
Rand Anderson
industrial use (financial)
Libby Miller
Squish (query language).
now writing/maintaining test cases by EricP, Andy Seaborne, Albert Reggioon
Daniel Goessling
working with Lynn Stein. providing RDF view of/access to CVS repositories
Raphael Volz
working with Ian Horrocks
ontology editor, ontology db, datalog support, query lang
Said Tabet
co-lead on RuleMLm. industral apps
Ashok Malhotra (MS)
lots of SQuery, rules, RDF-Q
Dan Brickley (W3C)
chair RDF IG.
interest in technical consistency between RDF, Onto, Rules, RDF-Query, SQuery, XML-S, etc.)
application/use scenarios. W3C constituencies [???] eg P3P
Benjamin Grosof
colead RuleML and JC on rules.
ont + rules, apps, e-biz, semi-structured and rules KR.
Eric Prud'hommeaux
RDF Query from early on. working on comparison of RDF query sytems
lately, semi-structures access to relational DBs to help unify/integrate them. implemented in algae and cwm/n3.
Harold Boley
Mike Dean
Joint Committee
examples + little tools (using cwm) [???]
focus on scalability (100 triples)
Pat Hayes
crusader for clear semantics in RDF, OWL, Rules, Common Logic
Duncan Johnson Watt

eric and benjamin discuss Direct Graph Assertions With Variables and "application-specific reification"

between.inner _:1 a.
between.outer1 _:1 b.
between.outer2 _:1 c.

between.inner _:2 c.
between.outer1 _:2 d.
between.outer2 _:2 e.

begs the query: Q(?Y) <- E(?x), between.inner(?x, ?y) ^ between.outer1(?x, d) ^ between.outer2(?x, e) which can be represented with this simple (too simple) query graph:

<r:RDF xmlns:r=""
<r:Description r:about="">
  <inner r:resource="" />
  <outer1 r:resource="" />
  <outer2 r:resource="" />

Problem: naive processor (doesn't know about namespace) will answer this as a solution to its own question.

general discussions

  1. issues:
  2. danbri: send rules with query
  3. benjamin: hypothetical queries
  4. sensing, reaction rules, to comm. querying
  5. * most of desired extensions in RDF-Q are in rules now or planned
  6. ericP: want 80-20
  7. use RDF restrict's cf. [those] OWL imposes
  8. DanBir: lot of RDF-! wh to dates is protocols for talking to DBs
    see LBase by Pat H and Guha.
    maps RDF-S to FOL.
  9. distributed and scalable
    1. [???] big DB-AI III [???] lit - ind. lean wrappers
      eg knoblock, HaLevy, J Ullman
    2. distrib flw, whflow/ISTA, NM, aproc, events; new lit. Grosof, Li, Finin
  10. ericP: would like helpers to define unified taxonomy/conceptual model for their favorite query languages
  11. All: need use cases/examples to extract design rationales/requirements -- ie open subsgraph queries/query patterns
  12. ericP: starting with graph matching with existential variabels
  13. Pat + Mike: may want [???] desirable/constructable extra stuff
    also, there's the distinguished variable issue and other meta-instr's cf DQL [???]