A Proposal for the Web Ontology Language
by Peter F. Patel-Schneider


A Web Ontology Language has to have a number of formal pieces, all working together in an effective manner.

Syntax for First-Order Logic

Proof Theory for First-Order Logic

Model Theory for First-Order Logic

Model Theory for First-Order Logic

Set Theory

Liar's paradox



OWL-2 Interpretations

OWL-2 Satisfaction of Class Definitions

OWL-2 Satisfaction of Property Definitions

OWL-2 Satisfaction of Property Definitions

OWL-2 Satisfaction of Object Definitions

OWL-2 Satisfaction of RDF-like Statements


OWL-2 Satisfaction of RDF-like Statements


OWL-2 Satisfaction of RDF-like Statements


OWL-2 Extensions for descriptions (ID)

OWL-2 Extensions for descriptions (ID)

OWL-2 Extensions for descriptions (ID)

OWL-2 Extensions for descriptions (ID)

OWL-2 Extensions for descriptions (IC)

OWL-2 Models

DAML+OIL Entailment

:John a :Person .
:John a _:2 .
_:2 owl:intersectionOf ( :Person _:3) .
_:3 owl:unionof ( :Student _:4) .
_:4 owl:complementOf :Student .

DAML+OIL Paradox

What is the meaning of the following?
_:1 a owl:Restriction .
_:1 owl:onProperty rdf:type .
_:1 owl:maxCardinalityQ 0 .
_:1 owl:hasClassQ _:2 .
_:2 oneOf _:3 .
_:3 owl:first _:1 .
_:3 owl:rest owl:nil .
_:1 a _:1 .

DAML+OIL mismatch

If SWOL makes restrictions not be classes, then RDFS will report more classes for the following example.

John a _:1 .
_:1 a owl:Restriction .
_:1 owl:onProperty friend .
_:1 owl:toClass Student .

OWL-1 Entailment

bar rdfs:subPropertyOf bbb .
baz rdfs:subPropertyOf bbb .
Jake a [a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty foo;
owl:toClass owl:TransitiveProperty;
owl:hasClass [ owl:oneOf ( bar baz ) ] ] .
John bar Jill . Jill bar Susan .
John baz Mary . Mary baz Susan .


John a [a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty bbb; owl:hasValue Susan ] .