guidelines 12:43:28 if someone developed a technique that is not part of our set, will it be as well-vetted as our work? 12:43:54 informal document - here's the criteria that we have (explain the HIRR testing that we're using0 12:44:07 === our criteria for determining if a techniques fulfills a success cfriterion. 12:44:14 methodology for creating new tec hniques 12:45:05 if going to submit a technique...this be a supplementary document to this. 12:46:02 some people may not submit clarifications/interpretations to us, but use them anyway. would need way to document why and how they diverged (only via techniques, not at guideline level) 12:46:24 leaving room in the checklist for author's to create/use own techniques. 12:46:30 (so, address that issue) 12:47:38 proposal? normative statement in guidelines - you have followed validated techniques for conforming. guidelines normatively saying to follow "a" checklist of techniqeus. we've provided a set for you, if you choose to follow another set, here are thef eatures. 12:56:36 problem with revised wcag 1.0 comes up with techniques (when we want to update them) 13:00:26 normative statement about passing test sutie? 13:01:40 wcag is written to apply to variety of technologies and some not avaialble today, don't have test suites. 13:02:19 implication: force people who develop technologies to develop test suites for their technology 13:02:29 (test suite in this case === evaluation methodology?) 13:10:45 people should be able to create new techniques and conform to the guidelines 13:14:49 action: tom and michael send a proposal to the mailing list contains: proposed statement, where in the doc it would appear, pros and cons (re: normative requirement for a process to evaluate techniques used) 13:15:21 sh1m|cannes has joined #wai-wcag 13:16:36 normative checklist means that these techniqeus are required for conformance. 13:17:14 even if there is an "other" - that is then too open for conformance unless there is a normative process to use to validate that the "alternative" techniques are as rigorous as those we've documented (via checklists) 13:18:12 engineering solution is to create an audit trail, but do we have the authority to require/validate a process? 13:18:36 this gets into certification, which we do not have the authority to do. 13:21:39 audit trail is conformance claim, making the conformance claim is part of the process. 13:21:55 "audit trail" is very rigorous conformance claim and process. 13:22:51 "equivalent facilitation" - if claim that, have user testing data? 13:26:16 sufficient, normative 13:27:43 deadline for action item: 12 march 13:31:40 diff levels of conformance: do we define a, a+, aa? 13:31:49 need impact assessment to make that decision. 13:32:07 icnreases the complexity of checklists 13:34:14 action: wendy (and coerce john, andi, gregg, jason, and other austinites) to write impact assessment of conformance levels for discussion at f2f (send to list by 12 march) 13:34:18 contrasting use cases: 13:34:23 Zakim has left #wai-wcag 13:34:31 a site policy for a govnt web site 13:34:36 homework tailoring for student 13:35:12 govnt: many subcontractors, policy has to simple. 13:36:22 === 13:36:50 html techniques - these are the issues we want to address before our next TR draft 13:39:07 178: http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=178 13:39:40 not crucial for next tr 13:40:36 180 - not crucial to next tr 13:40:42 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=184 13:41:25 publish link to mimasa's dtd that mixes svg, mathml, etc. 13:44:17 michael suggests adding x-ref to issue. wendy has action to talk w/judy about refs to trace for bugs 13:44:21 185 - yes 13:44:51 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=186 - yes 13:45:02 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=187 - no 13:45:44 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=194 - close. done. everything moved to bugzilla 13:45:50 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=224 13:46:20 no 13:47:21 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=225 editorial note: confounded w/wcag 1.0 errata work 13:48:46 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=226 yes. try to get something, if not. ednote 13:49:24 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=227 xml support? 13:49:55 sh1m|cannes has joined #wai-wcag 13:50:09 heading on examples 13:50:52 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=228 13:50:59 (227 - yes) 13:51:17 228 - yes 13:51:50 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=229 yes 13:52:32 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=230 13:52:39 pf says accesskey needs to be reengineered. 13:52:44 in the format 13:53:14 there are 2 verbs used: focus and fire. in the future, likely to be two separate things. 13:53:27 create a chain. 13:53:58 editorial note 13:54:08 not ready for next draft 13:54:42 234, 235, 236, 237, 238 - skip these since all about accesskey 13:54:49 thread on xtech that should be looked at when consider accesskey 13:55:04 -238 from previous list 13:55:17 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=238 enough info in bug to address? 13:56:38 http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-WCAG20-HTML-TECHS-20031209/#a-accesskey 13:57:02 not currently rendering ua issues, thus no. 13:57:12 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=239 13:58:06 MattNovoiCE has joined #wai-wcag 13:58:38 action: wendy propose 13:58:47 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=240 13:59:16 yes 13:59:35 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=241 13:59:36 yes 13:59:49 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=242 no 13:59:59 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=243 14:00:38 yes 14:00:57 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=246 14:00:58 yes 14:01:23 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=248 14:02:13 result of discussion needs to be incorporated 14:02:25 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=249 14:03:15 reference the article 14:03:15 http://www.mcu.org.uk/articles/tables.html 14:03:40 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=251 yes 14:04:00 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=252 14:04:53 server-side image map are less of an issue these days (b/c of use of client-side). not priority for this draft. 14:05:09 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=254 14:05:17 also server-side, not high priority 14:06:29 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=255 14:06:46 action: wendy ping martin on language 14:07:47 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=257 14:08:00 placeholder for scripting techniques - list of references 14:09:14 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=265 14:10:15 yes 14:10:24 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=272 14:10:52 placeholder for scripting tehcniuqesw 14:10:59 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=273 14:11:00 yes 14:11:10 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=293 14:11:38 yes. ednote - specific to get review and comment from community 14:11:48 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=294 14:11:49 yes. ednote - specific to get review and comment from community 14:11:58 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=295 14:12:18 summary of recent discussion - even if just summary of issues, ought to be included in next draft 14:12:30 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=296 14:13:01 no 14:13:29 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=297 deprecated 14:13:48 @@ - need to check that don't wrap label element wrapped, suggest label for 14:14:11 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=299 14:14:18 ednote: here's some results. still open issue. 14:14:25 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=300 14:15:10 need to say something in next draft, but probaly not completely worked technique 14:15:20 ++ednote about testing of techniques happening in the future 14:15:30 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=490 14:15:51 placeholder for scripting techniques - list of references 14:16:12 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=525 14:16:16 Al has joined #wai-wcag 14:16:22 yes 14:16:32 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=575 wait 14:17:11 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=578 yes 14:17:24 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=579 14:17:31 yes 14:17:52 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=580 14:18:08 yes 14:18:16 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=652 14:18:31 yes 14:18:59 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=653 14:19:00 yes 14:19:08 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=654 14:19:54 yes 14:19:59 (at minimum an ednote) 14:20:06 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=655 14:20:22 at least placeholder 14:20:29 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=656 14:20:40 yes 14:46:00 eaon has joined #wai-wcag 14:49:27 back from break 14:49:37 janina and katie describe voicexml issues 14:53:01 likely find that vxml does not meet many requirements in wcag 2.0. 14:53:13 primarily, b/c aimed at a particular kind of interaction. 14:53:56 ivr - inter-active voice response 14:54:34 vxml wg: wanted to create lang that could create set of applications could work if you change platforms 14:55:04 platform-independence from vxml 1 and 2 14:56:00 appendix h of vxml are accessibility guidelines, highlight the accessibility issues 14:56:43 janina went through wcag and said "met, not met" 14:57:44 1.1 14:57:54 12 guidelines in vxml 15:00:47 http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/PR-voicexml20-20040203/#dmlAAccessibility 15:04:43 (doesn't have allof the accessibility guidelines that were proposed) 15:05:04 some of guidelines work for principle 2 overall but not specific to any guideline 15:11:13 action: janina and katie - finish work on report of voicexml and wcag 2.0, look at next public draft success criteria. present report mid-april (before next WD) to WCAG WG. 15:11:43 recommendation: recruit from deaf, hard-of-hearing, speech, and mobility communities 15:15:53 === 15:15:56 test suite 15:20:31 QA received feedback in CR (operational guidelines and spec guidelines) 15:21:00 documents are complex and authoritarian 15:21:11 at mtgs this week, decided to take step back. 15:21:22 concluded "had gone too far" to make documents testable 15:21:52 trying to cover all situations 15:22:44 want to rewrite with more informal style that is less legalistic 15:23:38 focus on characteristics of the result 15:24:06 comes back to definition of testability 15:24:41 testability depends on context 15:28:25 dom has joined #wai-wcag 15:28:32 olivier has joined #wai-wcag 15:28:40 lofton has joined #wai-wcag 15:29:00 http://esw.w3.org/topic/TestableOrNot 15:32:03 some are machine-testable. Others require human judgment. Success criteria that require human testing yield consistent results among multiple testers. 15:32:16 (latest wcag 2.0 draft: http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG20/WD-WCAG20-20040301.html) 15:33:11 context 15:36:00 how make test cases from spec. more testable spec, easier to create tests. 15:36:12 recommend testable assertions in the spec. 15:36:51 can have a broad testable assertion and very specific test cases 15:37:34 color contrast - do we need to be that specific in spec or could include specifics in test? 15:37:44 in this situation...need this contrast....here is how you assess contrast. 15:38:13 if you reach that degree of contrast, your readability will be x 15:38:23 principle: have contrast between text and background 15:38:35 question - how precise do you need to be in guidelines. need precise value? 15:38:48 "enough contrast" too vague 15:39:06 ave web author won't be able to use math algorithm to determine 15:39:10 necessitates a tool 15:39:51 qa came up with other methods to address: tools, templates. other ways to provide guidance. 15:40:09 an assertion is testable if you can create test cases for it. 15:40:53 how many of your test assertions have you created test cases for. 15:40:59 how many can you create test cases for. 15:41:26 (+ how much of your assertions are covered by your test cases) 15:42:09 have to be able to arrive at "true" or "false" from test case (or test assertion?) 15:42:23 wendy : case 15:42:31 thx 15:44:14 coverage: can do by inspection 15:44:20 if fail test case, fail succcess criteria 15:44:30 (however, if pass...could still fail criteria?) 15:44:57 repeatability of results...think of precision and accuracy. 15:46:00 testability, precision, accuracy 15:49:46 thought process: have people create test suites and see differences in them to determien testability of success criteria 15:50:14 level 1 criteria for 1.1: 15:50:38 each of these corresponds to 'conformance requirements' in qa documents 15:50:39 olivier has joined #wai-wcag 15:50:58 it's a statement about a piece of wcag content that has a true/false answer 15:51:09 1.1 assertion 2: it's about as atomic as it coudl be 15:51:20 from qa: atomic assertion that would lead to test case 15:52:13 this assertion is represetned in different technologies 15:52:38 in html, have about 10 technqiues that map to that assertion 15:52:52 had a checklist item that was specific to techniques, but the t/f statement didn't fit well in techniqeus. 15:52:54 fits in checklsits. 15:53:10 need to create list of checklist items 15:53:31 in the testing process, as groups develop test suites, either do they come up with same sets. are these technqieus sufficient? 15:53:35 do groups come up with same tests? 15:54:13 have 2 types of case: 1. something implementedin the technology (e.g., form elements must have a label) 15:54:44 2. quality of what is in the attribute - have techniques, but technqiues/ only way is inter-rater reliability 15:58:39 techniques, informative: if you do this way, we're pretty sure your results will be accessible. 15:58:51 if you don't, we have provided this framework to tset if this techiques qill be accessible. 15:58:54 s/qill/will 15:59:41 people donm't like processes, they like results. therefore, not suggesting make processes normative. 16:00:07 guidelines for techniques producing 16:00:20 needs to be separate from producing guidelines for producing content 16:00:29 (brining up proposal from earlier today) 16:00:54 create another normative document that says, here are the current wcag wg processes to create techniques) 16:00:59 (proposal) 16:01:52 don't put process for including new test cases, therefore don't put process for creating techniques 16:02:19 only useful if have certification process. 16:05:02 talking more along hte lines of an ISO process. if normative have to go on rec track. not worth the effort. 16:05:12 (tom and michael still have action to make proposal) 16:06:39 discussion of use cases. each time create new guideline, assess if you have addressed the given problems in one of the documents. 16:06:49 i.e., find documents that are not accessible. write guidelines to addres sthose issues. 16:07:01 go back to them from time to time to make sure what have addressed or not 16:07:12 create criteria to detremine if something too costly to include 16:07:26 un taxonomy of functional conditions. 16:07:44 one useful taxonomy. testing do on paper via inspection 16:07:48 use data, do the sweep 16:07:56 e-ramp developed a set of personas 16:08:09 useful to collect a reference list - bibliography - tha tpeople have created. 16:08:22 industry canada used e-ramp work 16:08:38 are they available online? 16:08:50 multimodal interaction dadtabase of use cases 16:09:09 theory: get that populate dwith use cases, so their design work is sensitive to diff usage patterns 16:09:13 olivier has joined #wai-wcag 16:13:59 define in CR exit criteria - what is good criteria 16:15:03 need to find web site a and b that have characteristics that define in guidelines and claim to be accessible (or community claims that they are) 16:15:22 if techniques are informative, don't need to prove they have been implemented. 16:16:15 however, techniques demonstrate that can implement normative criteira 16:16:44 document useful and usable 16:17:30 potential exit criteria: if have technique for every gudieline, each technique has been used successfully to make content accessible. and it is usable. if give technique to author can apply it. 16:17:48 (these are just suggestions...could be setting too high of a bar...too difficult) 16:18:04 make cr exit criteria more concrete. 16:18:18 to show that techniques are usable, make exit cretira: we can point to live web site that passes wcag 2.0 16:18:24 and it uses this techniquee and is a viable web site 16:20:24 test suite: series of tests and procedures that person can follow to evaluate their web site 16:21:09 need to define process for how to evaluate content 16:21:18 test case to evaluate content not tester 16:21:31 olivier has joined #wai-wcag 16:22:07 related to EOWG review teams 16:22:08 ? 16:24:23 gathering data related to voicexml tod etermine if should exclude from scope of guidelines or maybe just some guidelines. 16:24:53 combinations of technologies and techniques 16:34:45 wendolyn has joined #wai-wcag 16:35:13 sh1mmer|cannes has joined #wai-wcag 16:35:19 RRSAgent, make log public-visible 16:35:36 RRSAgent, make log world-access 16:35:42 RRSAgent, bye 16:35:42 I see 9 open action items: 16:35:42 ACTION: shawn and judy coord w/wcag every x meetings [1] 16:35:42 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/03/05-wai-wcag-irc#T08-51-56 16:35:42 ACTION: shawn talk to judy about discussing WCAG 1.0 errata & revised version in EOWG [2] 16:35:42 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/03/05-wai-wcag-irc#T09-17-02 16:35:42 ACTION: shawn take to wai site task force: 1. tasks about transition 1.0 to 2.0, 2. about user agent clause (from errata table "user agent support for accessibility") [3] 16:35:42 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/03/05-wai-wcag-irc#T09-23-30 16:35:42 ACTION: andrew, allistair, eric?, (recruit others?) impact assessment, community discussion, and proposals for wcag 1.0 revised edition, present at 15 April WCAG WG telecon [4] 16:35:42 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/03/05-wai-wcag-irc#T11-15-50 16:35:42 ACTION: tom and michael send a proposal to the mailing list contains: proposed statement, where in the doc it would appear, pros and cons (re: normative requirement for a process to evaluate techniques used) [5] 16:35:42 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/03/05-wai-wcag-irc#T13-14-49 16:35:42 ACTION: wendy (and coerce john, andi, gregg, jason, and other austinites) to write impact assessment of conformance levels for discussion at f2f (send to list by 12 march) [6] 16:35:42 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/03/05-wai-wcag-irc#T13-34-14 16:35:42 ACTION: wendy propose [7] 16:35:42 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/03/05-wai-wcag-irc#T13-58-38 16:35:42 ACTION: wendy ping martin on language [8] 16:35:42 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/03/05-wai-wcag-irc#T14-06-46 16:35:42 ACTION: janina and katie - finish work on report of voicexml and wcag 2.0, look at next public draft success criteria. present report mid-april (before next WD) to WCAG WG. [9] 16:35:42 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/03/05-wai-wcag-irc#T15-11-13