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Term entries in the full glossary matching "image map"
W3C Glossaries
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- image map
From Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (1999-05-05) | Glossary for this source
An image that has been divided into regions with associated actions. Clicking on an active region causes an action to occur.When a user clicks on an active region of a client-side image map, the user agent calculates in which region the click occurred and follows the link associated with that region. Clicking on an active region of a server-side image map causes the coordinates of the click to be sent to a server, which then performs some action.Content developers can make client-side image maps accessible by providing device-independent access to the same links associated with the image map's regions. Client-side image maps allow the user agent to provide immediate feedback as to whether or not the user's pointer is over an active region.
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