WSDL 2.0 Interop Dashboard

Generated February 21 2007, 1729

This page summarizes the results of interop testing of the WSDL 2.0 Core and WSDL 2.0 Adjuncts specifications, in fulfillment of the CR exit criteria. The completeness of the Test Suite is also measured.

The interop testing is based on implementations from Apache Woden (a WSDL 2.0 parser), WSO2 WSAS (a web services engine that uses Woden and is built on Apache Axis2) and a WSDL 2.0 parser and web services engine from Canon."

Interop results

Component Model Test Results


These results test the results of parsing a WSDL 2.0 document, by generating an interchange format representing the component model in XML and comparing it against a baseline description of the component model.

Woden WSDL XSLT Canon
8082% passed 9598% passed 7880% passed

Message Exchange Test Results


These results represent the analysis of log files of message exchanges based on complex WSDL 2.0 documents, with each implementation run pair-wise against the others.

Canon >> Canon Canon >> WSO2 WSAS WSO2 WSAS >> Canon WSO2 WSAS >> WSO2 WSAS
MessageTest-1G (SOAP12) 28100% passed 28100% passed 28100% passed 28100% passed
MessageTest-4G (SOAP12) 350% passed350% failed 233% passed467% failed 467% passed233% failed 583% passed117% failed
MessageTest-5G (SOAP12) 12100% passed 12100% passed 12100% passed 12100% passed
MessageTest-6G (SOAP12) 14100% passed 14100% passed 1393% passed17% failed 14100% passed
ModuleComposition-1G (SOAP12) 6100% passed 6100% passed 6100% passed 6100% passed
LocationTemplate-1G (SOAP12) 14100% passed 1286% passed214% failed 536% passed964% failed 1393% passed17% failed
LocationTemplate-2G (SOAP12)        
MessageTest-2G (HTTP) 1594% passed16% failed 16100% passed   16100% passed
MessageMultipart-1G (HTTP)       8100% passed
MessageTest-3G (HTTP) 3383% passed718% failed 3588% passed513% failed 3383% passed718% failed 40100% passed

Validation Test Results


These results represent the analysis of validation log files generated by validating implementations consuming both good and bad documents in the test suite. Green and yellow both mean that the testcase was correctly validated, the difference being that a yellow indicates that the implementation did not correctly identify the specific assertion a "bad" testcase was designed fail on.

Woden Canon
8838.76651982378855% passed3314.537444933920703% passed8236.12334801762114% failed (24)
8236.12334801762114% passed6629.074889867841406% passed7332.158590308370044% failed (6)

Test Suite Completeness

Test Case Coverage


An analysis of the use of various parts of the WSDL syntax (elements, attributes, uris) in the test collection. Green indicates 4 or more occurances of the construct, yellow indicates less than 4 occurances, and red indicates zero occurances.

71%73 have good coverage29%30 have minimal coverage

Assertion Coverage


Count of assertions violated by "bad" testcases, compared with the total number of assertions identified in the specs.

9548% have coverage10553% have no coverage