Contextual Multi-Device Delivery
W3C Delivery Context Workshop Position Paper
Venu Vasudevan, Motorola Labs (
In the heterogenous post-PC device ecosystem, the web delivery infrastructure
needs to be smart enough to contextually adapt content delivery to provide
a satisfactory user experience. Current approaches to this problem include
content transcoding architectures, and the maintenance of device-specific
content versions. These approaches miniaturize the service to fit into
a smaller (than enterprise class) device. A promising, complementary approach
that is recently receiving greater attention is multi-device
Multi-device delivery hinges on the observation that a mobile user's
computational neighborhood is substantially more capable than any single
mobile wireless device on his person. Instead of reducing content modalities
to what is accomodated on a single device, multi-device delivery attempts
to make use of all the modalities available in a computing neighborhood.
Successful multi-device delivery sacrifices some service cohesion (from
a user perspective) for greater richness in services, as the service is
now delivered over combinations of devices and access networks. Variations
to the theme range from applying multi-device media delivery in the
context of a single web retrieval [MyVV], to its applications in the context
of multiple logically cohesive web retrievals [Fox], to work (from Ericsson)
on coordinated delivery across multiple devices owned by a single user
[Hers]. Ideas in this space should be applicable to multi-modal devices,
as these devices can be viewed as a computing neighborhood packaged into
a single device. Other standardization proposals in the Wireless World
Research Forum [Raat] also point to adaptive multi-device delivery
as a priority.
The architectural framework for multi-modal delivery has much in common
with the current web architecture underlying W3C activities, in that meta
data is exchanged between end-devices and intermediaries to contextualize
service delivery. Effective multi-device, multi-media delivery requires
further standardization in the following areas:
making the intermediary/transcoder aware of all the device (and link) capabilities
available in the computational neighborhood
selection of device and rendering modality
accomodating dynamic, time-variant device attributes
conveyance of device and link capabilities to the intermediary
standardization of multi-device, multi-media transcoding framework
W3C's CC/PP and IETF OPES activities provide effective building blocks
to move forward from. CC/PP (and CC/PP protocol) extensions to support
time-variant device attributes would allow the intermediary to keep track
of dynamic changes to a device neighborhood. Similarly, extensions are
needed to the CC/PP protocol to convey capabilites of device bundles
rather than single devices. Current work in OPES provides technical and
business model standardization for the intermediary architecture. The current
OPES architecture does not preclude a transcoder tailored for multi-device
delivery. [MyVV] describes a multi-device, multimedia delivery testbed
we have built with fairly minor extensions to CC/PP, and an OPES-compatible
delivery framework.
[MyVV] Mysore and Vasudevan A Reconfigurable Stream Orchestration Framework
for Mobile Users, 3rd International Conference on Mobile Data Management,
[Fox] Fox, A. et al., Multibrowsing: Moving Web Content across
Multiple Displays,
[Hers] Herstad, J. and Thanh,V., Tailor to Fit It,
[Raat] Raatikainen, K., Key Research Areas in Adaptive Middleware for
Future Mobile Computing,