IRC log of rdfcore on 2002-07-19
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 14:00:54 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #rdfcore
- 14:01:44 [bwm]
- bwm has joined #rdfcore
- 14:01:48 [danbri]
- 14:02:06 [em]
- em has changed the topic to: rdfcore teleconference - 20020719
- 14:02:52 [DanC]
- that(0123) says 2002-07-12; is it for today after all?
- 14:03:11 [danbri]
- oops, dunno. in hurry.
- 14:05:04 [danbri]
- I think it might just have wrong date on it.
- 14:05:13 [DaveB]
- isn't 0117.html the agenda?
- 14:05:34 [jang]
- yes
- 14:05:35 [danbri]
- appears to be it
- 14:05:44 [danbri]
- and the other copies are the same, i assume
- 14:06:07 [DanC]
- "4: Next telecon 26th July 2002" <- consistent with an agenda for today.
- 14:07:42 [danbri]
- yes, that's the one.
- 14:07:58 [danbri]
- Zakim, who is here?
- 14:07:59 [Zakim]
- sorry, danbri, I don't know what conference this is
- 14:08:00 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see bwm, RRSAgent, Zakim, danbri, DanC, em, DaveB, Guha_, jang, logger_1
- 14:08:04 [danbri]
- Zakim, list conferences?
- 14:08:05 [Zakim]
- I see SW_RDFCore()10:00AM
- 14:08:15 [danbri]
- Zakim, this is SW_RDFCore
- 14:08:16 [Zakim]
- ok, danbri
- 14:08:20 [danbri]
- Zakim, who is here?
- 14:08:21 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see ??P0, ??P1, ??P3, DanBri, PatH?, +1.650.965.aabb
- 14:08:21 [jang]
- aob: guha, lbase
- 14:08:23 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see bwm, RRSAgent, Zakim, danbri, DanC, em, DaveB, Guha_, jang, logger_1
- 14:08:26 [jang]
- plus, aob: datatypes
- 14:08:37 [jang]
- roll call:
- 14:08:48 [Zakim]
- +Mike_Dean
- 14:09:00 [jang]
- bwm, danbri, dave b , jang, mike dean, pat h
- 14:09:20 [Zakim]
- +EricM
- 14:09:23 [jang]
- jjc regrets
- 14:09:27 [jang]
- danc regrets
- 14:09:30 [jang]
- rond abs
- 14:09:31 [jang]
- bill d abs
- 14:09:33 [jang]
- jos reg
- 14:09:35 [jang]
- rael abs
- 14:09:37 [jang]
- arno abs
- 14:09:40 [jang]
- eric here
- 14:09:45 [jang]
- jang here
- 14:09:47 [jang]
- yoshi abs
- 14:09:52 [jang]
- grah k reg
- 14:09:54 [jang]
- mick kop abs
- 14:09:56 [jang]
- kwon abs
- 14:09:58 [jang]
- ora abs
- 14:10:09 [jang]
- frank manola..? abs
- 14:10:13 [jang]
- satoshi abs
- 14:10:15 [jang]
- steve here
- 14:10:17 [jang]
- pierre r abs
- 14:10:23 [jang]
- patrick here
- 14:10:24 [jang]
- aaron abs
- 14:10:28 [jang]
- mike dean here
- 14:10:29 [jang]
- guha here
- 14:10:46 [jang]
- pat h here, sergei abs
- 14:11:01 [jang]
- next telecon: next week, eric to chair
- 14:11:09 [jang]
- minutes of last telecon:
- 14:11:15 [jang]
- approved (with jos there)
- 14:11:37 [jang]
- minutes all approves
- 14:11:37 [DanC]
- FYI: recent work in WebOnt on layering: # LANG: new version of abstract syntax/translation document Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Sun, Jul 07 2002)
- 14:11:40 [jang]
- actions approves
- 14:11:45 [DanC]
- I'd appreciate review from RDFCore folk.
- 14:11:49 [jang]
- lbase:
- 14:12:01 [jang]
- guha. path and i are going to give next version to eric soon to make it a note...
- 14:12:17 [jang]
- bwm: what was answer to process question? private submission?
- 14:12:23 [jang]
- eric: I'd suggest that it not be.
- 14:12:49 [jang]
- it sounds like theres sufficient consensus at f2f that this was useful contrib from rdfcore and should be submitted that way
- 14:12:54 [Zakim]
- +AaronSw
- 14:13:03 [jang]
- the wg wants this to get published.
- 14:13:06 [Zakim]
- +??P7
- 14:13:08 [aaronsw]
- aaronsw has joined #rdfcore
- 14:13:20 [aaronsw]
- zakim, who's here?
- 14:13:21 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see ??P0, ??P1, ??P3, DanBri, PatH?, +1.650.965.aabb, Mike_Dean, EricM, AaronSw, ??P7
- 14:13:21 [jang]
- danbri: this doc needs a "status of this document"
- 14:13:23 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see aaronsw, bwm, RRSAgent, Zakim, danbri, DanC, em, DaveB, Guha_, jang, logger_1
- 14:13:28 [jang]
- eric has volunteered to take it on...
- 14:13:49 [jang]
- action danbri-eric / take this offline and figure out who owns the publishing side
- 14:13:56 [jang]
- Guha_: we sould be ready end monday
- 14:14:54 [DaveB]
- can we have url of this doc?
- 14:14:55 [jang]
- bwm: if this is getting published in the name of the wg, then we ought to review it
- 14:14:58 [jang]
- have we seen it?
- 14:15:01 [DaveB]
- and www-archive copy pls?
- 14:15:20 [danbri]
- I checked a copy into datespace (rummages for URL)
- 14:15:26 [danbri]
- am waiting for more content from guha and pat
- 14:15:28 [jang]
- eric: guha and pat, if they can get this out by tuesday then feedback on friday to make publication
- 14:16:08 [jang]
- we'd be publishing on east coast time
- 14:16:24 [jang]
- datatypes: bwm sent out summary of responses
- 14:16:32 [jang]
- untidy is "in the lead"
- 14:16:41 [jang]
- bwm: my main concern right now..
- 14:16:54 [jang]
- I've been acting as the voice of the wg in the list
- 14:17:04 [jang]
- I'm not around next week... can someone stand in for me?
- 14:17:31 [jang]
- bwm: can eric do this?
- 14:17:45 [jang]
- bwm: I'm expecting it to be quite quiet next week.
- 14:17:55 [jang]
- danbri: I'll jump into the thread if necessary.
- 14:18:56 [jang]
- xmlp review.
- 14:19:05 [jang]
- danbri: we seem to largely agree
- 14:19:21 [jang]
- I'd rather we get comments to the group, so I'd suggest we each send comments directly.
- 14:19:32 [jang]
- bwm: is there a substantive issue we're worried about?
- 14:19:42 [jang]
- DanC: I'm worried that there are two specs coming out of w3c
- 14:19:50 [jang]
- both of which have edge-labelled graphs, etc.
- 14:19:55 [jang]
- both going to be widely deployed
- 14:19:59 [AaronSw]
- s/DanC/danbri
- 14:20:03 [jang]
- we don't know how different they are.
- 14:20:34 [jang]
- eric: I don't think it's as important to get an overall consensus doc from the rdfcore group
- 14:20:45 [jang]
- as it is to get issues back to the xmlp group
- 14:21:23 [jang]
- get the comments to xmlp-comments.
- 14:22:18 [jang]
- bwm: don't want to make work for another wg unless we can follow through on that
- 14:22:44 [jang]
- eric: how realistic can we be on harmonisation at this point? identify specific issues, goals, concerns about the specs.
- 14:23:44 [jang]
- bwm: the onus is on folks then to submit individual comments. I'm minded to push this to coordination group
- 14:23:52 [jang]
- if there's stuff here that needs to be done.
- 14:24:08 [jang]
- eric: certainly the future will be a coordination issue.
- 14:24:20 [jang]
- the deadline is today to get these responses in.
- 14:25:08 [jang]
- eric: I've already discussed this several times with the web services coordination group
- 14:25:24 [jang]
- we're still unsure how close these two things (xmlp, rdf) are
- 14:26:04 [jang]
- danbri: I've got an implementation that would take two days to wrap up
- 14:26:31 [jang]
- item 9: procedure for determining reserved vocab
- 14:26:37 [jang]
- back a second...
- 14:26:48 [jang]
- eric: are there other people on the list who are able to respond?
- 14:27:33 [jang]
- (eric sends graham an email to see if he can send his comments..)
- 14:27:38 [jang]
- item 9 again.
- 14:28:19 [jang]
- talking about option 2, the recognisale darkening uri prefix
- 14:28:36 [jang]
- bwm: guha, any more progress?
- 14:28:42 [danbri]
- <jang> danbri: I've got an implementation that would take two days to wrap up
- 14:28:59 [jang]
- Guha_: I'm waiting for jeremy's bug report, I can't find it
- 14:29:00 [danbri]
- ...two days that I lost this week due to problems with inria INRIA (for the record)
- 14:29:29 [em]
- em has joined #rdfcore
- 14:30:01 [bwm]
- 14:30:37 [em]
- ping
- 14:30:38 [em]
- ?
- 14:30:44 [AaronSw]
- hi em
- 14:30:55 [em]
- ah, thanks!
- 14:31:46 [jang]
- bwm: suggests leaving out the http: prefix on the next url.
- 14:33:01 [AaronSw]
- asw: works conceptually, not really practically
- 14:33:51 [jang]
- jang: the redirect mentioned in jjs'c bug is a daft idea
- 14:34:11 [jang]
- test cases:
- 14:34:20 [jang]
- action: jang / update test cases in light of bugs
- 14:35:21 [jang]
- action: eric: jang gets dropped on rdf-comments (twice now)... any idea why?
- 14:35:34 [jang]
- dropped off, even
- 14:35:56 [jang]
- bwm: getting to last call. this means switching away from issues to focussing on the documents
- 14:36:29 [jang]
- how do people feel about document focus at each telecons?
- 14:36:50 [jang]
- DaveB: seems fine, but won't people want their documents put up as late as possible?
- 14:37:06 [em]
- q+
- 14:37:08 [jang]
- jan volunteers for the 26th july
- 14:37:27 [jang]
- graham: he hopes to have something published by the middle of next week...
- 14:37:36 [jang]
- suggest we put that up for the week after.
- 14:37:42 [jang]
- (pending jjc, gk's approval)
- 14:37:53 [jang]
- that would be 2nd august
- 14:38:02 [jang]
- that is, approval for first pub as wd
- 14:38:09 [em]
- q?
- 14:38:28 [jang]
- path: waiting on the tidy/untidy literal decision
- 14:38:39 [jang]
- path: can have document ready for the 9th august
- 14:38:56 [jang]
- DaveB: if not then the syntax document
- 14:39:05 [jang]
- 9th syntax
- 14:39:10 [jang]
- 16th august model theory
- 14:39:19 [jang]
- 23rd, schema.
- 14:39:33 [jang]
- eric: keep going.
- 14:39:52 [jang]
- bwm: how do you feel about close-to-last-call by 23rd august
- 14:39:53 [jang]
- Guha_: yes
- 14:39:56 [jang]
- danbri: sure
- 14:40:22 [jang]
- primer: ...
- 14:40:35 [jang]
- frank's not here. at the f2f, he was saying primer by ...
- 14:40:38 [jang]
- eric suggests 30th
- 14:40:46 [danbri]
- danbri: it's slightly at risk (re INRIA problem) but yes (re RDFS)
- 14:41:04 [jang]
- datatypes: 6 september.
- 14:41:31 [jang]
- bwm: dts is likely to have a lot of discussion.
- 14:41:41 [jang]
- I'm tyring to get it so that other documents could go independently.
- 14:41:45 [jang]
- eric:...
- 14:42:15 [jang]
- bwm: you have action to get editors together to see if gk's stuff might have bits in other documents.
- 14:42:20 [jang]
- (last week, largely)
- 14:42:29 [jang]
- bwm: chapter three probably still needs a look
- 14:42:41 [jang]
- the role of that doc as overview has changed, it becomes a peer
- 14:42:44 [jang]
- but we do need it
- 14:42:46 [jang]
- eric:...
- 14:42:54 [jang]
- 1. first pub should not be last call
- 14:43:06 [jang]
- if that's the decision we need to put a WD somewhere in the schedule.
- 14:43:34 [jang]
- bwm: the 2nd august would be to propose to publish as wd
- 14:44:12 [Zakim]
- +Manola
- 14:44:45 [jang]
- eric: document dependencies are going to come up as we go to last call
- 14:44:54 [jang]
- if we talk about dts after the primer
- 14:45:04 [jang]
- then talking about [gk's new doc]
- 14:45:16 [jang]
- then those are going to have implications on the primer
- 14:45:20 [jang]
- cue frank m:
- 14:45:55 [jang]
- eric: I'm not sure how realistic that schedule is in that regard. I've been loking at the primer as the last doc to go out
- 14:45:59 [jang]
- but now frank's here(!)
- 14:46:18 [jang]
- third point:#wrt schedule: looking at the implementation of rdf, we could pretty much skip CR
- 14:46:26 [jang]
- we've got interop, test cases, etc.
- 14:46:40 [jang]
- if we include datatypes, that means we need CR period
- 14:46:57 [jang]
- if there's a way to implement these asap as the docs come out to test interop that will improve things
- 14:47:18 [jang]
- can developers on the list begin to think about allocating devel time to this?
- 14:47:22 [jang]
- [eric done]
- 14:47:35 [jang]
- bwm: on process: CR not nec without DTs?
- 14:47:42 [jang]
- eric: a strong case can be made that that's the case.
- 14:48:00 [jang]
- bwm: does that mean other docs can proceed to rec without cr, and only dts need cr period?
- 14:48:12 [jang]
- eric: that's a good question: I've been viewing this as a big lump
- 14:48:18 [jang]
- AaronSw: mt has dep on DTs?
- 14:48:40 [jang]
- path: yes, in the sense that DT decisions have a knock-on
- 14:48:53 [jang]
- Guha_: no syntax changes, but MT is affected.
- 14:49:14 [jang]
- path: the diff between tidy, untidy syntax affects the mt,
- 14:49:26 [jang]
- [you're joking, danc!]
- 14:49:45 [DanC]
- [no, not joking. see earlier reference to 'abstract syntax' document.]
- 14:49:54 [jang]
- path: when the decision is made, the dt doc will be easy. we've written dozens of them already (!)
- 14:50:39 [DaveB]
- I rread that pfps doc - it's funny
- 14:50:49 [jang]
- eric: I'm trying to drive for rec, this is in my experience the hardest thing to do
- 14:51:09 [jang]
- it means implementation, development.
- 14:51:26 [jang]
- bwm: you're suggesting a schedule for conformant implementations?
- 14:51:33 [AaronSw]
- pfps doc =
- 14:51:56 [jang]
- eric: the dts doc will have test cases, surely...
- 14:52:08 [jang]
- so you'll expect to see this in the tc document.
- 14:53:23 [jang]
- jang: I'd expect to extract TCs from the DT doc
- 14:54:10 [jang]
- action bwm / to identify applications needed and get a schedule for them
- 14:55:05 [jang]
- daveb reads danc's earlier dark triples comment
- 14:55:25 [jang]
- rod daniel on the phone, he's here
- 14:55:41 [jang]
- bwm: where are webont at the moment?
- 14:56:05 [jang]
- there's a brief round of catchup on webont's status. there's a subgroup dedicated to fixing the semantics
- 14:56:24 [jang]
- (path, pfps, danc, ianh on it)
- 14:56:36 [jang]
- frankm proposes a motion of sympathy with webont
- 14:57:06 [jang]
- path: it's ahrmless to put them in.
- 14:57:16 [jang]
- frank: it'll confuse a lot of people.
- 14:57:38 [jang]
- Guha_: the worst that can happen is that we don't provide the mechanism
- 14:57:43 [jang]
- and webont does their own thing
- 14:57:47 [jang]
- and sets that precedent
- 14:58:11 [jang]
- [jang: note that we could have the dark triples in black text on a black background in the docs]
- 14:58:28 [jang]
- frankm: I'm hoping to have a new version of the primer out sunday night or monday
- 14:58:36 [jang]
- eric: lauds
- 14:58:45 [jang]
- eric: are we talking about republication?
- 14:58:59 [jang]
- frank: possibly. There's certainly stuff that I'd like the group's review of
- 14:59:15 [jang]
- fragments, non-prescriptive interpretation of schema, some new material, etc.
- 14:59:38 [Zakim]
- -??P7
- 14:59:42 [jang]
- bwm: asks frank if he'd like to move primer forward in the schedule.
- 15:00:32 [jang]
- frank: I ca put this up independently
- 15:00:43 [jang]
- people can look at sections they're particularly concerned about
- 15:00:47 [jang]
- i can keep working away
- 15:01:01 [jang]
- in particular, people might want to look at triple representation in the introduction.
- 15:01:15 [jang]
- then people can look at other aspects of the primer or not as their fancy dictates.
- 15:01:21 [jang]
- q+
- 15:01:22 [Zakim]
- -??P0
- 15:01:24 [Zakim]
- -AaronSw
- 15:01:25 [em]
- ack em
- 15:01:33 [em]
- q+
- 15:01:55 [AaronSw]
- grr! zakim won't let me back on
- 15:02:11 [em]
- q-
- 15:02:15 [jang]
- q-
- 15:02:33 [jang]
- after-hours discussion: path and guha natter.
- 15:02:53 [jang]
- meeting closes
- 15:03:00 [jang]
- AaronSw: it's the time
- 15:03:07 [AaronSw]
- yeah
- 15:03:20 [jang]
- action bwm / have a good holiday
- 15:03:20 [AaronSw]
- still seems rude, tho
- 15:03:41 [AaronSw]
- Have we approved all the test cases?
- 15:03:42 [Zakim]
- -??P3
- 15:04:09 [AaronSw]
- Or are we planning to do that next week?
- 15:04:36 [DaveB]
- we approved a bunch previously, minutes just approved today
- 15:04:46 [jang]
- it sounds like there are more test cases coming...
- 15:04:53 [jang]
- from dts in particular
- 15:05:00 [jang]
- mostly wordsmithing, I think.
- 15:05:23 [jang]
- I've got time booked on monday to do a rundown and tidy-up.
- 15:06:00 [Zakim]
- -??P1
- 15:17:10 [Zakim]
- - +1.650.965.aabb
- 15:17:13 [Zakim]
- -PatH?
- 15:17:13 [Zakim]
- -Mike_Dean
- 15:17:16 [Zakim]
- -Manola
- 15:17:21 [Zakim]
- -DanBri
- 15:17:28 [Zakim]
- -EricM
- 15:17:30 [Zakim]
- SW_RDFCore()10:00AM has ended
- 15:20:01 [danbri]
- danbri has left #rdfcore
- 17:11:53 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #rdfcore
- 17:13:13 [DanC]
- DanC has left #rdfcore
- 17:16:55 [em]
- em has left #rdfcore