Declarations, etc. |
6.4.2 |
<fo:root> |
B |
(layout-master-set,declarations?, page-sequence+) |
6.4.3 |
<fo:declarations> |
B |
(color-profile)+ |
6.4.4 |
<fo:color-profile> |
E |
6.4.5 |
<fo:page-sequence> |
B |
(title?,static-content*,flow) |
6.4.6 |
<fo:layout-master-set> |
B |
(simple-page-master|page-sequence-master)+ |
6.4.7 |
<fo:page-sequence-master> |
B |
repeatable-page-master-alternatives)+ |
6.4.8 |
<fo:single-page-master-reference> |
B |
6.4.9 |
<fo:repeatable-page-master-reference> |
B |
6.4.10 |
<fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives> |
E |
(conditional-page-master-reference+) |
6.4.11 |
<fo:conditional-page-master-reference> |
E |
6.4.12 |
<fo:simple-page-master> |
B |
(region-body,region-before?, region-after?,region-start?,region-end?) |
6.4.13 |
<fo:region-body> |
B |
6.4.14 |
<fo:region-before> |
E |
6.4.15 |
<fo:region-after> |
E |
6.4.16 |
<fo:region-start> |
E |
6.4.17 |
<fo:region-end> |
E |
6.4.18 |
<fo:flow> |
B |
In addition this formatting object may have a sequence of zero or more fo:markers as its initial children |
6.4.19 |
<fo:static-content> |
E |
(%block;)+ |
6.4.20 |
<fo:title> |
E |
An fo:title is not permitted to have an fo:float, fo:footnote or fo:marker as a descendant.
Additionally, an fo:title is not permitted to have as a descendant an fo:block-container that generates an absolutely positioned
Block level FOs |
6.5.2 |
<fo:block> |
B |
In addition this formatting object may have a sequence of zero or more fo:markers as its initial children, optionally followed by an
fo:initial-property-set |
6.5.3 |
<fo:block-container> |
E |
In addition an fo:block-container that does not generate an absolutely positioned area may have a sequence of zero or more
fo:markers as its initial children |
In-line level FOs |
6.6.2 |
<fo:bidi-override> |
E |
In addition this formatting object may have a sequence of zero or more fo:markers as its initial children.
An fo:bidi-override that is a descendant of an fo:leader or of an fo:inline child of an fo:footnote may not have block-level
children, unless it has a nearer ancestor that is an fo:inline-container
6.6.3 |
<fo:character> |
B |
6.6.4 |
<fo:initial-property-set> |
E |
6.6.5 |
<fo:external-graphic> |
B |
6.6.6 |
<fo:instream-foreign-object> |
E |
The fo:instream-foreign-object flow object has a child from a non-XSL namespace. The
permitted structure of this child is that defined for that namespace.
The fo:instream-foreign-object flow object may have additional attributes in the non-XSL namespace. These, as well as the xsl
defined properties, are made available to the processor of the content of the flow object. Their semantics is defined by that namespace |
6.6.7 |
<fo:inline> |
B |
In addition this formatting object may have a sequence of zero or more fo:markers as its initial children.
An fo:inline that is a child of an fo:footnote may not have block-level children. An fo:inline that is a descendant of an fo:leader
or of the fo:inline child of an fo:footnote may not have block-level children, unless it has a nearer ancestor that is an fo:inline-container
6.6.8 |
<fo:inline-container> |
E |
In addition this formatting object may have a sequence of zero or more fo:markers as its initial children |
6.6.9 |
<fo:leader> |
B |
must not contain an fo:leader, fo:inline-container, fo:block-container, fo:float, fo:footnote, or fo:marker either as a direct child
or as a descendant |
6.6.10 |
<fo:page-number> |
B |
6.6.11 |
<fo:page-number-citation> |
E |
Table FOs |
6.7.2 |
<fo:table-and-caption> |
B |
In addition this formatting object may have a sequence of zero or more fo:markers as its initial children |
6.7.3 |
<fo:table> |
B |
(table-column*,table-header?, table-footer?,table-body+)
In addition this formatting object may have a sequence of zero or more fo:markers as its initial children |
6.7.4 |
<fo:table-column> |
B |
6.7.5 |
<fo:table-caption> |
E |
In addition this formatting object may have a sequence of zero or more fo:markers as its initial children |
6.7.6 |
<fo:table-header> |
B |
The fo:table-header has fo:table-row (one or more) as its children, or alternatively fo:table-cell (one or more). In the latter case
cells are grouped into rows using the starts-row and ends-row properties.
In addition this formatting object may have a sequence of zero or more fo:markers as its initial children |
6.7.7 |
<fo:table-footer> |
E |
The fo:table-footer has fo:table-row (one or more) as its children, or alternatively fo:table-cell (one or more). In the latter case
cells are grouped into rows using the starts-row and ends-row properties.
In addition this formatting object may have a sequence of zero or more fo:markers as its initial children |
6.7.8 |
<fo:table-body> |
B |
The fo:table-body has fo:table-row (one or more) as its children, or alternatively fo:table-cell (one or more). In the latter case
cells are grouped into rows using the starts-row and ends-row properties.
In addition this formatting object may have a sequence of zero or more fo:markers as its initial children |
6.7.9 |
<fo:table-row> |
B |
(table-cell+) |
6.7.10 |
<fo:table-cell> |
B |
In addition this formatting object may have a sequence of zero or more fo:markers as its initial children |
List FOs |
6.8.2 |
<fo:list-block> |
B |
In addition this formatting object may have a sequence of zero or more fo:markers as its initial children |
6.8.3 |
<fo:list-item> |
B |
In addition this formatting object may have a sequence of zero or more fo:markers as its initial children |
6.8.4 |
<fo:list-item-body> |
B |
In addition this formatting object may have a sequence of zero or more fo:markers as its initial children |
6.8.5 |
<fo:list-item-label> |
E |
In addition this formatting object may have a sequence of zero or more fo:markers as its initial children |
Link FOs |
6.9.2 |
<fo:basic-link> |
E |
In addition this formatting object may have a sequence of zero or more fo:markers as its initial children |
6.9.3 |
<fo:multi-switch> |
E |
(multi-case+) |
6.9.4 |
<fo:multi-case> |
B |
An fo:multi-case is only permitted to have children that would be permitted to be children of the parent of the fo:multi-switch that
is the parent of the fo:multi-case, except that an fo:multi-case may not contain fo:marker children. In particular, it can contain fo:multi-toggle
objects (at any depth), which controls the fo:multi-case switching.
This restriction applies recursively.
For example, an fo:multi-case whose parent fo:multi-switch is a child of another fo:multi-case may only have children that would
be permitted in place of the outer fo:multi-case's parent fo:multi-switch. |
6.9.5 |
<fo:multi-toggle> |
E |
An fo:multi-toggle is only permitted as a descendant of an fo:multi-case |
6.9.6 |
<fo:multi-properties> |
E |
The properties that should take a merged value shall be specified with a value of "merge-property-values()". This function, when
applied on an fo:wrapper that is a direct child of an fo:multi-properties, merges the applicable property definitions on the fo:multi-property-set
siblings |
6.9.7 |
<fo:multi-property-set> |
E |
Out of line FOs |
6.10.2 |
<fo:float> |
E |
An fo:float is not permitted to have an fo:float, fo:footnote or fo:marker as a descendant.
Additionally, an fo:float is not permitted to have as a descendant an fo:block-container that generates an absolutely positioned
area |
6.10.3 |
<fo:footnote> |
E |
An fo:footnote is not permitted to have an fo:float, fo:footnote, or fo:marker as a descendant.
Additionally, an fo:footnote is not permitted to have as a descendant an fo:block-container that generates an absolutely positioned
area |
6.10.4 |
<fo:footnote-body> |
E |
(%block;)+ |
Other FOs |
6.11.2 |
<fo:wrapper> |
B |
An fo:wrapper is only permitted to have children that would be permitted to be children of the parent of the fo:wrapper, with two
An fo:wrapper may always have a sequence of zero or more fo:markers as its initial children.
An fo:wrapper that is a child of an fo:multi-properties is only permitted to have children that would be permitted in place of
the fo:multi-properties.
This restriction applies recursively.
For example an fo:wrapper that is a child of another fo:wrapper may only have children that would be permitted to be children of
the parent fo:wrapper
6.11.3 |
<fo:marker> |
E |
An fo:marker may contain any formatting objects that are permitted as a replacement of any fo:retrieve-marker that retrieves the
fo:marker's children |
6.11.4 |
<fo:retrieve-marker> |
E |
Grouped properties |
7.4 |
Common Accessibility Properties |
7.4.1 source-document 7.4.2
role |
7.5 |
Common Absolute Position Properties |
7.5.1 absolute-position 7.5.2
top 7.5.3 right
7.5.4 bottom 7.5.5
left |
7.6 |
Common Aural Properties |
7.6.1 azimuth 7.6.2 cue-after 7.6.3 cue-before 7.6.4 elevation 7.6.5 pause-after 7.6.6
pause-before 7.6.7
pitch 7.6.8 pitch-range 7.6.9
play-during 7.6.10
richness 7.6.11 speak 7.6.12 speak-header 7.6.13
speak-numeral 7.6.14
speak-punctuation 7.6.15
speech-rate 7.6.16
stress 7.6.17 voice-family 7.6.18
volume |
7.7 |
Common Border, Padding, and Background
Properties |
background-attachment 7.7.2
background-color 7.7.3
background-image 7.7.4
background-repeat 7.7.5
background-position-horizontal 7.7.6
background-position-vertical 7.7.7
border-before-color 7.7.8
border-before-style 7.7.9
border-before-width 7.7.10
border-after-color 7.7.11
border-after-style 7.7.12
border-after-width 7.7.13
border-start-color 7.7.14
border-start-style 7.7.15
border-start-width 7.7.16
border-end-color 7.7.17
border-end-style 7.7.18
border-end-width 7.7.19
border-top-color 7.7.20
border-top-style 7.7.21
border-top-width 7.7.22
border-bottom-color 7.7.23
border-bottom-style 7.7.24
border-bottom-width 7.7.25
border-left-color 7.7.26
border-left-style 7.7.27
border-left-width 7.7.28
border-right-color 7.7.29
border-right-style 7.7.30
border-right-width 7.7.31
padding-before 7.7.32
padding-after 7.7.33
padding-start 7.7.34
padding-end 7.7.35
padding-top 7.7.36
padding-bottom 7.7.37
padding-left 7.7.38
padding-right |
7.8 |
Common Font Properties |
7.8.2 font-family 7.8.3
font-selection-strategy 7.8.4
font-size 7.8.5
font-stretch 7.8.6
font-size-adjust 7.8.7
font-style 7.8.8
font-variant 7.8.9
font-weight |
7.9 |
Common Hyphenation Properties |
7.9.1 country 7.9.2 language 7.9.3 script 7.9.4 hyphenate 7.9.5
hyphenation-character 7.9.6
hyphenation-push-character-count 7.9.7
hyphenation-remain-character-count |
7.10 |
Common Margin Properties-Block |
7.10.1 margin-top 7.10.2
margin-bottom 7.10.3
margin-left 7.10.4
margin-right 7.10.5
space-before 7.10.6
space-after 7.10.7
start-indent 7.10.8
end-indent |
7.11 |
Common Margin Properties-Inline |
7.11.1 space-end 7.11.2
space-start |
7.12 |
Common Relative Position Properties |
relative-position |