Summary of 2002-04-15 TAG meeting
Note: This is an edited version of the 15 April 2002 TAG IRC log.
Previous meeting: 8
April [Minutes approved at this meeting]| Next meeting: 22 April | TAG home
Participants: Tim Berners-Lee (TBL, Chair), Tim Bray (TB), Dan Connolly
(DC), Paul Cotton (PC), Roy Fielding (RF), David Orchard (DO), Norm Walsh
(NW), Stuart Williams (SW), Ian Jacobs (IJ, Scribe)
Absent: Chris Lilley
Note: The TAG agreed that Stuart Williams should chair
the TAG when TBL is not present. TBL will not be present next two weeks.
- IETF best practices draft requiring URNs for XML namespaces in IETF
documents. Action to take?
- IJ: Create separate page with list of
- SW: Amend TAG Finding:
Mapping between URIs and Internet Media Types
- DC: Write up summary
of resolution for whenToUseGet-7 by showing support for RFC2616
section 9.1.1.
- TBL: Write draft on when URI variants are considered equivalent
(URIEquivalence-15). See Axioms
of URIs
- DO: Write text about "Web as information space", to be integrated by IJ
into arch doc intro.
- IJ: Integration of 1-page summaries. See initial draft
- TBL: Draft comments on RDF+HTML for namespace documents; work started
but not yet available.
- RF: Write up discussion of RFC3205 based on www-tag input.
- TBL: Take uriMediaType-9 finding to IETF and IANA. DC recommends
mailing, Larry Masinter, Donald Eastlake as next action.
- TBL: Take question of HTTP Query to W3C/IETF liaison (issue
No new actions in this meeting.
Given revised TAG Finding: Mapping
between URIs and Internet Media Types:
- [DanC]
- I'd suggest , Eastlake as next step for TimBL's
- [Ian]
- TBL: LM asked for discussion to be carried out on "xml in ietf
- TBL, TB: That's problematic.
- [DanC]
- er... there's supposed to be a URI Coordination Group in W3C sometime
soon, btw. (oops)
- [Ian]
- TBL: I will respond to LM about where to continue this thread; we'd
like this discussion on www-tag since we don't have anyone to follow it
on IETF list.
- [Ian]
- TB Proposal: Post agenda to www-tag and ask people to focus on these
issues. Let's try that for a while.
- SW: Also, we should prioritize issues. (See SW email to tag
- TBL: TOC of arch doc was to be clustering.
- DC: Sounds like SW's clustering and the TOC line up.
- [DanC]
- pls put some issue names/numbers in the subject line when you send
agendas to www-tag
- [Ian]
- DO: I'm not sure that this will prevent some people from saying what
they want to say.
- TBL: I think we should do what TB said, but also respect www-tag as a
place where people raise issues. I hear SW saying "let's spend more
time on dispensing with issues" but let's not close ears to new ones. I
hear SW proposing more organized stacking of agenda items
- [Ian]
- PC: One reason we're getting flooded with mail is that we're doing
technical design. (e.g., on the nature of a namespace document). After
enough pointers from people, I thought that this was starting to feel
like a technical working group. But I think that writing principles has
a higher priority. We might ask w3c to assign job of implementing to
appropriate WGs.
- DC: I am of two minds on this: On the one hand, I don't know that we
need to cross all the t's, but if we don't, people will keep asking us
for it.
- TBL: We have gotten a few principles along the way, even in
discussing nature of namespace docs.
- PC: I don't think we have as much agreement as TBL things.
- NW, DO: I agree with PC.
- TB: I'm surprised, I thought we were converging on this.
- [DanC]
- if we're not agreed (that you should put *something* there, at the
end of a namespace pointer), I'm willing to spend whatever time it
takes to get agreement.
- [Ian]
- PC: I would prefer if TAG stayed at requirements level rather than
design level.
- [Dave]
- My requirement is that the xhtml must be human-writable [sic].
- [Ian]
- PC: I agree that many of us agree that there could be a namespace doc
at end of namespace, some votes are conditional on the nature of the
document. I'm suggseting that the TAG doesn't need necessarily to
resolve that.
- TB: I think that at our level of operation, distinction between arch
and design goes away. I don't believe in the model where we do
principles and hand off design to others.
- DO: I am sensitive to PC's point - if we act as a WG, we will get
less done on principles. But I agree that in this case (namespace docs)
my final view depends on syntax. I'm not decided on whether we should
do this work. This issue of the namespace is helping us figure out our
Refer to Draft findings
on safe methods from Dan Connolly.
- [Ian]
- DC: How close to agreement on first couple of paragraphs?
A very important principle when designing Web applications is:
- safe methods (GET/HEAD) should be used for safe operations:
read, query, view, ask, lookup
- safe methods must not be used for unsafe operations: write,
update, modify, tell, buy, agree
DO: I have a concern about the word "should" instead of "may" in
first bullet. How does this relate to Web services world and the use of
POST with SOAP messages?
DC: "Don't do that" is my answer.
DO: In the Web services world, it's a well-documented "fact" that most
uses of SOAP messages are through POST. E.g., classic get stock quote
is done through POST. POST is used to navigate shared something
- [DanC]
- The use of POST for "get stock quote" is wrong.
- [Ian]
- RF: Yes, it's wrong.
- TB: People have been using POST for years due to large lists of
arguments. But you can't bookmark as a result. When you can do it with
GET, you should do so, and that adds to the utility of it. Utility of
Web services would be increased by use of GET.
- TBL: I propose we ask DO to take this message back to the Web
services community: tools creating services need to help designer make
choice that end up with proper implementation.
- DO: I don't agree that the way that Web services work is the wrong
way to do it.
- PC to TBL: One of the problems with this sort of design is that it
presupposes that you know what kind of message you will be sending.
- In SOAP 1.2, one doesn't know about the messages.
- TBL: We're talking about changing the situation, not just observing
the current state of the spec and software.
- PC: Are specs factored correctly for one to be able to carry out this
- TBL: If WSDL does not capture whether there's a safe method, that's a
- PC: SOAP 1.2 has been written without knowing that WSDL exists.
- TBL: Then it needs to go into SOAP and possibly other things.
- PC: What does HTTP binding use today in SOAP?
- [DanC]
- hmm... how would it go into the SOAP 1.2 spec?
- [Dave]
- DanC, the SOAP HTTP binding in part 2 uses POST
- [Ian]
- IJ: What are DO's objections to using GET in the Web services
- DO: I do not believe that the way that Web services groups are moving
forward is incorrect. I'm not prepared to go to them and say that what
they are doing is wrong.
- [DanC]
- DaveO, pls answer Ian's question: what's wrong with the principle
that "* safe methods (GET/HEAD) should be used for safe operations:
read, query, view, ask, lookup"?
- [Ian]
- DO: I don't think that idempotency has come up in web services
activity. The way to move forward is to have a mtg with the web
services arch WG. I'm suggesting that this is a bigger issue than DC's
one line.
DC: But in what way do you disagree?
- DO: It gets into the shared information space. If you're dealing with
the shared information space, you care whether the info is idempotent
or not. When you are doing things from a service perspective, or shared
processing space, that feature becomes less important. I would argue
that from a web services developer perspective, it's unduly
- RF: The way that web services is designed, there is no generic
interface. So there is no concern about safe or unsafe methods. In
general they don't have methods in the web services space. SOAP should
not be tunneled over HTTP. The point is that web services space doesn't
deal with methods at all at this point because when you're operating
via a web service, both sides know the semnatics of the service, or
they don't interoperate at all. Whether GET/HEAD/POST is only relevant
for the HTTP transfer mechanism (for tunneling of web services) and
this is not HTTP-compliant to begin with and should not be done. So
this is a non-issue whether you take this to Web services groups or
- TBL: When there is an object that is a service that is in HTTP space,
POST is there to submit things to it. To submit an operation to is it
- There is a loss when the operation is just a read of the space. I see
this loss all the time when I interact with my bank. I can't use the
back button since the browser keeps warning me that I"m resubmitting
the post. It's more work on the bank server as well. It's inefficient
from everyone's point of view (user, network, server). That mistake is
being transferred into web services. Web services are still young;
their effect on the Web has not been seen. I disagree with RF that you
should never submit information to a service with POST. But I think we
need to encourage web services to split information into safe and
unsafe bits. I think we should go to the Web services community and get
a change.
- RF: I don't think we disagree, TBL.
- TBL: The web services people can keep the web services model, but the
bindings should be safe when they can be. Use the underlying/existing
caches, etc.
- TB: RF said that you shouldn't run SOAP over HTTP. Well, they're
going to.
- RF: Intermediaries will break when it happens.
- TB: So it's appropriate for us to make architectural assertions about
this. I agree with TBL that there's a right way and wrong way to do
- TB: I think that:
- It's appropriate to say you should use GET.
- It's also appropriate for Web Services Architecture people to
consider this.
- Web Services people may feel they don't have an issue here
because it's all machine-to-machine, and the "client" program will
know what's going on. But I disagree - in a future with a much more
programmable brower, I think it would be interesting and good to
have a pointer from a human-readable web page to a web service. And
in that mode, GET is definitely the way to go.
- TB: I look forward to a future where one can put a URI to a web
service in a web page. If GET is never used, we may not have this much
more interesting web. So I support "Should use get" and work with Web
services community to take advantage of what web offers.
- DO: I could live with "GET should be used for browser-centric sort of
things." I take issue with "GET should be used in all areas".
- [DanC]
- No, "brower centric" is beside the point.
- [Ian]
- TBL to DO: Would you be willing to lead a charge in the web services
community to set up the job about what would need to be changed, and
who would need to be involved, to introduce the idea of binding SOAP to
- [Ian]
- DO: I disagree with the position, but will be happy to organize a
PC: One way to execute what TBL would like is to have the TAG review
the SOAP 1.2 spec.
TB: What's current status of SOAP 1.0?
DO, PC: We're a couple of weeks from going to last call.
- [DanC]
- I can see how to put this into the WSDL spec, but not so much the
SOAP spec.
- [Ian]
- SW: I have been wrestling internally with these issues. I can see the
merit of GETs for safe operations. I can see that when you are
uncertain, POST may not be a bad choice. [SW acks thinking on the fly
here...] There has been a tension since creation of WG between SOAP
having character of thing it's bound to, or thing with character of its
own. I've been wrestling with tunneling issues. I can see a view that
"SOAP is just a content format [that you can use with HTTP]"
- RF: We should tease out the principles in the findings. What TBL
wants is an indication of the semantics of the action visible to all
participants before the action is made. A client may need to know
whether an operation is safe in order to execute the action. Same with
proxy. That's independent of HTTP (or HTTP method used).
- TBL: I want to push back on the idea that HTTP GET only applies to
browsers. It applies even more to an agent. When a piece of software
will click on a link, will be done without the user's oversight. The
way that web services is working (services between different companies
across trust boundaries) is different from rpc; you want to keep a
record of transactions. I think that this principle applies absolutely
to clients acting on a user's behalf.
- TB: I think we should send a message to web services that we have a
concern here.
- [DanC]
- Where to go next: I suggest actions be assigned to anybody who
disagrees with "* safe methods (GET/HEAD) should be used for safe
operations: read, query, view, ask, lookup"
- [Ian]
- DC: I heard a majority in favor of "should/must not". I suggest that
whoever disagrees has the ball to follow up.
- TB: I suggest to post DC's finding to www-tag with "should/must
- [DanC]
- Why should I spell-check it? wouldn't that give the impression that
it's more done than it is?
- [Ian]
- SW: I think we should wait a week, and get some more discussion,
before trying to get consensus around this.
- DC: Then I shouldn't say to www-tag that "most people agree with
- TBL: Let the meeting record show that we do not have
consensus on DC's proposal.
- agenda?
Refer to first draft
of integrated summaries.
- [Ian]
TB on style of introduction: Good but too much of it. There's a
sweet spot in-between terse and what's currently there.
- [DanC]
- Bray, I don't think Ian has written anything newer than what you've
- (er... I haven't seen anything newer, that is)
- [Ian]
- IJ: Please expect fuzziness at first, then some will be pared
- TB: Each word carries serious normative weight. Keep the verbiage
- NW: I think that TB's point is well-taken. Words will be
- [DanC]
- re appendix: pls no. pls let's find whatever balance is the right
- [Ian]
- IJ: By the way, I support TB's point as well. Working towards it.
- TBL: The doc consists of the four areas of web arch with a prepending
- [TBray]
- I think something like what Ian's written needs to be written... I'm
just not sure this is the right place for it.
- [Ian]
- RF: I think that this doc will ultimately have different outline than
four chapters we have now. I'm happy to start this way.
- IJ: But I'm writing the intro based on these chapters...
- TBL: I thought that 3 wasn't about summarizing REST. But more about
how the protocols implement the information space. Role of chapter 4 is
to talk about the services as such.
- RF: I thought 3 would describe the application state of portraying
the hypertext view of the world.
- DC: I agree.
- RF: I have a hard time speaking to the four chapters. I'm not
entirely sure that docs come second. I'm sure that we'll talk about
properties we want out of a web arch. That's not there now.
- RF, DC: Put the stuff in and see what happens.
- DC: Anything less than words we agree to won't get us what we
- TBL: I don't think that section 3 as elaborated will fulfill the role
I have in mind.
- RF: I agree with TBL. It doesn't fit.
Note: After the meeting, TBL, RF, and IJ met to discuss the document
and reach better understanding about the nature of chapter 3.