ISSUE-9: Why does the Web use mime types and not URIs?


Why does the Web use mime types and not URIs?

Raised by:
Tim Berners-Lee
Opened on:
Media types are not first-class objects on the Web, or are they?
Related Actions Items:
No related actions
Related emails:
  1. ISSUE-9: Need to do a better job of coordinating spec reviews by the numerous horizontal groups (i18n, wai, privacy, security, architecture, apis, …) (from on 2014-06-09)
  2. Summary and minutes of 22 July 2013 Advisory Board teleconference (from on 2013-08-02)
  3. Summary and minutes of the 12-13 June 2013 Advisory Board face-to-face meeting (from on 2013-07-18)
  4. Draft Minutes for the June 17 Telcon (from on 2010-06-18)
  5. minutes TAG meeting 24-26 March in Cambridge, MA, USA for review (from on 2010-04-12)
  6. Re: [State of HTML WG Unresolved Issues] (from on 2009-08-25)
  7. [State of HTML WG Unresolved Issues] (from on 2009-08-25)
  8. TAG telcon (from on 2005-07-12)
  9. Minutes of 12-14 May 2004 TAG FTF meeting in Boston (from on 2004-05-14)
  10. Minutes of 12-14 May 2004 TAG FTF meeting in Boston (from on 2004-05-14)
  11. Minutes of 15 December 2003 TAG teleconference (from on 2003-12-15)
  12. Minutes of 23 June 2003 TAG teleconference (from on 2003-06-23)
  13. Minutes of 5 May 2003 TAG teleconference (from on 2003-05-05)
  14. Minutes of 5 May 2003 TAG teleconference (from on 2003-05-05)
  15. Minutes of 6-7 Feb 2003 TAG ftf meeting (from on 2003-02-06)
  16. Minutes of 9 Dec 2002 TAG teleconference (from on 2002-12-09)
  17. (from on 2002-10-21)
  18. Minutes of 30 August 2002 TAG teleconference (from on 2002-08-30)
  19. Minutes of 12 August 2002 TAG teleconference (from on 2002-08-12)
  20. Minutes of 22 July 2002 TAG teleconference (from on 2002-07-22)
  21. Summary of 2002-04-15 TAG meeting (from on 2002-04-15)
  22. Summary of 2002-04-08 TAG meeting (from on 2002-04-08)
  23. [uriMediaType-9] Why does the Web use mime types and not URIs? (from Ian B. Jacobs <> on 2002-02-04)
  24. TAG TODO: Unresolved issues in Web Architeture (from Aaron Swartz <> on 2001-12-17)

Related notes:

In old issues list:
see especially Chris Lilley email to IANA

Jonathan Rees, 26 Feb 2011, 19:21:31

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Tim Berners-Lee <>, Peter Linss <>, Daniel Appelquist <>, Chairs, Yves Lafon <>, Staff Contact
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