IRC log of tagmem on 2003-07-22
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 15:14:05 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #tagmem
- 15:16:26 [DanC-AIM]
- DanC-AIM has joined #tagmem
- 15:17:10 [DanC-AIM]
- Hi from Rosie's.
- 15:17:27 [DanC-AIM]
- Ping?
- 15:18:34 [TBray]
- TBray has joined #tagmem
- 15:19:09 [IanYVR]
- Hi Dan
- 15:20:44 [Norm]
- Norm has joined #tagmem
- 15:22:19 [DanC-AIM]
- Hi. I'm walking over.
- 15:22:20 [Roy]
- Roy has joined #tagmem
- 15:22:38 [DanC-AIM]
- Zakim, who's here?
- 15:22:38 [Zakim]
- sorry, DanC-AIM, I don't know what conference this is
- 15:22:39 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see Roy, Norm, TBray, DanC-AIM, RRSAgent, Zakim, IanYVR
- 15:23:33 [IanYVR]
- Roll call: TBL, NW, TB, RF, DO, PC, SW, IJ
- 15:23:51 [IanYVR]
- Agenda:
- 15:24:05 [IanYVR]
- Section 4 of agenda
- 15:24:18 [Stuart]
- Stuart has joined #tagmem
- 15:24:23 [IanYVR]
- TBray: I think that for issues 7, 20, 24, 31, 37, there is enough info in arch doc.
- 15:25:57 [Norm]
- Norm has changed the topic to:
- 15:26:07 [IanYVR]
- [Process discussion around last call]
- 15:26:59 [IanYVR]
- PC: Need to schedule last call with groups where there are dependencies
- 15:27:37 [DanC-AIM]
- Hmm... How to ask IETF to review it?
- 15:29:04 [DaveO]
- DaveO has joined #tagmem
- 15:29:07 [IanYVR]
- TBL: If there's a group where you know there are issues, resolve those before last call.
- 15:29:36 [IanYVR]
- TBL: Don't say "we think we're done" while people are still banging on the document on the list.
- 15:30:42 [IanYVR]
- TBray: If we wait to go to last call before reaching consensus with web ont folks, that's going to take a long time.
- 15:31:03 [IanYVR]
- TBL: We have an elephant in the room. People are telling us we're not using terms consistently.
- 15:31:28 [DanC-AIM]
- same room today?
- 15:31:35 [IanYVR]
- TBL: Namely, "resource" is being used in two different ways that makes the document unreadable (issue 14).
- 15:31:53 [DanC-AIM]
- Should I ring the schemasoft door or the antarctica door?
- 15:32:07 [IanYVR]
- You can get all the way to the door of the ping pong room
- 15:32:24 [IanYVR]
- DO: I think you can elicit the problem without solving.
- 15:32:37 [DanC-AIM]
- From the entrance on homer?
- 15:32:39 [IanYVR]
- Yes
- 15:33:16 [IanYVR]
- PC: Unlike other groups, we will have open issues when we go to last call.
- 15:33:46 [IanYVR]
- [Chris joins]
- 15:33:52 [DaveO]
- q+
- 15:34:08 [IanYVR]
- [DanC joins]
- 15:34:47 [Stuart]
- q?
- 15:35:46 [Stuart]
- ack Dave0
- 15:36:03 [TBray]
- q+
- 15:36:33 [IanYVR]
- DO: I think we need to explain to people why arch doc is different from other specs.
- 15:36:48 [IanYVR]
- CL: The model is that we have a stream of issue and we gradually refine the document over time.
- 15:37:13 [Stuart]
- q?
- 15:37:21 [Stuart]
- ack TBray
- 15:37:59 [IanYVR]
- TBray: I think that we still can benefit the community by publishing something that's not complete.
- 15:38:08 [DavidOrch]
- DavidOrch has joined #tagmem
- 15:38:14 [DavidOrch]
- q?
- 15:38:29 [Stuart]
- ack Dave0
- 15:39:08 [IanYVR]
- DO: Need to explain why we chose to stop where we did for v1.
- 15:40:04 [IanYVR]
- PC: Need to explain to people also that we expect to skip CR.
- 15:40:19 [DavidOrch]
- And say that there will be a V2..
- 15:40:24 [DanC_jam]
- DanC_jam has joined #tagmem
- 15:40:52 [IanYVR]
- TBray: We could call this web arch level 0
- 15:42:03 [IanYVR]
- PC: Question of whether to create a new mailing list just for last call comments.
- 15:42:21 [DavidOrch]
- q-
- 15:42:39 [IanYVR]
- q- DaveO
- 15:42:55 [IanYVR]
- PC: I prefer a separate comments list.
- 15:43:04 [IanYVR]
- SW: Me too, with discussion on www-tag
- 15:43:22 [IanYVR]
- TBray: It's going to be hard from keeping discussion going on last call list.
- 15:44:37 [IanYVR]
- PC: Create a monitored list and force every message to be permitted.
- 15:45:50 [IanYVR]
- DC: I agree that cross-posted threads are a pain.
- 15:46:58 [DanC_jam]
- hmm... a moderated list isn't a bad idea... we'll pretty much have to do the equivalent of moderating it anyway
- 15:47:35 [Norm]
- Norm has joined #tagmem
- 15:48:45 [IanYVR]
- "www-tag-review"
- 15:48:53 [IanYVR]
- s/www/public
- 15:49:03 [DanC_jam]
- yeah...
- 15:49:55 [IanYVR]
- SW: Cost of going to last call on group: increased tracking of issues on doc, ongoing agenda item
- 15:50:22 [IanYVR]
- TBL: It's my opinion that the document is imperfect and we're saying we want to take to last call anyway.
- 15:50:33 [IanYVR]
- TBray: It's incomplete, but I think good enough to go to last call.
- 15:51:03 [IanYVR]
- RF: Last call fine with me. I think it needs a lot of work, but I think it's useful for the process to put out a draft.
- 15:51:17 [TBray]
- TBray: What we have is consistent and essentially correct, but not complete
- 15:51:22 [IanYVR]
- TBL: That's not a last call draft, that's a draft.
- 15:51:30 [IanYVR]
- [TBL comment to RF]
- 15:52:49 [DanC_jam]
- (where are we in the agenda?)
- 15:53:44 [IanYVR]
- Tues morning: Arch Doc
- 15:55:33 [TBray]
- q+
- 15:55:52 [TBray]
- q+ Paul
- 15:56:13 [IanYVR]
- TBL: (Re httpRange-14) I feel that if we don't address this, this will be like the effect of the XML Namespaces Rec ambiguity.
- 15:56:42 [DaveO]
- q+
- 15:56:44 [DanC_jam]
- ack danc'
- 15:56:47 [DanC_jam]
- ack danc
- 15:56:47 [Zakim]
- DanC_jam, you wanted to suggest that we *do* take advantage of Candidate Recommendation
- 15:57:10 [IanYVR]
- DC: I think CR would be a good idea. The doc's intended to have an effect; we can test whether it has the intended effect.
- 15:57:13 [Chris]
- Chris has joined #tagmem
- 15:57:21 [TimBL-YVR]
- TimBL-YVR has joined #tagmem
- 15:57:22 [IanYVR]
- PC: What's the success criterion?
- 15:58:09 [IanYVR]
- DC: Yes, I think we can find groups to use the document.
- 15:58:23 [IanYVR]
- TBL: XML Schema had a similar issue.
- 15:58:30 [Chris]
- Chris has joined #tagmem
- 15:59:05 [IanYVR]
- PC: The infoset spec from XML Core is an example of a spec that you don't implement; you reference normatively. The Core WG left CR when referred to normatively from other specs.
- 15:59:19 [IanYVR]
- PC: Perhaps that's the best we can hope for.
- 15:59:23 [IanYVR]
- ack TBray
- 15:59:45 [IanYVR]
- TBray: I think we should go to last call sooner rather than later. I think a lot of what we've written hasn't been written down in one place before.
- 16:00:14 [IanYVR]
- TBray: I also perceive that the areas where we lack consensus all involve a layer that is "above" where we are now.
- 16:00:29 [IanYVR]
- TBray: These are additional constraints imposed on what we've said already. And layer cleanly.
- 16:00:52 [IanYVR]
- TBray: While I accept that the document does not reflect a reality shared by some, I'm convinced that there's nothing in their that hinders them in their goals.
- 16:00:56 [TimBL-YVR]
- q+
- 16:01:24 [Norm]
- Norm has joined #tagmem
- 16:01:55 [IanYVR]
- RF: Pay Hayes' comments were that RFC2396 covers an information space that is larger than that covered by the Arch Doc.
- 16:02:27 [TBray]
- q+ Paul
- 16:03:53 [IanYVR]
- RF: Pat is not "actually confused"; it's that the Web Arch document doesn't cover the entire space of the Web. He was saying that if you restrict your discussion to information resources, then the document makes sense. It also makes sense if you limit the scope to the information system that is the classic Web. But it doesn't if you include the infosystems that are the sem web or web services.
- 16:04:14 [IanYVR]
- TBL: I believe that the document should not go to last call without this issue resolved.
- 16:04:16 [IanYVR]
- ack Paul
- 16:04:40 [TimBL-YVR]
- X-Archived-At:
- 16:04:48 [TimBL-YVR]
- Pat's message
- 16:05:07 [IanYVR]
- PC Summarizing his interpretation: There's a thread on www-tag that TBL thinks needs to be resolved before we go to last call. Do you think that thread is separable from httpRange-14?
- 16:05:09 [IanYVR]
- TBL: No.
- 16:05:42 [IanYVR]
- TBL: I think the change to the document is fairly easy: introduce "information resource" where appropriate.
- 16:08:07 [IanYVR]
- TBL: I don't know what the solution to the issue is. Perhaps we could resolve Pat's issue without mentioning HTTP. I don't know what the form the result would take.
- 16:08:11 [TBray]
- q+
- 16:08:28 [IanYVR]
- DO: I'm disappointed that this is coming up.
- 16:09:08 [IanYVR]
- DO: We told AC we were going to last call, agreed this would not be on the agenda, and now there's a sort of veto.
- 16:09:16 [Stuart]
- ack DO
- 16:09:21 [DaveO]
- q-
- 16:09:22 [Stuart]
- ack DaveO
- 16:09:28 [DanC_jam]
- ack timbl
- 16:09:31 [TimBL-YVR]
- TBL: However, the issue is SO close to hhtp-range-14 that we couldn't discuss one wiithoyt being allowed to discuss the other.
- 16:09:32 [IanYVR]
- TBL: We could apologize up front that we use the term in two different ways. I might be able to live with last call if there's a red flag at the front of the document.
- 16:09:37 [Stuart]
- ack TBray
- 16:10:24 [IanYVR]
- TBray: I think that Pat Hayes' comment is wrong. I can produce counter-examples. I think his assertion that we are using the term "resource" in two different ways is wrong. I think the document is consistent.
- 16:11:46 [IanYVR]
- ack DanC
- 16:11:46 [Zakim]
- DanC_jam, you wanted to say I disagree with PatH as well; the webarch doc is consistent; but I think it would be cost effective to try the 'information resource' edit; not that
- 16:11:50 [Zakim]
- ... costly and could satisfy a lot more readers
- 16:12:06 [IanYVR]
- DC: I disagree with Pat as well. I still think it would be cost-effective to talk about both classes of resources. Lots of people have that angst and that's our audience.
- 16:12:27 [Chris]
- is that just renaming one use, or both uses?
- 16:12:32 [IanYVR]
- q?
- 16:13:01 [IanYVR]
- [Break]
- 16:20:17 [Norm]
- Norm has joined #tagmem
- 16:50:15 [IanYVR]
- [Resume]
- 16:52:12 [IanYVR]
- TBray: I've seen no evidence to convince me that if we proceed with this draft, we are cutting off options.
- 16:52:44 [IanYVR]
- TBray: We don't say much about "what a resource is"; we impose no constraints.
- 16:52:47 [Norm]
- Norm has joined #tagmem
- 16:52:58 [IanYVR]
- TBray: People point out that in the real world there are constraints.
- 16:53:10 [IanYVR]
- TBray: We don't say that and I think that we're right not to make that distinction.
- 16:53:26 [IanYVR]
- TBray: There are a number of taxonomies we could choose for categorizing resources.
- 16:53:47 [IanYVR]
- TBray: I can give you examples of things that are resources but you'd have to stretch to think that they're information resources.
- 16:54:11 [IanYVR]
- TBray: There are other taxonomies that are at least as interesting: class of resources published by hostile govts. for example.
- 16:54:25 [DaveO]
- DaveO has joined #tagmem
- 16:54:26 [IanYVR]
- TBray: I agree that we need a better way to talk about taxonomies of URIs.
- 16:54:31 [DaveO]
- q?
- 16:54:44 [IanYVR]
- TBray: Our formalism is well defined: URI, resource, representation.
- 16:54:50 [DaveO]
- q+
- 16:55:10 [IanYVR]
- TBray: The Web today doesn't have a way to talk about whether something is an information resource, and the software all works fine.
- 16:55:36 [IanYVR]
- TBray: I think that the document is well-enough along, passes the minimal progress necessary to declare victory.
- 16:55:52 [IanYVR]
- TBray: We can't ignore the angst; we need to say something about it, but we don't need to make a big change.
- 16:56:03 [IanYVR]
- ack DaveO
- 16:56:31 [IanYVR]
- DO: I think most of the TAG feels we don't need to solve httpRange-14 before going to last call. Clearly TBL does.
- 16:57:13 [TBray]
- nope
- 16:57:25 [TBray]
- q?
- 16:57:43 [IanYVR]
- [Process discussion]
- 17:00:29 [IanYVR]
- DO: I have concerns about the process. What does my vote mean? TBL has the last word anyway.
- 17:00:35 [IanYVR]
- DC: Yes, and you signed up for the group knowing htat.
- 17:00:49 [IanYVR]
- TBL: I am definitely uncomfortable when my technical role and my process role overlap.
- 17:01:04 [IanYVR]
- DO: We are trying hard not to put TBL in that position.
- 17:01:08 [Stuart]
- q+
- 17:01:13 [TBray]
- q+ Stuart
- 17:01:29 [TBray]
- q+ Stuart
- 17:01:33 [IanYVR]
- TBL: I have avoided talking about an issue that I think is fundamental for the last year. I've not acted in my role as Director as I'd like the group to reach consensus.
- 17:01:42 [IanYVR]
- TBL: I'm not sure that ignoring the issue is the solution.
- 17:01:44 [IanYVR]
- ack Stuart
- 17:02:01 [IanYVR]
- SW: I note that httpRange-14 is open (from Feb 2003) even if not on this agenda.
- 17:02:42 [DaveO]
- I also said that we just may have to vote and then live with a Director prohibiting Last Call publication, if he chooses to exercise that authority.
- 17:03:01 [IanYVR]
- q?
- 17:03:43 [IanYVR]
- PC: Director doesn't gate advancement to Last Call.
- 17:06:08 [IanYVR]
- Straw poll: Does TAG wish to advance arch doc to last call substantially as is (with some editorial changes).
- 17:08:15 [IanYVR]
- DC: I'm not satisfied with how issue 20 is handled in 16 July draft
- 17:08:53 [IanYVR]
- IJ: See "User agents should detect such inconsistencies but should not resolve them without involving the user (e.g., by securing permission or at least providing notification). User agents must not silently ignore authoritative server metadata."
- 17:09:02 [IanYVR]
- DC: That's not enough about error-handling.
- 17:09:39 [IanYVR]
- DC: Before reviewing the doc in substance, I'm not prepared to say "go forward"
- 17:10:51 [IanYVR]
- Straw poll: 5 move forward, 1+.5+.5 against, 1 abstain
- 17:12:22 [Stuart]
- )q?
- 17:12:24 [DanC_jam]
- DanC: I want the arch doc to say "silent recovery from errors considered harmful" and say that louder than "data format specs should say what to do in the presence of errors"
- 17:12:34 [Stuart]
- q?
- 17:13:54 [IanYVR]
- RF: It's hard to write down principles of things that have not been deployed.
- 17:14:30 [IanYVR]
- Review of [16 July draft]
- 17:15:08 [IanYVR]
- 1. Introduction
- 17:15:38 [IanYVR]
- DC: Lots of terms get bolded. Please bold "Web".
- 17:15:48 [IanYVR]
- DC: What are we doing with Editor's notes?
- 17:15:57 [IanYVR]
- "Editor's note: Todo: Introduce notions of client and server. Relation of client to agent and user agent. Relation of server to resource owner."
- 17:16:05 [IanYVR]
- DC: I don't think that that's critical.
- 17:16:13 [IanYVR]
- TBray: Seems appropriate for section 4 when it arrives.
- 17:16:15 [IanYVR]
- DC: I like the intor.
- 17:16:17 [IanYVR]
- TBray: Me too.
- 17:16:43 [IanYVR]
- 1.1. About this Document
- 17:17:23 [IanYVR]
- RF: I don't understand why there's a 1.1 and 1.1.1
- 17:18:07 [IanYVR]
- Idea: create 1.1.x on intended audience or drop 1.1.1. subheading.
- 17:18:43 [Chris]
- q+ to worry about "3. The representation consists those bits that would not change regardless of the transfer protocol used to exchange them.
- 17:18:43 [Chris]
- "
- 17:18:46 [IanYVR]
- IJ: I will try to integrate scenario more into section 2.
- 17:19:17 [IanYVR]
- TBray: s/The TAG/This document is intended to inform...
- 17:19:32 [IanYVR]
- (same for second "TAG" instance later in third para of 1.1.1)
- 17:19:38 [IanYVR]
- DC: Paste some of that into status section.
- 17:19:49 [IanYVR]
- 2. Identification and Resources
- 17:19:51 [Chris]
- q+ to note objection on record to "User agents must not silently ignore authoritative server metadata.
- 17:19:51 [Chris]
- "
- 17:20:21 [IanYVR]
- TBray: Need to reword Principle: "Use URIs: All important resources SHOULD be identified by a URI."
- 17:20:38 [IanYVR]
- DC: The doc doesn't say "if it doesn't have a URI, that doesn't mean it's not a resource."
- 17:20:58 [Chris]
- q+ to request clarification on "3.2 and semantics"
- 17:21:32 [IanYVR]
- RF: I have a rewrite of paragraph "Although there's not precise..."
- 17:23:13 [IanYVR]
- RF: Don't mix up "identity" and "identify". Something can have identity (or many identities). There are means of identification (N-to-1) to those things.
- 17:23:34 [IanYVR]
- TBray: I would be comfortable saying "URIs should be assigned for all important resources."
- 17:23:53 [Chris]
- q+ to agree with dan about "Specifications of data formats SHOULD be clear about behavior in the presence of errors. It is reasonable to specify that errors should be worked around, or should result in the termination of a transaction or session. It is not acceptable for the behavior in the face of errors to be left unspecified."
- 17:23:53 [IanYVR]
- [Discussion of identify/denote/name]
- 17:24:13 [IanYVR]
- TBL: Not all URIs are necessarily assigned.
- 17:24:16 [IanYVR]
- (e.g., hashes)
- 17:24:23 [IanYVR]
- TBL: Only in delegated spaces.
- 17:24:27 [IanYVR]
- RF: That's still assignment.
- 17:24:45 [IanYVR]
- TBray: Right, at the end of the day you end up with a string that has been assigned to some resource.
- 17:25:15 [IanYVR]
- DC: I support TB proposed wording changed.
- 17:25:28 [IanYVR]
- TBray: The reason I'm proposing this is to stay away from the word "identity".
- 17:25:36 [Norm]
- Norm has joined #tagmem
- 17:26:04 [IanYVR]
- DC: "Assign" is useful. The question is WHO should do something. I think therefore that "assign" is a step in the right direction.
- 17:26:36 [IanYVR]
- DC: The idea is that if everybody shares, we all win.
- 17:26:42 [Stuart]
- q?
- 17:27:16 [IanYVR]
- TBL: It would help a lot if we say "Identifier" here is used in the sense of "naming".
- 17:27:32 [IanYVR]
- TBL: The difference is that Tim Bray is named by "Tim Bray", though he can also be identified by his flashy shirt.
- 17:28:37 [IanYVR]
- TBray: I would be comfortable saying "using id in the sense of name". I am more worried about "denote".
- 17:28:39 [IanYVR]
- DC: I concur.
- 17:28:50 [IanYVR]
- DC: I think "name" helps and "denote" doesn't (without lots of explanation).
- 17:29:02 [IanYVR]
- DC: Actually, maybe "denote" would be incorrect.
- 17:29:37 [IanYVR]
- [We read a paragraph that RF has written on this section]
- 17:30:57 [IanYVR]
- PC: I am wondering whether we might say something nearer to the top about "stable" URIs.
- 17:32:26 [IanYVR]
- PC: Feature of "stability" is also an aspect of importance.
- 17:32:34 [Chris]
- it all hinges on an appropriate definition of 'consistency'
- 17:33:12 [IanYVR]
- TBL: I'm not happy with RF's text.
- 17:33:36 [TimBL-YVR]
- s/produce or consume/convey/
- 17:34:45 [IanYVR]
- TBL: RF's text doesn't address sem web resources.
- 17:34:47 [TBray]
- q+
- 17:35:11 [DanC_jam]
- ack chris
- 17:35:11 [Zakim]
- Chris, you wanted to worry about "3. The representation consists those bits that would not change regardless of the transfer protocol used to exchange them. and to note objection
- 17:35:14 [Zakim]
- ... on record to "User agents must not silently ignore authoritative server metadata. and to request clarification on "3.2 and semantics" and to agree with dan about
- 17:35:17 [Zakim]
- ... "Specifications of data formats SHOULD be clear about behavior in the presence of errors. It is reasonable to specify that errors should be worked around, or should result in
- 17:35:21 [Zakim]
- ... the termination of a transaction or session. It is not acceptable for the behavior in the face of errors to be left unspecified."
- 17:35:40 [IanYVR]
- TBray: General remark on the document - People are going to take this document seriously. There will be lots of debates.
- 17:35:54 [IanYVR]
- TBray: One of the ways we should be careful is to take out sentences that don't need to be here.
- 17:36:03 [Chris]
- rrsagent, pointer?
- 17:36:03 [RRSAgent]
- See
- 17:36:03 [TimBL-YVR]
- q+
- 17:36:12 [IanYVR]
- TBray: Every sentence that is not contentful should be removed.
- 17:36:47 [IanYVR]
- TBL: I feel that the namespaces spec would have been improved on if some of those sentences had not been removed. I don't want us to follow that path.
- 17:37:10 [IanYVR]
- q+ to talk about "on the Web" in RF's text.
- 17:37:32 [IanYVR]
- RF: Delete "transclude all or part of it into another resource." You can do transclusion without a URI.
- 17:37:47 [IanYVR]
- RF: Transclusion is not a rationale for many people.
- 17:37:51 [IanYVR]
- DC: I disagree.
- 17:38:00 [IanYVR]
- TBray: Purists will debate our use here.
- 17:38:13 [IanYVR]
- RF: Say instead "include by reference."
- 17:38:15 [IanYVR]
- DC: Yes.
- 17:38:28 [IanYVR]
- RF: Delete last para of 2 (before 2.1)
- 17:39:58 [IanYVR]
- TBL: The second paragraph of 2 is where you would put in the distinction about an information resource.
- 17:40:49 [IanYVR]
- TBL: "A resource can be anything. Certain resources convey information when a resource has a link to another one."
- 17:40:53 [IanYVR]
- q?
- 17:41:12 [IanYVR]
- TBray: Would it meet TBL's needs to ack the class of information resources?
- 17:42:29 [IanYVR]
- TBray: I suggest that we say that the universe of resources has a subset which we will call "information resources" that convey information. And stop there. We ack the distinction but don't put all HTTP URIs on one side of the border or the other.
- 17:42:36 [IanYVR]
- CL: Add "electronic"?
- 17:42:44 [IanYVR]
- TBL: No, could transfer via light, for example.
- 17:43:03 [Chris]
- not about transfer, about category of information
- 17:43:07 [Chris]
- but okay
- 17:43:33 [IanYVR]
- IJ: About "on the Web"
- 17:43:47 [IanYVR]
- TBray: I think "information resource" is isomorphic to DO's concept of "on the Web"
- 17:44:43 [IanYVR]
- [Question of whether "on the Web" means "really does have a representation that is available"
- 17:45:09 [IanYVR]
- TBL: From the semantic Web point of view, things are on the semantic Web from the moment you use the URI.
- 17:45:23 [IanYVR]
- TBL: But in the common parlance, I think "it really does work" for information objects.
- 17:45:34 [IanYVR]
- CL: In the common parlance, electronic is also understood...
- 17:45:48 [Chris]
- the common parlance thus applies excluusively to electronic information objects
- 17:46:49 [IanYVR]
- DO: I want "information resource" connected to "on the Web" in the document.
- 17:46:56 [TimBL-YVR]
- URIs identify resources. A resource can be be anything. Certain resources are information resources, which convey information. These are termed information resources. Much of this document discusses information resources, often using the term resource.
- 17:47:33 [DanC_jam]
- Bray: I like that parap
- 17:48:07 [DanC_jam]
- DanC: it doesn't discuss "on the web". hmm...
- 17:48:10 [TimBL-YVR]
- An information resource is on the Web when it can be accessed in practice.
- 17:48:13 [Chris]
- last sentence, change to "Much of this document, while discussing resources in general, applies primarily or most obviously toinformation resources"
- 17:48:27 [TBray]
- +1 to Chris
- 17:48:34 [Chris]
- changes from an apology to an explanation
- 17:49:02 [IanYVR]
- IJ: I can work with "on the Web" as a parenthetical remark tieing into other terms, but I don't think it needs to identify a formal part of the architecture and I don't imagine it being used later in the document.
- 17:49:22 [TimBL-YVR]
- q+
- 17:49:24 [IanYVR]
- DO: I think the definition should stay away from actual availability.
- 17:49:38 [Chris]
- ian, wsa does indeed want to use it as a defined term, I understand
- 17:49:51 [IanYVR]
- DO: Fine by me to say that there's a general expectation that a representatoin will be available.
- 17:50:02 [DaveO]
- Indeed, SOAP 1.2 does use the term "on the web".
- 17:51:28 [Roy]
- I don't think that there is an information resource and non-information resource. I think that some resources are accessible on the Web information system and others are not (or are only indirectly accessible). That is because anything that has state is an information-bearing resource, but you may not have access to that information.
- 17:52:27 [DanC_jam]
- ack danc
- 17:52:27 [Zakim]
- DanC_jam, you wanted to ask for the figure to go in section 1 or 2; it has the word "identifies"
- 17:52:28 [IanYVR]
- q- IanYVR
- 17:52:54 [IanYVR]
- DC: The word "identify" is used in the illustration I'd like to see in section 1 or 2. I'd like the label "identifies" in the figure.
- 17:53:04 [IanYVR]
- RF: That is Pat Hayes' objection. You can argue it with him.
- 17:53:09 [IanYVR]
- Review of diagram
- 17:53:22 [IanYVR]
- from SW
- 17:54:16 [Chris]
- 17:54:30 [IanYVR]
- PC: What does "is a" mean.
- 17:54:37 [IanYVR]
- DC: I believe it's clear enough.
- 17:54:47 [IanYVR]
- TB, RF: Diagram doesn't add much.
- 17:55:33 [Chris]
- actually,
- 17:55:36 [Chris]
- 17:55:44 [IanYVR]
- TBray: Change camel case to English
- 17:55:45 [TimBL-YVR]
- 17:55:45 [Chris]
- no good reason that is not public
- 17:55:46 [IanYVR]
- [Support for that]
- 17:57:46 [IanYVR]
- IJ: I would like to simplify diagram by removing dotted arrows
- 17:58:35 [IanYVR]
- DC: It's critical that there be three things in the diagram. A lot of people miss that point.
- 18:00:20 [IanYVR]
- Action CL: Redraw diagram with (1) English words (2) no more isa arrows; just label objects
- 18:01:23 [Chris]
- ok since we just redrew it on the whiteboard, I won't send the old one to the public list but instead, the simplified new one
- 18:03:00 [DanC_jam]
- Ian: yes, I intend to make "on the web" a term
- 18:03:08 [IanYVR]
- TBray: Please lose "exponentially" in para 2.
- 18:03:23 [IanYVR]
- DC: The point is that it's non-linearly.
- 18:03:30 [IanYVR]
- TBL: use "dramatically"
- 18:03:57 [IanYVR]
- DC: There's a lot of data to back up "exponential"
- 18:04:20 [IanYVR]
- [No change]
- 18:04:26 [TimBL-YVR]
- 18:04:31 [IanYVR]
- [i.e., leave "exponential"]
- 18:05:04 [IanYVR]
- 2.1. Comparing Identifiers
- 18:05:19 [IanYVR]
- RF: I think this isn't true: "An important aspect of communication is to be able to establish when two parties are talking about the same thing."
- 18:05:43 [IanYVR]
- RF: It's an important aspect of someone else observing that they are talking about the same thing.
- 18:06:09 [TBray]
- 18:06:37 [TBray]
- 2.1 Awkward start. Communication between parties is facilitated by the ability to establish when they are talking about the same thing. Then lose the second sentence.
- 18:07:16 [IanYVR]
- TBL: Parties don't identify. They talk about or refer to. They don't identify.
- 18:07:43 [Chris]
- +1 to timbl because context of use is important
- 18:08:38 [IanYVR]
- Delete "In the context of the Web, this means when two parties identify the same resource."
- 18:08:49 [IanYVR]
- TBL: Say "two parties are referring to the same resource" in following sentence.
- 18:08:58 [IanYVR]
- DC: "Most straightforward' instead of "most common"
- 18:09:07 [IanYVR]
- RF: Delete "Depending on the application, an agent may invest more processing effort to reduce the likelihood of a false negative (i.e., two URIs identify the same resource, but that was not detected).
- 18:09:07 [IanYVR]
- "
- 18:09:14 [IanYVR]
- RF: It's covered better in the URI spec.
- 18:09:24 [IanYVR]
- TBray: Anybody who cares about this really needs to read [URI]
- 18:09:28 [IanYVR]
- DC: I'm happy to delete that sentence.
- 18:09:32 [DanC_jam]
- pls change "The most common" to "The most straightforward"
- 18:10:28 [IanYVR]
- TBL: I think that the last sentence is useful since it lets people know that there is a risk of false negatives.
- 18:10:48 [IanYVR]
- TBray: Yes, it's worthwhile saying that false negs can occur; for details look at [URI]
- 18:12:30 [IanYVR]
- CL: Some apps are more sensitive to false positives, some more sensitive to false negs; choose wisely.
- 18:14:29 [IanYVR]
- Action IJ: Fidget with this text.
- 18:14:49 [IanYVR]
- Editor's note: Dan Connolly has suggested the term "coreference" instead of "equivalence" to communicate that two URIs are referring to the same resource.
- 18:14:59 [IanYVR]
- DC: I can live without that change.
- 18:15:54 [TimBL-YVR]
- "coreference" isin the same class as "denote" - we had decided not to use technical terms.
- 18:17:05 [IanYVR]
- 2.1. Comparing Identifiers
- 18:17:10 [IanYVR]
- TBray: There are two side trips into URI opacity
- 18:17:36 [IanYVR]
- TBray: I think that we need to discuss separately (1) comparing and (2) looking inside
- 18:17:59 [IanYVR]
- NW: "In general, determine the meaning of a resource by inspection of a URI that identifies it."
- 18:18:13 [IanYVR]
- NW: I'll provide words...
- 18:19:11 [IanYVR]
- CL: "Although that it's tempting to infer this by looking at the URI that it is about..."
- 18:19:33 [IanYVR]
- TBL: "...not licensed by the specs..."
- 18:19:50 [TimBL-YVR]
- <- updated
- 18:20:55 [IanYVR]
- IJ: I'll try to create a section on opacity out of some text in 2.1
- 18:21:41 [IanYVR]
- [Agenda comment: Substantial sentiment to continue walking through arch doc until we get done]
- 18:22:00 [DanC_jam]
- [it seemed sufficient sentiment to consider it RESOLVED to me]
- 18:22:12 [IanYVR]
- RF: Don't use the term "spelling" URIs.
- 18:22:46 [IanYVR]
- DC: The point is that the string has to have the same characters.
- 18:23:49 [IanYVR]
- RF: Change good practice title to "Consistent spelling or URIs"
- 18:23:57 [IanYVR]
- IJ: What about lexical?
- 18:24:10 [IanYVR]
- DC: Same string of characters.
- 18:24:25 [IanYVR]
- DC: The agent should use the same string of characters as originally provided.
- 18:24:37 [IanYVR]
- 2.2. URI Schemes
- 18:24:59 [DanC_jam]
- ACTION IJ: re-word "spelling" box
- 18:25:18 [IanYVR]
- TBray: Why did "scheme" get changed to "scheme name"?
- 18:25:41 [IanYVR]
- RF: If you're talking about the string before the colon, its the scheme name.
- 18:26:04 [IanYVR]
- TBray: The *scheme* corresponds to a specification.
- 18:26:11 [IanYVR]
- TBL: "There are other *schemes*..."
- 18:26:33 [IanYVR]
- Action IJ: Prune instances of "scheme name" except for string component before ":".
- 18:27:03 [IanYVR]
- RF: I use "scheme component" instead of "scheme name" for slot before ":"
- 18:27:04 [DanC_jam]
- perhaps change "Each URI begins with a URI scheme name" to "Each URI follows a URI scheme" or ... hmm...
- 18:27:08 [TimBL-YVR]
- q+
- 18:27:32 [IanYVR]
- CL: s/to classify/to refer to/
- 18:27:39 [TimBL-YVR]
- <defn>URI Scheme</defn> to be higher up in the para.
- 18:28:16 [IanYVR]
- RF: Scheme names are always used in lowercase: "http URI"
- 18:28:27 [IanYVR]
- TBL: I disagree; we're talking about the protocol HTTP
- 18:30:33 [IanYVR]
- Resolved: Change "HTTP URI" to "http URI"
- 18:31:01 [IanYVR]
- SW: s/identify identify/identify
- 18:31:21 [IanYVR]
- SW: The scheme definitions use the verb "designate".
- 18:31:43 [IanYVR]
- SW: If we use a different term than the spec we are referring to, that's problematic.
- 18:31:53 [IanYVR]
- DC: I think we have a good reason to use a different term.
- 18:33:21 [IanYVR]
- Resolved: Add footnote that the other specs use the term "designate". We take "identify" and "designate" to mean the same thing.
- 18:33:47 [IanYVR]
- [Lunch]
- 18:36:33 [DanC-AIM]
- byebye
- 18:36:54 [Norm]
- Norm has joined #tagmem
- 18:46:55 [Norm]
- Norm has joined #tagmem
- 18:58:04 [Ralph]
- Ralph has joined #tagmem
- 18:58:35 [Norm]
- Norm has joined #tagmem
- 18:59:33 [Zakim]
- rebooting for service pack installation
- 19:26:24 [ndw]
- ndw has joined #tagmem
- 19:26:34 [DanCon]
- DanCon has joined #tagmem
- 19:26:54 [skw]
- skw has joined #tagmem
- 19:30:04 [Stuart]
- Stuart has joined #tagmem
- 19:43:33 [Ian]
- Ian has joined #tagmem
- 19:56:13 [ndw]
- ndw has joined #tagmem
- 19:59:38 [Ian]
- [Resume]
- 20:00:15 [Ian]
- TBL: There was discussion at lunch about including more best practices.
- 20:01:31 [DanCon]
- TBL: how about "don't use the same URI for something that's an information resource and something that's not"
- 20:01:37 [DanCon]
- TBL: e.g. dublin core title
- 20:02:05 [DanCon]
- (Roy also sent a problem report w.r.t. XML encryption algorithm identifiers, suggesting they should *not* contain #s. have you seen that, timbl?)
- 20:02:10 [Ian]
- [Continuing on 2.2]
- 20:03:14 [Ian]
- RF: "Several URI schemes incorporate identification mechanisms that pre-date the Web into this syntax:"
- 20:03:47 [Ian]
- RF: The examples are URIs; the identification mechanism is not sufficiently targeted in that sentence to distinguish talking about the URI or the information system.
- 20:04:04 [Ian]
- RF: I would make one big list instead of two lists.
- 20:04:44 [Ian]
- RF: change to "incorporate information systems that predate the Web into the URI syntax..."
- 20:04:45 [Ian]
- [Yes]
- 20:05:17 [Ian]
- TB: "We note in passing..."
- 20:05:23 [Ian]
- TB: Get rid of "Note in passing"
- 20:05:45 [Ian]
- SW: IRIs are indeed proving expensive.
- 20:06:36 [Ian]
- DC: I think the sentence is insufficiently motivated, but I can't think of anything better.
- 20:07:53 [Ian]
- TB: I propose to delete "We note in passing that even more expensive than introducing a new URI scheme is introducing a new identification mechanism for the Web; this is considered prohibitively expensive."
- 20:08:47 [Ian]
- [DIscussion about whether IRIs are new identification mechanism.]
- 20:09:38 [Ian]
- TBL: s/We note in passing/Of course,/
- 20:09:55 [DaveO]
- DaveO has joined #tagmem
- 20:10:06 [Ian]
- TB: If we are going to make a manifesto, put it higher in the document.
- 20:10:45 [Ian]
- Resolved: Delete "We note in passing that even more expensive than introducing a new URI scheme is introducing a new identification mechanism for the Web; this is considered prohibitively expensive." since network effect covered above.
- 20:11:11 [Ian]
- IJ: I'll delete "When finding available based on Tim Bray's discussion of this topic, link from here.
- 20:11:11 [Ian]
- "
- 20:12:10 [Ian]
- RF: On "If the motivation behind registering ..."
- 20:12:52 [Ian]
- RF: There hasn't been any demonstration that there's higher cost to registering URI scheme to registering content type.
- 20:14:16 [Ian]
- RF: Registration process same for URI schemes and MIME types in IETF space.
- 20:15:20 [Ian]
- CL: It's worth saying to not register new schemes that aliases and existing scheme.
- 20:16:02 [Chris]
- Chris has joined #tagmem
- 20:16:05 [Chris]
- q+
- 20:16:13 [Ian]
- IJ: I would move the first bullet to section on opacity.
- 20:16:19 [Chris]
- q?
- 20:16:25 [Norm]
- Norm has joined #tagmem
- 20:16:35 [Ian]
- DC: There is a choice to be made about when to register a new mime type and when to register a URI scheme.
- 20:17:12 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #tagmem
- 20:17:14 [Chris]
- q+
- 20:18:06 [Ian]
- DC: Proposed deleting from "If the motivation " through Editor's note.
- 20:19:02 [Chris]
- ack chris
- 20:19:02 [Ian]
- IJ: I intend to keep the first bullet but move it.
- 20:19:12 [Ian]
- TBL: I'd like to keep the list and add:
- 20:19:29 [Ian]
- 1) Don't invent a new protocol when one exists that gets the job done. You'd have to replicate the caching structure,
- 20:19:40 [Ian]
- and the social behavior.
- 20:20:35 [Ian]
- 2) Cost of reinventing something is that you often make the same mistakes.
- 20:21:00 [TBray]
- TBray has joined #tagmem
- 20:21:06 [Ian]
- RF: I agree with these points, but they belong in the section on protocols.
- 20:21:08 [Ian]
- TBray: I agree.
- 20:21:26 [DanCon]
- (I'm scanning the issues list... tim's comments about re-inventing HTTP are issue HTTPSubstrate-16; what's the status of that issue?)
- 20:21:51 [Ian]
- TBL: Don't just remove text, leave a cross ref if you move it.
- 20:22:01 [DanCon]
- (is issue 16 on our list of issues we intend to resolve for this last call?)
- 20:22:28 [Ian]
- RF: Once you have a new protocol, you may want to say "you SHOULD have a new URI scheme for that protocol."
- 20:23:26 [Ian]
- q+
- 20:24:03 [Ian]
- q-
- 20:24:30 [Stuart]
- q?
- 20:24:43 [Ian]
- DC: There's a time and place for new uri schemes and new media types.
- 20:25:24 [DanCon]
- itms was a time for a new media type, not for a new URI scheme. but I'm not sure how to generalize
- 20:25:43 [Ian]
- TBL: Don't create a new URI scheme if the properties of the identifiers and their relation to resources are covered by an existing scheme.
- 20:27:14 [timbl]
- timbl has joined #tagmem
- 20:27:23 [Ian]
- DC: I can tell when it's done wrong, but not sure I can write done the right thing.
- 20:27:31 [Ian]
- PC: Even writing down the wrong thing is helpful.
- 20:27:44 [Ian]
- DC: That's IJ's finding (from TB's blog)
- 20:27:53 [timbl]
- The properties of the space addressed (the set of things identifiable and their relationship with the identifers) is essentially the same as any existing space, that space should be used.
- 20:28:11 [timbl]
- s/^/If/
- 20:29:13 [Ian]
- TB, DC: Delete first bullet "The more resource metadata is included in a URI, the more fragile the URI becomes (e.g., sensitive to changes in representation). Designers should choose URI schemes that allow them to keep their options open."
- 20:29:30 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #tagmem
- 20:30:40 [Ian]
- Resolved: Delete "Reasons for this include" through bulleted list.
- 20:30:50 [Ian]
- 2.3. URI Authority
- 20:30:53 [Ralph]
- Ralph has left #tagmem
- 20:32:13 [Ian]
- DC: I would have expected third paragraph in section 3.
- 20:32:36 [Roy]
- Roy has joined #tagmem
- 20:32:46 [timbl]
- q+
- 20:35:07 [timbl]
- The owner of a URI defines iwhat it identifies. The web protocols allow the owner to run and control a server which provides representation, and so when such a representation has been retreived it is reasonable to take it as authoritative.
- 20:36:24 [Stuart]
- q?
- 20:36:31 [Stuart]
- ack timbl
- 20:36:36 [Ian]
- TBL: There is a place here to say that, because the protocols allow the URI owner to control the server, since you have protocols, it's reasonable to hold the resource owner accountable for the representations.
- 20:36:59 [Ian]
- TBray: I note move from "authority" to "responsibility"
- 20:37:21 [DanCon]
- I could live without this section.
- 20:38:32 [Ian]
- IJ: Point was to introduce authority in assignment of URIs. Later authority of producing representations.
- 20:39:54 [Ian]
- Resolved: Delete 2.3, moving paragraphs 3 and 4 to section 3 of the document.
- 20:40:25 [Ian]
- PC: Ensure that unused refs are deleted.
- 20:41:02 [Ian]
- 2.4. Fragment Identifiers
- 20:41:47 [Ian]
- TBL: I think in the second paragraph that "reference to" and "with respect to" are insufficiently clear.
- 20:41:53 [Ian]
- [We note that that text is from RFC2396bis]
- 20:42:08 [Ian]
- TBray: I think that "with respect to that resource" is incorrect.
- 20:42:34 [Ian]
- TBray: "Additional information that is interpreted in the context of that representation."
- 20:43:19 [Ian]
- RF: It's with respect to the *Resource*, across all representations.
- 20:44:10 [TBray]
- q+
- 20:44:15 [Ian]
- Does "foo#author" mean that "author" has to mean that this is the author of the primary resource? One could read it that way.
- 20:44:36 [Ian]
- DC: I agree that "named in" works better.
- 20:45:53 [Ian]
- TBray: So we are asserting that the frag id is interpreted w.r.t. the resource.
- 20:46:06 [Ian]
- DC: We are observing that, yet. There are bugs and weirdnesses out there, but they are wrong.
- 20:46:48 [Ian]
- TBL: If you dereference a URI and get a representation back, and you know the media type, and you know the frag id semantics, then you know what is identified by the frag id.
- 20:47:12 [Ian]
- TBL: That doesn't mean that the frag id doesn't have meaning if you don't dereference the URI.
- 20:48:05 [Ian]
- RF: change "that is merely named with respect to the primary resource." to "named by the primary reosurce."
- 20:48:31 [Norm]
- The fragment identifier component of a URI allows indirect
- 20:48:31 [Norm]
- identification of a secondary resource, by reference to a primary
- 20:48:31 [Norm]
- resource and additional identifying information that is named by
- 20:48:31 [Norm]
- that resource. The identified secondary resource may be
- 20:48:31 [Norm]
- some portion or subset of the primary resource, some view on
- 20:48:33 [Norm]
- representations of the primary resource, or some other resource that
- 20:48:35 [Norm]
- is merely named by the primary resource.
- 20:48:49 [Chris]
- rf: delete next paragraph
- 20:49:08 [Chris]
- 'Although the generic URI syntax allows ...'
- 20:49:29 [Chris]
- nw: see above, did we agree to this
- 20:49:36 [Chris]
- tbl: no not really
- 20:49:44 [Norm]
- The fragment identifier component of a URI allows indirect identification of a secondary resource by reference to a primary resource and additional identifying information that is named in that resource. The identified secondary resource may be some portion or subset of the primary resource, some view on representations of the primary resource, or some other resource that is merely named by the primary resource.
- 20:51:42 [Norm]
- The fragment identifier component of a URI allows indirect identification of a secondary resource by reference to a primary resource and additional identifying information. The identified secondary resource may be some portion or subset of the primary resource, some view on representations of the primary resource, or some other resource.
- 20:51:47 [timbl]
- When an information resource has a URI and has a representation; and in the language of that representation a given string identifies a second resource, then the concatenation of the URI, a hash mark and the string form a URI for that second resource.
- 20:51:55 [DanCon]
- hmm... I wonder if we came up with any good text when we worked in the wiki
- 20:52:03 [Chris]
- it needs to tie it back to the resource fetched
- 20:52:39 [Chris]
- lets avoid 'concatenation'
- 20:52:46 [Norm]
- yes, please!
- 20:53:44 [DanCon]
- why avoid 'concatenation'? that's what one does with #, no?
- 20:54:28 [Chris]
- actually no, you split it off, stuff it in your back pocket, and then use it in isolation on what you got back
- 20:55:49 [DanCon]
- hmm... ok, concat/split, same difference
- 20:56:06 [Chris]
- no, pretty much opposites
- 20:56:51 [DanCon]
- i.e. same situation, 2 different ways to describe it. if long=concat(short1, short2), then short1=split(short2 from long)
- 20:59:18 [Ian]
- [TBL draws diagram on board showing splitting URI into frag id and URI-with-no-frag-id.]
- 20:59:59 [Ian]
- IJ: It occurs to me we ought to re-use the initial diagram several times, successively elaborating it. E.g., when we talk about what a representation is, show the "REpresentation" piece as including metadata and data.
- 21:00:32 [Ian]
- URI-with-hash IDENTIFIES Resource2
- 21:00:39 [Ian]
- URI-with-no-hash IDENTIFIES Resource1
- 21:05:09 [Ian]
- NW: I want to confirm that "#foo" means the same thing in all representations and if it doesn't it's a bug.
- 21:05:14 [Ian]
- DC: Yes, I agree.
- 21:07:51 [Ian]
- TBL: Not exactly. It can be reasonable to give back to types of things depending on the format returned (e.g., bank statement or HTML document that's kind of equivalent).
- 21:08:00 [DanCon]
- (this is an issue on our list too...)
- 21:08:09 [Ian]
- TBray: But they are functionally equivalent w.r.t. the user.
- 21:08:56 [DaveO]
- Dan, you mean frag-id issue #28?
- 21:08:58 [Ian]
- NW: Is it architecturally unsound to serve a format with content negotiation that does not define frag id semantics (e.g., serve HTML and PDF).
- 21:09:11 [Ian]
- ?
- 21:09:30 [Ian]
- TBL: Browsers should say "There's no frag id".
- 21:09:41 [Ian]
- DC: This is a silent recovery from error today.
- 21:10:30 [Ian]
- CL: Are we saying it's an error to serve foo#bar if one representation doesn't define frag id semantics?
- 21:10:44 [Ian]
- TBray: Not a server problem, but an authoring problem.
- 21:11:11 [Chris]
- conneg and fragments considered incompatible
- 21:11:16 [timbl]
- When an information resource has a URI and has a representation; and in the language of that representation a given string identifies a second resource, then the concatenation of the URI, a hash mark and the string forms a URI for that second resource. The MIME type registration defines this syntax and semantics of such a string.
- 21:11:30 [Ian]
- See 2.4.1 for this discussion...
- 21:12:28 [Ian]
- TBray: TBL means that the format spec defines the semantics of what the frag id is used for.
- 21:12:42 [DaveO]
- q+
- 21:12:56 [Ian]
- DC: I think it's easier to talk about splitting a URI rather than concatenating two parts.
- 21:13:11 [TBray]
- ack TBray
- 21:14:44 [Ian]
- TBray: Superfluous to say "info resource" since that's the kind that has representations.
- 21:15:11 [Stuart]
- ack Dave0
- 21:15:16 [Chris]
- so (to clarify) items 7 .. 11 on the agenda are hereby dropped
- 21:15:45 [TBray]
- When a resource has a representation...
- 21:15:57 [timbl]
- When a resource has a URI and has a representation; and in the language of that representation (using a syntax and semantics defined by the MIME type specification) a given string identifies a second resource, then the concatenation of the URI, a hash mark and the string forms a URI for that second resource.
- 21:16:00 [DanCon]
- 21:16:03 [Ian]
- DC: I thought we were going to use the term information resource that we introduced earlier.
- 21:17:37 [Ian]
- RF: I think that the existing text in RFC2396 is superior to TBL's proposal.
- 21:17:53 [Ian]
- DC: I agree that the second para is better.
- 21:18:03 [Ian]
- (ie.. existing text in arch doc)
- 21:18:32 [Ian]
- RF: I think it's important to be able to define a resource with a URI that includes a frag id without having to get back a representation.
- 21:18:37 [Chris]
- q+ to tak about delegated authority and fragments
- 21:18:55 [DaveO]
- q-
- 21:19:30 [Norm]
- Norm has joined #tagmem
- 21:20:25 [Norm]
- How is this:
- 21:20:35 [Norm]
- The fragment identifier component of a URI allows indirect identification of a secondary resource by reference to a primary resource and additional identifying information. The identified secondary resource may be some portion or subset of the primary resource, some view on representations of the primary resource, or some other resource.
- 21:20:44 [Norm]
- The URI that identifies the secondary resource consists of the URI of the primary resource with the additional identifying information as a fragment identifer.
- 21:21:10 [Ian]
- [Discussion of "selecive with respect to that resource"]
- 21:22:39 [Stuart]
- q+
- 21:22:56 [Ian]
- RF: HOw about "that is defined by that resource" instead.
- 21:23:06 [Ian]
- RF: The MIME type is not significant here.
- 21:23:42 [Ian]
- DC: I think RF's current text is good, and we could also include TBL's paragraph
- 21:24:28 [Ian]
- TBray: Can we lose the word "merely"?
- 21:25:44 [Ian]
- DC: I am ok with Norm text, but on condition that it go into 2396bis.
- 21:26:04 [Stuart]
- q-
- 21:26:05 [Ian]
- TBray: I think NW's second .proposal is better than TBL's:
- 21:26:18 [Chris]
- q?
- 21:26:51 [DanCon]
- ack chris
- 21:26:51 [Zakim]
- Chris, you wanted to tak about delegated authority and fragments
- 21:27:00 [timbl]
- q+ to bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt vague alarm
- 21:27:02 [Norm]
- Norm has joined #tagmem
- 21:27:08 [Ian]
- Ian has joined #tagmem
- 21:27:15 [Norm]
- q?
- 21:28:31 [Ian]
- CL: You don't get to fiddle around with URIs. You do, however, get to fiddle with the fragment.
- 21:28:32 [DanCon]
- hmm... I hear a point that chris is making... but I'm not sure how to put it into an economical number of words
- 21:28:48 [DaveO]
- Norm, I don't understand your earlier question about #foo meaning the same thing. If WSDL defines #foo to mean an abstract component *thing*, and SVG defines #foo to mean an xml element with name foo, then they don't have the same meaning.
- 21:29:09 [Ian]
- I also think that xpointer lets you create anchors outside the original document.
- 21:29:43 [Ian]
- So person A can create anchor in person B's representation
- 21:29:44 [DanCon]
- so DaveO, don't make SVG and WSDL representations that use 'foo' available for the same resources
- 21:30:07 [Stuart]
- q?
- 21:30:18 [DanCon]
- ack timbl
- 21:30:18 [Zakim]
- timbl, you wanted to bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt vague alarm
- 21:30:35 [Chris]
- ack chris
- 21:30:44 [Ian]
- TBL: I find NW's alternative is still vague.
- 21:30:55 [Ian]
- TBL: If you include my paragraph after it, I will be happy.
- 21:31:12 [Roy]
- This is what the URI spec *also* says:
- 21:31:21 [Chris]
- dave - svg defines barename #foo to mean the xml thing because its a +xml media type
- 21:31:22 [Ian]
- TBL: In particular, it's important to see how URIs are the same; and how to proceed with frag id.
- 21:31:25 [DanCon]
- (stuart/ian, did we agree to include the figure from the whiteboard?)
- 21:31:38 [Ian]
- Chris has action to do image revision.
- 21:31:44 [Ian]
- I'd like CL to do a version of what's on board, too
- 21:31:46 [Chris]
- dan - I believe we did and i will draw that one, too
- 21:31:57 [DanCon]
- thx, chris
- 21:32:01 [Ian]
- thx chris
- 21:32:12 [Ian]
- Proposed: Include TBL para after existing para from 2396.
- 21:32:33 [Ian]
- TBray: I prefer NW's text to that in 2396
- 21:32:39 [Ian]
- TBray: I accept DC's caveat.
- 21:33:39 [Ian]
- Resolved: Accept NW's second proposed text and TBL's text.
- 21:34:03 [Ian]
- [Break]
- 21:34:52 [Norm]
- Norm has joined #tagmem
- 21:38:45 [timbl]
- 22:00:42 [Ian]
- </break>
- 22:00:49 [timbl]
- Wheas human communication tolerates such anbiguity, machine processing does not.
- 22:02:01 [Ian]
- [Discussion of whether Director should say ok to advance of a spec to PR (or PER) if mime type not registered.]
- 22:03:16 [Ian]
- How to Register a Media Type with IANA (for the IETF tree)
- 22:03:22 [Ian]
- 22:03:25 [Ian]
- Does this need updating?
- 22:05:01 [Ian]
- ----
- 22:05:32 [Chris]
- minimally yes as it speaks of the ietf tree, should be standards tree
- 22:05:50 [Chris]
- danc mentioned email, no ID required
- 22:06:17 [timbl]
- Suggested text for 2.6: Whereas human communication tolerates such ambiguity, machine processing does not. Strictly, the above URI as identifies the information resource, some hypertext document. RDF applications which use it for describing properties of that page are in order; those who use its URL to directly assert properties of the whale are using it inconsistently.
- 22:08:31 [DanCon]
- pointer to what we're looking at for the minutes? with $Date$?
- 22:09:23 [Ian]
- Discussion of "Although the generic URI syntax allows any URI to end with a fragment identifier, some URI schemes do not specify the use of fragment identifiers. For instance, fragment identifier usage is not specified for MAILTO URIs."
- 22:09:34 [Norm]
- Norm has joined #tagmem
- 22:09:39 [Ian]
- RF: This is orthogonal to the URI scheme.
- 22:09:50 [Ian]
- TBray: It's not the scheme, it's the data formats.
- 22:11:39 [Ian]
- Resolved delete "Although the generic URI syntax allows any URI to end with a fragment identifier, some URI schemes do not specify the use of fragment identifiers. For instance, fragment identifier usage is not specified for MAILTO URIs.
- 22:11:40 [Ian]
- "
- 22:12:59 [Ian]
- TBray: Please see if you can either delete 2.4.1 heading or find a second heading for 2.4
- 22:13:01 [Chris]
- >>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<
- 22:13:39 [Ian]
- NW: Change in 2.4.1 "Clients should not be expected to so something..." to "It is an error..."
- 22:15:36 [Ian]
- TBray: "It is an error condition when you have a URI with a frag id and representations don't have consistent frag id semantics..."
- 22:15:52 [Ian]
- RF: You need to be careful: The error is not creating the identifier.
- 22:16:12 [Ian]
- RF: You may tolerate the error in some cases.
- 22:16:35 [Ian]
- RF: Good practice note is wrong: "Authors SHOULD NOT use HTTP content negotiation for different media types that have incompatible fragment identifier semantics."
- 22:18:11 [Ian]
- TBray: "In the case where you use coneg to serve multiple representations, and some of those representations have inconsistent frag id semantics, then you are creating an opportunity for this error to occur."
- 22:18:22 [DanCon]
- yes, pls strike the good practice box and replace with words ala what Bray just said
- 22:19:14 [Chris]
- or, clarify the good practice note ... but can live with tim brays text
- 22:19:18 [DanCon]
- NW: yup
- 22:19:29 [Ian]
- Proposed: Revise good practice note with spirit of what TB said.
- 22:19:54 [Ian]
- TBL: I'm ok with TB's text.
- 22:20:04 [Ian]
- Resolved: Revise good practice note with spirit of what TB said.
- 22:22:19 [DanCon]
- misuse from 3.3: "The simplest way to achieve this is for the namespace name to be an HTTP URI which may be dereferenced to access this material."
- 22:22:59 [Ian]
- [Discussion of "dereference" v. "retrieve"]
- 22:23:06 [Roy]
- q+
- 22:23:09 [timbl]
- q+ Roy
- 22:23:41 [DanCon]
- I like 'access' and I can live with 'retrieve' and I'd like to avoid 'dereference' if we can.
- 22:24:20 [Ian]
- DO: Please include examples in 2.5.
- 22:24:24 [Norm]
- Norm has joined #tagmem
- 22:25:01 [Ian]
- TBray: I like "access" as well.
- 22:25:42 [Chris]
- dereference is used in 2.2. URI Schemes as well
- 22:25:53 [Chris]
- Furthermore, the URI scheme specification specifies how an agent can dereference the URI.
- 22:25:59 [Chris]
- +1 for access
- 22:26:01 [Ian]
- TBray: I suggest deleting "Given a URI, a system may attempt to perform a variety of operations on the resource, as might be characterized by such words as "access", "update", "replace", or "find attributes". Available operations depend on the formats and protocols that make use of URIs. "
- 22:27:07 [timbl]
- To derefernce a URI is access the resource which it identifies.
- 22:27:18 [Chris]
- dereference is not retrieval
- 22:27:29 [timbl]
- necessarily
- 22:29:09 [DanCon]
- 1. rename to accessing a resource
- 22:29:14 [Ian]
- Proposed: Delete "Given a URI, a system may attempt to perform a variety of operations on the resource, as might be characterized by such words as "access", "update", "replace", or "find attributes". Available operations depend on the formats and protocols that make use of URIs. " and "Accessing a resource" and slightly rewriting third sentence
- 22:29:26 [DanCon]
- 2nded.
- 22:29:32 [TBray]
- +1
- 22:29:36 [Chris]
- +1
- 22:29:36 [Ian]
- IJ: I don't agree.
- 22:30:36 [Ian]
- IJ: +1
- 22:30:49 [Ian]
- Resolved: Delete "Given a URI, a system may attempt to perform a variety of operations on the resource, as might be characterized by such words as "access", "update", "replace", or "find attributes". Available operations depend on the formats and protocols that make use of URIs. " and "Accessing a resource" and slightly rewriting third sentence
- 22:32:06 [Ian]
- DC: In 2.8.4, I prefer "access' over "resolution"
- 22:33:20 [Ian]
- TBL: I think we can delete "resolution" from the document.
- 22:33:31 [Ian]
- TBL: Use "access" instead.
- 22:33:35 [Ian]
- NW: Delete "finite" from 2.5
- 22:34:15 [Ian]
- Resolved: Delete resolution from document (replace with access where necessary).
- 22:34:19 [DanCon]
- if you're gonna strike finite, you might as well strike 'set'
- 22:35:06 [DanCon]
- ("Resolved" was a bit hasty there... stand by...)
- 22:35:13 [Ian]
- "While accessing a resource..."
- 22:35:32 [Ian]
- Resolved: Delete resolution from document (replace with access where necessary).
- 22:36:55 [Ian]
- 2.5.1. Retrieving a Representation
- 22:37:29 [Chris]
- Some URI schemes (e.g., the URN scheme [RFC 2141]) do not define dereference mechanisms.
- 22:38:30 [Chris]
- is it tru (yes apparently) and does it contribute anything useful
- 22:39:34 [Chris]
- okay, chris lets it slide
- 22:39:52 [Ian]
- 2.5.1. Retrieving a Representation
- 22:40:03 [Ian]
- TBray: Potentially misleading - " The representations communicate the state of the resource."
- 22:40:23 [Ian]
- TBray: Representation doesn't need to represent ENTIRE state of resource.
- 22:41:04 [Ian]
- TBL: "Some or all of the state of the resource...."
- 22:41:05 [DanCon]
- ed note: "As stated above" as a consequence of decisions we made recently.
- 22:41:20 [Ian]
- Resolved: "communicate some or all of the state of the resource."
- 22:41:28 [Chris]
- "is used within an a element " is vague
- 22:41:47 [Ian]
- SW: Change "which representations are used" to "which content types".
- 22:41:50 [Ian]
- DC, TB: No.
- 22:42:17 [Ian]
- TBray: A server can throw your PUT on the floor.l
- 22:42:22 [Chris]
- suggest 'is the value of an href attribute in the xlink namespace on an a element
- 22:42:30 [Ian]
- DO: This section is about retrieving a representation.
- 22:42:36 [Ian]
- SW: Comment withdrawn.
- 22:42:41 [TBray]
- note that the "As stated above" reference no longer works since we nuked that section
- 22:42:44 [Chris]
- q+ to say just that
- 22:42:48 [Chris]
- q?
- 22:42:57 [Ian]
- RF: This good practice note is out of place: "Owners of important resources SHOULD make available representations that describe those resources."
- 22:43:20 [timbl]
- Note now dead link on "authority responsible for a URI"
- 22:43:48 [timbl]
- s/that describe those/of those/
- 22:43:50 [Ian]
- Change to "Resource representations: Owners of important resources SHOULD make available representations of those resource."?
- 22:43:59 [Stuart]
- q?
- 22:44:07 [Chris]
- q+ to say that "the SVG specification suggests " is weak, too
- 22:44:11 [Ian]
- RF: I think that moves away from original intent: I think it was that owners should provide metadata.
- 22:44:18 [timbl]
- q+ s/that describe those/of those/
- 22:44:23 [Ian]
- DC: No, it was about not filling the Web with 404s.
- 22:44:24 [timbl]
- q+ to say s/that describe those/of those/
- 22:44:40 [Ian]
- DC: Drill in this good practice Note by giving a 404 example.
- 22:44:46 [Ian]
- DC: And show that that sucks.
- 22:44:48 [Chris]
- ack chris
- 22:44:48 [Zakim]
- Chris, you wanted to say just that and to say that "the SVG specification suggests " is weak, too
- 22:44:52 [DaveO]
- q+
- 22:45:02 [Stuart]
- ack Roy
- 22:45:11 [DaveO]
- q-
- 22:45:27 [DaveO]
- q+ to mention representations retrieved by other methods than GET
- 22:45:37 [DanCon]
- logger, pointer?
- 22:45:53 [DanCon]
- RRSAgent, pointer?
- 22:45:53 [RRSAgent]
- See
- 22:46:07 [Norm]
- Norm has joined #tagmem
- 22:46:25 [DanCon]
- 22:42:22 [Chris]
- 22:46:25 [DanCon]
- suggest 'is the value of an href attribute in the xlink namespace on an a element
- 22:46:54 [Ian]
- IJ: Nowhere does the SVG spec say "GET".
- 22:46:58 [Chris]
- 22:47:12 [Chris]
- SVG provides an 'a' element, analogous to HTML's 'a' element, to indicate links (also known as hyperlinks or Web links). SVG uses XLink ([XLink]) for all link definitions.
- 22:48:50 [timbl]
- q+
- 22:50:26 [Chris]
- its the xlink href in the context of the a element and the other attributes on the a element that imply
- 22:51:06 [Norm]
- Norm has joined #tagmem
- 22:51:46 [timbl]
- ack tim
- 22:51:46 [Zakim]
- timbl, you wanted to say s/that describe those/of those/ and to
- 22:52:36 [Chris]
- xlink:show = 'new | replace'
- 22:52:36 [Chris]
- Indicates whether, upon activation of the link, traversing to the ending resource should load it in a new window, frame, pane, or other relevant presentation context or load it in the same window, frame, pane, or other relevant presentation context in which the starting resource was loaded.
- 22:52:43 [DaveO]
- ack daveo
- 22:52:43 [Zakim]
- DaveO, you wanted to mention representations retrieved by other methods than GET
- 22:53:17 [Chris]
- ACTION Chris tighten this language for SVG 1.2
- 22:53:27 [Ian]
- DO: What do we say about POST - result of POST operation is a representation (or some data).
- 22:53:36 [Ian]
- TBL: That's not a representation of any resource.
- 22:53:47 [Ian]
- DO: Yes, it is, I can give it a content location.
- 22:54:17 [Ian]
- TBray: Question, e.g., of, after an update, getting a mere 200 or getting updated text (i.e., representation).
- 22:54:21 [Chris]
- "By activating these links (by clicking with the mouse, through keyboard input, and voice commands), users may visit these resources." is vague and wooly
- 22:54:27 [Ian]
- [Discussion of HTML forms]
- 22:54:57 [Ian]
- DC: I disagree that what is POSTed is a representation of the resource.
- 22:54:59 [Chris]
- prefer sections 1 and 2 bring in the other context (element name, attributes)
- 22:55:08 [Ian]
- (yes)
- 22:55:21 [Chris]
- ie is not just the occurence of a bare URI on some random element that makes it be a hyperlink
- 22:55:41 [Ian]
- [Agreement on "form data"]
- 22:55:51 [Norm]
- Norm has joined #tagmem
- 22:55:53 [Norm]
- q?
- 22:55:53 [Ian]
- DO: I send form data to the server. Is what I get back a representation?
- 22:56:00 [Chris]
- ACTION Ian, Chris discuss and propose improved wording
- 22:56:21 [Ian]
- DC: No, it's not a representation.
- 22:56:35 [Ian]
- RF: It is a representation.
- 22:56:45 [Ian]
- RF: It's a representation of the response that you get back.
- 22:56:55 [Ian]
- DC: It's not a representation of any thing the common specs give a name to.
- 22:57:21 [TBray]
- q+
- 22:58:20 [TBray]
- q-
- 22:58:21 [DaveO]
- I want to make sure that we say that POST results are NOT retrieval operations.
- 22:58:29 [Chris]
- q+ to say I believe we already agreed to this - that access is not trhe same ars retrieval
- 22:58:38 [Chris]
- post result is not a retieval action
- 22:58:43 [Ian]
- RF: An HTTP POST is not a retrieval action.
- 22:59:12 [Stuart]
- ack Chris
- 22:59:12 [Zakim]
- Chris, you wanted to say I believe we already agreed to this - that access is not trhe same ars retrieval
- 22:59:28 [Ian]
- q+ to ask what changes are being suggested in 2.5.1
- 22:59:46 [timbl]
- An HTTP POST is not a retreival action. Any resulting response is NOT a representation of the URI posted to.
- 23:00:58 [Stuart]
- if the resullt includes a Location header, is the result a representation of the resource referenced by the location header?
- 23:01:01 [DanCon]
- yes, let's use POST as an example to distinguish access from retrieval
- 23:03:12 [Ian]
- Action IJ: Include POST (and other methods) as examples of deref methods at beginning of 2.5
- 23:03:35 [DaveO]
- stuart, I don't think a POST that "happens" to contain a Location is a "retrieval". It's a deref, that could be followed by a retrieval on the Location URI.
- 23:03:37 [Chris]
- in other words, make a positive statement that non-retrieval access is both possible and good if appropriate
- 23:03:48 [Chris]
- some non-HTTP examples would be good, too
- 23:03:49 [Ian]
- Delete editor's note in 2.5.1 since "on the web" handled earlier per today's discussion.
- 23:03:53 [Ian]
- 2.5.2. Safe Interaction
- 23:04:07 [Ian]
- [Minor editorial only]
- 23:04:11 [Ian]
- 2.6. URI Persistence
- 23:05:07 [Ian]
- Resolved: Delete "draft" before "TAG findings" globally.
- 23:05:59 [Ian]
- DC: "Similarly, one should not use the same URI to refer to a person and to that person's mailbox."
- 23:06:16 [Ian]
- DC: If you ask Mark Baker are you your mailbox, he'd say yes.
- 23:06:54 [Ian]
- "Whereas human communication tolerates such ambiguity, machine processing does not. Strictly, the above URI as identifies the information resource, some hypertext document. RDF applications which use it for describing properties of that page are in order; those who use its URL to directly assert properties of the whale are using it inconsistently."
- 23:07:09 [Ian]
- [Text provided by TBL]
- 23:07:47 [Ian]
- TBL: s/URI persistence also/It is an error for a URI to identify two different things.
- 23:07:48 [Ian]
- DC: No.
- 23:08:15 [Ian]
- TBray: What about retitling section "Maximizing the usefulness of URIs"
- 23:08:18 [Chris]
- 2.6. URI Persistence > new title
- 23:08:30 [Chris]
- sunsections persestence, ambiguity, reliability
- 23:08:37 [Ian]
- "URI Persistence and Ambiguity"
- 23:09:02 [Ian]
- RF: Are all uses of URIs for the sake of identification?
- 23:09:03 [Ian]
- TBL: Yes.
- 23:09:15 [Ian]
- RF: Identification of what?
- 23:09:34 [Ian]
- RF: What about using a URI in a sentence as an indirect identifier: "I wonder whose home page is"
- 23:09:52 [Ian]
- TBL: The URI refers to the home page...
- 23:11:11 [Ian]
- TBL: I have a problem with sentence starting "For instance...."
- 23:11:43 [Stuart]
- see
- 23:12:02 [Ian]
- DC: "Whoever publishes the URI should be clear about whether it identifies the book, the whale, etc."
- 23:12:24 [Ian]
- TBL: I don't like that in this case.
- 23:12:31 [Ian]
- TBL: I don't want them to say it's a whale.
- 23:14:31 [DanCon]
- DC: whale? yeah... take out the whale.
- 23:14:36 [TBray]
- q+
- 23:14:40 [Ian]
- q-
- 23:15:05 [Ian]
- TBray: In TBL's proposed paragraph, I disagree with a lot and don't understand some points.
- 23:15:15 [Chris]
- proposed addition makes invalid assertions. Some machines tolerate ambiguity very well
- 23:15:26 [Ian]
- TBray: I don't agree with a straight assertion that machines don't tolerate ambiguity.
- 23:15:49 [Norm]
- q+
- 23:16:02 [Chris]
- q?
- 23:16:49 [Stuart]
- ack TBray
- 23:16:55 [Stuart]
- ack Norm
- 23:17:14 [Ian]
- NW: People will make conflicting assertions. The system will have to deal with this.
- 23:17:24 [Ian]
- NW: I'm satisfied with existing text.
- 23:18:40 [Ian]
- TBL: I think our concern is not the ambiguity of "Moby Dick" it's the inconsistent uses of the URI.
- 23:18:47 [DanCon]
- I'm not too happy with the moby paragraph.
- 23:18:54 [Ian]
- TBray: When you mint a URI you need to be clear about what it identifies.
- 23:18:59 [Ian]
- TBray: Remove the quotes...
- 23:19:21 [Norm]
- q+
- 23:19:46 [Ian]
- DC: I'd like a positive statement about what to do.
- 23:19:50 [DanCon]
- and strike whale
- 23:19:57 [Stuart]
- q+ Ian
- 23:20:00 [timbl]
- q+ to say that anything which goes in this document should be consisetnt with HTTP resources being information resources
- 23:20:05 [Norm]
- I don't see any reason to strike whale
- 23:20:09 [DanCon]
- ack tim
- 23:20:09 [Zakim]
- timbl, you wanted to say that anything which goes in this document should be consisetnt with HTTP resources being information resources
- 23:20:43 [Ian]
- TBL: I don't want to say that the URI designates whatever the URI owner wants.
- 23:21:02 [DanCon]
- tim's correct that this para, as written, takes a position on httpRange-14.
- 23:21:10 [DanCon]
- ack norm
- 23:21:33 [Ian]
- NW: Could I not write an RDF assertion that says that this URI identifies the while, then another assertion that conflicts with that?
- 23:21:35 [Ian]
- TBL: Yes.
- 23:21:48 [Ian]
- NW: Why is this special case so important?
- 23:22:10 [Ian]
- TBL: Important axiom for version 2 of the arch doc - referent of an HTTP resource without a hash is an information resource.
- 23:23:58 [Stuart]
- q+ Paul
- 23:24:10 [Ian]
- NW: RF's the standards that we write for the sake of identification is orthogonal to the systems that make use of them.
- 23:24:13 [DanCon]
- ack ian
- 23:24:20 [timbl]
- Tim;'s comments was not abouyt th doc, about dan's proposal
- 23:25:25 [Roy]
- q+
- 23:25:36 [Roy]
- ack Roy
- 23:26:24 [Ian]
- PC: May need, for forward compatibility, to ensure that something is an error in V1 though might be more meaningful in V2 of arch doc.
- 23:26:28 [Norm]
- And it's too late already. The cat is out of the bag.
- 23:26:32 [Ian]
- PC: Need to include a warning at least to users.
- 23:26:43 [Stuart]
- q?
- 23:26:46 [DanCon]
- hmm... a health-warning about httpRange-14 is an interesting idea.
- 23:26:48 [Stuart]
- ack Paul
- 23:27:14 [Ian]
- PC: Do we put something in arch doc v1 that is warning that we say "Don't do this; we think that there are arch reasons to use this form for explicit meaning and we haven't yet defined that."
- 23:27:38 [Ian]
- RF: You can replace the URI with a URN...
- 23:27:45 [Ian]
- DC: Or put a hash and frag id it.
- 23:27:50 [Ian]
- s/it/in it/
- 23:28:53 [Stuart]
- q?
- 23:28:54 [Ian]
- DC: If you ask most people if something is a whale, and people can put it in their browser, they're likely to say "Nope, that's not a whale."
- 23:28:58 [Stuart]
- ack DanCon
- 23:28:58 [Zakim]
- DanCon, you wanted to note that timbl's axiom may be more widely accepted than norm suggested
- 23:29:20 [Ian]
- NW: That argument suggests that if there's a hash mark at the end of a URI and it takes them to the middle of a document, then it's not a whale either.
- 23:29:29 [Ian]
- TBL: If it's a hypertext document, it's never a whale.
- 23:29:52 [Ian]
- NW: So I can't serve up with coneg a hypertext doc that describes an RDF vocab and the RDF vocab.
- 23:29:54 [Ian]
- DC: Right.
- 23:30:01 [Ian]
- DC: That seems problematic; and we discussed that earlier.
- 23:30:18 [DanCon]
- ... in the case of WSDL and HTML
- 23:30:28 [Ian]
- q+ TB
- 23:30:29 [Ian]
- ack TB
- 23:30:50 [Ian]
- TBray: I would be ok with taking "whale" out of the sentence. I'm still not convinced of TBL's axiom.
- 23:31:13 [DaveO]
- Dan's right, same thing with namespacename#WSDLFrag-ID and the collision between RDDL vs WSDL representations at the namespace URI.
- 23:31:24 [Ian]
- RF: Just change the scheme name...
- 23:31:41 [DanCon]
- ... too foo: ... something unregistered
- 23:31:46 [Ian]
- TBray: What about "Melville#moby"
- 23:33:11 [Ian]
- Action TBL: Propose a replacement to "URI persistence ...person's mailbox".
- 23:33:37 [Ian]
- ---
- 23:35:22 [Ian]
- [TAG accepts risk that continuing walkthrough puts other agenda items at risk.]
- 23:36:18 [Chris]
- q+ to mention 2.7
- 23:36:21 [Ian]
- 2.7. Access Control
- 23:36:35 [Chris]
- 23:36:48 [Chris]
- 23:37:39 [Ian]
- [German govt ruling in favor of permissability of deep linking]
- 23:38:00 [Ian]
- CL: TAG could update its finding to include a link to this.
- 23:38:27 [TBray]
- Typo: two quotes before the word Deep ("')
- 23:38:28 [Ian]
- Action IJ: Update Deep linking finding (new revision) with reference to this decision.
- 23:38:53 [Ian]
- 2.8. Future Directions for Identifiers
- 23:39:02 [DanCon]
- ed: 2.8 has no text before 2.8.1
- 23:39:15 [Ian]
- 2.8.2. Determination that two URIs identify the same resource
- 23:39:25 [Ian]
- TBray: Pay Hayes says we're wrong on this.
- 23:39:28 [Chris]
- 2.8.1 no-one had any objections to the text
- 23:39:28 [Ian]
- DC: I disagree with him.
- 23:39:59 [Ian]
- 2.8.3. Consistency of fragment identifier semantics among different media types
- 23:41:01 [Chris]
- 2.8.3 first para on automagic fragment conversion is hazy and likely not possible in general
- 23:41:07 [Chris]
- suggest dropping it
- 23:41:13 [Ian]
- TBL: There was discussion in HTTP community about putting frag id in headers.
- 23:41:28 [Ian]
- Resolved: Delete "There has been some discussion but no agreement that new access protocols should provide a means to convert fragment identifiers according to media type."
- 23:41:50 [Chris]
- 2.8.3 in entirity hits the dust
- 23:41:52 [Ian]
- Delete 2.8.3, distributing refs to issues elsewhere.
- 23:42:00 [Ian]
- Action DC:
- 23:42:08 [Ian]
- Include pointers in 2.8.5 to such systems.
- 23:42:09 [Chris]
- 2.8.5 needs more clarity and pointers
- 23:42:13 [Ian]
- (e.g., freenet)
- 23:42:50 [Roy]
- Roy has left #tagmem
- 23:43:15 [Ian]
- Action IJ: Add text to 2.8 before 2.8.1 giving context (e.g., work going on in community, no guarantee that TAG will do this work)
- 23:43:54 [Ian]
- TBray: This is a survey of the landscape; not a commitment to actions.
- 23:44:04 [Ian]
- PC: And do this in 2, 3, 4.
- 23:45:18 [Ian]
- SW: Meeting resumes at 8:30 tomorrow. Door open at 8am
- 23:45:21 [Ian]
- 23:45:24 [Ian]
- RRSAgent, stop