Results of Questionnaire WAI Curricula Dragonfly Review for learning outcomes in modules and topics

The results of this questionnaire are available to anybody. In addition, answers are sent to the following email addresses: dmontalvo@w3.org,shadi+EOsurvey@w3.org

This questionnaire was open from 2020-04-15 to 2020-04-28.

2 answers have been received.

Jump to results for question:

  1. Review level
  2. Module 1: Page Structure
  3. Module 2: Navigation and Menus
  4. Module 3: Images and Graphics
  5. Module 4: Tables
  6. Module 5: Forms
  7. Additional comments

1. Review level

What level of review did you do?


ChoiceAll responders
I thoroughly reviewed the materials. 1
I skimmed them.
I need more time and will review by the date provided below.
I didn't get to it and will not in the near future. I abstain from providing comment.


Responder Review level
Estella Oncins I thoroughly reviewed the materials. Sorry in terms of curricula uses are you also aiming at blended learning?

I am not sure if I agree with the following "Users with mobility impairments, Users with hearing disabilities, Users with cognitive disabilities" but users with visual disabilities are not mentioned explicitly? Also the use of impairments on one side and disabilities on the other. It might be good to unify terms. (I leave it to editors discretion).

Older people are also not mentioned.
Howard Kramer

2. Module 1: Page Structure

Please focus on learning outcomes for module, topic 1, and topic 2.

  • Is there anything missing?

  • Anything that should not be there?

Please comment below or leave a GitHub Issue indicating the module and/or topic that the issue applies to.


Responder Comments
Estella Oncins
Howard Kramer

3. Module 2: Navigation and Menus

Please focus on learning outcomes for module, topic 1, and topic 2.

  • Is there anything missing?

  • Anything that should not be there?

Please comment below or leave a GitHub Issue indicating the module and/or topic that the issue applies to.


Responder Comments
Estella Oncins Ability to identify page language and language changes missing? I do not know if it belongs here.
Howard Kramer Maybe add: Demonstrate knowledge about making navigational elements accessible. (or not accessible).

4. Module 3: Images and Graphics

Please focus on learning outcomes for module, topic 1,, and topic 2.

  • Is there anything missing?

  • Anything that should not be there?

Please comment below or leave a GitHub Issue indicating the module and/or topic that the issue applies to.


Responder Comments
Estella Oncins Ability to provide sufficient contrast between foreground and background. Maybe is something that you prefer to leave for designers?
Howard Kramer Not sure "Recognize some focus management and visibility techniques to allow for browsing and interaction." should be included in this module.

What about "HTML" elements (eg headings). Shouldn't this be in the learning outcome, not just HTML5 & WAI-ARIA.

5. Module 4: Tables

Please focus on learning outcomes for module, topic 1, topic 2, and topic 3.

  • Is there anything missing?

  • Anything that should not be there?

Please comment below or leave a GitHub Issue indicating the module and/or topic that the issue applies to.


Responder Comments
Estella Oncins We have at the moment an issue with accessible dynamic tables with a project maybe it is something that you want to include?
Howard Kramer

6. Module 5: Forms

Please focus on learning outcomes for module, topic 1, topic 2, topic 3, and topic 4.

  • Is there anything missing?

  • Anything that should not be there?

Please comment below or leave a GitHub Issue indicating the module and/or topic that the issue applies to.


Responder Comments
Estella Oncins
Howard Kramer

7. Additional comments

Use the space below to include any additional observations or concerns you would like to see addressed at this stage.


Responder Additional Comments
Estella Oncins Very good job.
Howard Kramer Sorry - only had time to look at first 2 modules.

More details on responses


The following persons have not answered the questionnaire:

  1. Eric Velleman
  2. Andrew Arch
  3. Shawn Lawton Henry
  4. Shadi Abou-Zahra
  5. Sylvie Duchateau
  6. Kazuhito Kidachi
  7. Sharron Rush
  8. Jedi Lin
  9. David Sloan
  10. Mary Jo Mueller
  11. Vicki Menezes Miller
  12. Reinaldo Ferraz
  13. Bill Kasdorf
  14. Cristina Mussinelli
  15. Kevin White
  16. Kevin Rydberg
  17. Adina Halter
  18. Denis Boudreau
  19. Laura Keen
  20. Sarah Pulis
  21. Bill Tyler
  22. Gregorio Pellegrino
  23. Ruoxi Ran
  24. Jennifer Chadwick
  25. Sean Kelly
  26. Muhammad Saleem
  27. Sarah Lewthwaite
  28. Daniel Montalvo
  29. Mark Palmer
  30. Jade Matos Carew
  31. Sonsoles López Pernas
  32. Greta Krafsig
  33. Jason McKee
  34. Jayne Schurick
  35. Billie Johnston
  36. Michele Williams
  37. Shikha Nikhil Dwivedi
  38. Brian Elton
  39. Julianna Rowsell
  40. Tabitha Mahoney
  41. Fred Edora
  42. Rabab Gomaa
  43. Marcelo Paiva
  44. Eloisa Guerrero
  45. Leonard Beasley
  46. Frankie Wolf
  47. Supriya Makude
  48. Aleksandar Cindrikj
  49. Angela Young

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