Results of Questionnaire Options for the IndieUI Working Group and deliverables

The results of this questionnaire are available to anybody.

This questionnaire was open from 2015-04-21 to 2015-04-29.

7 answers have been received.

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  1. Sets of options

1. Sets of options

This is a straw poll to explore support for various options for IndieUI after the end of its current charter period (which is April 30). While the previous survey explored support for various individual options, it has been difficult to find overall support for a given combination.

Each option in this survey proposes actions for the Events and User Context deliverables, and the working Group as a whole. Each option is listed in a numbered list and bold-face type. A list of consequence for each option is provided underneath each one. While this is a complex presentation, it is an attempt to be precise on available paths.

Please consider your level of support for the set of actions together in each question. The goal is to find an overall plan that is supported, even when components of the plan are not everybody's preferred option.

Note: A proposal called Web Accessibility Properties and Actions (WAPA) is being brought to the WebApps Working Group. This has overlapping features with IndieUI Events. The WebApps Working Group would have to sort a single path forward, which could result in IndieUI Events not being continued in that group. In theory the functionality would be continued, but this is a known risk to moving Events to WebApps.

Details for the various options:

  1. Shift deliverables to WebApps and CSS and close group:
    • Move Events to the WebApps WG. Any currently projected events they choose not to develop would not advance further.
    • Move User Context to the CSS WG. Any properties and features they choose not to develop would not advance further.
    • Close the IndieUI Working Group.
    • The APA WG may form joint task forces with the other groups to help advance the work, though the deliverables would remain with WebApps / CSS.
  2. Shift Events to WebApps and recharter to continue User Context:
    • Move Events to the WebApps WG. Any currently projected events they choose not to develop would not advance further.
    • Recharter IndieUI to work solely on User Context.
    • The APA or IndieUI WG may form a joint task force with WebApps to help advance the work, though the deliverables would remain with WebApps.
    • The IndieUI WG may form a joint task force to work with CSS on areas of mutual interest, such as the privacy model for properties.
    • Note that rechartering to pursue User Context alone may be difficult to gain approval from W3C management and the Advisory Committee. The group would need to feel strongly in favor of this option to pursue it.
  3. Shift Events to WebApps, User Context to APA, and close group:
    • Move Events to the WebApps WG. Any currently projected events they choose not to develop would not advance further.
    • Move User Context to the APA WG. User Context might become a component of ARIA in this scenario. It is not known at this time if APA would accept the deliverable.
    • Close the IndieUI Working Group.
    • The APA WG may form a joint task force with WebApps to help advance the work, though the deliverable would remain with WebApps.
    • Note if APA does not accept the deliverable, the fallback is to attempt to recharter IndieUI to work on User Context alone (option 2 above). But that path may not be supported in this survey or may fail later approval stages. Please consider those risks in evaluating this question.
  4. Shift deliverables to APA and close group:
    • Move both deliverables to the APA WG. It is not known if APA would accept these deliverables.
    • Close the IndieUI Working Group.
    • The APA WG may form joint task forces with WebApps and CSS to work on issues of common interest, and may publish jointly with those groups.
    • Note we have been informed this approach might draw objections at the Advisory Committee review stage.
  5. Shift Events to WebApps, User Context to a Community Group, and close group:
    • Move Events to the WebApps WG. Any currently projected events they choose not to develop would not advance further.
    • Create a Community Group to take over work on User Context with a goal of advancing it back to a W3C Working Group in the future.
    • Close the IndieUI Working Group.
    • The APA WG may form a joint task force with WebApps to help advance the work, though the deliverable would remain with WebApps.
  6. Shift deliverables where possible but continue work:
    • Encourage the WebApps WG to take up Events. Any events not taken up would continue development in the IndieUI WG, and either advanced to Recommendation by IndieUI or moved to other groups when more mature.
    • Encourage the CSS WG to take up User Context. Any properties not taken up would continue development in the IndieUI WG, and either advanced to Recommendation by IndieUI or moved to other groups when more mature.
    • Recharter IndieUI to continue work on these deliverables.
    • The IndieUI WG would form joint task forces with the other groups to help advance the work.
    • Note we have been informed this approach might draw objections at the Advisory Committee review stage.
  7. Short extension of the current charter to give more time to resolve:
    • This option requires permission from W3C management
    • This allows us to refine the options better, including conducting more specific discussions with the WebApps, CSS, and APA Working Groups.
    • In the meantime, the group could in principle continue work on deliverables as it has been doing.

Please indicate your preference for each option below. To help find an acceptable path, please be generous in marking options as "Yes, but prefer not" instead of "No" whenever you can avoid an absolute objection to the option.


ChoiceAll responders
NoYes, but prefer notYesYes, and prefer
1. Shift deliverables to WebApps and CSS and close group 5 2
2. Shift Events to WebApps and recharter to continue User Context 4 1 1 1
3. Shift Events to WebApps, User Context to APA, and close group 4 2 1
4. Shift deliverables to APA and close group 4 3
5. Shift Events to WebApps, User Context to a Community Group, and close group 5 2
6. Shift deliverables where possible but continue work 4 2 1
7. Short extension of the current charter to give more time to resolve 1 2 2 2

Ranking of choices in order of least unacceptable/most prefered:

RanksAll responders:
17. Short extension of the current charter to give more time to resolve
23. Shift Events to WebApps, User Context to APA, and close group
34. Shift deliverables to APA and close group
42. Shift Events to WebApps and recharter to continue User Context
56. Shift deliverables where possible but continue work
61. Shift deliverables to WebApps and CSS and close group
75. Shift Events to WebApps, User Context to a Community Group, and close group


Responder 1. Shift deliverables to WebApps and CSS and close group2. Shift Events to WebApps and recharter to continue User Context3. Shift Events to WebApps, User Context to APA, and close group4. Shift deliverables to APA and close group5. Shift Events to WebApps, User Context to a Community Group, and close group6. Shift deliverables where possible but continue work7. Short extension of the current charter to give more time to resolve
James Craig No No No No No No Yes, and prefer I find this survey incredibly difficult to parse. By the time I finish reading the sub-level implications of each choice combination, I'm no longer certain which combination I prefer, or even if there is a combination that is desirable. Given the complexities of the combined choices, I think the results may be equally difficult to understand.

I propose a new survey with 4 questions, each a freeform answer:

1. What should happen to IndieUI Events?
2. What should happen to IndieUI User Context?
3. What should happen to any additional work maintained by the IndieUI WG?
4. Should IndieUI WG be rechartered?

In fact, I'm pretty sure none of the choices represent my preferred outcome, which is that some aspects of each go to different working groups, but that some aspects may be continued by a WAI WG, CG, or IG, and also that the IndieUI WG Charter is briefly extended to allow heartbeat publishing and other proof-of-concept work in the meantime.
Katie Haritos-Shea No Yes, and prefer No No No Yes, but prefer not Yes, but prefer not
Theresa O'Connor No No No No No No Yes, and prefer I think my preferences are a mix of several of the options here, so I think we should seek a charter extension & go from there.
Andy Heath No No No No No No Yes All of my answers to 1,2,3,4,5,6 are abstention (there was no abstention option) because I don't understand and haven't explored in enough detail all of the implications of each, particularly the politics and how the people involved in those different groups stand and how their aims fit (or not) with the aims of IndieUI. I need more time and discussion to look at this.
Joanmarie Diggs Yes Yes, but prefer not Yes Yes No Yes, but prefer not Yes My interest is in events; not user context. Wherever the events work lands, I plan to contribute to that work. I think it belongs in WebApps, but it's not a strong feeling. If it moves to WebApps, I think APA should collaborate with that effort, for instance via a joint Task Force.

While I personally am not interested in user context, I think if user context moves to a community group, it's doomed to die. CSS seems like it might be a good home for it, but I don't have the background or interest to make a properly-informed decision.

My "prefer not" responses are because I don't think this group has sufficient resources dedicated to produce deliverables. I myself have been guilty of having too few cycles currently. But if the work that couldn't be shifted into WebApps or CSS could be shifted into APA, it might be a means to keep the work alive -- and maybe gain some more active participation by side effect.(?)
Jason White Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes, but prefer not Yes Yes, but prefer not I wish all of the work to continue on a W3C Recommendation track, and in a forum that includes accessibility specialists, members of other communities who stand to benefit from this and related work, and implementors on both the user-agent side and the Web application side. I don't think a community group would provide the resources and the focused effort needed to move this work systematically into W3C specifications. I am comfortable with any arrangement that brings the right parties together to continue the work. Simply shifting the work to CSS and WebApps may create difficulties for my participation if it demanded participation and involvement in meetings related to other deliverables and not focused clearly on the "intention" events and user-context work.
Janina Sajka No No Yes, and prefer Yes Yes, but prefer not No No

More details on responses

  • Andy Heath: last responded on 29, April 2015 at 16:43 (UTC)
  • Joanmarie Diggs: last responded on 29, April 2015 at 21:53 (UTC)
  • Jason White: last responded on 29, April 2015 at 23:34 (UTC)
  • Janina Sajka: last responded on 30, April 2015 at 02:44 (UTC)

Everybody has responded to this questionnaire.

Compact view of the results / list of email addresses of the responders

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